
Chapter 1: Dingdong, I found superman


A gunshot rang out, and the orange bullet fell on the ground and rolled into the pool of blood on the floor.

Mike swept the corpse, took a big step and turned to leave.

Mission accomplished.

He was done with the organization.

At least that was their agreement.

Leaving the apartment of the target of the mission, Mike drove away.

He drove around the street twice to make sure no one was following him, then he drove to a baby store, bought some milk powder, diapers, clothes and some toys and other baby stuff, then left New York directly to a small town a few dozen miles away, and drove another ten minutes or so to a farm on the edge of town.

Kent Farm.

This was his home, and no one in the League of Assassins organization knew about it.

Since he had come to this world from another Earth more than five years ago and inherited this farm from his deceased parents, he had come here only a handful of times.

For several years, the farm had been looked after and managed by an elderly couple, and it returned to him three months ago after the older couple was picked up by their children.

He originally wanted to sell it, but after the farm was handed over to him, an incident happened two months ago that made him change his mind completely.

Two months ago, when he came to his house to take care of the farm and intended to sort things out and sell them all the same night……


Along with the sound of the ground trembling violently, his family’s farm was smashed out of a deep pit by an unexpected guest.

“What the hell?”

Mike, who was sleeping, got up with a grunt, put on his pants, casually put on a piece of clothing, grabbed the weapon that was placed by his pillow, and ran out with great strides.

When he ran to the corn field not far from his house, he only saw that the originally neat crops were smashed down, and in the centre of the impact, there was a deep crater, and in the middle of the crater, there was a small …… airship!

Looking at that airship, he stared furiously.

After he knew that there was Captain America in this world, he felt that he would not be surprised by what happened in this world, but his heart was still full of a sense of absurdity when he saw a spaceship smashed in his own home ground.

The spaceship was small, but full of technology.

“What’s going on?”

Mike walked over carefully.

And when he got close to the airship, it actually opened automatically and then revealed the baby inside.

Wait, a baby?

Looking at the sleeping baby, Mike froze, and only when the baby cried out with a ‘wow’ did he come back to his senses.

How does this scene seem to have seen somewhere?

A thought flashed through his mind, and he quickly walked over to the baby and carried it out of the ship.

The baby was completely naked, it was a boy……

There was nothing on him to prove his identity, and just then something that looked like a key popped out of the airship and floated in front of him.

He reached out and grabbed it, surveyed it, and his eyes narrowed.

An ‘S’ like symbol was at the top of that key, and that symbol ……

“Krypton? Superman!?”

He whimpered out, looking at the child in his arms, filled with disbelief.

This is the future Superman?

And what role did he …… play?


The child seemed to feel something and cried loudly.

All doubts in his brain were temporarily suppressed, and he hurriedly took off his clothes and wrapped the baby up.

Feeling the warmth, the baby’s cries stopped, the silver moonlight sprinkled on the baby’s body, the baby opened a pair of pure blue eyes like the sky to look at Mike, and showed him a smile.

Instantly, Mike felt like he was struck by an electric current, his heart contracted violently.

He remembered when he had not yet crossed over to this place.

He remembered the image of his son when he first held him.

The two overlap at this moment, the heart of the long-buried thoughts and sadness, and then the heart of a kind of life touching.

After a few seconds of silence, he reached out to tease the little one in his arms and said gently but firmly, “In the future, please give me more advice, little guy.”

The words fell, as he turned around, an indifferent voice that he had long forgotten rang out.

The Father of Heroes system was successfully activated, and the host’s unique ability was activated.


Mike thought he had heard wrong, but the next second a system surfaced in his mind.

Father of Heroes System…… What the hell kind of name is this and what the hell kind of system is this?

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly as he walked toward home while checking out the system.

Host: Mike Kent.

Newbie gift: Assassin time.

Ability: Memory Fantasy Embodiment.

Current ability level: LV1.

Current upgrade progress: 0%.

Memory fantasy embodiment? What kind of ability is this?

Mike was a little confused, then continued to look down.

At the bottom of his profile, there was a name.

Son: Clark Kent (Kryptonian).

So, this kid is really Superman? He doesn’t even need a name anymore?

