2 years ago

Livestream: The Adjudicator of Death直播: 死亡审判官

Jack transmigrated to a parallel world and locked on to a Judge System that provided rewards for... Read more
Jack transmigrated to a parallel world and locked on to a Judge System that provided rewards for punishing evil. Hence, an Adjudicator of Death who stood above the law was hence born.

A livestream channel named Deathstream Channel hence appeared in various major livestream platforms, with a judge’s pen and a Death Notice sent to every criminal. Collapse
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Comments 17

  1. Offline
    Im15andthisisdeep the comment section
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  2. Offline
    Quote: Акжол Умбетов
    Есть похоже роман

    Можешь сказать примеры? Мне очень зашло
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  3. Offline
    best username
    don't read this, i got hooked and then got hit with a sudden bullshit ending...
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  4. Offline
    Silver Xanter
    no continuation? or banned?
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  5. Online Offline
    Есть похоже роман
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    1. Offline
      Можешь сказать пожалуйста.
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  6. Offline
    The novel is pretty good but only at the first half because at first it was exciting and enjoyable but later become boring because there's only capture, torture, kill, sleep ,repeat ( you'll understand what I mean if you read the novel). Nothing new added the mc just keep capturing those criminals and live broadcasting their punishment and keeps repeating the cycle until it become boring like the person said in his review this novel is like SAW movie.
    The system have many things that the mc can buy but I only see him use normal items and use points to power-up he didn't buy anything that can help his operation more interesting. Idk know but I didn't see him use those scenarios in the system store and the one he obtained I dont know their purpose because the mc hasn't use those scenarios. sigh

    The novel is good but it become consistent in torturing and punishment.

    For me its 6/10
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  7. Offline
    Lots of wasted potential.

    The idea is pretty interesting and basically combines "Saw" with the transmigration + system cliche. The problem here is the extreme lack of explanation and consistency.

    - There is no explanation to who the MC was before or how the system works.

    - The way the system is shown in the text switches from chapter to another.
    - First they talk about USD and then it turns into RMB, even though it's in New York?

    The consistent part of the writing is in the "trial" scenes, which are always described fairly detailed. Definitely not a novel for people who dislike gore, torture, etc.

    Overall 1.5/5. If you want to read a webnovel version Saw, go ahead, but don't expect much more. Parts outside of the trials are lacking in quality and quantity, very disappointing.
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  8. Offline
    Not a review of this book….. just wishing this existed irl… ⬇️ (Below is just my rant to life and the coming dystopian future irl)

    Wish something like this TRULY existed cuz….
    IRL our planet is burning, fascism on on the rise, xenophobia equally also.
    Our irl world will turn into a dystopia cuz… the elites have no incentive or threat to reign in their depravity and vileness.

    Would the masses across the world rebel? No…

    We won’t, Look at what’s happening in Ethiopia, Yemen and many other countries around the world. Most people don’t even care…

    If the Palestine-Israel conflict makes me lose hope in Governments of the world( mainly USA and European nations) as They are more focused on using Israel as a spring Board to cause endless wars for military industrial complex. While Not caring for the suffering done to natives as their blood and corpses are used to make profit for Billionaires, War Companies Shareholders and puppet masters, The Federal Reserve and The MANY Noble Families of the past still active but more secretive.

    Then the Situation in Ethiopia and Yemen of Genocide, Endless human rights violations to such a horrific amount and extremity, and the hate filled xenophobia of The masses who can so easily be manipulated to rile up to hate a group of innocents as a scapegoat to vent their illogical fear and hatred.

    We will go extinct but before that will be slow decay into depravity, stagnation and WorldWide Anguish and Birth of Hedonistic Tyrannical Dysfunctional Dystopia and as this is born, people become mindless drones filled with starvation, Fear, Hate, desperation and Haziness of mental thought, while the Elites of that Dystopia profit and live lavish life… until Mother Nature catches up to us and undoes all the mistakes humanity made by wiping it out and eventually Time will consume the remains of civilization until nothing is left to show that humans ever existed.

    A speck of dust, Floating in a Spherical Rock orbiting a Colossal Scorching Plasma Ball which itself is orbiting a Event In Time which has been forced Time Dilated to such a extreme level that for the Black Hole’s own perspective, It DIDNT even exist for a single instance BUT for the outside Galaxy, it will exists and outlive it’s own host Galaxy.

    This Plasma Ball and its life cycle, Galaxy and Spherical Rocks are the most common objects in Universe and FOR ONCE, it was able to create a miracle of Life and even harder miracle to create Sapient Creatures who have the ability to question their own existence and ponder deeper questions about the Cosmos but what do we do?

