
Chapter 1

His eyes opened... well, at least he felt like they opened as everything around him was filled with darkness. He tried to breathe, but he couldn't, making him flap all seven of his limbs in panic. At least he attempted, as they weren't responding to his commands. After a few seconds of panic, he realized that he didn't have any need to breathe.

Then it hit him, 'Wait for a second, why do I have seven limbs? Even if I counted my man limb, it would only sum to five... Also, where am I, and why can't I move?'

Images of blue and red flashing lights passed throughout his mind.

'Have I had some kind of an accident, and I am lying in a hospital bed with a coma?' desperation filled his mind as he realized his possible predicament.

Calming down his thoughts, he tried to remember what happened, but that made him panic even more as he found something terrible 'I can't remember who am I... My name, my family, it's all gone... Do I even have a family?' The only thing that he could fully remember was a game that he used to play: Lorenia - Land of Miracles and Magic or, as often called by players, LOMM. It was a widely popular full-dive virtual reality game that took the world by storm upon its release. It was the first video game that fully integrated all five senses into a simulation, allowing players to feel like they were really in another world. That experience was reinforced even further by its live-like NPCs and seemingly infinite possibilities.

Instantly all memories of the game flooded his brain, causing him to black out in pain from the sudden influx of information. When the pain subsided, he could remember every detail he had ever heard or experienced about the game. From his memories, he was sure that he was more than an above-average player, even though he never got high in rankings. But that wasn't due to his inability, but more likely due to the hardships of being a solo player and his hobby. Yes, he was a maniac into builds... spending most of his time trying exotic and irregular builds that he made. That by itself was an amazing achievement as most of them required rare and powerful items that were hard to obtain. He often spent weeks farming single boss just to obtain an item needed for the build. Most of the time builds he made were weird and mediocre, but sometimes he managed to create powerful and unique builds that he sold to rich kids on the internet. That was his livelihood and hobby.

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a semi-transparent box.



Welcome to Lorenia!

Please create your character.



It was a message familiar to any player of LOMM. It was the very first interface prompt that any player saw before creating their character.

'Hahaha, my brain is probably breaking down from the lack of oxygen! Well, if I am dying, I might as well continue... I will at least die having some fun.'



Please choose your race!

Option 1: True Dragon


He tried to scroll down with his mind, but no matter how much he tried, nothing happened, 'Huh? Normally there would be more options... and I am sure that one can't even play as a True Dragon. There was an Ultra Rare race Dragon Kin but... Why am I even thinking like this, this is all just fabrication of my mind, so of course, it is different. ' ee.

He confirmed his obvious choice.



Please choose your gender!

Option 1: Male - disabled (incompatible race)

Option 2: Female - disabled (incompatible race)

Option 3: Genderless


Dragons in LOMM weren't like dragons in most fantasy worlds. They were genderless and could lay egs by themself without the need for any sexual partner when they reached maturity and stable enough habitat.

There was nothing to think about, so he went straight into another part of character creation.



Please choose your character name!


He started to think, 'What should be a good name for a dragon... It must be a long and domineering name.' He took his time as there was no need to rush, and after a few minutes, he came up with a name, 'The first name will be Vesuvius like that volcano, second will be Dragor like... well like a dragon, the third one will be Ignatius from a fire element in Latin, and finally, the last one will be Cremator like a crematorium.


Please spend your starting stat points.

Stat Points (SP): 10 base + 50 race bonus

Starting base stats for the true dragon race:

Vitality (VIT): 7

Intelligence (INT): 17

Strength (STR): 4

Agility (AGI): 3

Defence (DEF): 21

Endurance (END): 8

Magic (MAG): 41


In a world of LOMM, every player had seven base stats. The first one was vitality which directly translated into the amount of HP and its regeneration. The second one was intelligence which defined the level of time dilatation, basically speeding up the player's thoughts. It was also needed requirement to learn more powerful spells. It also used powerful game servers to boost players' calculative powers. Then there were two stats: agility and strength. Agility determined how flexible and quickly one could react and move. In the meantime, strength determined maximal momentum and force that could be put into that specific move. There was also a defence stat. It wasn't absolute defence as it was used to multiply effects of existing defences like armour, defensive magic or natural defences like an exoskeleton or a skin. The endurance determined the amount of stamina and resistance to poisons and other body-affecting substances. Lastly, there was the magic that increased the amount of mana one had and the strength of their spells. Also, most of the abilities in a game were based on one or more stats that were used to boost its effects.

