
Chapter 1035: Xuanhuang Self-Circulation

Li Fan had met Gongsun Qixuan early on.

In the subsequent eras, it seemed that Gongsun Qixuan's figure was always behind the strange changes in the Xuan Network.

In this era, he was inexplicably transferred to the headquarters of Wanxian Alliance's Strategy Pavilion, participating in the development of the Tianxuan Locking Spirit Array.


All of these indicated that Gongsun Qixuan was extraordinary. After a few communications with the Tianxuan Mirror's avatar, Li Fan also gained some understanding of Gongsun Qixuan's identity.

He was the observation target and human template when the Tianxuan Mirror created human avatars.

As for why Gongsun Qixuan was chosen from among many Wanxian Alliance cultivators, the Tianxuan Mirror's avatar explained it as random and luck.

Li Fan, of course, didn't believe that.

Based on his memory and observations, Gongsun Qixuan's temperament indeed bore some resemblance to the Tianxuan Mirror's avatar.

Li Fan even suspected that he might be another human avatar in the Xuantian Realm.

If one were to search for information about this person in the Tianxuan Mirror, everything seemed normal. However, digging a little deeper, one could discover that all the information was fabricated.

Before he took up his position in the Congyun Sea, his whereabouts were a mystery, unknown to anyone.

As if sensing Li Fan's hidden observation, Gongsun Qixuan subtly glanced at the sky.

However, he quickly withdrew his gaze, cleared his throat, and commanded his subordinates to deal with the mysterious events.

The way he handled it was also peculiar. He took out a small figure woven from dry grass and threw it into the air.

Then, the subordinates of the Tianjitang, very cooperatively, placed smaller grass figures in various corners of the area where mysterious outbreaks occurred.

Through Li Fan's observation, he found that the mysterious dark power did not corrode these Tianjitang cultivators who had entered recklessly.

Instead, it was deeply attracted by the small grass figures they held.

Like long dragons, it was sucked into the grass figures.


Li Fan suddenly became interested.

Upon closer inspection, Li Fan found that these grass figures seemed to have their own lives. With the influx of dark power, different expressions such as strange smiles, pain, and anger appeared on their faces.

You could even hear subtle rustling sounds from them.

These grass figures were like nodes, absorbing the dark power and then transferring it to the largest grass figure in the air.

The process of clearing the anomalies lasted for three days.

In the end, the anomalies that had spread in this area completely disappeared, and the normal celestial principles of the Xuantian Realm once again took the upper hand.

When Gongsun Qixuan retrieved the grass figure in the air, something that made Li Fan's pupils slightly shrink happened.

On the surface, it seemed that Gongsun Qixuan had put the grass figure back into his arms.

But in reality...

He was more like opening a huge mouth and abruptly swallowing the grass figure.

In an instant, Li Fan felt that a layer of darkness had enveloped Gongsun Qixuan.

And his coughing became more frequent.

It was only when they rushed to the next location of a mysterious outbreak that things slightly improved.

Of course, not all anomalies would be dealt with by Gongsun Qixuan using grass figures.

After detailed investigation, for most anomalies where there was no risk of spreading, Gongsun Qixuan ordered his men to seal off the area.

Observing from the clouds, Li Fan looked at this scene and thought, "For those with minor threats, let the Xuanhuang Realm's celestial principles naturally digest them. For those that are uncontrolled and intensifying, use paper figures to suck them into your own body."

In Li Fan's current view, Gongsun Qixuan had become a collection of several anomalies, with many twisted and chaotic rules intertwined, giving people a chilling feeling.

If he were to die suddenly, and the strange collective inside him were to erupt simultaneously, I'm afraid the land of several states would instantly become a scene of devastation.

"No wonder I always feel something strange every time I see this guy."

"Including the body accommodating the Dao..."

"This is probably not something a cultivator's body can handle."

A trace of fear flashed in Li Fan's eyes, and he slightly increased the distance in tracking.

Recalling Gongsun Qixuan's words about his fabricated "Tianxuan Locking Spirit, Xuanhuang Unification," Li Fan suddenly speculated about Gongsun Qixuan's true identity.

"Tianxuan Mirror wants to simulate human avatars. With its attitude as a divine tool, how could it genuinely observe and learn from ordinary humans?"

"To achieve something, the easiest way is to find precedents and learn from pioneers..."


A glint flashed in Li Fan's eyes, and various clues instantly merged.

"The object of the divine tool's learning should naturally be an existing divine tool that has successfully transformed into a human!"

"Gongsun Qixuan should be one of the disappeared divine tools in the Xuanhuang Realm, transformed into a human!"

From the previous Kunqian Bone Hand possessed by Oushang Tian, which might have been the remains of an immortal, it seemed.

Everything in the Xuanhuang Realm was involved in the operation of the heavenly Dao, the cycle of the world.

Those disappeared divine tools were likely the same.

"To transform into a human, or become a wonder of the heavens, or..."

Suddenly, Li Fan seemed to understand how Jiang, the transmitter of almost divine abilities, got his powers.

"Maybe it also comes from the transformation of divine tools..."

Understanding the intricacies, Li Fan's gaze toward Gongsun Qixuan had already changed drastically.

There was a hint of greed in his fear, along with some caution and vigilance.

Divine tools, once touched by the word 'divine,' were absolutely not to be underestimated.

Moreover, Gongsun Qixuan had long fallen into the sight of the Tianxuan Mirror and was like a timed bomb with countless anomalies attached, ready to explode at any moment.

"Although it's a rare treasure, it's something you can see but can't touch."

Li Fan stared for a long time but ultimately sighed softly and slowly withdrew his gaze.

"Besides, in this world, I currently have a cooperative relationship with the Tianxuan Mirror. The main task is to cut off the net of True Immortals first."

"No rush, I've already discovered his true identity. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future..."

The desire in Li Fan's eyes slowly disappeared.

Meanwhile, below, Gongsun Qixuan frowned slightly, as if sensing something.

He calculated with his fingers but couldn't figure out anything.

In Li Fan's mind, scenes of interactions with Gongsun Qixuan surfaced again.

"It seems that his original form might be a divine tool related to deduction."

"But judging from his current performance after transforming into a human, it seems that his power has decreased quite a bit."

Li Fan rubbed his chin.

"But this has given me some inspiration."

"In the Xuanhuang Realm, there are still many secrets waiting to be unearthed."

"In the past, the Xuanhuang Realm had many beings approaching the level of divine tools. Not to mention the fusion of many cultivation worlds—so many worlds. Can't there be beings of equal status?"

"Even though a portion has been taken away by the Transmitter, there should still be some fish that slipped through the net."

"Previously, I was restricted. It's not just about tools; humans might actually be the bigger treasures."

(End of this chapter)

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