    We fight against each other over petty wars fueled by hate and hedonism and We become the cause for the Demise of the same miracle that gave rise to Sapience.

    The ability for Us, Humanity to ascend to the stars is possible but look what we are doing to each other rn….

    We are a Joke, We are Waste. of. A. Miracle.
    We are A Mistake.
    We are Universe once’s way of experiencing itself but we have long gone way past that as we live in our deluded fantasy filled with hate filled propaganda.

    We are Post-Truth society that will cause our own demise.

    Why was I even born just to live in this dystopian society created from the hedonism and greed of boomers and Gen X who built their wealth off the future livelihood and prosperity of every generation after them, they destroyed the future to earn massive profits for themselves while saying before most of the consequences will be left to future gen to Handle while they live in luxury for few years until they rot and are 6 ft under?

    Why should WE the younger gen like gen Z, melinals and Gen Alpha suffer for stupidity of Boomers and Gen X.

    As for what type of Dystopian society..
    Well I have some thoughts on how it will play out
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      tbh, I have no hope for Humanity Left… My Generation (Gen Z), Gen before me and after me plus all the coming future generations are probably gonna live In a Dystopian Combo World that looks similar to 2 Dystopian Books: 1984 and Brave New World. And the Netflix show: Altered Carbon and for women… handmaids tale…

      I can explain what ‘Dystopian Aspects’ from each other these Fictional work will turn out to be Actualized in Real Life if u wanna know but the basic gist of my idea is

      Altered Carbon’s- Corporation being more powerful than Governments, where Gov is just a tool for Corporations to Use the masses as drones, Billionaire and Elites vastly exceeding normal human lifespan using Techs, and the Bladerunner like dystopian feelings, police state and mass segregation

      1984’s- Government being used as a tool for mass surveillance, torture, propaganda, erase history, ppl and events. Rewriting the past. DoubleThink. Brainwash and Mind Breaking Humans. Losing all what it means to be human and have ur head and thoughts filled with propaganda of ‘big brother’. The easiness of manipulation of masses.

      Brave New World- The Social Caste system which actually physically and cognitively makes u inferior to the upper Caste of people, Baby Farm in a Vat, Soma Like drug to keep the masses distracted from their oppression, suffering and agony. The lack of ability to form true intimate bonds or connection as humans have turned into feral hedonism filled drones. Total stagnation of technology after a certain point

      Hulu show: HandMaids tale…. Look at Texas abortion laws, homeless laws, banning of teaching anything about US’s history of xenophobia, racism, slavery and endless wars…
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      1. Offline
        Anyone reading Anything in this website, I saw this from the bottom of my heart with full conviction of what I am predicting: We are FUCKED, We have NO Future where we aren’t suffering needlessly for the stupidity and depravity of Boomers and Gen X.
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        1. Offline
          If this existed…. People will think twice before indulging in their depraved hedonistic desires
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          1. Offline
            But it… doesn’t so… off to the dystopian future we go….

            I wanna f#cken bang my head into concret and yeet myself off a cliff… cuz like it’s only going to get worse from here on out to future.

            We are already seeing initial tipping point effects of climate change and also fascism,

            People living in delusional LALA land created by Echo Chamber of Extremist which is propagated by Websites or social media like FB, Twitter and others

            Starvation wages, where people have to slave away their life everyday just to not f#cken get homeless or not have food.

            So like… why even bother to live? If Our Entire future is only for u to be a wage slave to make profit for corporations where u are replaceable and ur death is irrelevant then why bother?

            I am only exist….. just to suffer.

            If god exists, either that god considers us Less than how we view ants thus total apathy….
            Or… it’s a depraved god who loves watching Majority of Sapient Lifeforms suffer in the hands of Elites of that Sapient Lifeform’s Society….

            Either way a Benevolent God doesn’t exist.

            Or hey maybe once there were good Gods but just like how most good people’s soul and psyche is crushed by society and depraved ppl. Maybe the evil gods have taken oven the Universe and just want to propagate misery for all Lifeforms who knows…

            But I know for a fact…. Life will… NEVER GET BETTER
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            1. Offline
              I agree with you but is something we cannot control.

              There are many variables that led us to this point and from my personal opinion I think that climate change is going to become more serious each year and it will lead to the water wars, lack of food and so on.

              I do not blame anyone, we were doomed to collapse since the beggining of our existence, just like every animal in this planet.
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        2. Offline
          We shall rise my friend, patience
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    2. Offline
      Wtf are you talking about? are you crazy?
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  9. Offline
    Woah thats a nice novel!!
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