
Herbarium (List of Plants)

Here is a list of all the plants currently featured in the story and their effects. This may contain spoilers, so be advised.

Darnel Ryegrass - A grain-like plant that looks almost indistinguishable from wheat. Consumption of the plant, whether that be raw, brewed or in the form of a baked goods such as bread, will cause a wide range of unpleasant effects. The most concerning being delirium, tremors, paralysis and convulsions, with the signature symptom being an unpleasant feeling in the calves, ranging from tightness to extreme pain.

Foxglove - A plant with a long stem that sprouted several bell-shaped purple flowers. The inside layers of the purple bell-shaped flower have several discoloured spots. Consumption of any part of the plant can lead to irregular heart function and death. Weaker doses of this plant's poison will cause other unpleasant effects, such as an upset stomach, blurred vision and muscle weakness.

Goldenweb - An uncommon fungus that has the appearance of a gold-coloured spider's web. It grows high on trees, and although it looks like a spider's web, it isn't sticky enough to ensnare creatures. Its main use is as an anticoagulant, preventing blood from clotting.

Bloodgrass - A small leafy plant that becomes a red paste when crushed. It restores essential vitamins like iron back into the body when consumed and helps with blood production. The plant's leaves can absorb blood like a sponge, draining it of its nutrients before pumping the waste out into the soil through its roots.

Liliox - A white lily-like plant that can be crushed or brewed into a tea, it has a mild healing and detoxing effect. Can counteract the symptoms of weaker poisons that only cause upset stomachs or nausea.

Falsofal - A flower with large pink petals. When the petals are crushed, they leak a slimy gel akin to aloe vera, which when applied to a burn will cool the area and amplify the skin's healing. If mixed with water and consumed it provides a mild healing effect.

Vurdole - A small leafy weed featuring a single small yellow flower. The leaves, when crushed, provide a small healing effect. The yellow flower has a slight citrus taste. And when consumed; whether that be mixed in a potion, brewed as a tea or eaten whole. The flower provides a large dose of essential vitamins for organ function, as well as reduces inflammation and strengthens the immune system.

Impletio - Dark grey seeds with a wrinkly surface, these seeds can be crushed into a powder and mixed with other plants to function as a booster. Impletio significantly amplifies the effects of other plants it is mixed with, the only issue is that without a stabilizing agent to balance it out, it may cause an overdose.

Alanemine - A plant with several long, almost string-like white petals. When the petals are crushed and mixed with other ingredients, it reduces their effects. This plant may be used as a stabilising agent for Impletio or other effect-boosting plants.

White Horehound - A plant with a long grey-ish stem and oval-shaped tooth edged, ash green leaves. The stem grows several bulbs covered in small white flowers. Consuming one of these bulbs will cause the user to immediately vomit, including any poisons that were ingested. Chewing on the plant's leaves, or brewing them in tea, causes a decrease in inflammation and thins throat mucus.

Mothflower - A strange stalk plant that grows fluffy white flowers that look like white moths. (I won't tell you what it does just yet~)

Yew - A tall, evergreen tree. Most parts of the plants are poisonous, and the consumption of even a small amount of the foliage can result in death. Yew needles and berries can be extracted from the tree and used in a variety of deadly poisons.

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Comments 16

  1. Offline
    good Auxiliary chapter
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  2. Offline
    это че все травы которые будут чет их мало
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    Successfully skipped
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    1. Offline
      This is an Auxillary chapter, not really part of the story.

      It doesn't really matter until you get around chapter 100, but I made it just in case people get confused and want to remember what certain plants are and do when utilised in alchemy, etc. So they don't have to scramble through chapters trying to understand again if they forget.

      It'll always be here to look back at if you need. ^^

      Also I update it any time a new plant is introduced in the story, but I don't think ranobes will pick up the updates for it.
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      1. Offline
        bro, youre a real sport for not taking offense on having your novel here in ranobes. you deserve powerstones ma boi.
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        1. Offline
          Ahaha, thank you!

          I made a post of my thoughts on it, it's a reply to someone's comment on the book page. If you haven't seen it already.
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          1. Offline
            Yea man good on you I'd love to support authors but sadly my bank account can't afford that lmao
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            1. Offline
              I get it. It doesn't help that WN basically gouges you for coins either.
              I'll gladly take power stones and a review on the webnovel page as payment though. :P
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              1. Offline
                Bro PLEASE make a ♧atreon or something I feel like that way it doesn't cut short the exposure you'd get from making your book pay to read on webnovel BUTT you'd also be able to make some income off it from the people who would wanna support your book. It's a win-win! Regardless I'm happy for you that Ranobes putting your work on the front-page had this novel on "Will-Read" and I'm excited to read!
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                1. Offline
                  I would make a patreoƞ (Is that word censored here?), but I don't know what rewards to put in it.

                  I cant post chapters of this novel because of my contract, and I'm not writing another book just yet, so I don't know what sort of things I would post there.

                  I'd appreciate any ideas though.
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                2. Offline
                  Hmm, how about sneak-peeks into the story or maybe world-lore (since what I've read there seems to be a fair amount of lore and the MC's interest in the game lore it would be really fitting and interesting and since the game is eve-expanding the content is almost infinite as far as the story lore goes. Maybe side stories further explain characters and expand on certain areas. Maybe a behind the scene synopsis explaining your thought process on what went into the story and the ideas and potential concepts you've had. These are some of the ideas my friends and I came up with, hope this helps!
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                3. Offline
                  Side stories in relation to New Genesis probably wouldn't work. As I don't legally hold the right to my own story anymore.

                  But behind the scenes, my thought process, and some expansion/explanation on in-game game lore would be neat. These ideas are excellent.

                  Thank you and your friends! ^^
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                4. Offline
                  treat Don't respond to every comment. You'll ran out of time to innovate for your story... I get that some could be feedback for the chapters / writing style ahead. But too much adjustments make no progress...

                  Carry on the amazing work. If there's a Giant FLAW, you'll automatically hear it on repeat by many people... So don't sweat the small stuff. (Genuinely glad to see it, but it's too taxing for the long haul.)
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                5. Offline
                  Ahaha, I do get that it'll be taxing in the long run. But I genuinely enjoy reading comments.
                  It's one of the highlights of my day.

                  Plus yes, I do get some comments I can use to improve my work. And it's one of the ways I fix mistakes in my work that I miss with my initial editing phase.
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    2. Offline
      Yeah... I skip too, this is like a term and conditions which i always f#cking skip, in game download, webs etc.
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      1. Offline
        Title "Life Skipper" aquired
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