8 days ago

Monroe by Jahx

Bob was a good guy. He had done everything you were supposed to do. He exercised, he kept to a... Read more
Bob was a good guy. He had done everything you were supposed to do. He exercised, he kept to a healthy diet, he’d studied hard, gotten excellent grades, and was working towards his masters. Somehow, things just weren’t working out for him like he’d been told they would. He was stuck in a thankless position, constantly passed over, and it seemed that the only being on earth that cared about him was his cat.

Then things got worse.

Never back a man into a corner unless you want to find out just how hard he can fight.

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Comments 22

  1. Offline
    Oh shit don’t tell me the cats gonna die

    Also reviews say ‘good but turns mid at around chapter 250ish with constant pov changes’
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    1. Offline
      Maybe it's gonna turn out like John wick where the guy will go on a killing spree...
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      1. Offline
        Если это убийство ради кошки, приемлемо hokage
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    2. Offline
      Cat doesn't die up to the current chapter, and seems unlikely that it ever will, outside of like some theoretical resurrection mcguffin arc.

      Overall this novel is excellent. It can be a little repetitive/grindy at points due to the nature of the system and the nature of the book as a web serial, but you can safely binge this novel and have a good time without losing brain cells. I'd give it 4.5 stars.

      It is also worth noting the first chapter is not really indicative of the tone or content of the novel after that point, so if you find anything distasteful in the first chapter know it won't be a factor in the rest of the novel.
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      1. Offline
        Thank you brave soldier for diving in 🙏
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      2. Offline
        Thank you oh kind, brave and respectable soul
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      3. Offline
        Any Romance?
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        1. Offline
          There are couples whose interactions we see, and there are a couple females pursuing prospective mates. So it exists as a thing that happens and is part of character arcs but overall its not a large focus. Although it has been getting more attention in some of the more recent chapters.
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    3. Offline
      Author here. This site scrapped my story off of Royal Road without asking me, which is a little shady, but honestly they linked to the site, and named me as the author, and I'm publishing it for free over there anyway, so I can't really be too peeved, right?

      I'll freely admit that book three has gotten away from me a bit. Those little dots on the plot arc sort of ballooned, and my desire to show rather than tell has led to the story meandering a bit. There are certain events in the future that wouldn't make sense if the causes weren't shown beforehand. The good news is that things tighten down as the third book draws to a close, and book four will be much more focused on Bob, and his feline overlord, Monroe.

      If you'd like to get the story straight from the source, you can find it here https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/35398/monroe where you'll also find a link for my discord, where I'm happy to chat endlessly about the world I've created, and the system I've warped and twisted to fit into my story.



      /Edit. Also, the art they used here for the cover is amazing. My patreons employed their google-fu and found the artist, and I've messaged them on their instagram, asking if I could purchase it for my own use. Maybe I can get them to floof the kitty up a bit, give them a bit of the Maine-coon treatment.
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      1. Offline
        Ah, thanks!
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