2 years ago

Redo! Last Chance for a Dying World! by Ullyr

A strange creature, body built from tentacles and eyes, burst its way into an underground room.... Read more
A strange creature, body built from tentacles and eyes, burst its way into an underground room. Inside, it found the bodies of just over one hundred humans broken and bleeding on the floor.

«Ha! Hahaha!» Odd laughter emitted outward from the creature. It looked around the room, it was empty apart from the bodies.

It made its way back to the surface. «Lord, the humans are finished. It seemed they preferred to die, rather than let us assimilate their power.»

«Very good. Then we will shift our focus to the Dragons.» A hulking figure looked at the creatures around it. «Move out.»


«Am I being eaten by a SLIME??!!»

A normal man woke up to find himself surrounded by the unconscious figures of his family and neighbors. The land around him was large and open, not a single structure in sight.

«What’s… going on?»


Taylor, just an ordinary family man, woke up in a strange place. Dungeons dotted the land and Monsters ran rampant.

After conquering his first Dungeon, he decides that the best way to protect his children is to build a strong community. With the help of his wife and some friends he meets along the way, he begins his conquest.

Can he build a community strong enough to survive the incoming disasters? Can he unlock the secrets of the mysterious Mana? Join our hero as he uses his powerful defenses to protect those he cares about!


Notes from the author: For those who are not already aware, you can get more coins for your money by buying through PayPal instead of going through Google Play. Just a heads up for those who don’t know (You can access the Paypal purchase option through «Top-up» in your profile)

*Not for children, this novel will have both lewd and gruesome moments as it progresses further into the story.

If you see stars around the **chapter name** then it is an explicit chapter, don’t read if you don’t like sex xD Collapse
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  • Comments: 62
  • Total comments: 101


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Comments 62

  1. Offline
    So, as of chapter 100 here are my thoughts:

    Good points:
    - the characters for the most part are interesting and feel real. There are some weird conversations/interactions but overall they're alright.
    - the MC is actually really smart and thorough. Nothing barely ever catches him off-guard cuz he is prepared for it in advance.
    - update stability tho that's in webnovel cuz right now it isn't being updated here.
    - romance is nice tho I'm a bit conflicted with the harem tag cuz he is married with kids.

    - I like the grimoire system

    Bad points/things I dislike:
    - the names. It's simply a weird mechanic which wasn't handled properly imo. A lot of characters have stupid "names" now while others have worse ones. I preferred the MC'S, and his kid's original names better.
    - the power system, grimoire aside. I dislike how the combat system is basically just like a game/a typical adventurer part in an isekai anime where u have healers, tanks, assassins etc. Each class also has the typical pieces of gear and equipment. It's boring and unoriginal. I would prefer if there were no such boundaries in place and even if certain people used certain skills it wouldn't feel like an rpg game. Like for example in Blood Warlock where there's a system, I know it is different, and everyone can get skills and equipment as drops but it doesn't feel like a game.
    - how dungeon centered the story is. I don't necessarily dislike the dungeons themselves but it kinda goes hand in hand with the rpg vibe I mentioned earlier and it's not a good vibe imo.
    - this novel feels more like an isekai/transmigration to a fantasy world novel rather than an apocalypse one which is disappointing.
    - the plot is kinda bland and isn't really going anywhere aside from keeping family safe and conquering dungeons.

    The story itself isn't necessarily bad tho, and maybe it just doesn't align with my interest exactly. I'll keep reading for now but I hope things get spicier/change a bit.
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    1. Offline
      Thank you for your review! Yes, I agree that things start out a little bland. I try my best to respond to reviews/questions without giving spoilers, sol i'll try to be indirect in my response:
      The Dungeon aspect is really only active throughout the first volume (which ends around chapter 200)
      As such, the second volume becomes a kingdom building volume where MC will have to build up a safe place to live for himself, his family, and all of his followers. It will introduce conflict between humans along with the future beast waves already mentioned in the story.

      An explanation starts on chapter 144 through around 155 on why the system is the way it is.
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    Just gonna pop a comment up here as the author. Interesting to see that my work finally made the pirated list lshock

    I hope that you guys enjoy reading my work. If you have any questions you can pop em on this thread, I'll check in once a week or so to say hi or answer questions.

    I do understand that it can be expensive to binge read. If you want to support me once you catch up to current head on over to Webnovel and read the regular releases (it is how I feed my family).

