
CHAPTER 62 [END] - There is no need to pray to the gods, we can never be separated [END]

62. There is no need to pray to the gods, we can never be separated [END]

 When you are with the person you love, time always flies, the footsteps of the New Year are getting closer and closer, and it seems that in the blink of an eye, everyone has put on new clothes and waited for the New Year.

Before she took Pei Siyuan home, Pei Siyuan first took her to meet his parents. Gu Ningyou was still very nervous about this, for fear that she would behave badly and leave a bad impression in the hearts of her future parents-in-law. But in fact Pei Siyuan’s parents were very amiable. When they saw her, they held her hand and praised her constantly. They cooked for her and when she ate, they also kept putting more food on her plate. They completely acted as if Pei Siyuan didn’t exist.  

When sending her out, Pei Siyuan’s mother also told her that she would be welcome in the future, that she could treat their house as her own home and come over when she was free.  

“Your family is so enthusiastic that I don’t even know what to say.” After arriving in Pei Siyuan’s car, Gu Ningyou finally felt more at ease.  

“Because you are the most ideal daughter-in-law in their hearts, my parents like a gentle and well-behaved little girl like you the most.” Pei Siyuan paused, then added, “Another reason is that they have always felt that I have a cold personality, always worried that I can’t find a girlfriend, and now I finally got one home, and of course they treat you as a treasure.”   

“That’s because they have never seen you talking about love, from my point of view, the words cold personality and you are not at all related.”  

After removing the cold and indifferent mask, Pei Siyuan was actually no different from those men who were immersed in love, always coquettish and clingy, sometimes she couldn’t stand it.  

Sometimes he was also too childish, and always liked to drink some inexplicable vinegar. [T/N: Vinegar = jealousy]  

“I already said that it was all acting. You don’t know how much I like you, and when I’m with you, of course I can’t help but want to tell you about my love.” He used to need to hold back from time to time, but now that he was not bound, he naturally wanted to say all the things he wanted to say, “Ning Ning, I’ve taken you home to meet my parents, when are you going to fulfill your promise?”  

“We can go anytime you want, I’ve already mentioned you to them, and they’ve always wanted to see you.”  

Except bullying her during sex, Pei Siyuan treated her with obedience in life. Gu Ningyou often felt that she was lucky to be loved by such a person. In this world, how many people could love a person like him for more than ten years? How could the reciprocated person not be moved?  

The defenses in her heart have long been completely breached by Pei Siyuan, and now he has taken up deep residence in her heart, teaching her that she can no longer part with him.   

“Then the day after tomorrow, it happens to be New Year’s Eve. I can have a reunion dinner with your family at your house to celebrate the New Year.”  

She had already said that she would take him to see her parents but she has been keeping it hanging for a period of time, which made him always unable to settle down.  

But he was really never able to do anything about her.  

“Okay.” The New Year’s Eve was indeed a good choice. Her family must be at home that day, Gu Ningyou agreed to him.


It was not the first time for Pei Siyuan to visit her family. When he came to her house again, he was familiar with the road. As soon as he entered the door, he affectionately called father-in-law and mother-in-law, gave them the gifts he bought, and helped to wash the fruit and dishes, and also bluntly said that this was what he should do. Gu’s father and mother’s faces showed a look of approval.  

Pei Siyuan was good at observing words and expressions, and he has a certain understanding of her parents and did everything to make them feel comfortable. This son-in-law test was simply too easy for him to pass.  

Gu Ningcheng was not very surprised at Pei Siyuan’s arrival. Gu Ningyou had confessed to him about her and Pei Siyuan before today. Although Gu Ningyou had told him that she had figured it out and was ready to put it down, he knew that she had always been dead set on Pei Siyuan, and it would not be easy to change it by saying a few words.  

Gu Ningcheng was still a little worried that his sister would be wronged, but before dinner, Pei Siyuan, he and his father went to the study to talk for a while, and Pei Siyuan made a promise that he would never change his heart in his life and would always love, cherish and protect her.  

Hearing Pei Siyuan’s oath, Gu Ningcheng didn’t reply. He still had a thorn in his heart – in his memory, the person in Pei Siyuan’s heart has always been Jiang Yao, and somehow that deep feeling suddenly shifted to his sister.  

Gu Ningcheng found an excuse to make his father go away. Father Gu saw that they wanted to talk alone, and left the study.  

