1 year ago

The Dark King黑暗王者

Civilization is destroyed and records lost. Only Dudian survives in a cryogenic sleep. Three... Read more
Civilization is destroyed and records lost. Only Dudian survives in a cryogenic sleep. Three hundred years later, Dudian wakes up and must become Dean to survive. Who can he trust in this world overrun by monsters without and within? Collapse
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Comments 32

  1. Offline
    I got to the current translated and I'll tell you that it surprises me a lot, and if you ask me if it's worth reading? Yes, it's worth it!!

    Rank A(chp 594)

    Whoever wants to read the other chps just go to the webnovel, it's completely free there

    #panic# There's a complete one for free on the webnovel

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  2. Offline
    Read up to Chapter 137. It was pretty good at the start, but at this point the MC is just too inconsistent and never seems to learn his lesson. Sadly it is also related to the romance which, at the start, seemed to be one which would be good and beneficial to both, but turns out not to be the case.

    We are told he has an IQ of 168 and has/had access to a supercomputer within his cryo pod thing which had tons of knowledge on it. His access to that is in a hidden place as well. Yet he rushes to get adopted straight away at the start rather than spending more time learning things. We are told he will only be sent away from the orphanage to the mines at 13, yet he is 8 at the beginning (although he looks 11). Either way he has plenty of time to research. Instead the only time we see him go to research, he reads a few things then takes the chip with him and never returns until much later when his cryo pod has likely been discovered and taken away. Thus he hasn't read up on anymore knowledge at all.

    Also, not as big an issue, but his knowledge is weirdly patchy. He makes a Spider-Man reference and knows about gunpowder and stuff, yet he doesn't seem to know anything about zombies or Undead. He has to observe and deduct to realise that he must target their head, that they have no preservation instinct etc. Obviously they are not typical zombies, but the fact that he doesn't even know of these basic things is kinda weird. Surely they are prevalent enough that a kid with 168 IQ and who regularly mentions memories of his father talking about science and religion and how his sister went to Harvard at 12, would at least be somewhat aware of zombies?

    The main issue, however, is how often he has to learn the same lesson and how weak his resolve turns out to be.

    Each time he said or thought something along the lines of how personal power and strength was the most important thing etc. Yet he abandons that all so easily as soon as he falls in love.

    At the start their romance seemed positive - they encouraged each other. She had the goal of being a judge and him with becoming a strong enough hunter that no one would be able to mess with him, like in all those examples above. Initially he also took part in the magistrate exam, but only as a way to increase his status from a civilian within the wall.

    Yet after a 1 year time skip, suddenly he doesn't care at all about any of his training or plans or anything. He just wants to get married to the girl and give up on getting stronger or smarter. Whereas before she was happy about him wanting to still be a hunter and go outside the wall, now suddenly she doesn't want that and is happy when he says that he will give up being a hunter. Yet despite all that, her father who previously disagreed with the marriage, suddenly says he will agree on the condition that MC goes through with a mission as a Hunter outside the wall, which she is fine with and happy for him to do...

    It's pretty clear that the father has planned something which will get the MC back on his path again, but the fact that this type of thing happened again is too much imo.

    This sort of exemplifies why people don't like romance in these types of novels tbh. Either they are pointless/don't make sense, or they serve to weaken/shackle the MC down. There are very few where they are written well and serve to strengthen the story as a whole.

    At this point the MC should be more than strong enough in his convictions to not basically give up everything after a year of "romance." He may only be 14, but he has killed tons of monsters and quite a lot of people and he has suffered massively at the hands of those stronger than him physically (both human and monster) and socially. The fact that all this resolve gets brushed away within a year is really shitty regardless of how it happened. He should be smart enough to realise that without power, there is no way he can protect this romance.
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    1. Offline
      So he's a shitty archer the whole thing?
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        So far, yes. He was told he has a really good aptitude for being a Scout, but decided to ignore that and go for being an Archer. Though he basically acts like a scout as well anyway, given he gets a boost to his ability to track via smell.

