1 year ago

Legend of the Asura网游之修罗传说

Asura – proud, warlike, cruel, heartless.

A young adult with a mysterious background... Read more
Asura – proud, warlike, cruel, heartless.

A young adult with a mysterious background follows his father’s prophecy and enters the world of «Rebirth», somehow managing to inherit the Xuanyuan Sword, and also unexpectedly obtaining the hidden class Asura.

Following the tracks of both virtual and reality he gradually discovers a secret hidden for the past billion years.

Asura, the class that used to shake the lands has now completely disappeared. He must now go on a journey to find the true meaning of Asura—until the day he transforms and becomes one with Asura. Collapse
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Comments 83

  1. Offline
    ngl im just trying it cause of the "sister complex" tag
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      Not surprised, after all, this is Mars Gravity's novel wiseacre
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        Prob talking about the constant problems with site, like how it constantly fails to load and gives that “SSL Handshake failed” or crap, that Error page
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          Ohhh alright I get you. I was wondering why that has been happening
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  3. Offline
    The lazy one
    It was good, until it wasn't.
    Saying that china is no 1 and other country are piece of trash isn't patriotism, it is just you showing hate and spreading negativity. The way they treat Chinese as "noble" person and other as monkeys is f#cking irritating. I am starting to think most chinese writer are mental patient.
    Though, i have to say in terms of producing garbage novel China definitely is No 1.
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    1. Online Offline
      why are you reading so called "garbage novel" then?
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      1. Offline
        How should he know if he's not going to read this garbage novel?
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      2. Offline
        He is right though?
        Honestly ever since i started reading LN's i've developed quite a bad opinion on chinese people.
        Like 9/10 novels with their country(China) in them have overwhelming nationalism and racism inside.

        Actually i believe these chinese authors just dont care about what foreign people think.
        But if the point of all this bragging in the novels about China is to create a good impression on others, i have to say they have failed miserably lol.
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        1. Offline
          The One Above
          The truth?

          Chinese authors are basically forced to provide some form of nationalism in their novels, unfortunately, because if they don't, the stories have the possibility of being taken down. Mocking China in their stories? Taken down. Saying America or European countries are better? Taken down. The Government is likely constantly receiving reports from pro-nationalist "communist" supporting individuals who read these stories, and if China bad, hurr-durr, they report it.

          China is a beautiful country, absolutely gorgeous, with some of the most amazing history in the world. Also, Chinese people are very sweet, at least, most of them. Like other countries, there is an extremist nationalist group of individuals. America have them, Australia has them, all countries do. I hiked through rural China years ago and the people there provided myself and my group with meals, tea, taught us how they live, etc. It's harmful to generalise based on novels.
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          1. Offline
            I'm in agreement with you about China..Actually i'd love to go there.
            Ever since i started reading CN's i've learned very much about their country from novels and also from searching on google and i really admire the beauty and history of their country, and i really really want to see it up close instead of just through the computer.

            That being said, you're right and we shouldnt generalize about a group of people just based on hearsay, novels exc. and maybe my comment gave a bit of a wrong feeling but irl i'd never judge someone just because of his/her nationality. Rather i've always loved talking with people from other
            Its just that after so many years of reading LN's i'm sure that if i ever had the chance to talk with a Chinese, in my mind i am sure i will automatically think something like this: "Is he also a racist??"
            And i hate racists puke
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            1. Offline
              The One Above
              I can totally understand this. It's hard to get a read on an authors thoughts through their works sometimes but if the racism in the novel is extreme, then usually it is safe to assume that the author themselves are a nationalist and or racist. This author, for instance, may fall under that category, depending on your views and opinions. I'm also tired of the "China good, all other countries bad," and so I will actively drop the stories when I see too much nationalism. A little bit I can stand, because of things I've mentioned previously. As we've agreed though, it isn't great to generalise but I can't fault you for disliking and generalising some Chinese novels when they really do have disgusting amounts of nationalist pride and racist undertones, sometimes ever overtones, where racism is the whole story.

              Nice talking to a civilised individual! addiction
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              1. Online Offline
                china is still stuck in the nationalistic era and hasn't really stepped into the globalisation era yet
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                1. Offline
                  The One Above
                  Thanks to their lovely Government, no doubt. pressure
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                2. Online Offline
                  tbh most countries stepped out of the nationalistic era after a revolution that felled the government to make it a democratic one sooo
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                3. Offline
                  Meanwhile, an unofficial monarchy will soon be legalized in Russia.
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    2. Offline
      Couldn’t agree more.
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  4. Offline
    There are a lot of chapters missing... Please see to that they are added properly
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  5. Offline
    Not good but still waaay better that 99.9% of system novels on this website, that isn't saying much but at least it's entertaining.