Vesuvius looked at his option and smiled inwardly, 'Hehe, if the race of average known as humans has all stats at 8, then true dragons can be considered as a cheat.'

As the proper maniac into builds, he spent hours thinking about how he should spend his points.

'True dragons should have a powerful dragon breath ability and access to a unique magic school. Both of these should be boosted by magic. Let's put some twenty points into it. They also have powerful innate defence in the form of their scales, so I will put twenty into defence to boost its effects even more. I will split the rest equally between vitality, strength and agility to give me enough physical capabilities to fight.

Vesuvius confirmed his choices before another box with more choices appeared in front of him.

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Comments 17

  1. Offline
    + 71 -
    'Wait for a second, why do I have seven limbs? Even if I counted my man limb, it would only sum to five... Also, where am I, and why can't I move?'

    Hmm 2 hands,2 feet,2 wings and a tail sums up to 7 limbs. So is our MC genderless or worse he became a girl
    Edit: welp I should just read and don't question the authors.
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    1. Offline
      + 80 -
      Damn i always forget dragon's are born with wings, i had a surprise Pikachu face when the author said 7 limbs. Now i realise I was just being stupid.
      Read more
      1. Offline
        Smiley Crow
        + 40 -
        I thought it meant he wielded two swords instead of one
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  2. Offline
    + 40 -
    The only thing that he could fully remember was a game that he used to play: Lorenia - Land of Miracles and Magic or, as often called by players, LOMM. It was a widely popular full-dive virtual reality game that took the world by storm upon its release. It was the first video game that fully integrated all five senses into a simulation, allowing players to feel like they were really in another world.

    In case a vr game that is too good to be true is realesed, I in no way will buy it. Fu#k that.... I like my life oru2x ethsky
    Read more
    1. Offline
      + 30 -
      Liking your life doesn't mean you wouldn't like living in a fantasy world when you don't have anything else to do
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      1. Offline
        + 20 -
        Tell you the truth, I as many would like to be 'reincarnated', in my case for the magic. However, I have a great family and I am not willing to die before them. The only way, that I would go, is if I somehow died. But still I would try my best to become powerfull enough to reverse time and hop back to earth blushed
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  3. Offline
    + 20 -
    It also used powerful game servers to boost players' calculative powers

    so lets use it for games instead of setting up a team with 9999 INT and solving world problems eh? this loophole aint getting past!
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    1. Offline
      + 10 -
      Calculative powers isn't things like creativity and innovation, but things like being able to calculate math problems really fast, purely logic based.
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  4. Offline
    + 00 -
    Ok, but also explain to me how humans are stronger than dragons and how they have the same endurance
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    1. Offline
      + 20 -
      just this shit that dragons don't have gender, since mine made me want to drop it, the stats are also stupid as he has less strength than a human in the base stats
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    2. Offline
      + 10 -
      I guess it doesn't take into account the other defenses such as scales
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    3. Offline
      + 10 -
      The defense statistic (DEF) works as a multiplier for natural defenses, it was explained above, with this principle we can understand that scales and other natural defenses are multiplied by the DEF modifier to obtain a real defense. The real defense of a lv1 human cannot be compared with the real defense of a lv1 dragon, as human skin does not have the same defense as dragon scales. That's what I understood, I may have understood it my way, but that's it.
      A estatística defesa (DEF) funciona como um multiplicador para as defesas naturais, foi explicado ali em cima, com esse príncipio podemos entender que escalas e outras defesas naturais são multiplicadas pelo modificador DEF para obter uma defesa real. A defesa real de um humano lv1 não pode ser comparada com a defesa real de um dragão lv1, pois a pele humana não possui a mesma defesa de escalas de dragão. Isso foi o que eu entendi, posso ter entendido do meu jeito, mas foi isso.
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  5. Offline
    + 40 -
    I saw LOMM and it reminded me of LOTM
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      + 10 -
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      1. Offline
        + 23 -
        my guy just click the link
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  6. Offline
    + 311 -
    So MC will lay eggs in the future?........... OH GOD crybaby
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