
Chapter 1: Loser

"Randy Smith! Come forward and receive your statistical results." Said an instructor in a disgruntled voice.

"Hahaha! That loser is probably as trashy as always. He still hadn't awakened his ability yet when everybody else in the class had."

"That loser thinks he can make it in our academy for special ability holders. He had better go home and enjoy his mama's cooking until he dies of old age."

"Hahaha! You are wicked!"

"This loser always looks like a diligent student and always ignores everyone else except for that girl."

"Oh, that girl? Are you talking about her?"

"That's right, he always hangs around with her due to them being childhood friends."

"Tsk. Using that as a way to get close to a woman, what a sly bastard. Such a waste, for that girl though."

"Hey man, you are talking like you deserve that chick or something. Don't you know who is currently interested in her? Do you want to die?"

"Ah… You mean him, right? That guy?"

"Damn right… I thought you had forgotten or something. Anyway, let's wait for that loser to get his results, so we can also have a good laugh, Hehe."

"You're right, it is better to focus on this trash. I can't wait to diss the shit out of him. I always enjoy that helpless look on his face."

"You a fucking sadist or something? But you are right, that fucker never fights back or even says anything back. Heck, the dude never even reports us. He is indeed a good punching bag, Hehe."

While the privileged and talented students kept calling the student that was just called by their instructor names and ridiculing him. The young man ignored their chatter and made his way to the front of the class.

The instructor was holding a parcel, his results had been placed in a computer chip and placed in a parcel just like everyone else's had. He only needs to insert the chip inside his bracelet to view his results on the holographic screen projected.

The young man kept his head down. Not wanting to attract any attention, but alas, it was futile. Almost everyone knows about his condition in this academy for the privileged and talented awakened individuals. Why was he looked down on? It is simple, he was not one of the privileged and talented individuals in this institution.

One could say that he was at the very bottom of the hierarchy, but no one knew that he had tried his very best every day through blood and sweat. But sometimes, hard work does not necessarily mean hard earned fruitful results.

With that thought, he approached the instructor with his disheveled curly hair that slump down his face due to him keeping his head down.

The moment he almost reached the instructor's lectern, the instructor did not let him get any closer than one meter away from him before proceeding to use his ability to levitate and pass his statistical chip to him. This was the ability of the instructor, Telekinesis.

He was very used to this treatment. No one wanted to get close to him, but at least one person did not abandon him, maybe two people? Perhaps, three people if he included the people outside of the institution. He thought that he was very lucky to have three people who had continued to support him. Even his parents were disappointed in him.

The student named Randy Smith grabbed the floating chip with his hand without making eye contact with the instructor.

Whenever he made eye contact with the instructor, he always received a disgusted expression from him. He had experienced it enough that he had developed the habit of not looking his way. But a sudden voice caused him to raise his head involuntarily.

"Randy Smith, you have not awakened your ability despite being in this institution for four whole years. What do you have to say for yourself? As a student of this prestigious academy, to not be able to awaken your ability with all the resources provided is blasphemy and inconceivable. Are you negligent or are you just incompetent trash with no compatibility with any of the energy types? As your instructor, I have the right to let you know that in a month if you still haven't awakened your ability by then, you would not qualify to partake in the university exams. Even if your basic statistical data is better than most of the students in this class, without an ability, it is pointless to dream of attending a university renowned for raising ability users. So, keep that in mind, as you make your plans." The instructor said in a cold and indifferent tone.

He did not like these types of students who wasted the academy's resources yet still failed to achieve anything noteworthy. This kind of pest needed to be weeded out before they embarrass their academy in the Eastern District.

"I-I understand, teacher." Randy Smith let out a low dispirited voice. It was low but the instructor could hear him clearly as if he was standing right next to him.

"Hmph! Such a disgrace to our renowned academy. Make your way to your seat and stop disturbing the other students." The instructor chided as he pointed to Randy Smith's desk at the back of the class.

The moment he sat down and placed his chip into his bracelet, the information was displayed on a holographic screen containing his statistical data.

Normally, he would not have done this since his information would be revealed to others. But he had no choice in the matter if he did not want to be picked on later for not obeying them.

In reality, the students here may act like privileged students but most of them were rotten to the core.

They always beat him up whenever he refused their demands and even when he decided to report them to the academy, no one bated an eye.

They say that students fighting is normal, as only through fighting can one learn to use their abilities.

The school did not intervene in these disputes as long as the other student did not get hurt too badly.

The academy had nurses with healing abilities that can heal minor injuries, so fighting was allowed on the condition that both parties agreed to the duel.

Of course, Randy Smith did not consent to the fights, but the other student claimed that he did and since they had an alibi who also say the same thing, then that leaves him, who says otherwise to be lying about the situation and he would be admonished by the academy for being unscrupulous for trying to use the academy to punish 'good' students.

In the end, Randy Smith did not have much choice but to give in to these students' demands and show them his statistical data every term and semester.

The look on Randy Smith's face right now could be described as clouded as he was not really interested in his statistical data seeing as how it was obvious from the way the instructor spoke to him a while ago.

Nonetheless, he still had to fulfill these students' wishes, or he would suffer more after school. And so, he pressed a button on his bracelet which elicit a buzzing sound from his multi-purpose bracelet.

This bracelet functions as a watch, a phone, and a computer. You can basically use it for many things unlike the previous era, where there were only smart watches that function as phones but are limited in their usage.


The bracelet let out buzzing sound when the tray on the corner of it opens. That is where you insert the chip. The chip is almost like an SD Card or equivalent in the previous era, but it is an advanced technology compared to that. The current technology had improved drastically due to the changes that occurred on this planet.


The bracelet then let out a muffled chime as it took in the chip and started processing the information on it. And the process was very fast as the information on the chip was displayed on the holographic screen a few moments later. Every student turned their attention to the direction of Randy Smith's desk in anticipation of his results.

There is a function on this bracelet that allows everyone to see the information displayed on the screen in front of him from any direction the others were looking from except at the very corner where the window like screen makes a straight line, but that does not matter as Randy Smith was at the very back of the class.

That means almost everyone in the class can see his results if they try hard enough.

<Temporary Academic Ability Assessment>

Name: Randy Smith

Age: 18

Occupation: Student

Rank: E

<Basic Statistics>


Physical Strength: 200

Physical Resistance: 200

Physical Stamina: 195

Physical Agility: 100


Mental Strength: 50

Mental Resistance: 45

<Special Ability Index>

Ability: None

Energy Type: Unknown, Unconfirmed.

Status: High Potential due to high Basic Statistics Data. However, is in danger of failing his class due to not awakening his ability. Possible exclusion from the upcoming university entrance examination.

|Advice: Please try harder. Don't give up hope.|

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Comments 3

  1. Offline
    Trash/ntrd mc from the start
    Courting death
    Annoying elders
    Cool and complicated battle
    Onepunch/slap cough blood

    Gonna read more
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  2. Offline
    Is there a novel where MC is labeled as trash at first, but nobody bullies him?
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  3. Offline
    The woman involved just always have to make the protagonist life harder ┐(´д`)┌
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