
Xia Feng's destined women

Hello, This is InsanelyParanoid...

Ah, fuck this. This is your bruh, The young Paranoid! First time doing this auxiliary chapter/volume so if I fuck up, then flame MJAgo. Hum hum~~

So we shall make a list of Xia Feng's destined women!

Let's start with EROSSU BOOK as we have only one(not anymore) lady here:

Ahrisha... - Fluffy and that's it. She small beauty with huge package above, ya know ya know what I mean yeahhh. She ain't human, but water spirit! Hah... so she looks like human, but have abilities related to water! Hum hum, that's how it is... Yes... yes... OH! I forgot... she has three zeros in her age! AHahha~!

Scarlet - Fluffy and that's it. She is definitely taller than Ahrisha! She is red haired lady whose hair is wild and long! From Raging Fire Horses Tribe, she is fluffy and cute lady! Her proportions polished by erossu are sof and fluffy! Indeed!

Earis - Fluffy and that's it. She is shorter than Scarlet, her green hair short as well. Earth Cultivator, she is born from the nature itself. Her dispostion is that of calm and obedient lady, but erossu opens good path full of cute shouts for her.

Ame - Erossu water lady

Meli - erossu water queen

Ziyan - erossu fire lady - fire fairy

Natalia - erossu earth lady 

Carale - erossu alchemist


Li Miae... - Fluffy Young Girl... and that's it? Is it enough? No? Godddddd.... She is from village, found the inheritance luckily! It's called Red Lotus Cultivation and it's quite dope~~ She will become as beautiful as the most finest red lotus! HOH! As she is from village where everyone supports and treasures each other, she is friendly and cares about relationships! Fluffy! Ah, she is the same age as my grandson.

Su Aya... - Fluffy Chef! .... Cooking Cultivation... She is main chef of Sous Sect... and as she is chef.. she obviously has meat here... and here... Yeah... Umm... Cooking Cultivation is quite dope as well, yeah. You eat and get stronger? Heavens! Older than Xia Feng by at least... twenty years old... She is usually strict around everyone, but Xia Feng grows more fond in her heart so yeah! Hoh! Alright, enough here.

Gu Zexi... - Fluffy Bold Lady I would say. It takes something to jump into male public bath as woman, right? Of course, she stopped that as she lost her flower to Xia Feng and he made her feel the power of erossu cultivation. She has nice talent, so she thinks highly of herself bla bla bla and if she would focus on her cultivation more then she would be good shit strong lady, but fear not. With Xia Feng around she will be good good shit alright. Cultivation > Dissipating Steam Cultivation... Steam here, steam here. So hot, her steamy breath will make you hot af. Pfff, just kidding. Those are reserved for Xia Feng only. Sorry bruh. Oh age... Two years older, right? I don't really care, it's cultivation world after all.

Yi Yaoyao - Fluffy Inexperienced Lady who got caught by Erossu Destiny when Gu Zexi, bold one, went for the D at the tea party! Hoh! Erossu! She became interested in Erossu because of Du Shung and we can only thank this pervert as she has one fine long legs and booty! Hoh! Her cultivation method will be ***** now. WELL! I have plans, dw. One of young prodigies like Gu Zexi... There is student/master relationship for now, but ya know me alright. Hoh... Should I add that I like her name fucking much? Yaoyayo! Yaoyayo!

Mu Yi! - Fluffy Overreacting Lady. Cultivation > Jasmine Fragrance Cultivation! Because of that, she has sharp little nose and we know what happened already. She got too much of Erossu Fragnance, thinking that the destined one appeared. Of course, Xia Feng ain't destined one, but she is fine lady so ya know me alright. Hoh! She also has white hair, one of this author favourites... Hoh! Because of her overracting nature, she will push down Xia Feng... Hmmm, should I add that her mother has it as well? Ya know... Similar cultivation method... similar disposition... HOH!

Klim - Fluffy Cat! White cat at the beginning, but now, the evolution has began. With Black Panther's beast core and 'Black Pantha Cultivation', she got black tail and paws! Cute, naive but polite. The human form will appear in the near future. Likes cold milk at the afternoons, then hot, special milk to sleep after! The Erossu Evolution is mystery so we shall stop it. Ah, she is twenty years old. Hoh!

Xia Xiu - Fluffy Grandma! After her son left the sect, she began living in solitude, then meet Xia Feng accidentally. Destiny does its job, Boom Boom! Explosions arise! Blood ties become tightened, the love and home warmth spreads further and we have the beauty all new, all ready for new life. HOH! This young Paranoid also should add that he likes Xiu names very much! Xiu'er sounds too cute I feel like.. like I should ask destiny for favor. The cultivation is ahhh Earth Hand's Cultivation method and she is one hundred... twenty years old. HOH! What else? I don't fucken know. Maybe let's add that her ass made Xia Feng step fully onto the road of erossu cultivation? Oh shiet, the bottom that gives comprehension... Mah Yaoyao must fight hard in the future as she also has nice one. (Spoiler - At the end of vol 2 it is unrevealed they aren't really blood connected! Is this the power of the erossu?)

Xia Luan - Fluffy Mother. She wants to live long, thus, we have our relationship! The reason she wants, so that she can see experience her son's growth with her very eyes! Every mother wants to see their sons at the top! Of course, she also experience her son's growth with her body... Heh. (Spoiler - At the end of vol 2 it is unrevealed they aren't really blood connected! Is this the power of the erossu?)

Bu Yuni - Fluffy Hard Working Commoner - She works in mission department where it's important to look good? Why? Think about it, fool. Anyway, she has good looks, body and a lot information from their common's network.... Information is the key! Wanna know why? Read... Yeah, go read. I am lazy to write more. I am sorry, I am sorry~~!

Lilimoon - Fluffy Dragon - Oh, Lilimoon! She is fluffy dragon! Her power and talents are too good, so she has a lot of attention from her dragon tribe. This ended up with her loving freedom! She is cheerful and cute dragon that our Xia Feng met on his road! They ended up working together and boom, surprise! Wanna know more? Read! I am sorry, I am sorry...


And now, I am just going to introduce in a fast mode!

Qing Lianhue - Blue Lotus lady~~

Princess Rine - Black Mist/Cloud Cultivator from the lesser realm

Ruria - Red Qi/ Demon Cultivator

Hiri - that white light cultivator ya know

Karcja - servant/guide of the reincarnation emperor

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