2 years ago

A Rational Zombie by Virlyce

A simple zombie in a terrible post-apocalyptic world began his journey with a sudden gain of... Read more
A simple zombie in a terrible post-apocalyptic world began his journey with a sudden gain of clarity. His memory was limited, but this did not prevent him from starting to understand the situation. He tried not to lose his mind. Now he tried to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Follow the rational zombie in his quest to find… the meaning of life. Collapse
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Comments 34

  1. Offline
    Pretty good. The protagonist never considers not hunting humans or any kind of morality beyond "I want to survive and they want to survive too" which is a nice change. Usually these non-human protags immediately try to be human again and/or just coincidentally are basically functionally human after a while. This goes all-in on a non-human perspective and most of its entertainment value comes from that, the protagonist's deductions on what things do and their conclusions on things is honestly an interesting perspective most of the time.

    Pacing-wise there is a pretty long lull in the middle where nothing really happens then the "ending" happens and was honestly disappointing, especially considering they added an afterword that basically says "that's all there is it's perfect like this". What is the point of that? I guessed 2/3 of the ending already from foreshadowing, the lack of any resolution sucks.

    Seems like they had a good idea but only halfway executed it. Still entertaining though.
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  2. Offline
    This is the first time a recommended novel caught my attention. Most of em aren't worth trying given their nonsense title or description.
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  3. Offline
    I've read all of the chapters today in one go and it was great! If you want an interesting pov with an MC that is surprisingly intelligent considering the circumstances this is good. Interesting plot development not sure where the author will head next but can't wait!
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  4. Online Offline
    The One Above
    Screw it, seems interesting. Will try to read.

    It's really short, and though it is kind of interesting, there isn't much too it. You can give it a try but it's kind of mediocre.
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    1. Offline
      We thank thee The One Above for the review
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      1. Offline
        Ah yes, a fellow member of the cult.
        I always look for their reviews
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