23 hours ago

Fey Evolution Merchant御兽进化商

A century after the Spirit Qi Awakening, the world enters a new era. Humans are able to absorb the... Read more
A century after the Spirit Qi Awakening, the world enters a new era. Humans are able to absorb the world’s awakened spirit qi, allowing them to tread on a new path — spirit qi occupations!

Simultaneously, the plants and animals on the planet are also evolving toward their ancestry line or developing spiritual mutations.

Lin Yuan realizes that he can assist feys in evolving limitlessly and constantly purify their bloodlines. He starts off with a small fey evolution store on the Star Web and rises up from there.

Lin Yuan: «There is no problem that I cannot solve to deliver the goods. If there is a problem, it is because the goods are better than expectations!»

This is a story purely about pets! Collapse
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Comments 158

  1. Online Offline
    Just a tip before you start reading this, turn off your MATH BRAIN CELLS. A lot of numbers here don't make sense. It will save you from a lot of stress.
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    Honestly it's annoying to read so many chapters that tell reader redundant info, useless info (explaining an evil fey so detail only to make it die the next chapter , it can take 3 chapters too).
    The story is good tho, just skim through the uselessly longer chapter with info dump that's useless too.
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  4. Offline
    I hate Fey Evolution Merchant for it's horrible pacing, and just the amount of unnecessary information in chapters and sometimes the completely unnecessary chapters themselves after a fey evolves, but at the same time I eat up every chapter like nothing, I read every chapter like I would drink up water after being dehydrated for a whole day, and I just crave more after each chapter.

    Anyone else has recommendations for something similar? Just a word vomit of stuff that you just can't take your eyes off of and it leaves you craving more. (Preferably pet or monster taming related but at this point I'll take anything)
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    1. Offline
      Have you tried [Unscientific Beast Taming]?
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      1. Offline
        Yeah its awesome 😊
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    2. Offline
      First thing I think of when it comes to info dumps is Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God.
      Horrible novel apparently, one of my firsts though, so my newbie brain registered it as god tier content while dodging all the info dumps.
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        Her Summon
        It was god tier before it became trash when I started reading the kings avatar.
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  5. Offline
    Does anyone know where I can read Fey Evolution Merchant where the names of organizations such as Sky City are translated in English and not in Chinese and that it is not played as in Ranobes and that the chapters are complete, not as Ranobes (some are not complete)
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  6. Offline
    chapters doesnt seem to be complete, starts off mid sentences etc. especially after 1700s
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  7. Offline
    MTL Denier
    Fey Evolution Merchant. Merchant being the key word here. Expect the mc collecting a lot of pets, expect the mc trading said pets or selling various other stuff. Expect faction building, faction building, and more faction building, figuratively and literally, as countless chapters are filled with descriptions about how each building of his mansion is made, there are even several chapters dedicated to the building of a simple aquarium for a few fish. There are a few pet fights here and there, however, the mc himself rarely fights with his pets, if at all. Action scenes feel extremely sparse, since huge chunks of infodumps, faction building segments, loyal minion recruitment arcs and walls of text about how great the mc is will fill the novel to the extreme.
    So, to reiterate, read this novel if you don't mind very little action, and prefer reading a novel about building a faction and all its minute small details. I rate this novel 3.9/5. Definitely above average, but it's just a little bit short of actually being "good". I blame the author and his numerous plot holes for this.
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    1. Offline
      I think that "none" issue is actually a ranobes thing. almost all the novels I've read here have that problem.
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        MTL Denier
        oh, is that so? my bad, i guess i'll edit that bit out, thank you for letting me know.
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    2. Offline
      i think this novels isnt focusing on small details but just tend to veer off focus to irrelevant matters withiut proper priority or TPO.
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    3. Offline
      Only problem is that the true name of this novel is "御兽进化商". This in English translates to "Royal/Imperial Beast Evolver". Merchant was never the focus of this novel nor was Mobius intended for merchant work. Mobius is literally the best foundational artifact. Building a faction is literally the best course given the situation of the MC.

      You have completely missed the whole point of the novel. You are like a person expecting hard sci Fi galactic theme when you are actually reading a medieval fantasy themed novel. Current translated novel title is doing a disservice to the novel and it is only going to get worse as the story progresses.
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        MTL Denier
        You have completely missed the whole point of the novel.

