1 year ago

Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince by SorryImJustDiamond

A scientific genius named Thomas Harrier was transmigrated to an imperial prince body after a car... Read more
A scientific genius named Thomas Harrier was transmigrated to an imperial prince body after a car accident that took his life. He found out that he is in a world similar to our own with a timeline akin to early twentieth century.

The body that he is occupying was the imperial prince of a failing empire who suddenly rose to power after a successful assassination attempt of his father. Unaware that the attack is just the beginning of what is to come. He faces many challenges throughout.

Will Thomas Harrier be able to live his second life in peace while running an empire and getting it back to its former glory? Or will he succumb into a conspiracy lurking within the country’s borders?


Expect some:

— Cold war era techs.

— Super battleship with advanced electronics, propulsion, and fire control systems?

— Helicopters?

— Missiles?

— Modern medicines and equipment?

— AC-130?

— A nuke?

— Challenger or Abrams or Leopard?

— F-4 Phantom or MIG-21?

— Colored TV’s.

Everything!!! Collapse
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  • Comments: 126
  • Total comments: 380


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Comments 126

  1. Offline
    Rachidata Sidibé
    I learned a lot by reading this webtoon, geopolitical strategy, negotiation, political game, etc.
    I am conquered to the highest degree.
    I was very impressed by the author who knew how to circumscribe and transpose the history of the world of that time under another perspective.
    I was very impressed with the author's knowledge of certain political issues.
    The question of the expansionist goals of the dominant states towards the weak countries is very well presented. I'm still curious to know how the author will introduce the ecological issue if he continues the story beyond the main character.
    There are strong as well as negative points, I would have liked to have more details on the secondary characters Roland and Christina, and more interaction for example Sophie's sister exchanges letters in order to have a point of view on her state after their separation. In the event of a crisis, where do they stand on key issues (feminist issues) or how do the nobles react to the dramatic change and its impact on their lives, etc.
    It is not easy to write a novel, I know that, so I encourage the author to continue his work.
    All in all, it's a very nice work, which is why I signed up to leave a comment.

    Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
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      An advise as a fellow reader: never expect anything great from webnovel
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  2. Offline
    I dropped it at chapter 27. Didn't even get to the point where he uses modern inventions.

    Why? Because I can't take it with the "Engrish." I'm usually okay with minor typos and small mistakes, but this one is really not okay for me.
    If you want to know what I am talking about, just skip everything and read chapter 27. You'll get cancer, that chapter was the breaking point for me.

    Just look at the sentences below.
    "I too notice the effect of (I didn't want to nitpick on this, but still, missing "the") war in our country."
    "No brother, I must face them also."
    "We do not ask much; we only want that without which life is hard labor and eternal suffering." (I don't even know where to start with this sentence.)
    "Of course, it will work. Sorry for killing your hopes up all of a sudden."
    "Let’s just talk at one another"
    The dialogues are awkward, the phrases are not used properly, and although a minor thing, the punctuations are misplaced or missing. Sometimes, the sentence structure is all over the place. I'm no English teacher, and my English is bad as well, but as a long-time reader, I just cannot take this. It really breaks the immersion when a genius billionaire is speaking broken English with awkward sentences and phrasing.

    Did the average standard of English really drop to the point where people don't feel such sentences have issues?
    I don't even know how some people can say:
    Grammar is almost perfect with very few to nonexistent mistakes (Comment below)
    The writing is too orderly and clean(Chapter 6)
    As for the grammar, nothing noticeable that may break your immersion. (Another comment below)

    Again, how is a genius billionaire speaking broken English not breaking your immersion?
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    1. Offline
      Its webnovel trash what can you expect? Webnovel is 98 per cent trash.
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      1. Offline
        I've always wondered, if webnovel is full of trash novels—like you said— then which site or platform do you guys recommend because all the sites I know doesn't even come close to it.
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        1. Offline
          Depends on what u like. If u like romance or similar stuff u could go to sites like 1stkiss or zin but then if u like action and stuff like that light-novel-p u b and ranobes are great..
          Royalroad has its own style...
          Nothing actually beats ranobes tho. I haven't seen one yet. Ranobes has the most vast collection unlike any other site I've seen.
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          1. Offline
            I think many popular novels in site came from webnovel. However, I kinda agree that ranobes mostly had good novels in their library
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          2. Offline
            Panda novel have priv chaps and ranobes have mostly only free ones
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          3. Offline
            People nowadays keep downvoting random comments for no reason
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            1. Offline
              MTL Denier
              i upvoted yours for no reason.
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    2. Offline
      I have never read this novel, yet seeing your comment makes me want to ask. Have you perchance forgotten why editors/proofreaders exist nowadays? Nevermind, since you've made your choice.
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      1. Offline
        I seriously have no idea wtf you're talking about. Even if a godly editor or proofreader exists in this world, it doesn't even mean a f#cking thing if said editor or proofreader doesn't do anything to this novel. The fact of the matter is this novel doesn't have it.

        It's like saying that because there is a famous chef in the world, you should give a chance to the shitty restaurant opposite your house. What do the famous chef and the shitty restaurant opposite your house have got to do with each other? Same logic, what does said editor or proofreader got to do with this novel if they weren't used?

        Basically, what you said is pure nonsense.
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        1. Offline
          So you understand that there's no editor/proofreader employed. Good. Please understand that I'm not arguing with you, i know and understood your reasoning. You may go now, don't poison your eyes anymore. The fact that you're still here... Confused me..?
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          1. Offline
            Wtf dude. Your comment literally makes no sense, you just state that there are editors out there but it has no connection to the novel in question. Then why on earth are you writing a comment here and wasting everybody’s time to read it? Don’t do that, be responsible!
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    3. Offline
      The grammar gets better further into the story. Just by analyzing the beginning, you can tell that the Author is new to this so there's bound to be mistakes plus English isn't his native tongue.