Facing his question, Pei Siyuan’s answer was that he always regarded Jiang Yao as his sister, and had no special feelings for Jiang Yao, and the person he really liked was always Gu Ningyou.  

Pei Siyuan’s expression was sincere and his tone was sincere and tender. Gu Ningcheng naturally didn’t want to embarrass him any more. Moreover, Pei Siyuan really performed very well tonight. His eyes have been focused on Gu Ningyou, and he was considerate to her. He was still very relieved to hand over Gu Ningyou to such a man.  

After dinner,  Pei Siyuan and her family sat together on the sofa watching TV for a while, then Pei Siyuan took Gu Ningyou to the balcony together and waited for the New Year to come.  

The moment the clock crossed zero, the whole sky burst into gorgeous fireworks, and the colored light continued to bloom in the air, one after another, illuminating the dark night sky moment by moment.  

“Yuan, let’s make a wish together! I heard that if you make a wish during the New Year, everything will come true!”  

Seeing such a gorgeous and beautiful scene, Gu Ningyou put her hands together on her chest and closed her eyes and silently made a wish for the New Year, but when she opened her eyes, she found that Pei Siyuan did not make a wish, but just kept gazing at her with his head tilted.  

Gu Ningyou was in a daze: “Yuan, why don’t you make a wish?”  

“Who do you think we are making a wish to?”  

“Of course it’s…”   

Gu Ningyou stopped her mouth in time, Pei Siyuan’s words reminded her that this world was not a logical world, there was a Creator, but this Creator was not a good thing.   

“It doesn’t matter, you can make it if you want. It can’t hear our thoughts now, and of course it can’t hear the wish you made just now. You can treat the object of this wish as an illusory image of a god.” Pei Siyuan touched the head of the annoyed little woman beside him, “Moreover, it will soon not be the manipulator of this world.”  

“Huh?” The second half of Pei Siyuan’s sentence managed to divert Gu Ningyou’s attention, “Yuan, why don’t I understand what you mean?”  

Pei Siyuan explained his discoveries to Gu Ningyou –  

After reconstructing the World, the Creator was using his power to keep the world running every day. With his power losing, the Creator’s control over the world was getting weaker and weaker, and when his power was used up, he would disappear.  

This world has long since become more and more stable under the support of the Creator’s power, so even if the Creator, the Creator of the world disappeared completely, the world would not collapse and perish.  

“I don’t think that day should be very long, and by then, all the people in this world will be free.”   

“That’s really great!” 

The Creator finally did something before he disappeared, but even so, it couldn’t erase the fact that he has done all kinds of evil, and letting him disappear from this world was simply a better ending.  

“Yeah, but it’s not just for this reason that I didn’t make a wish.”  

Pei Siyuan gazed at her. At this moment, their eyes were full of reflections of each other.  

“Ningning, I always believe that we can never be separated even without praying to the gods.”  

“Okay, we will be together all the time.”  

With that, Gu Ningyou stood on tiptoe and wrapped her arms around his neck, while Pei Siyuan docilely leaned down, their warm lips intertwined, as if inseparable. The fireworks in the sky were still bursting, as if expressing sincere blessings to them.  

They will always be together, they will always be by each other’s side.   

Forever and ever, until the end of their lives.

T/N: Finally we have come to an end of Pei Siyuan and Gu Ningyou’s journey. It was a roller-coaster of emotions tbh. Thank you for accompanying them and reading through the end! I hope y’all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed translating it :))

 The author’s note is quite long (she expressed gratitude individually to her interactive readers; I won’t be translating that)

Author’s note: 

I am quite satisfied with myself because I have written everything I wanted to write and express. I feel that I have described all the madness, forbearance, deep love and gentle things of Siyuan and the reasonings and analysis of Ningning, her intelligence, her resistance to fate and her understanding of Siyuan after knowing the truth. I think these are the points that I like and appreciate very much.

I may not be suitable for writing a pure and sweet plot, mainly because I feel that they are very cliche and they are all routines that you can guess, so I simply put them together after I finished writing them.

I still feel that I was more excited when I wrote the ups and downs of the plot and the perspective of the male protoganist….

The main story ends here, oh, I’ll consider the extras, but I don’t have them for now, because I don’t know what to write…

T/N: There are still no extras :/

If you enjoyed this story please do leave a review here on novelupdates and if you liked my translation, you can buy me a coffee it’ll mean a lot to me ^^

Comments 1

  1. Offline
    i really didn't expect the story to have such a complicated plot but i enjoyed reading it 4/5⭐
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