
Chapter Rising Winds


I apologize that it’s taken me more than one month to get this in. I’ve allowed distraction after distraction to assail me since the last post, but hey, the lunar new year is coming, and since we’re not supposed to carry that which is owed into the new year, here’s me settling my “debt”. Though the reading has been so sporadic, it never ceases to amaze me how the words could still tug at the heartstrings and wrench at the gut.

“Please send Master Lin in.”

After his brief instruction to Li Gang, Mei Changsu went directly back to his bedroom. Lin Chen entered shortly, alone, his face still sporting a smile. He stood in the middle of the room waiting for Mei Changsu to speak. But though he waited for a long while, Mei Changsu appeared to still be deep in thought, so he spoke first. “I was out and saw some of your young friends enlisting in the army recruitment bureau. It looks like the younger generation of this household is split into two types. One completely useless like a worm, the other, exceeding ordinary folk by sharpening themselves to become the country’s backbone….”

“We’re in the face of a national crisis, so how could its men not enlist?” Mei Changsu said calmly, “Lin Chen, I would like to go too.”

“Go where?”

“To the battlefield.”

“You must be joking.” Lin Chen’s expression turned cold. “It’s already winter. The battlefield is in the north. If you insist on going, how long will you last?”

“Three months.”

He responded so swiftly that Lin Chen was taken aback. His lips turned pale.

“Nie Duo brought two Eternal Ice Grass with him,” Mei Changsu gazed serenely at him and said quietly, “This grass cannot last for long. You must have already made them into pills, haven’t you?”

“How did you know?”

“This is Su Residence. Why is it strange that I know?”

Lin Chen turned around, took a few deep breaths before saying, “So what if you know? I won’t give them to you.”

“I understand very well how you feel.” Mei Changsu gazed at his back and said quietly, “If we keep to the original plan and roam the mountains and rivers together, relax our minds, with your medical skills, maybe I can live in a leisurely and carefree manner for another half a year….a year….or maybe longer….”

“Not maybe. It’s definitely possible. I know I can do it!” Lin Chen suddenly turned around, his eyes intense. “Changsu, the old case has already been cleared. You can already put down the responsibilities you have taken on yourself. It wouldn’t be too much for you to put yourself first this time right? There are so many affairs in this world, one after the other, unceasing, all of which can’t be resolved by you alone! Why do you always give up at a time when you shouldn’t be giving up?”

“This is not giving up, but a choice,” Mei Changsu looked straight into his eyes, his face pale, a smile on his lips. “People are greedy. Previously, I would have been satisfied with overturning the old case and clearing the names of the deceased, but now, I want to do more. I want to return to the battlefield, to return to the northern border. I want to revive the spirit of the Chiyan army in my final moments. Lin Chen, after being Mei Changsu for thirteen whole years, to be able to choose to be Lin Shu at the end, for me, isn’t this a blessing?”

“Who is Lin Shu?” Lin Chen shut his eyes, trying to keep his emotions in check. “The friend I’m trying so painstakingly to keep alive is not Lin Shu….you said it yourself before that Lin Shu is already dead. In order to resurrect a dead person for three months, you’re willing to bring about your own end?”

“Although Lin Shu is dead, the duty that belongs to Lin Shu cannot die. As long as any trace of the Lin clan’s upright spirit survives, then Da Liang’s northern borders cannot be lost and the country cannot be torn apart, its people displaced. Lin Chen, I’m very sorry. I promised you, but I need to break my promise…..I really need these three months. As far as justice is concerned, the beacon in the north has been blazing, but there is no chief commander the court can send. As a descendent of the Lin clan, how could I just sit idly by, lingering the rest of my life among the mountains and rivers? From a selfish point of view, although I have you, I actually don’t really have many days left. If I can put on armor and ride into battle again, I would have no regrets in this life. In this case, it’s very likely that I will gain much more than I lose….” Mei Changsu’s palm burnt like fire as he gripped Lin Chen’s arm, his eyes bright and shining as the stars. “The Eternal Ice Grass is a miraculous herb that one only encounters by chance and cannot be sought. The heavens allowed Nie Duo to find it so that I can stave off this illness for three months, and return to the heroism of the past. Lin Chen, let’s put aside righteousness and the fates of the country and its people. Please, help me fulfill this one desire of mine.”

Lin Chen stared at him dazedly and asked quietly, “Then after the three months?”

“I’ve already studied and worked out the entire war situation. I also understand the state of affairs within the enemy leadership to some extent. Within these three months, I’ll definitely be able to stamp out the fires of war and strengthen defenses in the northern border. As for reorganizing the military, Jingyan has already been planning for this. After this war, I believe that Da Liang’s military might will gradually return to what it once was in our golden age.”

