
Chapter 1: Yanhuang Star

Yanhuang Star, Yangzhou District, City of Skywater, Whitesand District.

95th Middle School, Class 12, a young man in white clothes is sitting in the last position, looking at Yanhuang Star’s history book blankly. Mouth murmured: “Is Xia Ping an earthly person or a Yanhuang star person? Is this really a dream?”

At this point, his eyes showed confusion.

He Xia Ping was originally an ordinary student of Yanhuang star, no different from the others, but just three days ago, suddenly a purple thunder and lightning struck the sky and he fell into a coma on the spot.

After he woke up, he was shocked to find a strange and familiar memory in his mind. In this memory, he seemed to be a person from the earth. He has experienced more than 30 years from birth, school, reading, love, work, marriage and childbirth. He died in a car accident in the last year of his life.

In these three days, the memories of Yanhuang Star and the earth have collided and merged with each other, which caused Xia Ping to have a splitting headache, look confused, not sure where he was, and even trance in class.

However, this memory fusion is not without benefits, and the pain is not for nothing. This makes his head more flexible and his memory becomes very powerful. A lot of things can be understood as soon as he thinks about it, and he is no longer as laborious as before.

“Have you heard? Five months, you only have five months.”

A young woman is standing on the podium in the classroom, wearing a women’s suit, outlines a perfect figure, the arc on it is extremely amazing, her face is beautiful, her white face is wearing a pair of black frame glasses, showing intellectual charm, She is definitely an extremely beautiful elder sister, who has made countless men bewildered.

She is Qiuxue, Xia Ping’s head teacher, known as Qiu Sister, who possesses unfathomable martial arts skills.

“Five months later, it will be the time for the college entrance examination. That is a watershed in your life.”

Qiuxue, the teacher in charge of the class, looked at the students below with her beautiful eyes, full of spirit: “Is it hard to get admitted to university or graduate to work? You must all consider these things now. I will send out a questionnaire and write Your future life plans are not allowed to write to me, you know?”

“Teacher, I only have the cultivation base of Third Level of Martial Disciple. Isn’t it difficult to get into college with such grades?” a female student stood up and asked.

“This result is very ordinary.”

Qiuxue, the head teacher, nodded: “If you want to go to a first-class university, it is impossible, but you can sprint to a third-rate university. Of course, if you want to work immediately, you can also make money to support your family.

Because there is a large shortage of workers in society, you can choose to work in the company. During the working period, you obtained a lot of money, bought various monster meat, took various elixir, and slowly improved your martial arts cultivation. In the future, you might be able to become a real martial artist, with a monthly income of over 10,000, and a worry-free life.”

If Xia Ping were from the earth, he would definitely be confused about the conversation between these two people, and completely at a loss, but he has his own memory on Yanhuang Star, and he naturally knows that Yanhuang Star is completely different from the earth, because it is martial art and A world where technology is extremely prosperous.

Originally, Yanhuang Star is actually the same as the Earth. It’s just a bit larger, about a hundred times the size of the Earth. There are hundreds of countries around it. It has also evolved from the slave age, the feudal age, and the capitalist age of modern society. With the rapid development of science and technology, martial arts have been ignored.

But the change took place a thousand years ago, when a black hole suddenly appeared over the calm Yanhuang Star, and strange black gas was ejected from it, and it spread all over the Yanhuang Star at once.

“The weird black gas contains a terrible virus. Until now, no one knows what the principle of the virus is, but there is no doubt that it is extremely terrible.”

Xia Ping looked at the history book: “The entire Yanhuang star fell into a huge disaster overnight, and 50% of the population died. All human beings with weak constitutions are dead.

Even because of this virus, the animals and plants on Yanhuang Star have undergone crazy mutations, each becoming powerful and incomparable, invulnerable to weapons, and difficult to kill with guns, even with missile bombing.

Moreover, these monsters were irrational, bloodthirsty and cruel. Countless humans died tragically in the hands of these monsters, and their population was suddenly reduced by 40%, which is known as the era of catastrophe.”

But if it was just like this, Xia Ping would not be born. Although these viruses were terrifying, they made the animals evolve crazily, but they also allowed the humans on the Yanhuang Star to get huge benefits and evolve their bodies one by one.

At the same time, the Yanhuang Star frequently experienced earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, unexpectedly appeared one after another ultra-ancient ruins, from these ultra-ancient ruins, humans discovered some martial arts techniques handed down from ancient times.

