
Chapter 1394. A New Journey

In a room of an abandoned castle, sunlight shone through the gaps in the thick curtains, illuminating a pitch-black coffin.

Suddenly, the lid of the coffin creaked and slowly moved to the side.

With a thud, it fell to the ground.

A few seconds later, Azik Eggers sat up, looking rather lost.

At that moment, he was wearing loose pajamas that had been popular in Loen years ago. He resembled a noble who had woken up in his manor.

After a while, Azik narrowed his eyes slightly. He looked around in confusion as though he didn’t know who he was.

He then saw the brilliant sunlight that penetrated through the cracks and saw the dust dancing in the sunlight. He saw letters scattered on the table, ground, and coffin lid around him.

They were like giant snowflakes that blanketed half the area.

Azik got out of the coffin. With a puzzled expression, he bent down to pick up a letter and began reading.

As he read, the confusion on his face disappeared a little, as if he had remembered many things from the past.

Azik immediately found a chair and sat down, allowing all the letters to fly in front of him to stack up like a mountain.

He opened the letters one by one, reading them one after another. There would be pauses in between as he fell deep in thought as if he was seriously recalling something.

The sunlight that passed through the gap in the curtains gradually dimmed. After a long time, it shone inside again.

At that moment, Azik finally finished reading all the letters and completed the long contemplations that resembled Cogitation.

“He” looked at the letters that had been stacked on the table and slowly let out a long sigh.

Following that, he took out a piece of paper, a fountain pen, and some ink that he could still use. He wrote with a warm expression:

“…I’ve already woken up and received all your letters. They made me recall who I am and who you are. I also remember many memories of the past.

“Your experiences, no matter how complicated and exciting, have exceeded my imagination. It also makes me understand some of the problems that previously plagued me.

“I can feel your joy, your exhaustion, your faith in life, and the heavy responsibility that you have borne from your letters.

“I can roughly guess why you ultimately made that choice. If it were me, I might not even be able to make such a decision.

“From the beginning, you’ve been a guardian. You mimicked others until you were mimicked by others.

“Next, I will begin a journey to pursue the past and witness the changes in this world.

“You seem to still be asleep, but it doesn’t matter. I’ll write to tell you about the interesting things that I’ve encountered, the interesting traditions, and interesting people.

“I think I should be able to send these letters to you via sacrifice…”

The tip of the golden pen reflected the sunlight as it rustled on the white piece of paper, continuously penning down more content.

Backlund, in a solarium of a terrace house.

Melissa walked in with a girl who was clearly less than ten years old.

“Aunt Melissa, why here?” the little girl asked, puzzled. “All the stories I heard had mysterious rituals held in the basement.”

With her hair tied up, the bespectacled Melissa smiled and said, “Those are unconventional mysticism rituals.”

She pointed at the altar that had been set up and the unlit candles and said, “You may begin.”

“Really?” The little girl tilted her head to look at the bright sunshine outside the window. “Do we need to draw the curtains?”

“There’s no need. It’s pretty good this way.” After Melissa answered, she smiled at the little girl while she awkwardly mimicked her usual method of holding rituals in a clumsy and unfamiliar manner.

During this process, she would instruct her from time to time and even personally help her to complete the pre-ritual preparations.

“Alright, repeat after me.” Melissa took a deep breath as her expression gradually turned staid.

“Yes, yes.” The little girl tried her best to appear stern.

Melissa looked at the candle flames on the altar for a few seconds before slowly reciting in ancient Hermes, “The Fool that doesn’t belong to this era…”

“Da Pool that dun pelong to diz ela…” The little girl had never learned ancient Hermes before. Although she tried her best to imitate her aunt, she still didn’t know what she was saying.

“The mysterious ruler above the gray fog…” Melissa continued reciting.

“Da Mesterwes luler apove the gway pog…” the little girl recited in all seriousness.

“The King of Yellow and Black who wields good luck…” After Melissa finished reciting, the candle at the end didn’t wait for the little girl to imitate her. It immediately burgeoned to the size of a human head.

In the large flame, a slippery tentacle with a somewhat sinister pattern extended out in an indiscernible manner. It was extremely slow.

The little girl was stunned. She retreated and hid behind her aunt.

Melissa pursed her lips and said with a gentle smile, “Don’t be afraid, go greet him.”

The little girl timidly poked her head out from behind her aunt and saw the terrifying, slimy tentacle gently swaying in the brilliant sunlight that shone through the windows. It seemed to be attempting to swat away the dust or was waving at her.

“Go, don’t be afraid,” Melissa repeated.

The little girl finally mustered her courage and stood in front of the altar.

She recited the incantations she had just invented before revealing a sincere smile and raised her palm.

