
Chapter 251: Reunion (2) – Finale

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Karupedan snapped her fingers.

Just like the time that Min-Cheol was tested, the surrounding area changed with the sound.

The beautiful scenery of the celestial plane no longer existed.

The space had been replaced into one specifically designed for combat.

Flat ground as far as the eye could see.

The only two that stood on that dried up ground were Min-Cheol and Barub.

In contrast to the confident Min-Cheol, Barub seemed to be shrinking in the corner.

Both sides already knew who the winner would be in this battle.

That’s why they were showing such contrasting expressions from one another.

As expected, the person to open his mouth first was Min-Cheol.

“Why? Feeling not so confident now?”


“Aren’t you going to give your speech that always starts with ‘pathetic human’?”

“How does someone like you… How did you defeat Mithrael… Even the power of a dragon!”

“Do you really still not understand? It’s something really simple.”

“Shut up! There’s no way. No way it can be like this!”

“You were alone. But, that wasn’t the case for me.”

“Huh? So you’ve used some kind of trickery! You and Karupedan set me up! As expected… Of course. Without such trickery, there’s no way a pathetic human like yourself could overcome an absolute god like me!”


“This bet was unfair from the start. Hurry and call Karupedan…”

“What kind of nonsense are you spouting? The reason for your loss is simple. It’s because you, who call yourself an absolute god, are far more lacking that the human you looked down on. I, and humans in general, have something important that you lack.”


“Since the moment you’ve fallen into Hell, I’m sure that you were completely alone. Well, maybe the person you served as your master? Or to be more accurate, excluding the one you used, Millions.”


“However, I’m different. Humans are an existence that definitely cannot live alone. As you have said, it’s because they’re a weak existence. Because of that, I’ve received the help of many people. And I’ve also given back help. That’s the reason why I was able to grow stronger than you. Because I was an existence far weaker than you, I was able to grow tens more stronger. Do you understand?”

“To speak without knowing your place! You’re foolishly arrogant! Oraa!”


Barub charged towards Min-Cheol, unable to hold back the boiling anger.

However, Min-Cheol showed no signs of summoning his clones or any movements indicating that he was preparing to fight.

To put it simply, it meant that he was confident.

Charging like an angry bull, Barub threw a fist forward with Vacuum.


“Hey now. You have to point vacuum cleaners towards dust or trash.”


“Like this.”


Min-Cheol grabbed Barub’s attack with his bare hand.

With an overwhelming difference in strength, he had almost mockingly disarmed Barub with ease.

Following that, he broke Barub’s wrist as if snapping a sugar cane.

Due to Barub’s broken wrist, the Vacuum skill fell towards the ground of the battlefield.

A thick cloud of dust continued to be sucked into his hand without rest.

It really showed just how powerless Barub was.

Min-Cheol threw Barub’s limp wrist aside and spoke as if annoyed.

“I’m tired of such a dull show of power. I’ll face you with all the strength I have now.”


“Yep. Don’t wanna hear it.”

“I’m an absolute god! The one who created all things…”

“You were. But that’s no longer the case. Just an inconsiderate old god. I’m sure that not many will even remember you. Probably just me and Karupedan?”


Barub yelled as if screaming.

It was a shout loud enough to deafeningly ring throughout the wild battlefield.

“Give me the power that is sealed within you! I shall turn you into a god again. A real god!”


“Hurry! Return my power!”

“Have you forgotten already? Until one of us dies, no one can touch the sealed power of Karupedan. Not even Karupedan herself. You made it like this, remember?”


“Thus, it means this game will only end when someone dies. Sorry to say, but it seems the one who will be killed is you.”


“It really was a dangerous bet. If both of us died in Hell… You and me. And Karupedan as well. No one would have been able to rise to the seat of godhood.”


“I wonder if it would be better if a god didn’t exist?”

“C-Calm down! I’m sure that we’ll be able to find a mutual ground through negotiation that will satisfy both of you!”