      The beginning starts shaky with regards to the grammar but futher into the story you'll see that mistakes aren't repeated and also his overall performance has improved.

      You're behaving as if the story isn't readable at all but if you're really invested and interested in the premise of the story, the mistakes won't put you off like reading MTL.
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      1. Offline
        Even if it gets better later, it's tough to get through the starting part as the interactions between characters are so awkward due to the language. They are like robots and don't feel real since the way they speak just gets to me. And I have to re-emphasize that a genius billionaire speaking broken English just destroyed all immersion I have with this.
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  3. Offline
    This is one of the best war novels I've read.

    The grammar is almost perfect with very few to nonexistent mistakes, the dialogue is fleshed out and the characters aren't two-dimensional.

    The story progression is well thought off with little plot armor for the MC.

    The only problems I have with this novel is the fact that even though Mc is the Emperor, he's more or less like a president, only his position is hereditary and he has full power over the military.

    Also, the fact that there are a lot of realistic politics involved in this novel. So much that even if Mc wants to start a war he has to consider a lot of things like informing the world powers and a whole lot of different crap.

    I'm not saying it's bad but I guess reading too much Tyranny Of Steel has kinda warped my mindset.

    Plus, there is a considerable amount of pretty boring chapters with lots of info dumps. It's not bad but it kinda harshes your mellow when the previous chapter was blood boiling.

    All in all, it's a great novel almost comparable to Tyranny Of Steel. Out of ten, I'll give it a solid eight. I highly recommend it.
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    1. Offline
      Wait you actually think this novel has good grammar and dialogues?!
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      1. Offline
        Yeah of course. Maybe, the beginning was a little shaky but further into the story I didn't really see any bad grammar or anything that will suggest any form of grammatical mistake.
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  4. Offline
    abishek narayanan
    Guys i have a couple of novel ideas😂.

    First off is a light genred novel where our m is reincarnated with a ..unique super power. Basically he gets a bgm for the different actions he does and depending on the quality of music the people and the world around him will get affected in different ways. For example when he just starts he only has this generic bgm when he does heroic stuff that isnt that big a deal and only kinda affects people. But later on he can unlock different type of songs . He can unlock "The wellerman" and can play it when he is in the ocean to keep his crews morale high and have a clear sky. He can get "lose yourself" and play it during times when we needs to command an army and inspire them.

    Second idea is also on the lighter side. Imagine a op mc who doesnt have much work and just runs a shop for the heck of it. But this op mc is wierd because he has multiple personalities. Its an eastern fantasy world but our mc is the usual transmigrated guy who has a tv in his shop. In the starting the tv has only the normal cable and he can only see mind numbingly boring shows. The thing is the personality rhat the mc has depends on the mood he is in. But because he finds everything so boring he is now stuck with his grumpy old man like personality and the customers dont like him much. But one day he finds out that his tv has subcriptions for different platform which he can buy. So he starts to watch different movies,series and anime. The story revolves around what he watches, how he reacts, about the different personalities that come out and the opinions of those personalities. You should remember that though a certain emotion triggers different personalities, the personality is not defined by the emotion. The story also includes how he interacts with the world outaide and how he finds love and the complications due to the multiple personalities.
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  5. Offline
    I know this is off topic but I just want to say I really want to go back in year 2020-2021 when Ranobes is just starting and excitedly waiting for Panic to update and adding new novels every 4-5 days during 10:00 PM and I also miss the old interface where we can easily navigate what novel is more popular
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    1. Offline
      #panic# this is how u report
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    2. Offline
      All good things come to an end sooner or later. ehh
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      only we
  6. Offline
    I need good war novels? Any recommendations?
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  7. Online Offline
    Eat eating ate
    The summary gives me a feeling that the tl is
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  8. Offline
    >be me
    >stop reading webnovels for a few months to stock up on chapters
    > comes back and sees I have 1611 chapters in total stocked up
    > starts reading
    >’’hey, this is kinda boring’’

    I forgot the plots of things I’ve read and it feels too boring to read now 😭😭😭
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    1. Offline
      You have to read from the beginning now Anon
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  9. Online Offline
    I've dominated the reading list for so many years but I think I should retire now because recently I can't find anything good to read
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  10. Offline
    The story kicks off with Thomas' unfortunate demise after smashing into truck-kun's massive white vehicle at high speed, which results in him reincarnating and inhabiting the body of the Empire's current Crown Prince, Alexandre.

    Thomas was gifted since his past life with a Photographic Memory perk, that he exclusively utilizes for printing out whatever Cold-War era tech blueprints his country is capable of producing. And rather than Investigating Terrorist attacks on his person, Sherlock Holmes style (a missed opportunity tbh). Add to add to that his weird decision making process

    The supporting cast however, is filled to the brim with generic 2D copy pasted characters
    , except for a handful, which results in lackluster dialogue, and predictable outcomes.

    The world is set in a fictionalized pre-WW1 planet earth, pre-WW1 era, which the author makes good use of when referencing historical events and characters. Which is enough incentive to keep reading, and looking forward to next chapters.

    As for the grammar, nothing noticeable that may break your immersion.

    Other that that, a solid 3.5/5
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    1. Offline
      #panic# how do i remove this and the previous review?
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      1. Offline
        is it that bad?
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        1. Offline
          Yeah, absolutely horrendous.
          Wrote the review after a long spree of MTLs and forgot to turn on my brain.
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