3 years ago

Carefree Path of Dreams逍遥梦路

This is the story of a boy who lived a secluded life in the mountains, tending his farm, rearing... Read more
This is the story of a boy who lived a secluded life in the mountains, tending his farm, rearing his fish, and dreaming his dreams. Eh? Did I suddenly conquer all worlds and become the big boss? Or am I still in a dream? Collapse
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Comments 33

  1. Offline
    I came here for evil protagonist tag.

    I got overwhelming amounts of Chinese stupidity instead.
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  2. Offline
    Status in COO: Completed
    Translation: Completed
    In original: 1183 chapters
    Translated: 1183 chapters
    Year of publishing: 2017
    Language: Chinese
    Authors: The Plagiarist
    Translator: Sparrow Translations, Atlas Studios
    Publishers: QidianWebnovel
    Views: 35 831
    Total views: 523 817

    Completed ✅
    Good translation ✅
    Antihero + Evil Protagonist tag ✅
    Harem tag not there ✅ quiet

    Oh my god !! How did I miss this one when every tag is checked ✅ ... I'm gonna read it !! NOW welldone

    I wonder why rating is 3.4 🌟 ... I'll come back and tell you guys about it in a month or so hokage
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    1. Offline
      Bhai kaise tha
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      1. Offline
        I don't even want to come here. Not my cup of tea
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        1. Offline
          Lord of the Nine
          You sound defeated. What happened to all that excitement? swindler
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    2. Offline
      another unfulfilled claim
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      1. Offline
        The story was not my cup of tea so I didn't came back. Simple as that
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    3. Offline
      This romance has harem ?
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  3. Offline
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  4. Offline
    Blackout in out
    Its a good novel if your starting out, but it's a land slide from chapter 600+.
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  5. Offline
    You can skip the chapters when he goes into dream worlds since you won’t miss anything. Just go the last chapter so see the powerups he got from there. Makes 100x more enjoyable and saves u time too. That’s what I did atleast.
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  6. Offline
    I read 905 chapters, and I’m giving up, it’s really difficult to continue reading further, it’s too boring and monotonous.
    The first 500 chapters were interesting, but the further the worse, nothing new happens at all.
    The main cons that, in my opinion, killed the book:

    1) The author is tired of his racism, an example has already been given below, but I still hide, China is praised everywhere, like yes, the author is Chinese and all things, I myself love Chinese culture, but there is a limit to everything, the author is perengul. I will add personally that I did not like the constant superiority of mankind, it's boring when all the worlds go to the same end, it all comes down to the fact that the human race should be the best.

    2) Poorly developed characters of the second plan, they don’t exist at all, the feeling from the book that there is only MC and that’s it, there are no other characters, it’s not even worth talking about romance, even the appearance of female characters is not described there normally.

    3) The concept of the master of dreams, as well as the battle, initially it was something new and interesting, unlike the MCs already familiar to us, who beat everyone with brute force, etc. I expected to see more interesting soul powers, illusions, dreams, curses, divination, and all that, but we don't get any of that at all, the dream master seems to be there, but it's not really, it's just again it all comes down to, that he punches and the enemy dies, or uses his array of swords, that's all.... Whether it's the dao of dreams or battle, it's so pathetic and not interesting.

    4) This monotony, the whole plot is simple, he enters a foreign world, uses their cultivation system, becomes stronger, conquers the world, and leaves with awards, everywhere there will be number one human race, everywhere everything is the same, except for the strength that he will use.

    5) the development of the main character is very weak, there is not much difference between the beginning where he is just a farmer, and the end (905 chapter), his character has not changed much, like his thoughts or state of mind, there were changes, but just insignificant for a person over 100+ years, and which conquered a bunch of worlds.

    Well, I wrote too much, and not necessarily, your points of view will coincide with mine, I just listed the minuses that make the book worse for me, and in the end it’s not even bearable.
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  7. Offline
    This novel is extremely racist and full of chinese nationalistic propoganda. This coming from veterant WN reader, i have read many many book but this top anything i've seen so far. I cant beleive this comes from the writer of WMW.


