2 years ago

Harness Cultivator by Idczhen

«I only harnessed a little bit of her yin energy, why is everyone trying to kill me?» — Lee Tao... Read more
«I only harnessed a little bit of her yin energy, why is everyone trying to kill me?» — Lee Tao cried aloud.

Do you know what is the correct method to cultivate?

Normal, old boring cultivation in a lotus position?

Dual Cultivation with a jade beauty?

Consuming alchemy pills to cultivate?

If you had chosen any of the above, you’re wrong. It’s none of those.

The correct method is obviously to harness the cultivation of others for yourself.

Why work hard when you can work smart?

Lee Tao is the one and only Harness Cultivator who extracts the profound qi of other cultivators to strengthen himself and become unparalleled in the vast heavens without the need to lift a single finger.


Disclaimer: I don’t like to info dump much so don’t expect to know everything in a few chapters. So if you are the type to want the world building, character’s personality, story line in a few chapters then this is not for you. Collapse
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Comments 91

  1. Offline
    Did anyone else read the title and think of "harness" as in the noun and not the verb; thinking that the MC had some weird BDSM cultivation method.
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        You are a hater bro, and haters gonna hate lmao get rekt +100 hokage bossgif
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          check the name of author and check his.
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            Thats the joke brudah
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    Okay, this is a novel you can’t take seriously if you want to enjoy reading it. The MC is a grade-A egoist and all around a**hole to quite literally everyone. If it’s for his goals, he will do whatever to whoever, whenever he wants to. This is executed in a decent way because it’s comedic face slapping and he is unapologetically just a complete a**hole, as I said earlier lol. Just expect that going into it and not some 10,000 year old devil who takes everything serious and wants to rule the world again. Don’t get me wrong, the MC is still cunning, smart, and talented but he takes almost nothing seriously. Lastly, there is r*pe
    and incest
    in this so be ready for that.
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      This being said, I wouldn’t consider this novel good, but a solid 3.4/5
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    3. Offline
      Well, when I was reading it really didn't feel like rape, it didn't feel forced. But I can understand how you see that way.

      Now these are my opinions, now let's talk about the bj

      I just wanted to clarify those points because rape is a very strong word.
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  3. Offline
    I really hate revenge based on infidelity and rape
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  4. Offline
    Came in out of curiosity for the intro, at first I thought he was some kind of MC who farms the way of the devil until I read the comments. Honestly I don't like this type of genre and I respect the tastes of others however I come from a webnovel with an old monster that is harder to kill than a cockroach as well as being arrogant as hell, a parasite that consumes all the resources that they belong to the body he inhabits, not only that but he also thinks with his head down bringing his own harem or forcing girls so I'm a bit too tired with this kind of thing. bond

    Worst of all is that he guy was once very strong and still is thanks to his great knowledge along with his high level artifacts, the most annoying thing is that he can't die as long as heaven and earth exist, that's how hateful he is , its existence in itself is a trap
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      Name please ?
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      1. Offline
        I think...
        Demonic Devourer's Development
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        This Young Master is not Cannon Fodder

        That's the name, leaving out said old cockroach monster. I would not know if this type of novel is to your liking or if you already know it
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    2. Offline
      man u must be suffering after reading that novel ehh
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        I do it too much but only in the parts where that character comes out, otherwise everything is fine and I hope you never run into this type of character in your readings. pressure
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          thank you imbest
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  5. Offline
    No harem? sigh
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      Dude screw harem, there aint nothing good about it except ducking like rabbit in heat.....illogical and hella overuse and wack....
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        nah brah, f#ck no harem brah tha shi succs kuh
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      2. Offline
        Nah bro harem is the way to go....

        Long novels like this should have their ups and downs. What I mean is cultivate fight and repeat becomes boring after some time. But if you add some romance into the mix then you can really enjoy the contrast between love and hate.
        And most of these authors are not good enough to write an in-depth female character. This can finally be cured using harem.
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  6. Offline
    L'll explains a bit about this novel since it seem some people are mislead by some reviews.

