

The mysterious box floats above the Yggdrassil, the World Tree. Although it was floating, it doesn't have any kind of wings or propellers to allow it to fly. It was magic. A girl clad in pure white kimono with pure white hair stares to the box with her aquamarine colored eyes as she guards the box until the real time comes.

The girl closes her aquamarine eyes as she sings a song that was clearly from medieval times. Her body slowly floated in the air and her kimono's frills flutters in the air as she ascended slowly.

"Vita brevis breviter in brevi finietur,

Mors venit velociter quae neminem veretur,

Omnia mors perimit et nulli miseretur.

Ad mortem festinamus peccare desistamus.

Ad mortem festinamus:

peccare desistamus.

Peccare desistamus.

Ni conversus fueris et sicut puer factus

Et vitam mutaveris in meliores actus,

Intrare non poteris regnum Dei beatus.

Ad mortem festinamus peccare desistamus."*

Although all of her words are clear and it was a serene voice of hers, the world around trembles and the clocktower that was clearly stopped to 12:00 moved but its hands moved counterclockwise slowly and it didn't stop, instead it turns faster and faster.

She slowly opened her eyes once again with an expectant look on her face.

"Its time to fulfill the prophecy..." she muttered as she continuously float in the air.

The mysterious box shook lightly as it was engulfed in bright light before it returns to its normal state. As for its actual use, only the girl in kimono knows...



1. A few stanza lyrics that came from a medieval song, "Ad Mortem Festinamus. It is a monodic song (fol. 26v) from the 1399 Llibre Vermell de Montserrat, one of the oldest extant medieval manuscripts containing music. Its lyrics talk about the inevitability of death and the need to stop sinning. Its first few verses overlap with those of "Scribere Proposui", a song from the 1582 Piae Cantiones. It has been recorded by a variety of artists, including the electronic neo-medieval act Qntal, that gave new music to the lyrics and made it a club hit in 1992.

Comments 3

  1. Offline
    Life is short

    Death comes quickly, which fears no one

    Death destroys all things and has compassion on none.

    We hasten to death, let us desist from sin.

    We hasten to death

    let us stop sinning.

    Let us stop sinning.

    Unless you turn around and become like a child

    Change your life and actions for the better

    You will not be able to enter the blessed kingdom of God.

    Let us hasten to death, and desist from sinning."*
    translated from latin
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    1. Offline
      Thanks dude, I srsly thought I accidentally changed the language option while I was reading rn pressure
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