
Chapter 262

Victoria's suggestion to prove my innocence by dealing with Balmonga myself.

“Keke... I have no choice. I hate troublesome things, but... it seems I have to show my skills.”

Outwardly, I acted as if I had no choice, but my thoughts were quite the opposite.

Not only would I get through Area 3 without any penalties, but I’d also get to deal with Balmonga and monopolize the experience points.

My appetite was whetted. At the same time, I felt a surge of emotion.

‘After all this suffering, I finally get a break.’

I had been acquiring skills that were practically garbage, rolling around, getting trampled on, beaten up, and even bitten and kicked by the animals I was raising.

The days had been so tough that my tastes had changed(?).


Maybe because it was my first time taking an easy way out, my body found it hard to accept.

My tongue involuntarily slipped out and licked my lips.

“Ooh, that snake-like demeanor and speech. You've finally decided to betray. Yes, go ahead and betray. Let's slaughter those vile humans together!”

Balmonga’s words urging me to backstab.

Victoria gripped her whip tightly, ready to defend herself.

Want me to betray? Fine, I’ll do it as much as you want.


At my shout, both Balmonga and Victoria flinched.

Pointing my finger at Balmonga, I continued.

“To attempt to sow discord! Such a vile demon! I, Zero, a pure and innocent young man from the countryside, with no relation to demons, will never forgive you!”

Pure, innocent, and naive.

These three words symbolized me.

They were words that didn’t suit a demon at all, and Balmonga screamed.

“To describe yourself with such horrid words! You weren’t one of us after all!”

“Keke, I’ve told you from the beginning, haven't I?”

“It was my mistake to trust just your appearance. To think you deceived me! Humans are truly an untrustworthy race!”

Was his blood pressure rising? Balmonga clutched the back of his neck.

I flashed a smile at Victoria.

‘Did I do well? Can you trust me now?’ my smile seemed to say.

“...Show me with actions, not words.”

“Keke, I’ll take care of this quickly.”

The event story was sorted out, so now all that was left was to win the battle.

I calmly surveyed the battlefield.

‘Originally, there should have been seven fire bugs...’

Currently, there were only two fire bugs on the battlefield.

‘Holy power is indeed terrifying.’

The battle in Area 3 started at turn 13. Now, turn 18 had just begun.

Five fire bugs disappeared between turns 13 and 17, meaning Victoria eliminated one fire bug per turn.

Just the fact that she could use holy power gave her the destructive power equivalent to a Legendary-grade character.

Even considering the ‘demon’ restriction, it was an utterly broken power.

‘I need to get a cleric for our party too...’

I wasn't sure if it would be possible because of my traits.

The power to not only make demons feel familiar but also to make them mistakenly think I was on their side.

If a cleric didn't jump at me to perform an exorcism, it would be a relief.

‘Focus. Recruiting allies comes later. Taking down that guy is the priority.’

Anyway, all we had to deal with were Balmonga and two fire bugs.

Balmonga would disappear at turn 22.

I had only 5 turns left, including this turn, but that was enough time to take him down.

Shwooo- Boom!

A mana bullet flew from somewhere, and the fire bug in front of me met a tragic end.

‘No need to worry about the fire bugs.’

Rezé would take care of the remaining one.

Grateful that Rezé killed the fire bug instead of me, I moved forward.

“Luna, draw his attention from outside his attack range. I’ll go in and finish him off.”

“Why? Why not fight together?”

“He controls fire. Leave this to me.”

As I said earlier, Balmonga’s gimmick deals 20% of a character's max health.

After battles in Areas 1 and 2, Luna's health had decreased by about 30%.

Balmonga's attack was a problem, but considering the second gimmick, it was a dangerous figure.

‘Even if her health hits 0, she won’t die but will faint... I need to take her to the end. The important one is Mabelga in Area 4.’

Perhaps my thoughts were conveyed well.

Luna, who was rolling her eyes, spoke up.

“Well, fine. But I’m taking down the next one.”

“Keke, I’ll be counting on you, Luna.”

“Be careful! Fire is dangerous for you too!”

With those words, Luna dashed forward.

To be precise, in the direction opposite me. Quite a distance from Balmonga.

“Hey, you! The one who looks just like Zero!”

“Calling me by such a compliment. There are indeed good humans...”

Balmonga grinned happily.

To think I looked just like a guy with tentacles on his face.

I was genuinely curious about how people in this world saw my face.

It was then Balmonga turned around and made eye contact with me.

“You think I’d let you go? You vile human! Take this!”


Balmonga’s gimmick and skill, [Fire Field], activated.

