
Chapter 1: Origin Force, Talent A Hundredfold Increase

"Everyone, today is the day of reincarnation!"

"Training hard for eighteen years, whether I can become a coveted Reincarnator depends on this…"

"Here, I'll repeat the things to take note of in the Reincarnation World one last time!"

"First, enter the Reincarnation World. You will all have a chance to draw a companion talent. This talent is very important to you. You must choose carefully!"

"Second. Time flows differently in the Reincarnation World from the Real World. No matter how long you stay in the Reincarnation World, only an hour will pass in the Real World!"

"Third, the more influence you have in the Reincarnation World, the higher the score you will obtain when you leave! If you want to become a Reincarnator, you have to obtain a score above C- in your first simulation!"

"Fourth, under normal circumstances, the Reincarnator's activities in the Reincarnation World will not affect them in the Real World. However, remember not to expose your identity during the process!"

"Now, please step forward!"

"Wu Lei, Jiang Tao, Wang Xiaoming…"

In Dragon Country, Linjiang Second High School.

The middle-aged bald principal stood on the podium and shouted.

This was a world where everyone simulated reincarnation.

Every young man had a chance to take the reincarnation test when they were 18 years old.

Only by obtaining a C- grade in the assessment.

Only then could one be awarded the reincarnation mark and become an official Reincarnator.

In this world filled with dark energy, ordinary people did not have the ability to survive alone in the wild.

If he wanted to survive, he could only survive in a city protected by the Reincarnators.

They would do anything for the Reincarnators who protect them.

In other words, only the official Reincarnators who had the official mark were truly the best in this world.

Among them, the strongest batch of Reincarnators could even deflect nuclear bomb attacks.

Not far away.

Li Yueming had a complicated expression on his face.

As a transmigrator, he had been in this world for 18 years.

In these eighteen years, in order to fight for a better future, he did not dare to slack off for a day.

But even so…

Other than his good grades, he was still mediocre and did not achieve anything to his name.

On the stage, the principal finished the final round of mobilization.

The next second, a silver mark appeared on the wrists of all the candidates in the field.

The mark shimmered.

In an instant, all the examinees disappeared from the examination hall.

[Welcome to the Reincarnation Space!]

[You are currently simulating the birth mother's womb.]

[Temporary Reincarnator detected: Li Yueming]

[Reincarnation Mark Level: None]

[Talent: None]

[Fixable Talent Title: 1]

[Do you want to start simulating reincarnation?]


Li Yueming took a deep breath.

There was no hesitation.

He clicked confirm.

[World loading…]

[World loading successful. Planet serial number 3-024!]

[The Reincarnator is currently in the mother's womb. After the initial introduction, you can enter the Reincarnation World.]

[Introducing the background of the Reincarnation World!]

[This is a wasteland world after the Cataclysm. After an unexplainable violent explosion,, the order that Humans are proud of shattered in the explosion that was enough to destroy the world. All kinds of strange substances spread with the explosion and wandered around the world!]

[Infected by a strange substance, Humans, animals, and plants have become violent and aggressive!]

[All kinds of monsters keep emerging like bamboo shoots after a rain. They are very aggressive and carnivorous. They pose a huge threat to the survival of ordinary creatures.]

[The remaining Humans had no choice but to form a team to build a survivor base under the threat of monsters and the unknown.]

[After decades of difficult survival, the Humans in the survivor base finally adapted to life after The Cataclysm.]

[The current era is called the post-Cataclysm era by the survivors!]

[The world background introduction is complete. The first reincarnation will give you a detailed information of the world for free. It has been transmitted to the brain of the Reincarnator through memory transmission.]

[As a temporary Reincarnator, you have the right to draw a talent lottery!]

[Are you sure you want to draw?]

[World loading…]

[World loading successful!]

This time, Li Yueming's luck could be said to be very bad.

The first simulation he drew was the apocalyptic wasteland known as one of the graveyards where newbies go to die.

In this world, it was already very difficult for ordinary Humans to survive.

