1 year ago

Is that a Wisp? by Suiyan

What if a wisp, with zero EQ about human culture and habits, gains the opportunity to cultivate and... Read more
What if a wisp, with zero EQ about human culture and habits, gains the opportunity to cultivate and finally achieve human form? Now he can enter cities, experience technology, and fight his way to the top, right? In this universe where wisps are seen as nothing more than cultivation resources, a wisp stands up to challenge the wisps destiny! Not without causing a lot of misunderstandings on his way, of course… Collapse
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Comments 61

  1. Offline
    Another day another book let's see how this one goes
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  2. Offline
    It is pretty good novel.
    I read unto 600-7000 chapters and the story is logical and very thorough in world building with little to no plot holes.
    Just in middle his cultivation goes haywire due to having children and pregnancy but afterwards gets fine.
    Also having many universes with different cultivation and more strength is engaging and doesn't bore you.
    Anyways a great read and I would like to thank the author for his efforts.
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    1. Offline
      Are you even talking about the same story? 7000 chapters?
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      1. Online Offline
        Typo probably, I think he meant 700
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  3. Offline
    The cover art is a little weird, but 30~ish chapters in and it pretty good.

    Quote: Drsanders
    Anyone have any idea when this will be complete? I like to binge read up completed novels and this seems pretty good.

    Wondering the same thing
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    1. Offline
      Hey Batman,
      It's a fan pic of "Clacifer" from Howl's Moving Castle

      Movie is definitely worth a watch if you haven't seen it !
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      1. Offline
        Thanks for the info will definitely check it out when I’m finished with novel I’m reading.
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  4. Offline
    Anyone have any idea when this will be complete? I like to binge read up completed novels and this seems pretty good.
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    1. Offline
      It's completed now
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  5. Offline
    It was fine for the first 50 chapters but since then there have too many pov shifts and it feels like there are 3 main characters and it is not interesting as it was, he makes friends too easily and trusts people too easily. Between chapter 80 to 100, there is not much content about the mc. And he shares everything with everyone, there is nothing special about him after he lets all his friends use his technique, and a novel with a mediocre mc, I might as well not read.
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  6. Offline

    If you can reach chapter 500 you'll know why I say so if you reach 900 you'll agree wholeheartedly and if you reach the recent chapters you'll say I didn't express how underrated it is enough
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    1. Offline
      Gweek Patato
      500? thats a lot of f#cking chapters man
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    2. Offline
      Is this one piece? Where you need to see until ep. 900 to be good?
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      1. Offline
        This guy just casually launching world war 3. Oh man ! i don't think you'd still be in "one piece" if you ever dropped this comment on twitter or reddit hhh
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      2. Offline
        this is one of reason I never start one piece if I need to wait like 100 ep to entertain myself I say no
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        1. Offline
          One Piece is good from the start, you might've just got the wrong impression b/c of people talking about how much better the story gets by the time you're a couple hundred chapters in. I'd recommend giving it a shot and if you're not enjoying the story by as you get closer to chapter 100 then it's probably just not for you. That said I'm only talking about the manga, haven't actually watched the anime beyond specific scenes.
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  7. Offline
    Why do I feel this will be a harem or he will break up with his wife? As of the current chapter what do you guys feel?
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    1. Offline
      Depends on what type of harem. If its the "They Fu#ked/Married Harem", none as of chapter 930. If it's the "Just Friends" type of harem, there are some brief mentions though.
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      1. Offline
        In the latest chapters, still no They F*cked Harem
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  8. Online Offline
    i only get to chapter 34, and already rant several times. i see the lack of trying from him to patch up his knowledge is truly disrespectful imo, how many times he need to get taken advantage of before this stops? how much time must go by before he realize that the new friends he got doesn't bring nothing to the table, nor solve any of his problems?

    what i hate most from an MC is stupidity, more so if he's strong and talented as hell, cause that's a weakness that i don't need to see more of. do i need to read chinese fiction just to get to see what i could see in flesh? without magical strength, what's the difference between an MC and an ordinary middle-age man with a severe delusional disorder?

    i don't even care if he's weak, a sex fiend, harem king, a million y.o. wizard, or female MC, as long as he got a good brain on his/her head there will be no plot boring enough, cliché enough, nor reused enough to be used again. he could play with an enemy 3 4 big realms above just by scheming, but without wits you're nothing but a boring 2d chara
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    1. Offline
      Did you enter the wrong novel comments or are you actually an idiot. Sure, the mc is stupid when it comes to his EQ, but he does have a gigantic IQ. The only time he gets cleary taken advantage of is early on with Yusa, until developing into an actual aquaintance.
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      1. Online Offline
        ah, so you're one of those people, okay so i will chat with you the same way how you've present yourself.

        can you even read, you blind idiot? where on "talented as hell" you see he lacks of IQ? do you even understand what you read before you nitpick about my comment without even bringing any facts? or are you here just to rant about shit you don't understand
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        1. Offline
          Do you not realize that talent is not the same to IQ? A person with a talent for say swords isn't smarter than his peers. Sure, there are talents for learning, but ultimately it is just a tool seperate from IQ. If IQ was fire, then a specific talent for learning would be fuel. It all depends on what the person with the talent does with it, something that the mc has doneto strengthen his IQ, while sadly leaving his EQ almost unchecked.
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    2. Offline
      What’s wrong with fmcs?
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      1. Online Offline
        nothings wrong, i just never see one
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        1. Offline
          Oh ok
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        2. Offline
          try azarinth healer Fmc she isn't smart but isn't stupid either(she does get taken advantage of in the beginning but that's no longer the case by the 150s) no romance no random ML to become a complete parasite around its a great read
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          1. Online Offline
            hey, i'm still reading Epic of Caterpillar atm but i'll be reading it as soon as i get to the last translated📖, thank you 🙏🏻
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            1. Offline
              she does have sex once in a while in AH but its always skipped so no smut
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      2. Offline
        Death panda
        Death panda
        Where that come from?
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  9. Offline

