1 year ago

White Dragon Lord白龙之凛冬领主

“Wings that obscure the blue dome of the heavens, breath that freezes the soul,” or so the... Read more
“Wings that obscure the blue dome of the heavens, breath that freezes the soul,” or so the troubadour sings of the legend of the dragon and his eternal will”.

One fateful day, Xia Yu dies after falling into an open sinkhole while he tries to avoid a speeding truck …. Not the most ideal way to die.

Reincarnated as a white dragon —considered to be the weakest and dullest kind among the evil dragon race. He embarks on his journey in a fantasy world resided by countless races, where danger lurks at every corner along with his brother and sisters to dominate the world.

Come along to join him in his adventures and witness the Saga of the White Dragon Lord. Collapse
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Comments 100

  1. Offline
    It's bad. I got to chapter 131. The mc does win every battle like every novel. But at elast it shows that he's struggling to do win in some fights. My only problem is the translation. The name keeps changing. It mayb be bearable for you guys but Not me. 6/10 at best
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    1. Online Offline
      MTL quality?
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      1. Offline
        No. Grmmar is good enough for me. My only problem is that some terms change.
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  2. Offline
    Note: f#cking hell I accidentally reloaded the page and lost the 3 paras of this, had to write it from memory

    Quit reading as much.

    I stumbled across #galacticrize#’s post a while ago, forgot about it and remembered it randomly ~3 weeks ago(?), and decided to stick to it.

    That’s helped so much.

    The trick to it is to try and fill your schedule with other things, to the point that when you finish, you have little time left.

    It feels so satisfying to actually get things done instead of constantly reading!

    You can see the total amounts of comments I’ve posted, and know that I was probably a crippling reading addict. Well, that’s changed for the better!
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  3. Offline
    Dark Phoenix
    💀I Want Everyone To Read This Novel Up To Chapter 90...Then Review
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  4. Offline
    It’s bad.
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  5. Online Offline
    Imma just turn off my brain and ignore random shit and read this
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  6. Offline
    One fateful day, Xia Yu dies after falling into an open sinkhole while he tries to avoid a speeding truck …. Not the most ideal way to die.

    "Nice try Truck-kun!! Maybe next tim -- AaaaaaAAaaHHhhh..."
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    1. Offline
      Shadow Garden
      Definitely one if the best comment i have ever seen..😂😂😂
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    2. Offline
      I was searching some iron veins and I find a good crate of Gold ehh
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      1. Offline
        Is this real gold or is it just painted iron?
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        1. Offline
          whoknows whoknows whoknows ???
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          1. Offline
            They are asking if its good or just eh
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            1. Offline
              I was talking about the comment 😅😅😅😅
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              1. Offline
                it's good?
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  7. Offline
    Seems like nuclear dragon.... I've only read to chap 2. this ain't a review, just a comment.
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  8. Offline
    To answer all your questions yes it's f#cking terrible.
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  9. Offline
    Last Dragon🐉
    Haiya! this dragon too white, too white (uncle roger accent)
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    1. Offline
      XD, been a while since I heard his haiya!!
      I have to go and listen to it right now :"D
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  10. Offline
    I will only post this quote here

    Amos was a great socialist youth who believed in Marxism.

    China has deep issues with propaganda and when I see author pouring real world politics into fantasy story then you know something is wrong just like it happens to stories where author praises China as best country in the world making all other nations villains.

    Moreover story is flat. MC is overpowered and steamrolls everybody with no tension. He also posses cheat system for no reason (like maybe making cheat involve some secrets of sorts that can become plot point etc).
    And I'm saying this as a person who loves dragons since being a kid.
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    1. Offline
      lol average braindead bootlicker.

      Nothing wrong with socialism, if you do have a problem with taxing the rich ask yourself how the sole of the boots you lick tastes. Is it so enjoyable that you have to continue defending the rich and powerful, all while they care not one whit for you.
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      1. Offline
        I havent said anything about communism itself. You just wanted to rant for no reason.
        I only said that author is bringing propaganda from China into fantasy which I have no interest of. I don't to read another "China is great!" story. As you will read further it becomes a bigger and bigger problem.

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        1. Offline
          i fully agree with every thing you said about china, i deeply hate its government. And every book with "China numba 1" has been painfully bad, to mediocre at best.

          I think i got ticked off by the socialist part. Ignore me, im just in a mood.
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          1. Offline
            That's... Surprising. And here I thought you are another simpleton who likes getting into comparing dick sizes through political ego talks.