“I was referring to you.” Lin Chen’s eyes were intense, his face extremely sombre. “What happens to you after three months? Although these Eternal Ice Grass pills can stimulate your physical strength, it cannot stop the life-shortening effect of the poison. Once the three month period is over, even the immortal Daluo cannot give you one more day.”

“I know that,” said Mei Changsu, nodding faintly. “One who is alive will eventually die. Lin Chen, I’m ready.”

Lin Chen clenched his jaw tightly. Tearing open the front of his lapel, he removed a small vase from its inner pocket and flung it at Mei Changsu, saying coldly, “To give up or not, it’s your choice. I have no right to veto it. Do as you wish….” After saying this, he turned around, kicked the door open and strode out.

“Where are you going?”

“The recruitment office outside is probably not closed yet. I’m going to enlist.” Lin Chen paused and said without looking back, “I made a promise to accompany you to the last day. Although you broke your promise, I will not break mine. Once I am assigned military duty, may Mei daren summon me to be part of his army.”

Intense heat flared in Mei Changsu’s heart as he held the small vase in the palm of his hand. Though it was ice-cold, it suddenly felt like it would burn through his hand. Although those standing guard in the courtyard didn’t know the existence of the Eternal Ice Grass pills nor were they privy to the conversation between both the men, based on Lin Chen’s parting words, they could guess that Mei Changsu had already decided to go to the north. Some of them were hot-blooded youths, while Li Gang and Zhen Ping were former officers. On the one hand, they wanted to ride into battle to defend the kingdom, but on the other hand, they were worried that Mei Changsu would not be able to withstand the hardships on the battlefield. Faced with these conflicting thoughts, they stood blankly in the middle of the courtyard, uncertain of how they should react.

In this tense atmosphere, Gong Yu brought the qin out to the corridor and began to stroke it. With the touch of her delicate fingers, the strings were soft and supple. A deep and powerful thrumming resonated through the residence, evoking the spirit of youth and a mighty army. As the song reached the peak of its intensity, someone suddenly began to beat rhythmically against a board in accompaniment and sing:

“Thinking of the day I tied back my hair and joined the army, thinking of the day at Frosthorn Gate. Thinking of the day I held my sword, fierce as the wind. Thinking of the day my spear reached the clouds….time passes in an instant, and the pain of parting engulfs me. Gazing at Yun Mountain, at its cliffs that were once barriers, now covered with vines in the sunset…..”*

*An attempted translation of an excerpt from poem “Nanxian Lu·Bangzhuangtai·Self-narrative” written by Xia Wanchun (夏完淳《南仙吕·傍妆台·自叙》)

Amidst the singing, Mei Changsu got up and pushed open the window. He gazed up at the sky, his eyebrows creased as if surging with battle spirit, his eyes glittering like the sharp edge of a sword.

Two days later, the cabinet issued a decree commanding Nie Feng to lead an army of 70,000 against Bei Yan’s cavalry and Meng Zhi to lead an army of 100,000 against the mighty army of Da Yu, and the date was fixed for their commissioning before the troops and receive their military seals. In the same imperial decree, the famous non-ranking visitor in the imperial capital, Mei Changsu, was also specially appointed as a military supervisor accompanying Meng Zhi into battle, and was given the Crown Prince’s jade plaque. The day before dispatching the troops, the Liang Emperor suffered a stroke, probably due to the recent shocking events. He lay paralyzed in bed, unable to move nor speak. Xiao Jingyan led the members of the imperial clan, the ministers and all the military officers involved to pay their respects by his bed, and inform him of the upcoming battle. As they each took turns to make their salutations, Mei Changsu suddenly bent down close to the Liang Emperor’s ear and whispered something. Nobody knows what was said, but the old emperor’s eyes suddenly opened wide, and saliva dribbled from the side of his mouth. With great effort, he tried to lift up one of his arms towards Mei Changsu.

“Father Emperor, you can rest assured. Mister Su is the most talented scholar in the kingdom. He’s not only absolutely well-versed in court politics, he is also unsurpassed in killing tactics in the battlefield. Together with Meng qing, they will definitely suppress the chaos and secure the Northern border this time.” Each of Xiao Jingyan’s words were clear and pointed, and his eyes held a gleam that chilled the bones.

The Liang Emperor’s hand finally dropped back dejectedly onto the bed, and a “wuwu” sound emitted from his crooked and trembling lips. Where there once was supreme authority, now all that remained was superficial etiquette. After the nobles and ministers left along with Xiao Jingyan, he lay, unminded by anyone, and the only sounds he could hear were that of his own heavy breathing, which reverberated through the cold, inner recesses of the palace.

The next day, the high-ranking officers of both the reinforcement armies bid their farewells at the Emperor’s doorway, and set out in full armour. Just as it silently observed the arrival of Mei Changsu in the imperial capital years ago, the lofty city gate of Jinling silently observed his departure that day. When he arrived, he was an unknown commoner who was full of schemes and intrigues, but when he departed, he galloped astride a horse towards the distant fires of war. After two years of plotting and scheming, the country had changed. The only thing that remained unchanged was the loyal and sincere heart, which would live forever and never die.