    Firstly this novel has a MC who's annoying, he's different from the other MC who're cool and wish to f*** every hole and girl he sees.
    He has a ego bigger than earth that can be explained by his immortal status at the 1st Heaven world and he was pretty strong if ranked in the ladder of power.
    ( He successfully escaped pursuit from the Celestial King or smthg, he harnessed lot of girl it mean taking their Qi cultivation like they have 1000 Qi he takes 500-600 from them so he doesn't need sex to cultivate).

    Here's a spoiler when he "reincarnate" at first he will be like before with his method of cultivation but later he'll find out that it it better to harness them whenever girls are horny or during the act. Anyway here there're really few scene of sex and we'll see more later in the novel like around chapter 40-50.

    MC is not stupid, it's just he has been a Immortal for idk how long so he's used to be arrogant with power backing him.

    We can see some examples where he is pretty careful to not let any trace during the Ruin exploration where he erase the girls memory of him harnessing the villain's and so on.

    About the system, those who says he's extremely dependent of it then it seem they rly didn't read everything. The system here is only a "tool" it doesn't help much just help MC to purify whenever he harness and she can also give maps or sometimes resources but that's all. MC is by no means weak but he prefer to annoy people than killing their whole family or anything else.

    This novel is annoying but also fun it gives mixed feeling but at least it is different from other novel where you get sex scene every two-three chapter that last 2-3 chapter.

    Anyways just give a shot.

    Quote: DarkEntity77777
    well I have a feeling MC is dumb af. After reading approx 60 chapter I think that Mc was useless immortal even though he was strong.
    Well MC is dumb .Even though he was immortal on 9th heaven before reincarnation he is very much depended on his system in 1st heaven where he considered everbody ants.
    He love face-slapping, hot blooded, dont care about people and is dense as f#ck.
    oh and its incest

    MC is by no means dense it's just his ego is so big that he find them not worthy of fu** and when fuc** a girl on a whim it's because he's petty or don't like to waste money.

    Btw people who rate this novel writing quality with 2⭐ are really hypocrite, at least this novel writing quality is way better than most novel from WN.
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    1. Offline
      BRO all I gotta say is you are a damn SADIST, like come on you said it yourself it is quote "This novel is annoying but also fun".....I see that you like getting mental torture, but wait you also said quote "MC is by no means dense it's just his ego is so big that he find them not worthy of fu** and when fuc** a girl on a whim it's because he's petty or don't like to waste money." BRO just from those 2 quotes I already see that this novel is blatant horror, it is only good for people who are in heat or just sadist. Literally quite a pointless novel.....

      Well good luck people! You do you!

      End of warnings.
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      1. Offline
        There are no more than 5 r18 chapters of the 140. It also has nothing to do with being sadistic, you should read it if you want to read it and not if you don't, but you can't guess what's in the novel either by something someone says in a review that could be wrong, like f#cking anyone for being bored or for not wanting to spend money, for now he only had sex with a woman or two and the second one isn't even r18
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  7. Offline
    well I have a feeling MC is dumb af. After reading approx 60 chapter I think that Mc was useless immortal even though he was strong.
    Well MC is dumb .Even though he was immortal on 9th heaven before reincarnation he is very much depended on his system in 1st heaven where he considered everbody ants.
    He love face-slapping, hot blooded, dont care about people and is dense as f#ck.
    oh and its incest
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  9. Offline
    Label R-18, Cover image of a woman and cultivation with harnesses... I thought you meant the harness one woman wears on another woman.. gloom
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      Immortal God
      What do you mean by one woman wears on another woman?
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  10. Offline
    How is it honorable readers ? I see that it's rated 2.6, but i know that readers take in account their taste, so it's not always reliable. If the writing style is acceptable and it's about cultivation then i'm in. Otherwise if i'll have to reconstruct each sentence or paragraph in my mind whilst reading then i'll just drop it.
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      grammar is readable
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