These martial arts techniques can actually allow humans to get more powerful evolution. Hundred-step magic fists, picking leaves and killing people, walking in the void, using one enemy to one hundred, opening mountains and cracking rocks, fisting mountains and rivers, changing heaven and earth, etc. have become reality, even if humans do not rely on weapons He can also stand alone against those terrifying monsters and become a superman.

Moreover, some ultra-ancient relics not only possess powerful and complete martial arts techniques, but also possess incomparably advanced technology. These things are digested and absorbed by humans at once, and their strength greatly increases.

“With the relic technology and martial arts techniques, mankind’s strength has greatly increased, and they began to counter the mutated monsters and conquered a human city. After hundreds of years, they finally became the overlord of the Yanhuang star again, ruling the entire planet, and at the same time the country unified, Established the federal government, divided into nine regions.”

Xia Ping flipped through the history books: “500 years ago, when mankind had no worries about survival on the Yanhuang Star, the federal government began to send countless human powers to explore black holes and want to know the source of the catastrophe.

However, they did not discover the cause of the cataclysm, but found that the other side of the black hole was an extremely vast world, which humans named Yunxiao.

I don’t know how many times the area of ​​that world is larger than the Yanhuang Star, how many times its aura is rich, there are countless treasures of heaven and earth, and it is also very suitable for human survival.

With the vast resources of the Yunxiao realm, the science and technology of Yanhuang has been rapidly developed. Today, five hundred years later, it has become a world where martial arts and science and technology are extremely prosperous. Everyone is a martial arts expert and respects martial arts.”

The same is true for Xia Ping’s school. Almost every student on Yanhuang Star is obligated to practice, and even becomes the content of the exam. If it is not strong enough, it will not be able to go to university at all, and it is even hard to survive.

Now he is a student in the third year of high school, facing the college entrance examination, being able to enter a good university is of great significance to any student. This represents better resources, better practice methods, and even better life.


After reading this history, Xia Ping’s eyes became firm immediately: “Forget it, it’s useless to think so much. Whether I’m Xia Ping on the earth or Xia Ping on the Yanhuang star, I’m just me, unique in the world. In which world, I have to live a wonderful life!”

After thinking about this, he felt that the symptoms of his head pain seemed to have completely disappeared, and there was no more obstruction. The memory of the sudden awakening and the memory of the present, no longer distinguished from each other, were completely integrated.

At this moment, there was a metallic sound in my mind, without any emotions——

“Ding, the soul fusion is complete, and the super hatred system binds the host.”

Xia Ping blinked his eyes: “Super Hatred System?!” He hasn’t recovered from the memory of another person, and now there is another weird system. What is it.

“Host, this system specializes in attracting hatred. As long as the host can get the hatred value, he can redeem pills, treasures of heaven and earth, and even peerless techniques in the mall of this system.

Xia Ping asked, “What is this hatred value?”

“The so-called hatred value is the negative emotions of the creatures. As long as the host can cause the negative emotions of other creatures, it can obtain the hatred value. The more the opponent hates the host and the stronger the strength, the more hatred the host can obtain. The level of hatred is also divided into Taunt, hateful, despising, Producing Killing Intent, Irreconcilable, etc.”

“Pull hatred?!”

Xia Ping looked speechless. How could this system feel so pitted? If hatred was everywhere, wouldn’t he become a target of public criticism, even a mouse crossing the street, everyone shouting and beating? ! I am afraid that he will be worse than demon.

And what kind of heavenly materials can be exchanged for this hatred value, and the secrets of the exercises, is this true or false? He hadn’t seen the real thing, and he couldn’t believe the voice that suddenly appeared in his mind.

“It doesn’t matter if you want to take a college entrance examination. If you want to graduate and go to work, it doesn’t matter. This is your life. The teacher can’t help you choose, but the teacher has to say that you must never regret the decision and move forward straight.”

At this time, Qiuxue, the head teacher on the podium, asked the female student to sit down, and then she shouted loudly, pouring chicken soup for the soul.

“Yes, teacher!” shouted a group of students.

Qiuxue frowned because she noticed that a student in the class seemed absent-minded. This person was Xia Ping. She asked, “Xia Ping, get up and talk about your future plans?”


Xia Ping knew immediately that he must have been stared at by the teacher absent-mindedly.

This class teacher is a new teacher who has only worked for half a year. She is not an old fried dough stick who has been teaching for decades. She usually has a sense of responsibility and often urges students who are not serious in class.

Originally, he wanted to say casually that taking a third-rate university would be finished, but he suddenly thought, why not take this opportunity to try this super hatred system is it true.

Thinking of this, Xia Ping stood up and immediately said: “I want to apply for Yanhuang University.”

