
Chapter 1: Just a Little Bump on the Road

A few minutes after a man breathed his last, his eyes snapped open like a light that had been switched on.

A pained expression could be seen in the man's face as sudden and foreign memories surged directly into his mind.

After a minute that felt like an eternity, a glint could be seen in the man's eye.


Nile was in his second semester in his first year as a college student. He was boarding a room, one block across from the University.

With heavy traffic, the road was full of luxury cars, trucks, bikes and other kinds of road vehicles. The broken traffic light causes the people to jaywalk across the street, resulting in the traffic to become even heavier. The street was noisy as the honking and engine sounds from all kinds of road vehicles overlapped with each other.

Unlike the other students that hang out after class, Nile would go home immediately. He was using his jaywalking skill to the maximum as he crossed the road that was scooped with all kinds of road vehicles. Only a little more and he would be able to reach the other end of the street. But, life was such an unpredictable bitch, an accident actually happened right at that moment. 

He suddenly steps on one of his untied shoelaces, causing him to stumble right in front of the bumper of this slow-moving six-wheeled dump truck.

Due to the elevated driver seat, the driver did not notice that somebody was right under his truck. And thus he continued to drive the truck slowly in this heavy traffic. A mere plop could then be heard as Nile's body came into contact with the truck's front wheel. Due to the heavy noises, the driver didn't hear the sound clearly and only felt that the truck raised a little. The driver shrugged his shoulder nonchalantly and said, 'Maybe just a little bump on the road'.


Opening his eyes, Nile finds himself in a dimly lit room, the slight illumination of the sun from the outside was what kept the place to be slightly recognisable.

Sudden and foreign memories then suddenly jolted into his mind, causing him unbearable pain in the head. After a minute that felt like an eternity of suffering, he realises that he was no longer on his own world but in another world that was experiencing a Zombie Apocalypse.

He was just about to inspect himself, but a sudden ache on his stomach and the feelings of hunger suddenly flooded his mind.

Based on the memories he got, this body, that 'coincidentally' has the same name as him, 'Nile' has been starving for months already. The only thing that has been keeping him from living was water, but it so happens that he had already finished his water rations, causing his body and mind to collapse a few days after his water ration runs out.

Based on the memory that inherited', there was a small grocery store three houses away from where he is right now. However, because of cowardice, the former 'Nile' didn't even dare to go outside and left himself starving until he was famished.

Sitting up slowly, he finds his body devoid of energy. It can barely move and feels dry. But maybe because of the effect of his transmigration he was able to slowly gather some miniscule energy. Minutes later, he stood up and lifted the curtain that was covering the window. 

Sudden sunlight pierces his eyes as he instinctively closes them as a reflex. After a while, his eyes had already adjusted to the light so he slowly opened to take a look outside for the first time in person.

Glancing outside, across the street, he could see the so-called zombies walking limply without aim. Due to the distance, he couldn't see them clearly. All he could see was that even though the zombies are walking limply, they certainly have more energy than the current he has.

He moved his head and took a glance to the other side, and there, he saw the small grocery store just three houses away. He could see that the store's door was opened widely enough for a person to fit in without a problem.

A glint could be seen reflecting his eyes as he motivated himself to go there and fetch some food. However he knew the fact that he could not go there recklessly, lest he got eaten by those zombies outside.

After counting, he concluded that there are six zombies limply walking across the street in total. There are also some other bodies lying here and there across the road, some are even twitching like a worm. Seeing this, Nile even had the urge to vomit, fortunately, because of his empty stomach, there's nothing to vomit out.

He thought for a moment and guessed that those bodies lying on the street must also be zombies that had been crippled or either killed by other people when the apocalypse started two months ago. He could only assume them as it is.

Because of the cowardice of the previous Nile, he didn't even dare to glance outside after watching the news broadcast and hearing the commotion outside two months ago.

It's lucky that before the apocalypse started, the former 'Nile' bought some food supplies that enabled him to last for a month, and another month due to the water.

He turned his head back and could only endure the hunger that he feels as he inspected the room. 

The room was sizable and based on the standards of his previous world, this room could now be considered as a big one.. It has its own bathroom, refrigerator, a little space for the kitchen wares, a single space bed, a small table, a flat-screen T.V. and more. In his opinion, he can now even consider this as a small house.


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Comments 5

  1. Offline
    + 00 -
    Why does this remind me of that one novel “Apocalypse cockroach “ I think is the name
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  2. Offline
    Omnis Ra
    + 50 -
    Wait he has been starving for months and there is a grocery store across the street. You know after so long the food will be gone by other survivors and anything else would be spoiled
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    1. Offline
      + 41 -
      It seems that logic is not friendly with this story...
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      1. Offline
        + 10 -
        Or with the mc predecessor
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    2. Offline
      + 00 -
      A month, it said it like 3 times
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