24 days ago

Star Rank Hunter星级猎人

The universe. This infinite field of stars is the dream of every Hunter. For the Hunters who run... Read more
The universe. This infinite field of stars is the dream of every Hunter. For the Hunters who run amidst the stars, the only limit they truly have is the universe.

Is there a limit to the universe? And where would this limit lay? When the Shadow Hunter; a young man named Cillin obtains a strange chip by accident, he begins his journey into this endless field of stars. Collapse
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Comments 29

  1. Offline
    Honestly it so cliche, it's toothache inducing!
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  2. Offline
    So, what does happen in the later part of the novel? I remember stopping at about 150 and mc
    , so will he explore the background of his master or just him doing missions and eventually becoming like the novel name implies a star rank hunter ? Are there power levels above?
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  3. Offline
    Hello everyone, to those that have read this before its hiatus and after, are the latest chapters MTL??
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    1. Offline
      Bro Can you tell me if the mc decide to change After ch 32 when he's used to be third on stand shooting on purpose to not shine?
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  4. Offline
    eyyy, it's updating again, nice!
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  5. Online Offline
    #panic# the chapters are repeating 2 times
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  6. Offline
    Wheeze is the best too funny
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  7. Offline
    Is this completed?
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  8. Offline
    King of Darkness
    Pretty great novel. I would recommend anyone to read this through.

    Well, the sad thing is that about 60+ chapters are untranslated. I had to myself before going to MTL/readln to finish the rest.

    It would have been nice if he had a girl though. And it should have had a better division of strength so that we could recognize the power level properly

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  9. Offline
    are there any indicators that he gets a girl atleast? not that im into romance or harem fan but, no matter how badass you are: not having a girl at your prime woukd make any man less of of a man. Badass eunuch... still a eunuch, no offense to eunuchs.
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    1. Offline
      Last time I checked, Eunuch are defined by lack of male genitalia, it was not defined by not having girls.
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      1. Offline
        well check again chump, eunuchs are defined by their station. It's just a requirement to become one your balls would need to be removed. But let me let you know to be as class as this one here, its sometimes best to make a not so subtle analogy instead of bluntly saying male balless beta mc as a perfectly healthy man who can't find a girl.
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        1. Offline
          May be he is too focussed on whatever he is doing than to be distracted by women, no way in hell he is a eunuch. And if you think he is an eunuch, then you are one sad insecure incel who need women to validate their sad existence.
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          1. Offline
            grow up, I'm not here to throw insults out of nowhere everything commented was fine and logically construed until this random outburst. I dont care what you think I know, but I know you don't understand the term "analogy". as for that insecure bundle of confusion: plz don't bring your past experience in an off put comment in a random novel of a novel site towards an obvious half-mirth comment with the account named Seriousreal arguing said anonymous about his myriad diction with half baked rhetoric/ sounds ridiculous doesnt it?/. It's beneath human to think the world revolves around themselves
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      2. Offline
        Yep, so all females are eunuchs. No, there are multiple meanings for the word Eunuch. It can refer to any male who practices abstinence.
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        1. Offline
          im glad you are repeating what i said to clarify yourself
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          1. Offline
            See tbh, I had no idea what the hell you were even talking about in your comment, so I had to clarify the meaning of eunuch for all the randoms reading this horrendous comment thread.

            Seriously, once you stop watching Andrew Tate and learn to write essays in highschool, you'll soar like an eagle.
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    2. Offline
      Buddy, in what world is that not offensive to eunuchs? Just swap out "eunuch" for "black guy" and you'll see my point.
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      1. Offline
        well if i have to babysit you here, ill spell it out for you. its offensive and to whom it may concern, dont. some ppl like to call it satire. To the confused its also sarcasm but they are diffetent words.

        i hope you learn something after all this time , no offense . totally no offense at all dumbass.
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        1. Offline
          Lol I don't care, just that you said, "no offense" when it was clearly offensive, like it's literally a lie. Just had to call you out. If you meant it as a joke, you coulda said, "just kidding" but you said, "no offense" which implies "I do mean what I say, but I'm not saying it to offend you".

          Also I could barely understand half of your comment. Ya know, it's useful to know how to write coherent sentences.
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  10. Offline
    WHy is this being not updated?????
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