    Btw, the fact that there are subhumans out there login in with multiple accounts just to rate the novel poorly because "r18 novel bad!" is pretty pathetic, get a life.
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  6. Offline
    The cover pic is of odette from mlbb i guess lshock
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      Odeete i think
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        auspicious charm skin of her to be precise.
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          Dao Slave
          oo nga si odette.
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  7. Offline
    I went through the wiki and this is a SUPER weird one folks, MC seems like a noncy pedo

    not only is he banging his sister but a bunch of his wives are super young (wiki character cards), not sure if he got with them when they were that young (13-16) but the pattern of a bunch of MC's wives appearing in the story when they're 13-16 is super noncy and sus imo

    The tags don't just make it sound worse lmao, very strong hard pass for me
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    1. Offline
      That age is pretty normal considering 16 is the age of willful marriage in China and it’s surrounding countries. Not to mention the fact that the novel seems that it is taking place in a more feudal world.
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      1. Offline
        No, it's straight up f#cking weird that a 21 year old (this novel's MC's age) keeps getting 13-15 year olds as wives...

        This is gonna rain some downvotes on me but wtv.. I don't get why Wuxia readers always use "it's based in ancient china where this was normal" as an excuse for rapey authors constantly sexualizing 13-15 year olds in their novels...

        Legend of Asura MC has MULTIPLE wives around that age... that's just a noncy pedo author's disturbing thoughts manifesting in his novel imo not some "ancient china setting" excuse
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        1. Offline
          Look man. You can’t bring your vastly different views into another society and expect it to be catered to let alone accepted. It’s even more of a difference when you go back 200-300 years ago let alone a thousand. If you don’t like it then that’s fine, don’t try to force your views onto different cultures let alone a different cultures past traditions.

          For your point on wuxia, xinxia, etc..... when people literally live for 500+ years and marriage or relationship ship would be weird to our views if it wasn’t from before them cultivating. When your age is so vastly different from literally everyone in the world, you stop worrying about age and think more about feelings and emotions. A relationship hardly lasts 5 years today, with each five years the odds of those relationships shattering increase by ten percent.
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          1. Offline
            К тому же в наше время есть множество девочек 13-15 лет которые готовы сами запрыгнуть в постель, попрошу заметить что делают они это сами
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          2. Offline
            Ohh brother, did you live 500 years?
            Or, Are you from That era?
            It's getting annoying how you people think that being a pedophile Even has an excuse.
            Listen I am not questioning your taste in novels or something neither am I telling that it's your ideology but bringing stuff like time gap, social gap and things like that is just dumb internet is here for interaction between differents mentalities so how come bro?
            Take a chill pill and think here
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      2. Offline
        Look, my friend, I personally do not like this matter, but in my society and in the present, marriages above 15 are allowed. In addition, this is not due to the state’s indifference, but my society is the reason for this. In addition, I saw many couples getting married when they were 16 years old, some of them are from my relatives, and this thing is from the point of view of My society is a natural thing, especially for us. We have an absolute presence on the relations between a young man and a girl before marriage, and I personally do not like or hate that because this has negative aspects and positive aspects. Of the negative aspects is definitely immaturity, but you should know that this marriage after fifty long years remains coherent and love remains. Between the two partners because there are no prior relationships and a lot of things that make this marriage more cohesive and I personally am not inclined to that, frankly, I think it is better for the young man or girl to be over the age of 18 before they think about such an important question and the last thing I just like to say that this thing Exist not hundreds of years ago, but now in many societies, including mine
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    2. Offline
      First of all, Mc's sister isnt even his blood related sis. Secondly, although I'm not defending it, these types of age gaps aren't unheard of as strange as it is. Different cultures and areas have different practices, customs, and allowed norms. Your opinion is respected but not widely accepted, yfm?
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  8. Offline
    Why so many chapters are missing ? evil
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  9. Online Offline
    How does this compare to ATG? I liked it a lot. If it's even half as good, I'll read it.
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      the monarch god
      Same with you bro ...that s why Im starting it rn
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    2. Offline
      The lazy one
      Not 1 percent comparable to ATG.
      Also half as good as ATG is very high standard that 99% of novel can't fullfil.(In my view)

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      1. Offline
        no way
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  10. Offline
    I feel like the story is the mc is a reincarnation of some shit, his lover/s also reincarnated,he obtain his precious weapon/object in his past life,the mc's backstory is much darker than the abyss,will r*pe someone,the game is made for him to restore his memory/powers,the creator of the game is not a ordinary human,the mc have a edgy class or title,he will steal the fiancee/wife of some young master, and lastly a fcking huge harem.
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    1. Offline
      forgot to add: will destroy Japan even it's not necessary for the story, because, why not?
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    2. Offline
      This sounds like Shura's Wrath and Samsara Online.
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      1. Offline
        Second is rip-off of the first, wich is written by same author. So, yeah. Totally same. There you'll even more common. Like, not-straight incest.
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        1. Offline
          Oh right, I just saw.
          This is from Mars Gravity the writer of Shura's Wrath. Yeah, seems like it will have nearly same story with changes in brand names. 'Asura' instead of 'Shura' sigh
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