    Even if you don't, it's awesome to me that so many people enjoy what I'm working on! Hope all of you have a great read! -Author
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    1. Offline
      NTR ?
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      1. Offline
        No NTR. Will develop into a small harem. As with many harem novels, the MC's women do spend time with each other as well, sometimes when the MC isn't around.
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          Well... Then you can buy a couple of chapters to support the author!
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            I appreciate the support. It looks like Ranobes has stopped stealing a lot of WebNovels works. This hasn't updated in more than two weeks now, but I've posted up to chapter 166
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            1. Online Offline
              Well, your work is really engaging, I have been reading it on Webnovel, until paid chapters came in. Can't really do anything about it since I'm in deep dogshit of a financial situation. Can't support a lot of authors, if I'm not even capable of supporting myself. So these pirated sites are the only respite for broken people like me xd No offense author
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              1. Offline
                I understand, I used to read novels on pirate sites until I caught up to current. At least until I was able to afford doing otherwise. It's rough once you find a good 1k+ chapter book and want to binge it butwhy

                I hope your situation turns around for you! Sending some motivation your way imbest
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                1. Offline
                  I have done that a lot too, where I finish the novel on pirate sites then either buy priviliege or just get the chapter daily afterwards
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                2. Offline
                  I probably shouldn't admit it as an author myself, but it's true lol. Hell, I wouldn't even know sites existed outside of Kindle if I hadn't learned about them through these pirate sites.
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                3. Offline
                  Impressive. A better way to communicate by persuasion than being forceful, you can't fight piracy in this era. That's the main problem with digital content. Persuasion is the way. Let me give you power stone then, not that much but i hope it will overcome with quantity of people.
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                4. Offline
                  I certainly appreciate it! Like I've said before, I appreciate all of my readers, I just hope those that can afford it can help me pay the lights. Can't write without power or internet, lol.

                  Thanks for reading and supporting, all methods of support help a lot on WebNovel. PowerStones, Golden Tickets, and Reviews are awesome!
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                5. Offline
                  Do the gifts on web novel help the Authors. I Have no problem supporting good authors but hate Web Novel.
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                6. Offline
                  Any type of income helps an author rise up in the rankings. The higher we are in the rankings, the better the novel does and the more publicity WebNovel gives our book. So indirectly, yes, gifts and especially privilege purchases (reading the advanced chapters that you can't read on pirate sites) help to boost a novel's exposure.
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    2. Offline
      Спасиб чел, на wn много всякого, но разбираться прочтением со всем невозможно - пропусков не хватит. А тут и сообщество активное, и прочитать можно сразу + нет проблем с поиском как на wn. Респект за отношение к таким ресурсам

      Thank you, there's a lot of things on wn, but it's impossible to deal with reading everything - there won't be enough passes. And here the community is active, and you can read it right away + there are no problems with the search as on wn. Respect for attitude to such resources!
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  3. Offline
    Fairly good read for the most part, but my opinion did change somewhat when

    While this might be something only i find to be a problem, while also having the potential to be addressed eventually, there are a lot of good aspects to the novel
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      I'm glad that you enjoyed what you've read so far. As far as that part goes
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      1. Offline
        Why... Just why. I just don't understand the reasoning behind it. I don't believe it pleasant to share your lover out of inadequacy. I vehemently agree that this isn't for everyone, but doesn't that in itself make you think that readers deserve some type of warning regarding things like this? I personally do not find it pleasant to be reading a story and suddenly having to read lesbian sex between the MC's lover and some other girl. And if romance is only a subplot why do you have to implement something so controversial and contentious, romantic subplot is usually meant to complement the story, it is beyond my understanding why you would create such a complicated relationship if that were your intention. You have to understand that you cannot please everyone, what you believed the readers wanted could just lead to you driving more readers away from your story, the story is yours not theirs, just how you can simply choose to ignore this and continue to write your story however YOU want. You can take this as constructive criticism, hate or whatever you want it to be, I simply cannot rap my head around why you made the decisions you did.
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        1. Offline
          I mean, the novel IS tagged as a harem novel on WebNovel. In Harems, the MC typically has multiple women, and I've never read a harem novel that lacked at least a bit of woman on woman interaction. So... I'm really not sure what you are talking about.

          If you are talking about on this specific site, I'm not sure what they have the novel marked as, since the work is STOLEN. If you're reading it here, you are reading pirated works, I have no control over what this site marks my stolen work as *shrugs*

          I simply created an account here to answer questions that people may have and be interactive with my *cough* cheaper *cough* readers
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  4. Offline
    Quote: ID:entity:Kelvin
    Harem = Not Nice👎

    You know what I think this is getting stupid.
    Every time I read a complain about harem I feel like you ppl are trying to impose your ideologies and beliefs on others.
    Why won't you guys all join together and make the anti-harem cult?
    You all sound like worshipers of no harem.

    You can not like it, and that's ok. let others that do like it enjoy their harem in peace.

    With all that being said let the readers decide for themself what they want to read. We are not 3 years old for others to tell us if it is cool or not we can all read for ourselves. Your comment you don't say anything constructive about the novel maybe you didn't even read it so why do you comment? You came you saw harem you leave. But nooo you have to try to convince others. harem = not cool = bad.