    Spare yourself some extreme frustration and DONT read this novel. This should be banned and every copy burned so nobody would come across this crap.
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    1. Offline
      The sad thing is that it was great in the beginning. The concept was amazing but the author just butchered it with racism. Such a sad thing, indeed.
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    2. Offline
      I, personally read it in... start of-2021? I hadn't read that much then and I only focused on the content, didn't even notice the racism. I won't try to read it again and ruin one of my favourite first novels again. But I want people to at least try it out, if you can ignore the racism, nationalism, etc... It's great for beginners. (I'm open to criticism, I'd like to be proven wrong)
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    Translator's Thoughts


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    1. Offline
      Well, I tried decoding it assuming its base64 encoding and it returned me this: (%2ScÞÉLØ÷)...
      Not great, its probably not rot13 either... I'm not really knowledgeable (Like, not at all) but I'll try to decode it.
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      1. Offline
        II tried the Google Admin Toolbox : Encode/decode (Google it).
        But nothing worked, but, interestingly, the SAML decoding option just takes a lot of processing power, it could have crashed some laptops probably (My unprofessional opinion). And I'm on Linux, the best/efficient I found operating system...
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          Nevermind it just crashes the web page on Firefox.
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      2. Offline
        I found a website to analyse possibilities (Top 20, translating from French):

        Base 58,
        ISBN book code,
        Number by Substitution,
        Code of Cesar (Wikipedia),
        Number Affine,
        Keyboard lag? (Tap a letter neighbour to the one you mean to tap, only laterally and horizontally),
        Vigenère cipher,
        Homophonic cipher,
        Beaufort cipher,
        Autoclave cipher,
        Vernam cipher,
        Rozier cipher,
        Plus code,
        variant of the Beaufort number,
        Gronsfeld cipher,
        ASCII offset encryption,
        Enigma machine (World war 2 German encryption),
        Phillips cipher,
        Trifide Delastelle cipher,

        First, I think I can rule out ISBN and Plus code, I tried to make a ISBN-10 code identifier and return whether its valid or not once, in Python (A nightmare). I can probably rule out ISBN(-10) because it end with a X (Equal to 10) or a numeric digit, with (If we ignore everything else than digits and/or X), only 10 characters (ex: 3-598-21508-8). Unless there is preceding encryption. And it just seems off, but I can't rule it off with certainty.

        Plus code because it doesn't seem like one, exceeds ten characters, even worse if you substitute the space with a + (plus) sign.

        But to me, it just seems like he did a number to letter and vice versa thing with maybe some other encryption which puts everything in upper-case, probably not complex since I doubt he did in-depth research in cryptography.

        And, more importantly the website seems to tell me that only the first five hold any water, especially the first, second is second, etc...
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        1. Offline
          We can start simple:

          JTJTY97 JTJTY97

          Two sequence of characters:

          2 * JTJTY97

          We can decompose it even further:

          4 * JT

          2 * Y

          2 * 97

          The most practical way wouldn't be to go cipher hunting but go find words in the Translators or English language which fits.

          Using probability as a measure I mean.

          I'd be so great if people could help me, because translating reliably was a chore (Trust me), and I coal in my thinking/motivation machine is starting to run out (Metaphor).
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          1. Offline
            Doesn't seem like base58, doesn't give me anything readable.
            Decryption by substitution just doesn't work.
            Code of Cesar gives me interesting results but I can't make heads or tails of it (https://www.dcode.fr/shift-cipher).
            With the number of Affine, I just don't know what to make of it (https://www.dcode.fr/affine-cipher).

            That's all I can do, if someone wishes to take the torch, I shall gladly let you, if you get any results please notify me in the comments.
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            1. Offline
              You are so close. im not lying, just keep going and going. This is more satisfying than the novel above.
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              1. Offline
                Plot twist : it was Translator's cat which typed it whoknows wish
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  9. Offline
    I have read a bit more than half of the novel and I am dropping it for now. It's semi decent/readable initially but becomes bad mid way. The concept of dream master was quite new and could have been very good if the author was any good at writing action. Unfortunately the action in this novel is the worst amongst the novels I have read . It usually is just listing some random move name which we don't even know what it does and the MC either punching the enemy to oblivion or listing the only attack skill our MC has. The author doesn't even explain any moves nor is there any description of the dynamic action. It's incredibly boring and is extremely hard to visualize.

    Also the MC is always under too much pressure from powerful people or is so powerful to overpower everyone else. It's gets too monotonous. The first few chapters were good because it has our MC laying low and being "carefree" as the title suggests.

    A large portion of the novel consists of MC going to other realms through dreams as most of the novels in this genre do. But the story pieces in these dreams are pretty bad for the most part. They are usually very generic and copies of other classic stories or just plain bad. One of the realms he explores is basically a world similar to earth and it's one of the worst arcs I have read. It has the "Chinese man good, China is supreme, American man bad, American man racist" tropes. There is also a lot of other types of pandering that goes on. Like modern medicine bad, acupuncture good and so on.
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  10. Offline
    The MC's personality is kinda similar to Leylin. Even though I liked "Warlock of the Magus World" more, this one is still worth reading
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