
Chapter 1: The Elder Martial Sister Was Speechless


"My son Huang Teng has the talent to be an Immortal Emperor. This time, he will be liked by the immortal!"

"There are 80,000 words in the world, but the word 'love' is the most murderous. If I enter the immortal gate today, I will cut off my relationship with the mortal world and practice the way of forgetting love."

Listening to these familiar lines, Bai Lian felt that she was about to go crazy, which once again proved that the memory of her previous life she has just recovered was not wrong.

"This is not a normal world!"

Bai Lian's lips turn pale.

In her previous life, she was just an ordinary otaku girl. She loved reading novels and playing games. She had just graduated from university and had not experienced the hardness of working nor the temptation of the world.


In her previous life, she was just an ordinary otaku girl. She loved reading novels and playing games. She had just graduated from university and had not experienced the hardness of working nor the temptation of the world.

In her previous life, she was just an ordinary otaku girl. She loved reading novels and playing games. She had just graduated from university and had not experienced the hardship of working nor the temptation of the world.

This is Bai Lian. After staying up all night playing games and deciding to buy some food, she was hit by a speeding truck in front of a fruit stall.

She was confused.


When she passed Bai Lian, she stopped.

Her snowy skin was flushed with excessive surprise.

The girl looked at Bai Lian. Her mouth was slightly open. Bai Lian wondered if it was just wide-enough to put a quail egg in it.

She had never seen a person with as much "death" as on her face!


She had never seen a person with as much "death" as on her face!

She had never seen a person marked with as much "death" as on her face!


After whispering that, the girl raised her head and said with a smile, "I am An Lan, the martial master of the Qiongming peak of the Duxian sect. Would you like to be my first disciple and practice the art of immortality with me?"

Bai Lian, who thought that this was her "Golden finger", bowed down.

An Lan, "Lol."

In the face of Bai Lian's questions, An Lan didn't answer in detail.

After calming down, Bai Lian thought carefully. The answer was obvious.

She must have the protagonist's aura which caused her to be so fortunate.


The reason why An Lan accepted her as a disciple was purely out of her own bad taste. She wanted to see how Bai Lian, who was full of death over her body, would die.

The reason why An Lan accepted her as a disciple was purely out of her own curiosity. She wanted to see how Bai Lian, who was full of death, would die.  (how is she full of death tho, what sense is being used? Smell, divine sight?)

The reason is that the world where Bai Lian now lives is an R18 gal game called "The Battle of the Gods".

This game is beautifully painted, with numerous characters for introduction, and the voice is just right for flirting. It is no wonder it becomes a first-class game!


This game is beautifully painted, with numerous characters for introduction, and the voice is just right for flirting. It is no wonder it becomes a first-class game!

The game was beautifully designed, with numerous introduced characters and the voice is just right for flirting. It is no wonder it became a first-class game! (also what's the voice thing, is it a general voice actor (narrator) or the voice of the main character?)

In the game, the players play a "bitch" named Bai Lian, who often "bullies" her younger martial sisters without saying a word. In some routes, she even controlled her master An Lan and did all kinds of things to her!


In the game, the players play a "bitch" named Bai Lian, who often "bullies" her younger martial sisters without saying a word. In some routes, she even controlled her master An Lan and did all kinds of things to her!

In the game, the players play a "bitch" named Bai Lian, who often "bullies" her younger martial sisters. In some routes she even controlled her master An Lan and did all kinds of things to her!


The Battle of the Gods didn't end well.


The Battle of the Gods didn't end well.

The Story didn't end well. The problem lies in the plot line. This is more of an abstinence aid rather than an adult game.

The problem lies in the plot arrangement.

This is an Abstinence Aids rather than an r18 gal game.


This is an Abstinence Aids rather than an r18 gal game.

This is an Abstinence Aids rather than an R-18 gal game.

The protagonist, Bai Lian, has as many as 108 ways of death, which is even worse than Itou Makoto in some sense.

The most painful thing is that the death screen cannot be skipped. One second ago, the player was still savoring the eye-catching illustrations, and the next second, the protagonist's head may have been chopped down.


The War of the Gods became a horror game in some players' mouths.

The Battle of the Gods became a horror game in some players mouths.

Bai Lian was also tricked to play the game by this screenshot, and then she found that this was not a horror game at all, but an r18 game.