Luna wasn’t the only one with reduced health from the previous battles. I was in the same boat.


“Damn it...! Get out! It’s dangerous!”

Flames engulfed me, showing no signs of extinguishing.



I only chuckled pleasantly.

Balmonga was horrified seeing this.

“Wh-what! How...!”

What do you mean how? Haven’t you ever seen someone laugh in flames?

‘Well, it could be the first time.’

Balmonga’s [Fire Field] was a fire-type spell.

This meant that magic resistance or elemental resistance could reduce its damage.

But now, it was just early-mid in the second chapter.

The available skills, mysteries, and titles for magic resistance or elemental resistance were very few.

Not to mention, there was none available at the Academy.

I wouldn’t have obtained any either. If it wasn’t for ‘that guy.’

[Scorching Alert]

Fire Attribute Resistance +30

The demon who attacked the Academy.

The title obtained by killing the Fourth-grade demon Bineus.

‘Scorching Alert’ is one of the top-tier resistance titles available in the fourth chapter.

So a lower-level demon’s flames like Balmonga’s? They wouldn’t hurt.

[You have taken damage from ‘Fire Field.’]

[Your fire resistance is high.]

[2% of your max health is depleted.]

[Turn 19]

[Demon of Water, Mabelga, has appeared in Area 4.]


I walked towards Balmonga, my body engulfed in flames.

Balmonga’s eyes filled with terror. How did he see me now?

As a human? A strange guy? Or.

A Great Demon?

“Th-that’s impossible...!”

What’s so impossible?

I have places to be, so let’s end this quickly.

Lester Family Style, First Secret Skill.

One Flash.


“I've acquired the Oath Stone! Everyone, great job! With this, Luna’s love will be eternal!”

“We’ve defeated the villainess! Hooray!”

“Hooray for the Love Aid Club! Hooray for Luna!”

The girls belonging to the Yuridia faction gathered and cheered.

“Cough, cough!”

Someone crawled out from their feet.

It was Yuridia, the leader of one of the major factions of the Advanced Class and a girl known as a genius of magic.

“To think the Love Aid Club would be so merciless against anyone threatening love, even the president... I’m truly amazed, even though I founded it myself.”

Caught up in the absurd accusation that she was trying to take Luna’s place next to Zero, Yuridia was only released after writing a pledge not to date Zero.

“It’s quite humiliating to be briefly misunderstood as a villainess, but... it’s fine. The important thing is Luna’s love.”

Yuridia was willing to endure such humiliation if it meant protecting Luna’s love.

In the distance, she saw the backs of Luna and Zero.

Holding hands and moving forward, they always looked like a perfect couple.

Well, Zero was slightly annoying, though.

“The crisis of love seems to have been overcome by my power... but the problem is the demon.”

Yuridia stood on tiptoes to survey the battlefield.

Seeing the clash of holy power and flames, it seemed a demon had appeared in Area 3.

But there was no need to worry about that place. Not only because it was filled with clerics who were the nemesis of demons...

‘Zero is heading there.’

Moreover, Zero had Luna and Rezé with him. Each of them was a top-tier combatant.

There was no need to worry. So then.


Once again on tiptoes, Yuridia placed her hand on her forehead like a visor and looked toward Area 4.

People were just dots from this distance, but it seemed calm.

It didn’t look like a demon attack. However.

‘I should head to Area 4.’

Area 4 housed students who were part of the Teron faction, the Yuridia faction, the Victoria faction, or were unaffiliated.

They were essentially the neutral faction within the Advanced Class.

‘It’s a good opportunity to leave a positive impression on the neutral faction, as well as providing protection.’

Having made up her mind, Yuridia lowered her tiptoes.

“Alfonso, pick five uninjured people.”

“Huh? Is something wrong?”

“We need to go support Area 4.”

“But... it’s dangerous to leave our assigned area without a commander. There's also the possibility of another demon attack.”

Alfonso was right. Leaving the assigned area without a commander’s orders was like desertion.

It could even be punishable under military law.

Moreover, this defense battle was tied to their midterm scores.

“There could be issues with the scores, but their lives are more important. Besides, it’s a good chance to make a positive impression on the neutral faction.”

“Th-that’s true, but...”

“Most importantly, we have you, Alfonso. I trust you can handle things if a demon shows up.”

Alfonso couldn’t help but be moved.

As Yuridia’s right-hand man, he was often compared to Daike, Teron’s right-hand man.

‘To think she trusted me this much...’

Alfonso, wiping away his tears, spoke.

