2 days ago

Reborn As A Dragon Girl With A System by invayne

Orphaned at the mere age of seven and thrown out on the streets with no place to go. Kana lived the... Read more
Orphaned at the mere age of seven and thrown out on the streets with no place to go. Kana lived the life of a street rat. She did what she could to survive from digging through the trash and stealing what she could. But even after almost ten years of surviving, her life still ended short.

Holding her head feeling slightly dizzy, her lips slowly curled up into a sinister-looking smile as she let out a laugh. «Maybe someone was listening to me after all! I do not know which god heard my last dying wish, but I thank you from the bottom of my heart! I, Nagano Kana, owe you a debt of gratitude.»

In a new world, reborn as a dragon, Kana will begin her new journey. She will experience many things along her path as she struggles to grow stronger to evolve and survive in this new world.

«That’s another one!» Kana spun around in a circle, put her left paw on her hip, and gave a V sign with her right claws while winking… It was a strange pose indeed. Collapse
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Comments 57

  1. Online Offline
    1 chap after waiting for 1 month

    The disappointment's too high man..thought the author would stack chaps then release it all together after months or days..dayum
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  2. Offline
    Mister potato g123
    Bruh it's the war down their 🤣🤣🤣
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  3. Offline
    at what chapter does she leave the cultivation world
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  4. Offline
    So I read up to chapter 100 and my review will be to this point

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  5. Offline
    Quote: Anonymous1518
    Webnovel is really expensive. For a wn with say 2k chapters, you either wait years to catch up or spend hundred of dollars
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    1. Offline
      The fact that webnovel removed the subscription option they had early on was just plain stupid, I'm sure a hell of alot more would not pirate if they still had it even if it wasn't cheap atleast you don't pay for chapters that might very well be pure fillers
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  6. Offline
    Destroyer Shiro
    Where are the new chapters?
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  7. Offline
    (everything mentioned in a spoiler tag is not a spoiler since it can be read in like first 5 chapters)

    In my honest opinion setting makes no sense....
    so we have 7 year old girl... so pretty much uneductaed even if she was agead of the curve, who lives ALONE in the streets for 9 years.... and somehow educated herself by reading novels found in dumpster? She did not go feral from being alone, moreover somehow grew to be cute and kind? It is as if she get timestop at 7 years old and her homeless life had no impact on her besides making her sad a bit.

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    1. Offline
      well i know this is your review but if you were to read up to a point in the novel you would find out alot of the reasons/answers to the questions you have
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  8. Offline
    Тут mc убивает и улыбается....
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  9. Offline
    It would be nice if people stopped stealing my work and posting it elsewhere without my consent. This website legit steals people's hard work to make a profit for themselves.
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    1. Offline
      Credit to #CatsAreOverrated#
      (Note: I will or have posted this message across many of the top novels from Webnovel)

      CatsAreOverrated's response to people trying to shame people who read and comment on sites such as Ranobes