Min-Cheol decided to give up on replying.

And then he thought to himself.

That even a god becomes cowardly and pathetic with their life on the line.

And he also thought that if Barub had ruled the dimensions with the current sense of desperation, then maybe the world be at least a little bit better than now.

Min-Cheol had already hardened his heart to kill Barub.

As if answering that resolve, five clones were standing guard behind him.

“This place has quite the scenery, but I’m only showing you guys again another desolate battlefield. Sorry.”

“Finish then we go scenery watching. Is that it? Our last opponent?”

“Definitely, no matter how you look at it.”

“That’s right. The target is Barub. No need to go easy. Butcher without mercy until the target breathes no longer.”

“N-No! Argh!”


Unlike the past of being the absolute god, Barub met a miserable end.

After Barub’s perishing, the battlefield fell away and disappeared, returning back to how the celestial plane originally looked.

All of the clones were busy enjoying the amazing scenery.

While they were appreciating the sights, Min-Cheol moved towards Karupedan.

“I did say that I will win.”

“Really… You really are the craziest without equal.”

“Is that something you should say to someone who has gone through such hardship with his life on the line for 100 days?”

“Whew… Good work, human.”

“Hey. I remember teaching you my name though?”

“Yeah. Good work, Min-Cheol.”

“If you and Gera did not help me, I don’t think I could’ve won.”

“Hm? What do you mean?”

“You and Gera were in the world that you created. As grandma and granddaughter.”


“Seems you wanted to live a happy life amongst people. Even when you hated Gera and lost your memories, being completely unaware.”

“Is that so…”

“Now there’s no need to have such a sad expression. Who knows? Maybe you’ll have a chance to apologize to her? Enough about that and let’s put an end to this bet.”


Min-Cheol put his hand on Karupedan’s shoulder.

And the power that Barub sealed within her naturally flowed into Min-Cheol.

It was honestly a massive amount of power.

Min-Cheol couldn’t help but give an empty laugh at how crazy he was for challenging someone this powerful to a bet.

“Is this the power of an absolute being?”

“It’s too early to be surprised. I’ve only transferred less than a 10th of the power.”

“Ha… You’re right.”

“Hm? What?”

“I really am crazy without comparison. Really. To think that I’ve challenged someone like this. Whew.”

“You’re finally admitting it.”

And it happened as roughly half of the absolute god’s power had transferred.

Min-Cheol pulled away his hand from her should and spoke.

“So we’re about a bit over halfway?”

“Yep. About 52%?”

“You’re accurate like moving a computer file.”

“There’s still a lot left. Put your hand back so we can hurry this up.”

“I think this is enough for me though?”

“What are you saying all of a sudden.”

“I said that I don’t think I need anymore power.”


“You can keep the rest of the power. It’s a lot more than what you had as Barub’s puppet, right?”

“What are you saying…”

“You’ll become a god. Not a god that hates humans, but a god that gives love equally and fairly to all creations.”

Min-Cheol had no desires to become a god and rule over the dimensions from the celestial plane from the start.

After the countless battles, all Min-Cheol wanted was a normal life.

A life that wasn’t dyed in the blood of monsters or people, but just a normal life.

Karupedan nodded without a word.

It wasn’t as if she could avoid it even if she did deny it.

After all, it was the same as the command from an absolute god.

And it was also a way for her to atone for her mistakes.

Min-Cheol stood in front of the dimensional door that he first encountered when setting foot in the celestial plane.

While he could have opened a gate that connects to Earth at will, Min-Cheol decided to pick this path instead.

With the door half opened, Min-Cheol spoke with the door handle in his hand.

“Karupedan. Don’t forget the 4% difference. There’s always at least one human that can stand up against you.”

“Pff. Really, till the very end.”

“Ah! And I think there is someone who has been waiting for you. In that corner over there. I wonder what her name was… Geri? Geru? Gera?”