    Again why do you comment?

    You read a book that has a harem in it you all act like it's the most sinful act ever. Where on the other hand you read books about demons and you glorify them to no end when all they do is heinous acts. Not all harems are good but not all are bad either. It Ll lay in the way the author design it. it's not like they are kidnapping the woman and forcing them. it's consent between 2 or more ppl. You guys refuse to believe in the Bible but polygamy has been part of our world from the time before the first civilization. It was the Catholics that overwrite it and made it a law that a man can only have 1 wife and a woman can have only one husband. So not it's convenient to you you preach it more than a pastor.

    We act like pussy is this holy treasure. It's the same as every other human body part.

    Do you think ppl only get together to f#ck???? We act more like animals than animals themselves. At least they have a mating season. We have a mating calendar.
    It's not always about a man trying to f#ck as many women as possible. You don't need a harem novel for that. You don't even need a relationship for that!

    That for all of y'all of the A.H Cult
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      Sheesh you should calm down my fellow reader. For your information I always comments like that and seeing your opinion about my comment if it's stupid or not I don't really care. In fact it makes me laugh and entertained at the same time because there are still people who gives their attention to me even though it's online and I'm satisfied with it. whoknows oh and also I'm competing with #ponpokona# so you can go ahead and join him.
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        I have nothing against others giving their opinion but, again it's like going to a bar and expecting ppl not to drink alcohol telling others hey the alcohol your drinking is bad for your health. well moron you're in a freaking bar. And I'm here to drink and it's none of your business, It's the same here the novel says it's a harem... You click on it to come here in the review to say.... Harem is not nice that stupid because you know this novel is a harem why do you even come here if you don't like this type of novel to tell others... Hey, harem os bad. That is idiotic. If we are here is because we like it. Don't play the victim with it's only my opinion I have seen your comment on other harem novels too and you're doing it with a purpose. You're like a Karen feeling entitled to tell others what in your view is the best thing they must be doing well no.

        Again why do you come to a harem novel to tell others harem os bad... Can't we read? Are others blind or stupid? No... We can read for our self thank you but we don't need you to tell me if it's bad. If you're going to review then read it and review it. I'm sure you didn't even read the novel and that's the problem. You saw the harem tag got Ichi and went Karen mode... Go away we don't it. You're doing a disservice to the novel.
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          #ponpokona# come and look at this it was so hilarious angry4 oru2x
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    2. Offline
      As the author I have to agree, the novel is tagged as a harem, I don't understand why you would read it if you don't like harems lol.

      But I also find it okay for people to give their opinions, as long as they aren't straight up disrespectful about it *shrugs*

      Anyway, I hope that you've enjoyed the novel so far! -Author
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  5. Offline
    A good novel. Surprised me because i never heard of it so i didn't expect much. Definitely recommend if you like apocalypse novels.

    Will keep up with this one.
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      I'm glad that you are enjoying it! -Author
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  6. Offline
    I dropped a quick review... for those who need it

    It's not much just my views and what I've read so far(chapter 35)
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  7. Offline
    Harem = Not Nice👎
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      agree, sigh sigh too bad.
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  8. Offline
    The synopsis seems decent
    But I'll wait for by fellow daoists to explore this uncharted land first

    P.S reply to me if u read it and find it a good read


    I read the first 35 chapters and it's pretty decent in my opinion. The mc has a head on his body(he's not dumb) and makes good decisions

    It starts with him his wife and 2 kids(3 and 4 year old) they cleared a dungeon and used it as a base(The mc soloed the boss)
    I kind of like the grimoire system(everybody gets one) although I'm not a system loving guy, it adds a unique view on an old concept(you'll understand when u read)

    The mc isn't op although his level is the highest in the world(he can see a leaderboard using the dungeon interface) but that doesn't mean he's weak either.... he's somewhere in between

    Haven't seen a class system as of yet they're just adding stats how they see fit.... the mc has a mage build but instead of intelligence he adds to wisdom and defence.... oh and he can't use spells (he can manipulate mud tho... not via a spell but rather a skill he got from a monster) because he has none so we get to see a mc smashing monsters with a staff(the spell system revolves around runes and the mc hasn't learned any yet....oh and he has to learn from scratch because there is no one to teach him so it's dangerous. He broke his arm by accident messing with it)

    Hmm thts about it... fill in anything in missing
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      Seems like we are fools
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      his wife mc gangbanged orc
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      1. Offline
        Shreyy senpai
        What do you mean???
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        Huh... what do you mean
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      3. Offline
        don't tell me it's gonna be like "reborn from cosmos" . . . FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
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          No, I'm not sure what this guy is talking about. Nothing like that is in this novel. -Author
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      Long Live Summons!
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