Bai Lian was also tricked to play the game by this screenshot, and then she found that this was not a horror game at all, but an r18 game.

Bai Lian initially wanted to play a game of the horror genre, but was then tricked to play by that screenshot and found out that this was a completely different genre. An R18 gal game.

Bai Lian immediately got excited.

Although the protagonist is female, this doesn't affect the wonderful "battle" process.

In eagerness, she pressed the CTRL key to skip all plots...


In eagerness, she pressed the CTRL key to skip all plots...

In eagerness, she pressed the CTRL key to skip most scenes...

And then...

Bai Lian was now very regretful. Because she didn't read the plots, all she knew about the plot was limited to a few words spread on the forum.


Bai Lian was now very regretful. Because she didn't read the plots, all she knew about the plot was limited to a few words spread on the forum.

Bai Lian was now very regretful. Because she didn't read the plot, all she knew about it was limited to a few words spread on the forum.

However, the game is just a game after all. Most of the time, the plot focuses on Bai Lian. Even if she knows the general direction of the plot, she may not be able to live.

After all, this is a cultivation world!

Even though she is the "protagonist", she is not immortal. It means that even if she just meditates in the yard, her body and soul may be destroyed by a sword flying down from the sky.

This is by no means an idle worry.

She has experienced many death endings, some of which happened when the protagonist was walking on the road, and then she was——

[Killed by a flying shadow]

"How terrible!"

Thinking of this, Bai Lian trembled all over. Her hands and feet became ice-cold in the daytime. The world is full of malice and oppression against Bai Lian. When can Bai Lian stand up?!

Of course.

Bai Lian also knows the reason why the protagonist in the game ended up like this.

Because the female characters she bullied in the game were too strong!

Especially the group of women of the Qiongming peak.

Master An Lan, the leader of the Qiongming peak, is actually the reincarnation of the Immortal Heavenly Lord. It is said that she once had the strength to both carry heaven and be immortal in reincarnation.

Her four younger martial sisters are also not ordinary people.

Her second martial sister, the future Holy Spirit Goddess ✔

Her third martial sister, the rebirth of the Rebellious Shura ✔

Her fourth younger martial sister, the future Dragon God of War ✔

Her fifth martial sister, the future God of Martial Arts ✔

In addition to them, there are also the descendant of the Taixuan Divine Needle, the descendant of the Dragon King, and the Lord of the Hades hall in the Duxian sect...

Compared to them, Bai Lian is just an ordinary person.

Is that all?

Bai Lian was speechless.

There's no chance of winning!

She could do whatever she wanted while the younger martial sisters were not strong enough, slapping the Holy Spirit Goddess, and kicking the descendant of the Dragon King. But after they grow up, not only would she be suppressed under hell, but all her ancestors would have to be dug out and spat on.


She could do whatever she wanted while the younger martial sisters were not strong enough, slapping the Holy Spirit Goddess, and kicking the descendant of the Dragon King. But after they grow up, not only would she be suppressed under hell, but all her ancestors would have to be dug out and spat on.

She could do whatever she wanted while the younger martial sisters were not strong enough, slapping the Holy Spirit Goddess, and kicking the descendant of the Dragon King. But after they grow up, not only would she be suppressed like hell, but all her ancestors would have to be dug out and spat on.

Even if her younger martial sisters didn't kill her, the will of the world would probably strike her down with divine thunder.

"How dare you provoke the Holy Spirit Goddess (the Rebellious Shura, the Dragon God of War...) ?"

"The whole cultivation world will have no place for you!"


The original protagonist was really an ignorant woman without fear!


The original protagonist was really an ignorant woman without fear!

The original protagonist was really unlucky to meet all these experts.  (how can she be ignorant if she doesn't know what the future holds? I assume she isn't of age as well, which unfortunately wasn't mentioned yet)

Bai Lian heard that there was a hidden ending that the protagonist didn't die in the end, but no one could test it out. She doesn't think that she can test it out alone with only one life.


She decides to never provoke anyone, but that doesn't mean that she will be able to live safely. There are several major events in the game that affect the whole Duxian sect. She must become stronger to survive the crises.

She decides to never provoke anyone, but that doesn't mean that she will be able to live safely. There are several major events in the game that affect the whole Duxian sect. She must become strong to survive the crises.