            As for socialism, I wouldn't mind reading fantasy story where it is properly explored by author who tries to be unbiased. Unfortunately Chinese authors aren't known to be like that and author of White Dragon Lord hasn't shown his will to rise above his fellow corrupted by propaganda authors.
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            1. Offline
              I'm on chapter 10 and that quote was the only time I've encountered the political thing. Does they go into it again later?
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              1. Offline
                It's not that bad. It's readable but even still rest of my review applies.
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            2. Offline
              socialism and communism are not the same thing which is probably what the other guy is reacting to because you're using them as if they're the same term
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              1. Offline
                In China there is a communism whereas Marxism is leading school of thought taught at Chinese universities.
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      2. Offline
        Class stratification is basic build-in function of all animals. Even birds and fishes divided by 'ruler' and 'subjugated'. So till humans exist they will divide themself to higher and lower. As long as humans need other humans to manage resources they will let 'higher' person become manager and person with bigger access to resources will get capital bigger than other. As long as humans involves into rule humans there will be let humans to manage resources and rulers will get capital by protecting managers.

        So... socialism just sweet dream that never become true. At least it don't become true till humans stay humans and keep their feels because only emotionless robots that follow stricted instructions can live in that dream.
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        1. Offline
          Realistic implementation of socialism was historically almost always at the helm of revolution to abolish current, demonized elites only to be replaced by identical in function but not in form party aristocracy only this time with excuse in form of hypocritical propaganda.

          It's like those rappers who sing about poor people and slums but live in rich houses and drive pricy cars.
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          1. Offline
            Everything at the helm of revolution will be stand till that revolution end as every other "battle" between two or more groups same. Peoples unites under outer pressure or against share enemy.
            Socialistic revolution grew on battle between poors and richs but actually ww2 make it real long-term game when propaganda cultivated very obeying slaves citizens that was keep that bullshit till generations renew. Even real slavery can exist with such conditions...
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    2. Offline
      I need to call my political science teacher to understand this thread swim reader
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    3. Offline
      Nona Me
      Your comment is terrible, man. It would be fine if it was only related to novels. But why do you need to protest marxism and give anti-Chinese hate speech here?

      The phrase you pick is just one loose sentence in the story. It's just a picture of MC's ideology in his previous life. It has nothing to do with this novel. What propaganda? You suffer from acute paranoia. Go to a psychologist!
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      1. Offline
        and he's using socialism and communism as if they're the same thing
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      2. Offline
        You must be new to reading Chinese novels considering you have never read one corrupted by Chinese propaganda praising China and making other nations criminals.
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        1. Offline
          Nona Me
          LOL.. I was done with Mo Yan, Gao Xinjiang, Lu Xun and the others before moving on to the children's story at Ranobes. Long before that, I was done with Russian literature, Classical European, Latin American, Japanese, Korean & American contemporary. I even read Jewish writers like Etgar Keret & Indonesian Muslim writers.

          You just read a few dozen Chinese webnovels, and then talk about propaganda? :v
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          1. Offline
            Oh wow you have read few books from other countries and now you are so wise. We are greatly honored that you have descended to this lowly site filled with webnovels that surely have to be stories for children just because you have said that!

            Considering your need to prove yourself anynomously by listing books you have read supposedly I assume you are kid with low confidence.

            Quality of the story makes no difference for corruption by Chinese propaganda.
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            1. Offline
              Nona Me
              well, that's not proof of anything. my previous long comment was just to state that you are like a frog in a well. so continue your good work. I support, man!

              PS: Read a lot of nutritious books, not just Chinese web novels. I recommend Das Capital. :v

              In my country, people who talk a lot but never read books are called idiots. Looking at your confidence, I'm sure in your place, they should be considered a genius.. haha :v
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              1. Offline
                There is no point talking with a person who uses straw man. Especially since you do nonsense comparisons.
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                1. Offline
                  Nona Me
                  go to a psychologist, kid. You not only suffer from paranoia, but also anxiety & superiority complex. I hope you get better soon.
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                2. Offline
                  Not only you uses straw man but now resort to personal insults when you don't know what to say. It would be for the best for everybody if you have left this site. We don't need people who go act like children starved for attention just because they feel anonymous on the internet. Your presence here is toxic.
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            2. Offline
              Lmfao mask destroyer, vintearis the menace was out
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