“Don’t worry about here and go. I’ll protect it no matter what.”

Alfonso quickly selected five excellent magicians, and Yuridia headed to Area 4 with them.


“Th-the Crimson Witch!”

“Who dares call me a witch!”

As soon as they arrived in Area 4, Alex and Raymon greeted them.

No, Raymon insulted her rather than greeting...

‘That’s just how he is. Don’t bother reacting, reacting means losing...’

Yuridia responded by pulling both of Raymon’s cheeks.

“So, why are you here?”

“To help. It seems a demon might show up.”

“Thanks. It’s kind of you to help out despite the risk. You’re really nice, Yuridia.”

“Hmph! Such praise means nothing. I’m just doing my duty as a noble.”

Yuridia turned her head and scoffed.

Alex. He was an oddly charming boy.

Just talking to him made her feel at ease.

‘Could this be... love?’

Yuridia, who had read many romance novels but never experienced love, often felt confused when she met Alex.

But lately, she wasn’t as confused.

‘No, it can’t be love. Look at Luna.’

Always together, holding hands, smiling at each other, and being all lovey-dovey(?).

In reality, they were biting each other, but to Yuridia, with rose-colored glasses, it looked like that.

‘I’ll experience such love one day too, right?’

Yuridia was dreaming of a prince on a white horse.


Something fell from the sky, creating a large crater.

A huge demon with wings.

“Still alive? Seems my brothers are struggling more than expected.”


At the same time, the demon struck the ground with both hands. Then.


“Th-the ground is flooding!”

“To perform such a water spell without water!”

Area 4 was quickly flooded.

Yuridia realized this demon wasn’t ordinary.

“Prepare for battle! We’ll handle the demon. Protect the students!”

“Yes, ma’am. Be careful, Yuridia!”

“Alex and Raymon, assist me!”


“I-I hate water.”

Alex and Raymon were top-notch fighters even within the Advanced Class.

They wouldn’t fall easily. The problem was.


She was severely lacking in mana. The aftermath of using ‘Demon Slave’ in Area 2.

Though some mana had recovered while moving.

‘Enough for about three... no, two simple spells?’

Moreover, dealing with a water-type demon wasn’t a good match for her.

Yuridia had no choice but to make a decision.

“I have no choice. I’ll have to use ‘that.’”

Yes. It was a situation where she had to use ‘that.’

The second forbidden magic of the Rownter family.

‘Ragnarok Blade.’

--TL Notes--

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Comments 1

  1. Offline
    Chapter 261

    "Heh, heh heh. Oh, was it a misunderstanding? You should have said so earlier..."

    Rezé gave an awkward smile. But it wasn't a situation that could be brushed off with a smile.

    "You're laughing after turning me into this mess!"

    "Eek! I'm sorry!"

    My face was currently covered in bruises.

    Rezé had shot dozens of wooden shafts from her bowstring.

    The number was one thing, but her accuracy was insane. Even when I blocked with my arms, they curved and hit my face.

    As a result, my face was a disaster.

    It was hard to tell if it was a human face or a purple slime.

    "My handsome face is ruined! Take responsibility!"

    "Your face was weird from the start...?"

    "What did you say!?"

    "Eek! Don't shove your dirty face at me!"

    When told not to do something, the urge to do it grows stronger.

    I brought my face close to Rezé's and whispered.

    "Isn't it ridiculous? That I would bully Luna. If anything, it's the other way around."

    "Luna would never do that. Besides, I saw you making her cry earlier!"

    She was referring to the time we made up behind the rock.

    Even from far away, amidst the chaos, she saw everything while sniping wind bugs.

    Her battlefield awareness was incredible.


    "Excuse me?"

    "Apologize to Luna!"

    Rezé shouted in a crawling voice. Her gaze was still fixed on the ground.

    Considering Rezé's timid nature, this was a huge step forward.

    'Did this rabbit eat something bad? Why is she acting up?'

    To me, it was an insolent act.

    It seemed a mental education session was long overdue.

    "Keke, Rezé, please follow me for a moment. I have something to discuss."

    "What if I refuse?"

    "Then I'll have to take you by force."


    I grabbed Rezé by the waist.

    She tried to kick with her rabbit-like hind legs, but she was already securely tucked under my arm.

    She couldn't harm me at all.

    "Let's go. I have a delightful torture... I mean, happy torture technique I learned from Mr. Caron."

    "Both are torture!"

    "Now that you mention it, you're right. But what's important is that one can become happy."

    "How can someone be happy while being tortured?"

    "I think you misunderstood. I never said the tortured person would be happy."


