4 years ago

Ze Tian Ji择天记 • Way of Choices

To pick is to choose. This is a story about choices. Three thousand worlds full of gods and demons,... Read more
To pick is to choose. This is a story about choices. Three thousand worlds full of gods and demons, with a daoist scroll in your hand, you are able to control the entire universe…

At the beginning of time, a mystical meteor came crashing down from outer space and scattered all over the world. A piece of it landed in the Eastern Continent. There were mysterious totems carved upon the meteor. Through viewing these totems, mankind comprehended the Dao and established the Orthodoxy.

Several thousand years later, the fourteen years old orphan Chen Changsheng left his master to cure his illness and change his fate. He brought a part of a marriage vow with him to the capital, thus beginning the journey of a rising hero… Collapse
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Comments 17

  1. Offline
    I’ve read a lot of novels and this has been my number 1 since I finished it. Yeah, it beats LOTM for me. Well let’s start with the MC. The MC isn’t weak but just weak enough so that we feel the intensity. The enemies he fight also feel like real enemies. They are f#cking scary. He does got moment where he do dope sht though and those moments are pure gold. His character is solid too, he got his own principals and beliefs. Oh yes, beliefs. Every character in this novel is so bright- even the villains. They all have their own ambitions and beliefs that make us can’t help but respect them. This isn’t even the main focus though. Even with these dope ass characters, the plot still carries. Everything correlates. Some chapters even got me rolling in bed questioning how tf did I not realize something. Well at least this was how I felt reading this. Give this poor fellow daoist some face and give it a try boast
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  2. Offline
    This is a great novel and one of my favourite CN ever. I love the MC and his relationship with the FL. All the characters felt unique and like real people. The one gripe I have tho is the ending since we didn't get to see MC's wedding, and also that it seemed like the setup for a new story and was left cut off. I wonder what all that was about. Anyways, I would totally recommend this. You won't be wasting your time
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  3. Offline
    Read to 71 chapters…waste of time, dropped. Talk about cliche, this is the epitome of CN novels. Ex, how dare you, do u know who is grandpa? Next thing the grandpa appears, how dare you? Do you know who am I? Grown ass old man bullying a teenager. The whole empire bullies him. Such low level minded world and characters.
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    1. Offline
      "Grown ass old man bullying a teenager" MAN! If you've just read through with an open mind, it's f#cking amazing how they deal with the concept of "old and new". It's a fully realized world with f#cking world ending immortals and imaging trying to influence that world, where will the youth be? How can they do anything when those immortals f#ck with them as they please. This story is about fate for sure, but as the title says, it's about choices amidst fate. How his older brother treats the MC, how the MC treats people around him and how they treat him. It's all about choice and links and everything ties together with memorable characters given their own moments to shine.

      Damn! This novel is so good!
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  4. Offline
    Shit!! this is solid!!!
    Rank B++
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  5. Offline
    IF you will only read ONE cn web novel, I suggest this one.

    This is definitely NOT the most entertaining, but it's got a lot of depth that makes you remember.

    The characters are fleshed out, memorable, and unique.

    The story, pacing, plot, and arcs are cohesive and interesting.

    The world is the weakest part but still serviceable.

    The action is meaningful due to how it moves either the character or the plot forward.

    And because it has epic moments that reach the bone!

    It's the meaning. A lot of cn web novels have these epic fight scenes but because of the lack of overall depth, they tend to come off similar to those stick man fight animations, cool but forgettable.

    This one, one of the best scenes of him was how he "lost" to someone stronger than him but still won because it was a battle of ideology rather than strength WHILE in a battle of strength.

    And most importantly, this novel is a cohesive whole.

    From beginning to end, it's about fate and it's about choices.

    When other stories are about Monarchs of this, or God of that, this one reaches to your core without being intrusive or sanctimonious, and offers you food for thought.

    Again, not the most entertaining, but this is publish quality, and with enough seriousness to keep you thinking about it years after you've finished the story.
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  6. Offline
    Does this have harem?
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      It kinda does
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  7. Online Offline
    This novel is f#cking amazing...no shit I am blown away
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  8. Offline
    Arial Ascalor
    This novel is boring in the first 100 chapters if I read the other chapters, I will update my comment.
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    1. Offline
      So, can you update now? swindler
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      1. Offline
        Probably didn't read them
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      2. Offline
        RageDropped.. or.. he just dont think you commenters are worth his trouble. Lets curse him to step on lego.
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        1. Offline
          Why though? If you look and pinch a finger at his profile... Although he's active fellow daoist who seek dao, but he didn't talked much. Look at his profile. It's been millions years since he Study Dao here, yet he didn't speak much. You should learn from him. He have calm Dao heart. Junior this Days are more rash at making judgment... You should learn from your Senior Brothers. . .. And don't just hate someone because they didn't Talked to you. 28 12
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            Dream Drifter
            disciple greats master naif
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              "°°°°°°" 28
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