Bai Lian sighed.

Speaking of it, the master An Lan asked her to go to find the second younger martial sister this time.


Speaking of it, the master An Lan asked her to go to find the second younger martial sister this time.

Speaking of it, her master An Lan asked her to go to find the second younger martial sister this time.

The plot begins.

Bai Lian has to worry.

At this moment, a voice suddenly rang out in her ear.

[Plot start point detected. System activated.]


I am saved!

Bai Lian was overjoyed.

It's coming, it's coming!

Bai Lian was moved after hearing the cold prompt.

She thought that after losing her special identity as a player, she would become a passer-by like figure in the world.

"This kind of thing should be common these days!"

Bai Lian, who jumped down from the flying sword, murmured.

The time has changed!

Bai Lian thought of the novels she had read before transmigrating.

Some protagonists have to float over the mainland for more than 100000 years after transmigrating.

Some protagonists wake up after they become memorial tablets.

Some protagonists simply obtained the NTR system.

"Hey -"

Everyone has a hard life.

With this in mind, Bai Lian opened the system she had just acquired.

The name of it is a little perfunctory and a little inferior.


The first thing that appeared in Bai Lian's eyes was her personal information, which was no different from the interface where she played the Battle of the Gods.

The first thing that appeared in Bai Lian's eyes was her personal information, which was no different from the interface when she played the Battle of the Gods.

[Name: Bai Lian]

Gender: Female

Age: Eighteen

Spiritual Root: Water-type Heavenly Spiritual Root

Cultivation Level: later stage of the Foundation Establishment Stage


Cultivation Level: later stage of the Foundation Establishment Stage

Cultivation Level: late stage of Foundation Establishment

Basic skills →

Moves →

Techniques →

[Ethics: none]


Even if my ethics is zero, why do you have to mark it?

Bai Lian is very angry.

She looked through the system interface several times and had to admit that she was a person without "ethics". Even if it was low, it was better than nothing!

There is a bug in this stupid system!

[There are no bugs in this system. Please rest assured!]


Seeing the words emerging from the system, Bai Lian was worried.

Something's wrong with you!

She angrily opened the items with → in the back.

As she imagined, this system basically transplanted the game panel of the Battle of the Gods.

Basic skills are the martial arts she learned before cultivating. The four basic properties are Hard Skill, Soft Skill, Light Skill, and Focus.

They can be understood as Strength/Endurance, Quickness[/Agility], Energy, and [Focus].

Anyone who has played "Ho Tu Lo Shu : The Books of Dragon" knows it.

The current basic stats of Bai Lian are as follows——

[Hard skill: 87]

[Soft skill: 90]

[Light Skill:83]

[Focus: 95]

If she remembers correctly, the upper limit of these skills should be 100 points, but it is not indicated on the system.

"It doesn't matter."

Bai Lian shook her head.

She is already a cultivator. Basic skills are of no use to her now. She continues to read.

In the moves column, the most conspicuous move is [Water Dragon Durance].

It can control the power of water, using water to attack and defend. It can also suppress the opponent's cultivation base. This is a magic skill of Bai Lian's major.

It sounds powerful. In fact, this skill is just spraying water. The more water you spray, the greater the power is.

It is said that this is a spell inspired by the Dragon King.

Bai Lian knows that this rumor is true.

There is a descendant of the Dragon King in the Duxian sect. Bai Lian fought with her in the game. The descendant of the Dragon King could spray water more than ten miles high, submerging the plain.

Its power was enough to destroy a small kingdom!

Bai Lian looked again at the column of Techniques, including music theory, chess, medicine, painting, calligraphy, cooking, tea ceremony, Taoist magic theory, and so on.

If she quit the cultivation world, she could live very well in the mortal world with these skills.

Only idiots would practice these!

"I want to cultivate, I want to fly to the Immortal World, and I want to find 100 lovers!"

Bai Lian smiled.

The question now is how she can use this system to improve her strength. Since it's name is [Task System], she thinks that she needs to do tasks to get rewards.

"Come out and explain!"

[The system will release tasks in due time to help my dear master improve her strength!]

After reading the instructions, Bai Lian nodded.

She understood roughly.

At this moment, excited voices rang out in her ears.

"Ah, it's Martial Sister Bai Lian, the goddess of Qiongming peak!"