It was even more difficult to obtain a C- score.

However, it was useless to complain at this point. He only hoped that his initial talent was enough to help him.

Otherwise, they would really not leave him any way out.

[Extracting talent…]

[Talent Acquired:]

[Singing Vocals (Purple): You have good singing talent. With a little practice, you can master singing skills that ordinary people can't!]

[Boy group idol (White): You have ordinary idol talent. Singing, dancing, and playing basketball are not a problem!]

[Spiritual Light (Blue): Your mind is more sensitive than ordinary Humans, and you're more clear-headed when you think. There's a certain chance that you can predict the future!]

[Ragged King (White): The ragpicker king who wandered in the steel city. You will have a higher chance of discovering hidden treasures!]

[Heaven rewards diligence (Gray): You will become a hardworking person, but in this world where monsters run rampant, diligence doesn't seem to make you rich!]

Generally speaking, the highest level talent that could be refreshed in the first simulation was Purple.

This time, one of the five initial talents was Purple.

It seemed like Heaven had a conscience this time!

Li Yueming heaved a sigh of relief.

He glanced at the detailed introduction of the talent.


Li Yueming was rendered speechless.

The simulation mark had a conscience, but it didn't seem to have much to give.

If it was in an ordinary urban world, with his music knowledge from his previous life, coupled with the Purple talent of singing, obtaining a C- grade should be easy.

But now, he had reincarnated into an apocalyptic wasteland where he could not even eat his fill.

He couldn't possibly be an idol singer in such an apocalyptic world, right?

Therefore, the Purple talent, Singing Vocals, was rather useless.

He continued scanning.

The other initial talents were either Gray or White.

Only the Blue talent was not bad.

Although it was not the most ideal combat ability enhancement talent in the apocalyptic wasteland, it could more or less be considered a survival skill.

"Mark, I choose Spiritual Light!"

[Ding… Congratulations on obtaining the Spiritual Light Talent!]

[Origin Force, Hundredfold Talent Enhancement triggered. The talent effect you have will increase by 100 times!]

[Your talent, Spiritual Light Emergence, has been transformed into a Gold talent, Infinite Deduction, after being enhanced by the Origin Force by a hundred times.]

[Infinite Deduction (Gold): You can deduce infinitely through known information and occasionally predict the future. The speed and efficiency of deduction are related to the brainpower of the possessor of the talent and the abundance of known information. The accuracy can reach 100%!]

Seeing the notification that suddenly popped up, Li Yueming was stunned in the Reincarnation Space.


Origin Force, Hundredfold Talent Enhancement.

What was this?

He had never heard of it before!

He had been waiting for the benefits of being a transmigrator for 18 years.

Now, he was preparing to rely on himself.

He did not expect the cheat to come so suddenly!

Comments 6

  1. Offline
    The writing and grammar aren't bad, the idea is so cliché that I can read about 10 of the same works in my head. If the author returns it in an original way, it might become Interesting, but I don't have much hope.
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    1. Offline
      Fellow friend, you need to have hope. That is the reason why dive into every novel we see, with the hope that we will find a good one...
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      1. Offline
        "Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs suffering until there is nothing left but an empty shell"
        — God Unknown
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        1. Offline
          The man keeps working endlessly with a vision on his mind, with a hope that he will achieve what he wants. The mother cares for her ill child with the hope that he will get better. The innocent girl was abducted and raped, but she tries to maintain her mind with the hope that she will escape. The drowning man keeps struggling to breath with the hope that he will get saved. The army was demolished because their general was killed and their hope was lost. Hope prolongs suffering but can also creates miracles. The same as everything in this world, it is an double edged sword which depends on our intention.
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          1. Offline
            We got a philosophy showdown going on here. That aside, very well said brother, for what is this life for us in this painful world if we cannot even hope for better days to come?
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      2. Offline
        As of now after reading a ton of this type of novel there is no concept of hope for me. I am just addicted to reading such novel while waiting for chapters of the ongoing good novels. crybaby
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