    That's right. The tortured person can't be happy. Only a perverted person who finds pleasure in inflicting pain might be happy.

    And that torturer.

    "Is me. I will torture you for my happiness, Rezé."


    Rezé started screaming as she grasped the situation.

    While dragging her to a secluded place, I watched Luna's reaction.

    Hmm... At this point, Luna should be foaming at the mouth and charging at me, but she wasn't reacting.

    Does Luna also agree with the torture?


    It was then. Luna burst into loud laughter.

    Far from foaming at the mouth, she was busy laughing heartily.

    What? Is this a new attack method?

    Is she trying to catch me off guard and then suddenly attack?

    While keeping an eye on Luna, she wiped away a tear with her finger and spoke.

    "Ahaha! This is how friends should be. I'm glad you two are getting along."

    I'm dragging her for torture, and it looks like we're getting along.

    As expected, she was as strange as Rezé.

    Maybe I'm the only sane person in this world.

    "Keke, you've grown."


    "You were crying earlier, telling me not to get closer to her."

    "When did I say that!"

    "I didn't say to get closer to her than me. You idiot~."

    I mimicked Luna's voice, raising it high. Then she pounced immediately.

    "Shut up!"


    Luna twisted my neck. My neck turned about 45 degrees to the left.

    Hmm, a familiar view. I used to attend classes like this before.

    "Let's stop joking around... What are we going to do now? It looks like demons have appeared in Area 3 as well."

    Looking at the distant Area 3.

    Holy power was blazing up brilliantly.

    "Keke, of course, we should go. It's a chance to grow."

    -Moving to Area 1.

    -Move to Area 3.

    -Stay in the current zone.

    Choices given at each maintenance time. Since I had no more business here, I didn't hesitate and selected an option.

    I chose 'Move to Area 3.'

    "Wouldn't it be more helpful if a weak-willed person like me didn't go?"

    Came the Rezé's words from my side.

    I gently set her down on the ground and whispered.

    "Keke, there's a saying that when the rabbit dies, the dog gets cooked. Or, in this case, when the demon dies, the rabbit gets cooked." (TL Note: It's an ancient chinese saying (兔死狗烹), which means that, once someone's usefulness is over, they are discarded)

    "Such a terrible saying!"

    "But as you know, I am a kind person. If you achieve a great feat this time, I might 'specially' spare you. For instance... if you reach Area 3 first and secure a good sniping spot?"


    Rezé, wearing a box, sprang forward.

    She quickly melded with the surroundings, disappearing in no time. Luna mumbled as she watched.

    "Rezé seems more excited than usual."

    "It might be the opposite."


    "I mean she might be overdoing it."

    With the ongoing fight against demons, she might be losing her mind.

    Her defiance against me might be part of that.

    "It will be a good test."

    "A test? Isn't she already passing? Honestly, she’s done more than I have."

    No, she still has a long way to go. Not just her tendency to run away when attacked.

    ‘The fact that she hasn’t scored a single critical hit despite so many attacks is disappointing.’

    It’s not dissatisfaction, but a sense of regret.

    Rezé’s attacks are already powerful. If she landed a critical hit?

    ‘It would be like shooting a bomb with a gun.’

    The bugs would vanish without a trace. The same would go for the demons.

    Imagining Rezé killing ground worms and wind bugs with one shot, I realized one thing.

    ‘Hmm... I might be in that category too?’

    Cold sweat ran down my back.

    I looked around, but there was no sign of Rezé.

    It was natural, as she had blended into the natural environment with the box. She was far enough that even my [Hyper Sense] couldn’t detect her.

    ‘She might suddenly shoot me. The current Rezé is a crazy pufferfish rabbit.’

    I might just shoot!

    - I could almost hear Rezé's voice saying that.

    I quickly hid behind Luna.

    "A test... You won't kick her out if she fails, right?"

    Maybe the word ‘test’ made her anxious. Luna’s eyebrows slightly twitched.

    "No, I won’t. There’s still value in studying her. She’s too valuable to give up on."

    "Rezé isn’t a research animal. Well, as long as you're giving her more chances, that’s fine. Let’s go quickly. We need to help!"

    Luna grabbed my hand and started running.

    Luna was right. We needed to help...

    The poor demon getting beaten by Victoria.


    [Turn 17]

    As soon as we reached Area 3, a hologram window popped up, forcibly stopping our actions.

    We had cleared Area 2 in Turn 16.

    Turn 17 was entirely consumed by moving, so it was natural to be halted.

    ‘We can only act from Turn 18.’

