7 months ago

Konoha Hypocrite木叶伪君子

Crossing to the Naruto World, Uchiha Tonan obtained the ‘Legacy Inheritance System’. As long as the... Read more
Crossing to the Naruto World, Uchiha Tonan obtained the ‘Legacy Inheritance System’. As long as the people who acknowledged him died, he could inherit all abilities of the deceased.


“Konoha’s higher-ups mistreated the Uchihas. So, I’ve decided to lead the clan to launch a coup d’état after three years.”

“Ding! Gained Uchiha clan’s acknowledgment.”

Two years later.

“Tonan, this is the evidence of the Uchiha clan’s betrayal. When all is said and done, it’s your clan. So, I want to hear your opinion.”

“I’ll always stand on the village’s side.”

On that fateful night, Tonan stood on the Hokage Rock, coldly watching the Uchihas’ annihilation.

He spread his hands, being grateful to his clansmen’s gifts.

The next day.

“Lord Hokage, I shed blood for Konoha and became the village’s sword. And this was how you treated the meritorious clan.”

“Tonan, didn’t you agree to it!?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about. The fury of clan extermination is irreconcilable. Today, I will destroy the Sarutobi and Shimura clans to appease my clan members’ souls in heaven.”

A high-leveled hunter often puts on a disguise to lower the prey’s guard. Collapse
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Comments 88

  1. Offline
    + 50 -
    after wind calamity all naruto fanfics seems like a mere childish play
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    1. Offline
      + 00 -
      Exactly dude.... Wind Calamity is like lotm/ri but for naruto fanfics...
      And h.p. Fanfics are boring for me after dimensional wizard - .-
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  2. Online Offline
    + 10 -
    I don't know how I pinged 200 chapters of this novel but I somehow did so, here are my thoughts.
    Let me start with the obvious, the translation starts on a good note for around 50 or so chapters then it goes downhill to an MTL level for the rest of the novel (typical Webnovel translators).
    The MC has the ability to "inherit" all abilities, chakra, knowledge, experience, etc... from the people who acknowledge him when they die.
    This kind of ability has many possible uses and at first, the MC makes decent use of it, conceals himself deeply, and only uses it with absolute caution.
    Then Konoha's White Fang (Kakashi's father) dies and MC inherits his powers and... the loose screw in the MC's mind manifests. Don't get me wrong, It has always been there, but after he gets a taste of power he acts as if he can do anything and get away with it... and he somehow does -_-(plot armor).
    At first, he is a power-hungry MC seeking personal power, but along the way, he transforms into a rapid dog killing anyone and anything to try and conceal some of his past misdeeds... then he goes and tells his secret to Danze (WTF????).
    He works hard to scheme the death of some strong people, instead of scheming to make them acknowledge him before it, and he still gets caught.
    You see, the two times he is exposed are the two times when he gains absolutely nothing from the kill LOL.
    It would have been much better for everyone if he stayed like a lowkey version of Obito gaining the acknowledgment of people, it is not like the Naruto-verse lacks killing or something??

    I don't mind evil MCs or even psychopathic MCs, but this novel's main character is just a deranged rapid dog through and through...
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  3. Offline
    + 20 -
    TL cant tell the difference between hypocrite and psychopath. The mc is half delusional, acting not fully in interest but as if theres an audience where he feels the need to prove his villainous treachery.

    opposite of a comedy villain where he makes big claims does exaggerated actions to prove said villainy, only for no real consequence sometimes even considered good in a skewed way.

    instead we have mc makes minor derisive labels like ration, tool, fall-guy, then with no real reason he passively assists murders of ppl he tries to get close with. in the end it would skew the story and result that will ultimately hurt the mc and the world. But thats when the author retcons everything and tries to strongarm fixes unaturally...

    a very vain and purposeless write up.
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  4. Offline
    + 41 -
    The translation after chapter 200ish was god trash but it was readable now at chapter 414 is basically straight MTL it's to the point that I'd suggest anyone that enjoyed the first half give up now as it's not really worth reading it. Although you can loosely still understand the text it's very very rough.
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  5. Offline
    + 56 -
    This is a hidden gem 💎 .... Just go for it whoknows whoknows

    But man translation pressure pressure
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  6. Offline
    + 21 -
    Anybody have a good translation of the novel? Cuz at like 198 the translation is shit.
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  7. Offline
    Immortal God
    + 338 -
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    1. Offline
      Bull demon
      + 75 -
      I fell for that😣
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    2. Offline
      + 15 -
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    3. Offline
      + 01 -
      Fuxk you
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      1. Offline
        Immortal God
        + 21 -
        No thanks
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        1. Offline
          + 10 -
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  8. Offline
    + 01 -
    Quote: gfcz
    Fix spelling, grammar, sentence structure; [text here]

    If it gets names wrong or other mistakes just say 'you made a mistake, can you fix [text]' and it'll auto fix those in future.

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  9. Offline
    + 121 -
    Hi, everyone. If you think grammar and speliing is bad use chatgpt to fix it, I have been using it for a while and it writes better most WN translators. Cheers
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    1. Offline
      + 01 -
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      1. Offline
        + 153 -
        Fix spelling, grammar, sentence structure; [text here]

        If it gets names wrong or other mistakes just say 'you made a mistake, can you fix [text]' and it'll auto fix those in future.

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        1. Offline
          + 00 -
          it's a hassle to do it for every chapter for a chap of 1 min long
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          1. Offline
            + 11 -
            chrome extension: word replacer II Thats what i'm using rn.
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  10. Offline
    + 127 -
    This novel was good at the beginning but now it has become absolute trash. Around ch200+ translation is just batshit, secret techniques becomes immortal technique, ninjas become players, some people got genderbended, and more like horrible naming techniques. Exp:
    When Naraku got close to Uchiha Tunan, a sharp light flashed in his eyes. He pushed forward with her hands folded and shouted, "Immortal magic - cloth bag technique."
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    1. Offline
      + 112 -
      not author fault, it was the TL whos destroying this book.
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