        In his training, before he decided to just ignore it all for "love", he basically ignored learning the first technique he was being taught (Rapid Firing arrows at the same spot) in favour of firing with more power.
        He was starting to learn the second technique (basically Spread shot, shooting multiple arrows at a time) but then we get the timeskip where we are told he basically gave up on becoming stronger, so no clue if he actually stuck with it long enough to know how to use it properly.

        In combat he basically uses a combo of Archery, Traps and Explosives (Gunpowder etc.).

        I'm guessing later on he'll probs develop more all round, since he won't always have access to a bow, but I ain't sticking around til then.
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        1. Offline
          I advise you to read the whole novel it improves to an absurd level
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  3. Offline
    Роман идёт по кругу, на русском языке есть куча глав
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  4. Offline
    Setelah gua baca ampe ratusan chapter, ini novel bagi gua adalah salah satu novel top tier terbaik bagi gua
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  5. Offline
    Oke ini novel sangat berhasil bikin gua kesel banget, gua sekarang ada di chapter 141 dan gua marah banget ama adegan itu
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    Aaditya Ghosh
    If you want mtl of this novel novelhi has the best translations
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  7. Offline
    This is one of the (if not the) best novel I have ever read.
    It is also one which gets it charm from the unknown so you shoud go into it knowing litle about to fully enjoy it.
    Beware thou:
    Disclaimer 1: it doesn't look like the Translation is gone go on. so you will have to switch to MTl if you wanna finisch it.
    Disclaimer 2: This is the darkest novel I have read so far. and I read a bunch. so be carful. especially if you are already depressed.
    Semi Spoiler:
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    1. Offline
      I don't know if what you said is true or not. I really wonder if it's that dark? Why do I feel that the story progresses quite slowly? And not exciting at all? Am I abnormal? I didn't notice any mentally oppressive situations. or having to decide between your children that you love in the world Exchange with your parents who are being killed ? or a situation where you know your wife's trust and support you all the time No matter how much you fall, despair, or murder people. She still understands you and is by your side. But when the truth is revealed It turns out that she is the one who plans everything. kill your parents and decides to use you for little things and watch over you from the dark Watching you struggling from death while he praising his wife for being the kindest and most understanding of him. Think about it when he finds out the truth. She's all behind torture your parents Secretly cut off your best friend's leg. Make your sister blind and unable to speak. Secretly poisoning your food by pretending to be a good wife. Even though her mind was distorted
      I think the story is darker and it's more exciting to me. The blood all over my body spurted non-stop. I almost clenched my fists in excitement.
      But I've read about it. I don't feel anything There should be treason, disguise, spying, or something that is the bottom of human immorality. As far as I've read, only mutants? High human greed? technology? Where the situation is oppressive and pump my blood? I'm really sad
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      1. Offline
        I really don't know what you are talking about in your comment. But about your quetion:
        Yes it is pretty slow. epically at the beginning. But that also ads to it

        Now this really is a spoiler for the entire conzept of the novel, so maybe don't read this:

        It is defiantly not for anyone. I thing most people will even dislike it of get nothing out of it. For me thou it truly is a absolut masterpiece that is truly and utterly f#cked up.
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        1. Offline
          Wow, is it really fun? I guess I have to reconsider to reading this. Maybe I missed something
          But I have one doubt Maybe because I skipped some chapters because it might not be interesting, but in the beginning, why did he have to show that he could talk? Why didn't he continue to pretend to be dumb? Does he have a specific reason? Or maybe wanting to leave the orphanage?
          Can you recommend me some other novels? To be honest I have nothing to read. It's very rare to find a good novel that fits with me. Maybe five or ten things would be good. Or would you like your top ten novels that will stay on your mind forever?
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  9. Offline
    Is this going to get anymore updates? Its says its completed but less than half is translated
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    1. Offline
      Status in COO means the original. which is long complete. the Translation was droped thou.
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      1. Offline
        could you tell me if the mc still has the ability to absorb cold crystals from the undead even after taking the magic marks of the "Splitter"
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  10. Online Offline
    It's very good novel and I don't really understand why this one doesn't have better rating and more views. Really interesting world system, clever protagonist, harsh environment, tragedy, romance, it's really high level novel. I have a hope that translation will be continued, because it's really good.
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