    The problem was that the demon in Area 3, Balmonga, would disappear on Turn 22.

    This meant we had at most 5 turns to act.

    It might seem like a tight schedule, but the reality was different.

    "Argh! You filthy humans!"

    The demon Balmonga in Area 3 was busy screaming.

    It was to be expected. The team in charge of Area 3 was from the Holy Kingdom, specifically Victoria’s faction. They followed the goddess Gaia, who loved violence.

    There was no way a weak(?) demon could withstand it.

    "Die! Fire Field!"

    Fire Field. This was Balmonga's gimmick.

    Each turn, it deals damage to a radius of 10 tiles around it. It inflicts 20% of a character's max health in fire damage.

    Since it was fire magic, its damage could be reduced with magic resistance or attribute resistance, but in the early stage of Chapter 2, no one had such resistance.

    As the battlefield blazed, the children started screaming one by one.

    "Ugh! The flames again!"

    "Oh goddess!"

    "Heal each other!"

    The children began to heal one another.

    The Victoria faction consisted entirely of priests who could use the healing skill [Healing].

    And this was the reason Balmonga was suffering.

    "Argh! You dirty scum! How are you any different from cockroaches?"

    Balmonga cried out, pounding the ground.

    It was understandable. The priests' health hadn't decreased even a bit from 100%.

    [Turn 18]

    "Huh? Zero? And Luna?"

    Victoria noticed us as we entered Turn 18.

    "Keke, we've come to help."

    "I see. It looks like things are settled over there?"

    "More or less. There are some injured, but the priests you sent should be able to handle it."

    "Oh~ Hohoho! As expected of me. You must admit, my foresight was brilliant, wasn't it?"

    Victoria lifted her face, letting out her characteristic laugh.

    Well, let's go with that. Thanks to Victoria's decision, the children weren't dying, as per the game's story.

    The problem now is...

    "May I assist you?"

    "There's no need. I don't want my achievements to be stolen."

    It meant it wasn't easy to intervene in Victoria's fight. The Victoria faction alone could kill the demon.

    To get involved in this fight, we needed to:

    [1. Offer Victoria a reward.]

    [You must give up the highest-grade item your party currently holds.]

    [2. Defeat the demon without negotiating.]

    [Victoria's faction's favorability towards your party will drop significantly.]

    We had to pay one of these prices.

    For reference, I was thinking of choosing option 2.

    The highest-grade item our party had was Luna’s ‘Spirit’s Breath.’

    'If I recklessly give away the item Caron gave us, I might have to give up my life too.'

    Although it would be troublesome to become enemies with Victoria's faction, it wasn't more important than my life.

    Just as I was about to choose option 2.

    "Help me! Not them, help me!"

    Victoria’s eyes widened. It wasn't a human voice.

    "A demon...?"

    Yes, it was the fire demon Balmonga who had spoken. He was shouting for help.

    And the person he was asking for help from was...


    It was me.

    It seemed my skills were causing another problem.

    "Such good energy. Keke, it's comparable to ours."


    "You must have been hiding in the human world, waiting for an opportunity. Now is the time! Join me and let's crush these damn humans!"

    Luna scratched the back of her head and gave me a look.

    'Is it you again?'

    -That's what her eyes were saying. Something similar had happened with the demon's shard before, so it was bothersome but understandable.

    Of course.

    "A demon acting friendly! Zero, did you make a pact with the demon?"

    Victoria was different. She summoned her holy power.

    She was ready to purify me at any moment.

    "Keke, how could that be possible."

    "You seem pretty close."

    Close? Sure. We’ve met thousands of times in the game.

    "That's impossible. Keke, Balmonga. Just the name itself is terrifying."

    "...I don't think the demon mentioned his name since you arrived. Do you know him?"

    Oops. Did he not?

    "Keke, of course not. I just mistook him for someone I know."


    "Luna. The names sound similar, so I got confused."


    When our Luna gets mad, she looks just like that.

    Look, see how she’s glaring at me? Doesn't she look exactly like a demon?

    "Sigh... I don't want to suspect you, Zero, but this is too suspicious."

    "Keke, it’s just a misunderstanding. Don’t you think the demon is trying to deceive us with lies?"

    "A misunderstanding... Yes, that could be. But in case there's a slight chance... you need to prove it."

    Victoria took a step closer and whispered to me.

    "Kill that demon yourself. Then your innocence will be naturally proven."

    A new option was added to the two choices floating in front of me.

    [3. Kill the demon yourself to prove your innocence.]

    [Victoria’s favorability towards you will increase.]

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