"Martial Sister Bai Lian really is like the rumor said. Her charm and demeanor, ah, I'm dead."

"She really deserves to be Master An Lan's first disciple!"

"Martial Sister Bai Lian looked at me, Martial Sister Bai Lian looked at me!"

Bai Lian raised her head and saw a young girl in a water blue thin shirt, with a quiet smile on her beautiful face. Her dark blue eyes were as deep as the sea, and a pair of Yin-Yang fish at the corner of her eyes were also quite eye-catching.

An Lan!

In her previous lives, she was the Immortal Heaven Lord and the famous King of the Immortal World!

In the background story, her favorite line was "Hum!", "XXX? He is garbage!", "The king cannot be disgraced", "Then come and have a try. Even if I hold XXX in one hand and carry XXX on my back, I, An Lan, am still invincible!"

Then, the two supreme masters fought to the edge of the universe, until the star river was broken, and the will of Tao was obliterated!

In the end, An Lan was defeated and became what she looked like now.

Lying on her side on the bluestone, the wind blew on her face. In front of An Lan was a big watermelon that had just been cut open.


"The will of Tao? Can it be eaten?"

It is clear that she is a homegirl.

An Lan picked up a melon and said faintly, "I'll give you a task."

Bai Lian asked modestly, "Master, what is the task?"

It's hard for her not to think of the scene in which An Lan shouted those famous lines when she was "fighting" with An Lan in the game.

Bai Lian quickly shook her head and threw away the strange pictures.

An Lan said while eating melons, "I saw a good young girl when I was out a while ago. I plan to take her as an apprentice. Go and fetch her back for me."

Sure enough.

This is the main line of the game.

Bai Lian felt a headache. She didn't want to go, so she forced herself to ask, "Master, why don't you bring her back in person?"

"Inconvenient." An Lan threw the melon skin down from the mountain. "Besides, I didn't want to take her as an apprentice at that time. Go ahead. Anyway, you haven't done anything lately."

As soon as her voice fell, Bai Lian immediately saw three options in front of her eyes.

[Task 1: hug An Lan from the back and say: Master, aren't you satisfied with me? (Reward: your cultivation base will breakthrough to the Golden Core Stage)]

[Task 2: cross your hands in front of your chest, squint at An Lan, and say: You may be my master... But I refuse! (Reward: Washing Bone Elixir)]

[Task 3: promise An Lan. (Reward: Soft Skill +1)]

"Ah, this..."

Bai Lian looked stupidly at the three options.

How can the task options in the game also become true in this world?

Although Task 1 and Task 2 are rich in rewards, I don't have the guts to do them! She clearly remembers that in the game, the outcome of Task 1 is being kicked off the Qiongming peak by An Lan and was eaten by a bypaschant flying beast. This system is like this. The richer the task reward is, the greater the potential risk is. You may just choose a task with exaggerated rewards, and then you have been killed.

Bai Lian understood.

The [Task System] is clearly a "Villain's Task System"!

As long as I bully my peers according to the system, being a scheming bitch, I may become stronger.

What the hell!

Bai Lian felt the deep malice from the world.

Cold sweat dripped from her forehead.

There is no way. I want to live!

It doesn't deserve me, so I won’t continue cultivating!


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Comments 4

  1. Offline
    Pending...? Too chaotic, also what do you mean she played the game, yet she skipped everything? It could only be possible if the game was a VN and she just went for illustrations. Like, how much forced do you want the plot to be?
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    1. Offline
      it was obviously a VN
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      1. Offline
        I went to the raws, there are too many skipped lines here, every pending is at least one missing line.
        The game was beautifully designed, with numerous introduced characters and the voice is just right for flirting. It is no wonder it became a first-class game! (also what's the voice thing, is it a general voice actor (narrator) or the voice of the main character?)

        In the game, the players play a "bitch" named Bai Lian, who often "bullies" her younger martial sisters without saying a word. In some routes, she even controlled her master An Lan and did all kinds of things to her!

        Between those two lines should be one saying that the game is similar to one called legend of heroes X. Using the line in Chinese to search in google, the game looks nothing like a VN. ''游戏冒险系统类似金庸群侠传X'' type that in the searcher and see images, at least one of them should be the reference of the author.
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        1. Offline
          even if it's not a VN it's extremely easy to skip all dialogue and plot in most games
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