The slippery tentacle whose patterns had disappeared paused for a few seconds. It seemed hesitant and somewhat out of practice.

Then, it raised its head and curled up slightly, lowering itself inch by inch.

Amidst the sunlight, it high-fived that tiny palm.

—The End—

Comments 172

  1. Offline
    Cuttlefish... Thank you. Truly, I don't know what else to say other than thank you to show my gratitude for this wonderful journey. I can't even begin to list the number of things I have learned from this novel. I sincerely hope that I am able to read your following novels as well. And also, I AM NOT CRYING!

    And last but not least, "Every ending is a new beginning." I shall now proceed to re-reading Lord of the Mysteries!
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  2. Offline
    Wonderful, but a little sad
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  3. Offline
    Ngl i was wondering what was the point of all these letters to azik. Now that he woke up and decides to write back while klein is asleep it makes a lot of sense.

    Like the rest of the novel fitting perfectly together like a puzzle.
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  4. Offline
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  5. Offline
    I took a break from this novel multiple times, sometimes the break lasted a few weeks or sometimes a few months... Although not much I feel like I have grown with this novel and with Klein, although LoTM universe hasn't ended, I will still dearly miss Klein Moretti, one of the best yet simplest MC out there

    A bloody masterpiece... That's the only way to describe this novel

    End of a beautiful journey
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    1. Offline
      Not the end. LoTM 2 coming in 2023(confirmed) and 3rd book later.
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  6. Offline
    Deym so amazing when even the readers also enter deep slumber for this novel. "Praise the Fool!!!"
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  7. Offline
    This was honestly one of the best novels I've read. I can't wait for LOTM 2. Until then I shall wait....
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  8. Offline
    The One Above
    I eagerly await LOTM2, and LOTM3. Klein isn't done on his journey, and there's still so much to explore. I wonder if he'll eventually become the most powerful old one, capable of housing multiple sefirot? As for LOTM2, who will be the main character, how are all the transmigrators? Will they discover that The Fool was once a transmigrator? Will they know of Roselle Gustav's status as a transmigrator? Will they learn of Amanises? Will Lady Evernight (Amanises) grow to become the 4th Pillar, one of the Old One's, like Klein and Adam? Who will Klein end up with, if anyone? Will the rest of the Tarot Club push for the spot as Kings of Angels (or in the case of Audrey, Fors, Cattleya and Xio, Queens of Angels)? Will Leonard learn how to do poetry and not suck at it? Will Alger ever learn to sing and not be thought to be a dying mermaid when he does so? Will Emlyn become a woman or will he find a way to switch pathways before he does? Will the Mother Tree of Desire ever stop being a b#tch? How is Amon, where did he go, and what are his adventures like in the cosmos? What Old Ones will take note of him? How is Lilith, and the other orthodox gods, and what is their story? There are so many more questions I have but most importantly, will Susie become an Old One?

    So many questions, so much time to wait. For now, I, the One Above, shall enter slumber as well. See you on other novels, champs!
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  9. Offline
    The end? Seriously? And how. The same battle with the great ancients?!
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    1. Offline
      There will be a LOTM 2 coming in spring 2023(check the Reddit page for lotm, he said this in a recent interview) and probably a 3 at a later date.
      From the author
      LOTM 2 story is going to be set in-between "Klein Sleeping or even a little bit before he went to sleep" and ends with "He wakes up".

      For LOTM2, I haven't decided on the Main Character, and how this character is going to cut into the story. but right now within my mind some story scenes have already popped up:

      It will be Hidden Storyline composed of: Every single member of the Tarot Club, and their many attempts at awaking Klein; Using the five gold coins and the iron cigar box to represent different characters.

      The Main Character of LOTM 2 may encounter a Hunter Pathway who light up a cigar and talk about the past; He may occasionally peek/be shown a beautiful, half-covered face; He may hear about a NEW CONTINENT being discovered abroad; He may interact with the Kings and Queens of the Five Seas; He may go on an adventure to explore those remaining, shrouded legends of treasures; He may come into conflict and interaction with "Transmigraters" of all kinds (released from cocoon), and "infiltrators" of all kinds; As for the exact "genre", I will have to decide on it later. All in all, from a world setting perspective, I left a crap-load of space for LOTM 2. I am absolutely not worried about not having anything to write about.

      You can find more info on the lotm wiki page under authors notes
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  10. Offline
    Whos crying? Not me, im not crying you're crying ;.;
    What an amazing masterpiece
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    1. Offline
      Tripl3 thr3at
      It definitely is
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    2. Offline
      The One Above
      My eyeballs are wet. I'm definitely not crying, it's just that there are ninja's cutting onions in the vicinity.
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      1. Offline
        damn ninjas
        I was sweating from my eyeballs.
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