
Basic Information

Official Rankings

1. Academy trainee

2. Genin

3. Chunin

4. Elite Chunin

5. Special Jounin

6. Jounin

7. Elite Jounin

8. Kage

Anbu : Anbu have no fixed rank. They can be anything from a Chunnin (elites among Chunnin) to an Elite Jounin.

Elite Chunin : Not a canon rank. Will be given to elites among chunins in this fanfic.

Special Jounins : They are Elite Chunins that have one skill at Jounin level.

Jutsu ranking levels :

Rank E - Academy level

Rank D - Genin level

Rank C, B - Chunin level

Rank A - Jounin level

Rank S - Elite Jounin level

Comments 3

  1. Offline
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  2. Offline
    After reading it up to the early 500s, it feels more like jonin are B-to-A ranks while Elite Jonin are mostly-A-but-some-S ranks
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  3. Offline
    not sure about "special" jonin as specialists tend to apply skills far and beyond norm on a single area of expertise. usually higher rank than an all rounder generalist. if they can perform a single jonin skill well enough, then they tend to meet the standards of a jonin anyway as the chakra amount requirements are met.
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