The early winter wind blew past Mei Changsu’s black mane, causing his jade green cloak to flap behind him. The war horse, the light silver armour, the carefree and uninhibited feeling that felt so familiar in the heart, as if imprinted deep in the bone marrow, that cannot be erased.

Looking at the one hundred thousand troops, surging forward like tigers. Looking at his beloved generals and close friends, mutually supporting each other. It was as if they had returned to that world that had been lost in the cold of Mei Ling’s snow. In the midst of the battle, Mei Changsu’s lips revealed a hint of a bright and jubilant smile, and without looking back at the capital, he turned his horse’s head around, urged his horse into a swift gallop, resolutely dashing forward into the future he had chosen, the ending he had chosen.


After 6 winters had passed under Yuan You* in Da Liang, Da Yu retreated after losing three wars and 60,000 soldiers, sending gifts to sue for peace. The prefectures were recovered, amnesty was granted, and the people were pacified. Meng Zhi’s troops were combined with the defeated Shangyang army, reorganized and renamed Changlin Army, and stationed in the northern border as its line of defense. During this war, many young officers stood out, and formed a pool of reserved talent who could be vigorously cultivated. Both Xiao Jingrui and Yan Yujin also received many military merits, but due to the former’s life circumstances, he did not receive any rewards.

For the people, the ministers and the imperial family, this was a great triumph. A strong enemy had retreated, the borders had stabilized, and both political and military reforms were progressing rapidly. Homes that had been destroyed in the various prefectures were slowly being rebuilt. In this atmosphere of rejoicing and celebration, it was as if most people had already overlooked those who had suffered losses and were in mourning.

But Xiao Jingyan did not forget. In a plain and unadorned room within the Eastern Palace, he spent sleepless days and nights earnestly copying the names of all who died in battle, starting from the lowest ranking soldier, but often, when he got to the last name, he would inevitably put down his pen, and lean sobbing over the table, unable to control his deep sorrow. Even the pregnant Crown Princess, who was by his side, was unable to console and dissuade him.

In the summer of the 7th year of Yuan You, Nie Duo returned with his report of the situation in Dong Hai. Regarding his marriage to Ni Huang, Xiao Jingyan never gave his blessing, and it wasn’t until Gong Yu brought him a handwritten letter from Mei Changsu that he silently consented to it. After the wedding, Ni Huang handed over the Southern Border Army to Mu Qing, who had grown into maturity, then, after accompanying Nie Duo to pay their respects at the Lin ancestral shrine, they left for the Eastern border garrison, Haiphong.

In the autumn of the 7th year of Yuan You, the Crown Princess gave birth to a baby boy. Three days later, the Liang Emperor passed away. After fulfilling the one month period of mourning, Xiao Jingyan officially ascended the throne, installed his mother Consort Jing as the Empress Dowager, and crowned the Crown Princess from the Liu clan as Empress.

As expected, Xiao Jingyan adopted Ting Sheng as his son, and appointed a renowned and great scholar to carefully instruct him. Due to his intelligent, firm and straightforward nature, Xiao Jingyan doted on him, so although he didn’t have the rank of a prince, he could come and go in the palace as he pleased, to visit the Empress Dowager and pay his respects.

The long-lived Gao Zhan continued to maintain his title as the head manager of the inner palace, but the Empress Dowager had graciously granted him retirement so that he could live out his days comfortably in the palace without having to work. Gao Zhan really loved the little prince Yuxue, and often visited him in the palace. Everytime Ting Sheng carried the little prince when they played outside, he would insist on keeping watch by the side.

“Gao gonggong, would you like to carry him?” Seeing how this white-haired old man stood by anxiously keeping watch, Ting Sheng would sometimes smile and ask him this question, but everytime, Gao Zhan would bow and shake his head, and say in a faltering manner, “This is the future lord of the world. This old servant dare not carry him….”

Ting Sheng merely let his reply pass by, not minding it at all, continuing to laugh heartily as he teased the babbling little prince, who was just learning to talk.

“Looking at these two brothers, they seem to have a good relationship,” said the wet nurse who was standing by the side. Glancing up at the sky, she continued, “But we should bring him in already. The sky is so overcast. Gao gonggong, do you feel it…..the wind rising?”

“No, it’s not the wind rising. Rather, within these palace walls….the wind has never stopped…..” said the old eunuch who had lived through three dynasties, as he narrowed his dimming eyes.

The End.


*I don’t think this actually means 6 years after the war started. It’s just a time reference related to a particular era under a monarch. I didn’t delve too much into it, but you might be able to find more info here:


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