      If I am not mistaken two authors have already voiced out and complained about Ranobes specifically, more so a hoard of their sheepies cry out with out a brain, a good example would be Lioner( he posted a comment in Blood Warlock), attacking us readers and especially those who comment with criticism.
      Therefore I will attack their notions used to attack and shame us readers. I will present three arguments, the first is how these sites do not hurt the author, the second is how it helps the author, and the third is why we readers may still criticize(As long as it is valid and not nonsense with no reason) the works of these authors, as many point to our criticisms as shameless and worthless.
      1. They say that we hurt the author in that we take away their source of income by reading in these pirated sites, they argue that because we do not read in Webnovel we are leaching of the author, draining the author of his or her's blood sweet and tears. To this I say nay. My first argument, pirated sites do not hurt authors, to go further, we have to first understand how they get payed in the first place. They get payed by coins, coins used to unlock chapters, or to get the privileged ones. To them, I propose the fact that those who do read here, do it because they do not wish to spend, if so then even if they do read in Webnovel, they would only use Fast Passes. They may use one, or like I have, used over 20, to get Fast Passes to be used to unlock chapters, Fast passes in which no way benefit the authors. Therefore since the demographic using these pirated sites will still not give coins to the author even if they use Webnovel, then therefore the author does not get harmed losing this demographic. ( This demographic mainly consist of People who live in love-income areas, third-world nations or rural areas in the more developed nations, Minors, Seniors, people with financial problems, there is something called the corona crisis ever heard of it, and people who will not spend because they are not financially secure yet. Though I do concede that there are many who do so just cuz I think my positive case on arg 2 will suffice.)
      2. In the shallow case that they say we steal views from the author, which is near worthless btw, then I propose that we readers here still better and help the author more than a tiny few views. How? simple, recommendations thru any form, any medium, any site. Those people who write recommendations are not people who spend hours a day farming Fast Passes, or spending thousands upon thousands to read, they are us, people who read from these sites, who are able to read quickly and continuously. We write recommendations, which may bring more people to the fold, people who may choose to use coins on Webnovel, people who may love it so much, they choose to maybe even buy privilege, allowing them to read further than we here have.(additional info: Privilege chapters do not and should not be posted on these sites, this furthermore proves my point on how if you really do want to read further than like it works as a gateway, the first few are hooks to keep you want to keep reading further propelling the chance of people giving Author coins)
      3. They Like to silence us, berate us for our criticism, however why should we be able to criticize if it is free? Isn't it shameless? How evil and uncaring! To them I ask, why do we criticize the works? Why? Do we have no time as to just want to smear there names? So again we need to understand, there are mainly two types of criticisms, the first is about recommending, it is about telling others what the novel is about, the good and the bad, the second is a form of just saying what you think off the top of your head, whether this be an applause of a criticism. To them I say we say the first type not as an attack to the author, but to spread the word to our neighbors, we tell them what we think, and if it suits them then go for it. Its to spark a conversation or at the very least to share your thoughts, however I do not think this is what most of the sheepies refer to as shameless, so I shall move along. The second type is more direct, just criticism straight to their face, maybe we say its sad or disappointing or stupid, now I ask the sheepies this WHY? Is it because we are lazy asses who do it just cuz? We do it because we care, because we want the novel to be better for us, for everyone, we do it because we may feel sad that our favorite book turned trash, or angry that the author betrayed us, we do it because we care and love the book as much as you do.
      3b. The clearer and more concise version of arg 3. Though it will only tackle the first type of criticism mentioned above.
      Criticisms is criticisms. There aren't some higher goal. People read something -> they got some thoughts -> they write some thought. When people read comment section most do expect all the different opinions, not plain ass licking. But WN have some funny thing where author can delete comments for no reason. They basically make comments their own temple for mindless prayers. The comment section is mainly not for author, it's for readers to exchange their opinions and find novels they like faster and easier. But ofc there should not be direct attacks against the personhood of the author, just the book, it's common sense.
      "Find novels they like faster and easier" does not only benefit the readers but authors too. They will get more readers that love their type of novel, that just read comment and go ahead if it fits them.

      This ends my rant, and if any sheepie wants to mindlessly berate me again, well my brothers and sisters will hopefully defend me in the comments section

      *Props to Penguin who created arg 3b and also reminded me to give examples of the "target demographic" I was talking about in arg 1
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      1. Offline
        I completely agree with your argument and would just like to add another thing. BOTS. There are so many bots that just spam 5 stars to have authors get recommended, that it makes it hard to find any hidden gems (if there are any as I believe that web novel quality has been deteriorating, with the latest fad being sign-in systems. Granted there are good sign-in system novels like Buddha's Palm, Turquoise Pond, and Cold Palace, but that is beside the point) or find if the novel is actually good or not as I have had cases where I wasted my time reading crap that has been done many times before many times better. I would personally like to think that this website does some filtration towards the better novels, but some are still dogshit. If authors want people to visit WebNovel and pay for more chapters, then they could just continue to advertise it in intelligent ways, like putting the WebNovel logo on the thumbnail for the novel picture. It isn't like Ranobes doesn't give credit where credit is due. I understand where authors are coming from with the not getting paid perspective, but there will always be pirated sites. Even if you take them all down, more will pop back up fueling an endless cycle, so I believe that as long as credit is given where credit is due, it's fine. On Ranobes, it tells you the author, publishers, and where you can find the novel (usually Webnovel or Qidian) which is the important part. Pirated sites (for the most part) are spreading an author's work for them giving them free views, which I think should be good for them. This is my response to your argument towards authors being upset with pirated sites and this is just my take, but I hope this adds something. I know that my argument is a little bit all over the place, but these are my ideas just put together.
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      2. Offline
        renegade ninja
        renegade ninja
        I fully agree
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      3. Offline
        This is the most entitled and self-righteous post I have ever seen in my life. Your argument can already be put on fire for the trash that it is when you used the word “Pirated”. You’re so ridiculous that I had to make an account because of the bullshit you spewed and all people who agree to this trash comment.

        Regardless of how good or bad the novel is or how poor you are to afford the coins to read one, you should never insult someone who put their thoughts and hardwork into it where you’re basically just leeching off of. This trash comment is basically justifying the “exposure” scheme “social influencers” are doing to small businesses.

        No matter your justifications, you and I are leech who wants to read for free. But the difference is that I and many others know how to be thankful and not do what you just actually did. Omg, you have a lot of nerve.