“Think of it as an apology in the form of an apology from a god who is using you for his own benefit. I’m off. See you.”

With that, Min-Cheol headed into the dimensional door, his form disappearing.


The existence of a god was something else.

With just a simple snap of a finger, they could stop or continue the flow of time.

When Min-Cheol returned back to Earth, everything had been frozen still.

Jong Ho and Karin were gathered in the living room, waiting for dinner, along with Ho Jin and Jong-sun.

Mother and So-Hyeon were in the kitchen.

It was exactly as before leaving for the celestial plane.

While it’s been a long trip back, right now he wanted to be with them.

Min-Cheol looked at the ceiling while laying in bed.

He could hear the sounds of lively chatter from outside his room.

He could not put into words just how desperately he had wanted to hear the voices of the people who he considered family and allies that partook in battles with their lives on the line.

And like that, he enjoyed that short moment of perfect peace.

And it did not take long for Jong Ho to open the door and come in.

“Are you asleep?”

“Yep. Sleeping.”

“Right. Then you can hear me as you sleep. I dunno where you’ve gone this time, but please stop working so hard now.”


“You thought I wouldn’t notice? I don’t know what you’ve done this time, but you’re outputting such scary amounts of power after a couple seconds from entering your room that I think even the kids around the block would notice it.”


“Is it all over now?”

“Yes. It’s completely over now.”

“You aren’t hurt anywhere?”

“As you can see, I’m completely fine and can even fall into a deep slumber.”

“Yeah. Tidy yourself and come out to eat. Good work.”

Coming out to the living room, Awakened Ho Jin and Jong-sun were putting on an awkward smile, as if noticing the change within me.

However, they did not question.

As if to say that my peaceful expression and relaxed movement was enough.

Turning my head around to look at the kitchen, my eyes met with my mother’s.

Her smile was something that I could not put into words just how much I wanted to see and longed for.

I could feel that affectionate sound go through my ears and reach my heart.

“Son, you’re up?”


It had been 10 years since Min-Cheol returned back to Earth.

Time had gone by quickly.

It had been a long time since monsters, portals, and dungeons had disappeared.

The power of the Awakened had also begun to slowly decline around the same time.

To be more precise, Min-Cheol had sealed them because of his worry that it’d be used for evil.

As if monsters had never invaded in the first place, people became used to the peace that had returned.

It was the same with Min-Cheol.

On the hill in his backyard, Min-Cheol was greeted with a pleasant voice while looking at the sky on his back.

“Why are you here and where is the third oldest?”

“You’ve arrived, hyung-nim? I’m sure that the clone is feeding the powdered milk now.”

“Parenting with ease. I’m jealous. Jealous.”

“Should I lend you one?”

“That’s fine. My children are past that age.”

“Pfft. Is that so?”

“But I heard that your child used a Meteor?”

“You’ve heard? I think I’m going crazy because of that too. To think that a 5 year old would use a Meteor… How can this be? Thankfully it turned out well because someone like me was there. Whew…”

“Dunno about others, but I’m sure it’s more than possible if the child is yours.”

“I was really frightened. I immediately sealed the power of my children, all the way to my third oldest. Think about it, hyung-nim. If my child uses a flame breath attack while breastfeeding someday… Ah, I don’t even want to think about it.”

“Hahaha! How are you doing nowadays? Are you satisfied with the way things are now? Don’t miss the past?”

“I do miss it from time to time. I do feel a little bit bored, and my daily life feels like I’m having soup that isn’t seasoned with salt?”

“What a metaphor. So do you want to return?”

“No. That’s not the case. There’s a saying that bland food is good for your body. I like the current way things are. The current way, which is a normal and boring life.”

Jong Ho could tell from just looking at Min-Cheol’s face that he was telling the truth.

Lying next to him, he looked up into the same sky without a word.

Reminiscing through memories of the times not long ago.

And like that, they became part of a peaceful world.

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