    While i enjoy this novel still i simply cant in good faith recommend it anymore. all the points are still valid except the attention to detail bit. Im at chapter 840 and I noticed while reading this book stuff gets retconned or plot hooks/bait gets dropped, and not just garbage throw away lines or unimportant stuff but big plot points instead.

    For instance after he beats two people and finds out about a tournament, he says he doesnt want to participate and gives really good and valid points to not attend, but however after he beats another person and then sends them back he then decides that he now wants to join the tournament and gives zero explanation why he wants to now join the tournament even though all of his previous points he gave still stand true. The tournament was a huge deal as well since it basically decided who was going to be the rulers of a very important region for every single cultivator in their realm. (Realm as in realm of existence not cultivation)

    Another time he gets two items from a character that can communicate with each other after its charged for a month, after they reunite the artifacts they merge and allow them to communicate with the guy who gave it to them after its charged up for a month on his end (it needs a type of energy that only the creator has access to.) then when they start to go to where the creator is the item suddenly no longer exists, it doesnt stop working or breaks or whatever its just said they never merged and just destroyed itself when he returned even tho it specifically said it can communicate with its creator, and the creator was an important character that has interacted with krune since the beginning of the story.

    Other times plot hooks or throw away lines are just forgotten or ignored like they weren’t there to begin with, like when he created the purple fire for the first time a character wonders if “the others” will ever be created, now what those others are? No f#cking clue cause its just dropped. I remember this one because it was one of those end of the chapter “please keep reading my book and wait for more updates” chapters that webnovels like to use (i have no issue with these since it makes sense that authors like to use these to keep readers hooked.) i also liked the implications of it cause it mixed some science and cultivation magic and i looked forward to what the other elements could do, but instead i only got disappointed cause it was basic element stuff mixed with his cheat, (like why wasnt freezing hydrogen or turning helium into a liquid ever a thing since they can get really close to absolute zero)

    Im sure im forgetting other moments but these are the ones that stuck with me cause two of them were big deals and the other was just something that sounded cool to me.

    If this happened in the first 50 chapters i would have dropped this novel and written it off as trash. sadly im in too deep and i just get frustrated when it happens, I’ll probably still end up dropping it but not until im done binging it. I really enjoyed this book but the retcons and plot hook drops are just too annoying and just make it so i cant really trust that characters will be consistent from now on.

    End of EDIT

    For awhile i had this story open and never started it because i hate idiot/idiot savant MC’s. while people were saying he's rational it didn't make sense to me, so i just left the story hanging until i couldn't find something to read . But iv read 50 chapters (which is like 100 for other webnovels) without many breaks.

    While the MC might be dense and doesn't understand human culture/mannerisms he is very intelligent and actually uses his brain (core or soul or whatever.) The comedy that involves his EQ is also top tier and while the gag of “he doesn't understand human culture” gets used for the root of most of the jokes it doesn't feel stale cause all of his misunderstandings where the joke comes from get resolved afterwords. (Or their explanations confuse him more and create more misunderstandings but even then its not bad.)

    So far the characters feel fleshed out and not like cardboard. The attention to detail is also nice (like there is a joke early on where he mentions a profession that he shouldn't know about, i thought it was just gonna be ignored and just glossed over for the sake of the punchline, but it was addressed how he heard about it a few lines later)

    So far I'm enjoying it and if your on the fence on trying it for the same reasons i listed, give it a shot its good.
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    1. Offline
      It's good , i recommend , but you shouldn't read this non stop , it will get stale as it is just like bread , good when you're hungry, eat a bit then get the meat.
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  10. Offline
    2/5 stars it'd be 4/5 but huge chunks of the story are in third person that really shouldn't be and it hurts to read, also a lot is in the wrong tense. idk the grammar is BAD, feel like I could just run through and edit everything once without changing any of the content and it'd be almost perfect.

    alright to the people downvoting my perfectly valid opinion here's is an example from the story.

    "Krune wasn't the only one annoyed, Yusa was also fuming! She wants to try out her skills in the Raskie Danger Zone, but in the end, they had to give up the mission. Fortunately, they haven't applied for it at that moment."

    this is a direct quote, right off the bat 2 typos, "wants" should be "wanted" and "haven't" should be "hadn't." it's like this for at least the first 50 chapters, and the typos are so frequent it's like reading a foreign language.
    I realize not all authors are native English speakers, but this is such a simple fix with an English proofreader that it's hard to justify them being there at all. I think the story is good, I just don't want to be forced to correct every single typo in my head to enjoy it.
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    1. Offline
      Akhil raj
      fair enough I agree with you, but the novel is worth a read in my opinion.

      it was not that bad for me, in fact, I didn't even notice them until u pointed them out here, I enjoyed the story just fine.
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    2. Offline
      Gweek Patato
      alright to the people downvoting
      lmao mans really said downvoting
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      1. Offline
        What else would you call it? Disliking?
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          Gweek Patato
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