        If you’re a pastry chef, would you like your cake to be stolen just because some person cannot afford it and wouldn’t want to pay for it incase it taste like sht?

        Stealing is stealing, and piracy is stealing. No matter how you cover it up with your utterly contemptible argument and turning black to white, it’s still illegal.

        You’re a trash for even doing this. Just like those trash villains in many novels you love reading. Reflect on yourselves. Yuck.
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        1. Offline
          I can respect their hard work for this novel(even tho I don’t read it), but I never insulted them 🗿

          Also, you can have your opinion and I have mine, you don’t have to call the argument contemptible even tho(in my view) it’s absolutely true. You’re acting like you’re not reading on an illegal site right now 😭
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        2. Offline
          We never insulted him though. So half of what youre saying is already invalid. Plus the author had his account made in july so how bold of him to complain about pirated sites when he basically read novels on these pirated sites. Most novel readers discovered novels on illegal sites lets be honest. They would have never the exposure they have right now if we dont have these sites.
          The author is basically a hypocrite, he complains when he it doesnt concern him now that it does concern him heleaves these passive aggressive comments and ranobes dont get money from here other than grattitude right?
          Another half of what youre saying is just insulting remarks. So not gonna commnet on that. And that analogy is completely invalid as they didnt even insult the author.
          Its likely more:
          A pastry chef made luxury cakes and you can buy them on an affordable price but others chefs straight up copy his cake ang gave it to the want that wants them while also saying "this is a fake cake you can find the original in......."

          Tho I agree the 1st comment is indeed somewhat politician strategy based. Its very persuasive. A good writer actually.
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        3. Offline
          I agree I am not a fan of the culture of congregate websites stealing content and reuploading it. I do feel bad for not paying when is it a webnovel novel, but simultaneously I am hypocrite who can't afford to do elsewise. I personally think Webnovel the site is cringe and has terrible terms for authors, but if there is something you like, consider supporting the artist if you can :) <3.

          I haven't really read this story a lot cause I'm not a fan of this one personally, but that's unrelated
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        4. Offline
          Reverend Serenity
          YoU sHoUlD NeVeR iNsUlT sOmEoNe WhO-
          what are you even talking about? no sane reader cares enough to bother insulting authors in any way because of their novel, most people don't even bother knowing who the author is, we "insult" their work, idk about other people but i say a novel is garbage when it's really garbage. paid or free i say it, because i have the right to.you like it or not im pretty sure many people are like me in this regard. StEaLiNg iS StEaLiNg No MaTt- try reading the comment u replied to again,this time slowly.
          "But the difference is that I and many others know how to be thankful and not do what you just actually did." man you aren't just "entitled and self-righteous", you are retarded as well.
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      4. Offline
        Also, webnovel is really expensive
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      5. Offline
        Webnovel is really expensive. For a wn with say 2k chapters, you either wait years to catch up or spend hundred of dollars
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      6. Offline
        idk about most of that, but i know that piracy=good. the higher the cost of something, the more likley its pirated take the D&D rulebooks for example. they sell them for 50+$ each and they all have been pirated literal hundreds of times. you dont want it pirated, make it cheap.
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    2. Offline
      To be completely honest do you really think it deserves money spent on it? also ranobes (as far as i know) doesn't get and major benefits for these novels except the gratitude of poor readers
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    3. Offline
      Yggdrasil Euktrahill
      Oh come on my good author, this site is for those who can't afford to read on WEBNOVEL. IF this site didn't uploaded this novel, I wouldn't even knew about this good novel. Instead of saying stealing your work, you should think of it as the site supporting you to get more readers' support.
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    4. Offline
      Author why is almost nothing in this book consistent like I stopped reading it because the paceing is all over the place and it makes it hard to have any consistent lore other then about the main/current plot like when you had MCs husband be a past reincarnated husband when there was nothing to note that was the case and there was even a few things against it I'm not saying the book is bad but please on at least your next book like write down what you have planned for a character then follow what the characters traits personality plotline ect will be I really don't like all the plot holes I had been seeing
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    5. Offline
      I buy chapters and subscription, as well as on webnovel, and I read with translation here

      I respect the work of the author, so when there are free coins, sometimes I throw gifts to the authors
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    6. Offline
      I'll start paying when you stop dropping novels.
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  10. Offline
    weirdly idealistic. MC is given options with ambiguous choices laid ahead, but chooses one and justifies by saying she needs to not be so naive. The next chapter she's back to her cute naive self.

    It's not perfect but i enjoy this novel so whatever
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    1. Offline
      Me to but I couldn't keep reading because it got way to out of hand for me personally
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