What? !

All the students in the class, including the head teacher Qiuxue, were confused.

What is Yanhuang University? It is the best university on the entire Yanhuang Star. It was founded by countless martyrs of mankind. There have been many martial artists. Graduates of Yanhuang University are from all walks of life. Some are company presidents and some serve as military There are more than a dozen generals, marshals, etc., and even federal presidents.

It can be said that everyone who can enter Yanhuang University is a humane talent.

In the entire Ninety-Five Middle School, there are no more than five eligible to apply for Yanhuang University, and there may not be one that can be admitted to Yanhuang University every year.

If you can get one, the whole school will have to hang up banners, celebrate three days and three nights, send a message to notify each parent, and even each student will receive a chicken leg.

And Xia Ping is just an ordinary student. The cultivation level of Wuzu Sanzhongtian is hard enough to enter a third-rate university, let alone Yanhuang University.

Now this kid dares to say that he wants to apply for Yanhuang University. Isn’t this crazy? !

“Xia Ping, are you serious?” Because Xia Ping’s answer was too scary, Qiuxue, the head teacher, did not continue to blame the other party for not being serious in class, but felt a little embarrassed.

Xia Ping nodded and said, “Yes, five months later, I want to be admitted to Yanhuang University and become a martial artist with an annual income of over 100 million yuan. I will marry beautiful girl and reach the pinnacle of life.”

“Fucker, based on your martial arts cultivation level, it is hard to get admitted to a third-rate university, and you want to get admitted to Yanhuang University.”

“Don’t be too self-reliant, but know where your limits are.”

“The book is not easy to read, and you want to be a scholar. Do you know that the cart is upside down?”

“As a salted fish, he still need something ideal. Maybe he really turned over.”

A group of students despised Xia Ping.

Xia Ping was unmoved, looking at one of the leading students who satirized him, and said: “Yang Wei, you can’t do it, it doesn’t mean that others can’t, but some men are born incapable of doing it, and they can’t be saved.”

“Xia Ping!”

The student Yang Wei’s nose was crooked, and he stared at Xia Ping angrily. Even with his mind on knees, he knew that he was definitely mocking himself, laughing at his name, saying he was impotence.

Usually, my nickname is basically a taboo. No one dares to call myself that, but this Xia Ping dared to say these things in front of all the classmates, which is terrible.

“Haha, there is actually someone named Yang Wei, what does your dad think?” A fat man in the corner laughed loudly. He and Yang Wei were a bit contradictory. Now that he saw each other making a fool of himself, he didn’t hurry up and down.

“Takamaru, what are you laughing at is not the same for you.”

Xia Ping said lazily.

Fuck, fat man’s face turned green, he stood up with a bang, and stared at Xia Ping angrily, as if he wanted to eat this guy raw.

Other classmates have weird faces. Normally, Xia Ping is just an ordinary student in the class. His grades are bad, and he is not outstanding. He has no sense of existence. As if he would kill and crush all those who blocked his way. Almost as if he was on steroids.

Yang Wei was a little dazed. The feelings weren’t aimed specifically at him. Instead, he ate gunpowder today and sprayed it at sight.


Qiuxue, the head teacher, couldn’t stand it, her beautiful eyes stared at Xia Ping and criticized: “Xia Ping, what’s the matter with you? Why do you give other classmates a nickname? You can’t just say what people look like.”

Xia Ping nodded and said: “The teacher is right, I have to review it.”

“Wow… you, you bully, I, I’m not that kind of person, absolutely not!”

Hearing such words from the class teacher, Yang Wei turned blue and burst into tears all of a sudden, like a woman who was being bullied. He poked his butt, kicked off the stool, and left the classroom crying.


Qiu Xue, the head teacher, blushed. She seemed to know that she had said something wrong and wanted to call Yang Wei back, but the other party ran too fast and left the classroom all at once. There was no way to stop it.

“Xia Ping!” She stared at Xia Ping angrily. It was the bastard’s fault that this happened.

Xia Ping spread his hands. He felt very innocent: “I didn’t expect him to have such a poor psychological quality.”

“Go out, go out immediately, and give me a good reflection.” Qiuxue angrily said, pointing to Xia Ping.

Xia Ping had no objection at all, he just heard a round of metal ruthless voices in his mind: “Hate value +1, hate value +1…”

Comments 3

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    will there be improvement at Translation at later chaps?
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    Vocês vao rir muito com essa novel, se quiser ler todo, tá completo nesse site https://novelfull.me/god-level-demon
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