Looking at the system, Mike was now finally sure of the identity of the baby in his arms.

Other than that, there was no more information or introduction under Clark’s name.

Wait ……

The system has Clark’s name, so Clark’s appearance is related to the system?

It can’t be the system that made Clark appear in front of me, right?

Otherwise there is no way to explain why the system was activated after he decided to adopt Clark, huh?

You need to know, this system has been silent since the starter gift package was sent, allowing him to obtain the assassin ability in the Assassin Alliance, and he has forgotten the existence of the system for a long time.

The name of the system, plus Clark sent to him. Mike was helpless to hold his forehead.

What kind of ghost system is this?

It looks like he has the ability, and is upgradeable, but how to upgrade?

There is no manual ah!

He can’t help but spit out, Mike looked at Clark in his arms, see the little guy closed his eyes again, after a peaceful sleep, can’t help but reveal a smile.

It was innocent, pure and beautiful……

So, from that moment on, he decided to break away from the organization, and for the next two months, he struggled with this.

In this evening, he finally completed the last task given to him by the organization.

As promised, he was clear with the organization.

With a silent thought in his mind, he parked his car and pushed open the door of his house.

It was getting late, but he noticed that the light in Clark’s room was still on.

Perhaps Clark was still awake?

His footsteps lightened as he walked toward Clark’s room.

In the past two months, he had to hire a nanny to take care of his chil because he had to go on a mission to clear his account with the organization.

He had spoken with the nanny on the phone quite a few times during that period, and the nanny indicated that Clark was obedient and rarely cried, while he had returned once in between, and after seeing that Clark was in good spirits, he was quite relieved.

Standing at the door, Mike gingerly pushed open the door to his room.

The lamp emitted a soft glow, and a middle-aged woman with a fat body was sitting in front of the window with Clark in her arms, stretching her fingers and teasing the little one.

Mike’s originally soft face suddenly went cold and he said in a cold voice, “How did you find this place?”

“Huh? Sir? What did you say? Why are you back at this time?”

The middle-aged woman raised her face with a confused look.

Mike’s hand pressed to his waist and said, “You know, I don’t miss at this distance, Raven.”

Comments 5

  1. Offline
    written like a Fob, thought process; elementary. self insert wish fulfillment without any semblance of reason. Probravly written by a horny teen with plans to include rape and harems. smells like a chinese novel.
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  2. Offline
    Omnis Ra
    That makes no sense of the League not knowing about his farm. Because the League keeps tabs on all their members.
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    1. Offline
      you need to be careful about reading cn novels with your brain on. you just dont, itll dmg your brain.
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  3. Offline
    So this universe got all heroes from Marvel and DC
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    1. Offline
      I’ve seen a lot of crossover comics. The Silver Surfer appeared in a Hulk comic.. Captain Atom once tried to convince Superman to obey the correct government on a Justice League cartoon. A lot of the superheroes are part of the Justice League. Comic books say, pick up a certain issue and read it to get the complete story. And the complete story has another crossover. Possibly, every comic book superhero are all written to exist in the same world. I saw quite a few crossovers. There’s plenty of free comic book websites that you can read those on, looking them up. Just type in free comic books website in the Bing search engine. At the bottom of the page is a list of all the best comic book websites. All the heroes kind of goes along with how they’re written is what I’m getting at. readcomiconline.li is in my opinion the most thorough free comic book website. They have every kind of comic book. If you don’t see what you like, you can request that they load it for you. Also, signing in is free, put in your email, a password, and that’s it. But you can’t comment about other comic book websites. They’ll disable your connection with them cause of that. I know cause it happened to me. Someone asked about where to find the complete series of a comic book and I told them. The only downside to that website is that ads appear at the top and bottom of the screen as you read. I recall how that went was Superman refused to so Captain Atom produced the power of the red sun and beat Superman to a bloody mess. Superman escaped before getting beaten enough to be killed. The bad guys caught up to him and threw him into an active volcano. The stupid people didn’t realize that the volcano produces the power of the yellow sun. Superman floated up out of the volcano with a miniature yellow sun in his hands and zapped them with his heat vision.
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