1 year ago

Crazy Detective狂探

Zhao Yu used to be a little ruffian who fought recklessly without any morals and bottom line, after... Read more
Zhao Yu used to be a little ruffian who fought recklessly without any morals and bottom line, after being framed and sentenced to a lethal injection death penalty; Zhao Yu woke up reincarnated to a parallel timeline, where he’s no longer a criminal, but a Key Case Investigation Team agent.

The change from a criminal to a police officer had thrown Zhao Yu off and had him wreak havoc for the first few days in the station. But with the help of a mysterious “Miracle system,” Zhao Yu was able to embark on a new life where his goal is to solve the unsolvable cases and make amends for his past life’s mistakes. Collapse
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Comments 19

  1. Offline
    Not my cup of tea, especially the protagonist and the system. I really like crime stories, but this one didn't do it for me. The protagonist has no idea of what he is doing at the beginning and the system is really random. I've only read 50 chapters, but these things bother me too much.
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  2. Offline
    nc.. finally translated, and its complete joy
    ive seen some novel started translation again.. now i wish others would resume tl

    and i just check sigh
    sword of dawn, plundering the heavens, calamity of tomorrow, etc still havent... they're kinda unique meaning not mainstream and from what i understand affected by some voting sytem in qi.. i hope they continue too

    ah as for the book.. it's really good and like others said will keep you immersed in the story especially the crime solving, u might really need a whiteboard satisfied
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  3. Offline
    Good novel.
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  4. Offline
    So this is a crime novel with a system. The system plays a big role in this novel but its a supportive role rather than a leading role. The MC uses the system, not the other way around. It is not overpowered by any means and simply works as an aid to help him solve crimes faster and more efficiently. He actually doesn't know how the system even works and slowly explores it.

    The crime cases are really well written with a lot of red herrings and it never really spoils the outcome. It makes you wonder who did what and makes you think along with the MC and the other officers. Overall it is really engaging and fun to read.

    I did find that the start was a bit fast paced with a lot of sillyness that might throw you off. But once the first bigger case starts you will get surprised by how well it is written and what kind of tone the story takes. Overall the author seems to have done a lot of research and thinking for the actual cases, making it so that I was on the edge of my seat while reading about most of them. Maybe I should buy a whiteboard and write down all the clues together with the MC to figure it out, that is what it feels like.

    Anyways if your into crime novels, you will be in for a wild fun ride. Sadly I haven't found another translated chinese crime novel at this level with multiple cases, each one topping the last one.
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    1. Offline
      in the world where mc lives there are supernatural powers?
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          Have you read warlock in the magus world?
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          hello, will the MC and Miao Ying will be together?

          and if they will be, what chapter is it?
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  5. Offline
    (As of Chapter 500)

    I haven't read many crime novels where the MC is a detective, but I believe this is one of the top novels in the genre. Like the description says, the MC used to be a very high-ranking gangster, so he does have a lot of hot-bloodedness to him. It somewhat cools down but he is still very much seen as a gangster detective, despite how great he as at solving cases.

    The system in this novel is actually pretty good. A very brief summery is that everyday, the system will activate and will give the MC two out of eight words, and what events happens in the day is based off those two words. For instance, he could get the words corresponding to work-women and that would mean he has a higher chance of making a breakthrough in his case, and there will be an event that will lead him to getting closer to a love interest. It's not always exact since the MC can decide to go "off-course" with the prediction. This is aided by the MC having a score system to see if he was on/off course. For instance, if the MC got a low score for the previously mentioned prediction, then that would mean he either didn't make a breakthrough with the case/ might have made a breakthrough but in the wrong direction, or he didn't take whatever offer there was to get closer to a love interest. The system is further expanded later on when the MC finds a way to fully know what the prediction words are pointing towards, but I won't go into that since it is still somewhat new. His score will also determine what type of item the system will give him for that day, but I believe he will only get an Item when he is working on a major case. There are few instances where there isn't a big case ongoing but it doesn't mention if he was able to stockpile items during those downtimes.

    Speaking of love interests, the romance in this is surprisingly good compared to most other Chinese novels I have read. It takes awhile before the MC finds the main love interest, but once he does he goes all in on her and refuses to look anywhere else. And the love interest herself is a pretty big character in the story with the dynamic between the two being one of my favorites.

    Another thing I like in this is that character will just die without warning sometimes. So far, they might not be major characters, but I can say that they are completely out of nowhere.

    I really don't have any problems with this novel so far. Sure, I can see people not liking the system aspect, but I'm generally fine with systems.
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    1. Offline
      May i dare to ask , but who is the love interest?
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    2. Offline
      hello, will the MC and Miao Ying will be together?

      and if they will be, what chapter is it?
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      1. Offline
        I haven't read it in awhile and haven't gotten to that point, but they do end up together I believe. Little Spoiler of what happens:
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        1. Offline
          thanks man
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  6. Offline
    #panic# Is it possible to get the updated chapters? Just saw that Webnovel started updating this again a month ago
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  7. Offline
    Hombre de la tribu
    Actualiza pls
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  8. Offline
    Ugh why its not being updated huhuhu, update please
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  9. Offline
    Who the f#ck gave this a 3 star? This is really good. Amazing stories/cases with twist and turns added with a little bit of spice. I really like how he solves cases a bit aggressive but always makes you understand the point and what to avoid doing. Not just solve crime but cure it. He doesn't have a OP system. His gains depends on what he does, his actions.
    If this is made into a series i can't imagine how good it will be.
    I recommend you read it, ignore the rating.
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    1. Offline
      Most likely it was panic because panic gives 3 stars to all new books
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