        No, i believe i haven't. I've read almost 2000 chapters of this novel, so i believe i have a damn near perfect grasp of what this novel is all about. This novel is a faction building merchant simulator with pet flavoring thrown in. Even if you nitpick and say that the title isn't correct or was poorly translated, the mc is still a merchant, there's no argument. You could say that faction building and being a merchant is just the way the mc found to get resources to raise his pets, but the thing is, the faction building and deal making is extremely detailed to the point that the word count dedicated to such things vastly surpasses everything else, which makes this novel mostly about being a merchant. You could put your foot down and keep claiming that I've missed the point, or that i failed to see the true meaning of the novel, and if you decide to do so, then all i can say is that we can agree to disagree, this is my opinion. Anyway, have a good day. boast
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          Besides his initial venture with his virtual shop , he hasn't really interacted with his shop. He barely uses it as a platform for a short period of time when exchanging some high level resources but that was extremely brief considering the length of the novel.

          Tbh dealings and trades between factions can't turn you into a merchant. In actuality Sky City does have a merchant department. Except his initial involvement with setting up that department Lin Yuan hasn't interacted with in detail. Sky city (the main branch) isn't involved in any direct merchant ventures. Especially after
          . As time passes any merchant work becomes even less important to Lin Yuan. Mobius is a veritable resource generator. High purity spiritual energy is one of the most important resources in this book. As he ventures outside of his world his "store" becomes even less important. Although you arguing that trade deals between factions can be categorize you as a merchant a disagree. A trade companies whole purpose to move large amounts of goods from one place to another and profit from the difference. Someone who actually makes these goods and sells or trades them wouldn't be considered a merchant. He would be considered a producer/manufacturer/breeder/etc. As things continue it becomes even more apparent.
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            What are you high on... read up to 333 chapter. And whole novel has been about MC producing goods and selling them to the market. Eiher for services or for resources or for money. And lets not foget the most useless padding that is completely irrelevant to the story. Like ch 333 where it is describig all sorts of ways some randoms would establish faction for it all to go like oh but this does not apply for our MC and he has shortcuta. Like why the f#ck would you then spend over 4000 words to describe something that is not going to happen. I get that author is trying to make MC look awesome by saying how difficult it would be for all the pleebs, but wasting 4000 words on it and then just using 2 sentences to summarise previously said stuff with. Oh but our mc does not need to do that. In fact it is a breeeze for him. This just makes me feel stupid in trying to understand the system, only for author to shit on me by saying what you just read was waste
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              It's called world building. You have to describe the rules that this world is operating on. Besides his "shop" was his proto-faction. As soon as he gets the ability he moves his focus completely on his faction. Besides this isn't some dev diary but a story.
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                How annoying are your comments. Praise the book when it turned into garbage. 1. The Guardian, whose main task is to protect the Hero, just dumps for half an hour to see what is happening around when he knows that it is dangerous now and there is a myth nearby. 2. You call information rubbish the study of the world… what did you even read??? There, the same thing is mentioned 10-15 times, not to mention the chapters where the hero is praised simply for being the protagonist. 3. He won 100 duels in a row and he was added to some hall and allowed to participate in the selection of a hundred and a couple more goodies. When, logically, ANY person with golden pets who first entered the stairs could do the same. 4. The girl “just” gave the store to him, and the guy also gave the chamber of commerce simply because he is a hero, there are no other logical explanations, but what the author wrote trying to explain this is complete nonsense, it would be better if he said that they fell in love with the hero and decided to give him their property and that would be more logical.…. and a LOT more like this
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                  What are you even talking about ???

                  1. The Guardian, whose main task is to protect the Hero, just dumps for half an hour to see what is happening around when he knows that it is dangerous now and there is a myth nearby.

                  The MC was in the creator's guild doing his work. No one would expect someone to pop up near the guild , in the capital to do something like that. Mother of Bloodbath is both inexperienced in this kind of thing and relatively young. The whole point of the scene is to show how she was careless and she gradually bonds with Lin Yuan. It also allowed for his Master to show how much he cares for him. Besides later down the line Mother of Bloodbath becomes more protective of Lin Yuan and was even willing to sacrifice her life in order to protect him. She almost died too. In other words the whole point of the scene was to have his "protector" be sloppy. No one was prepared for that to happen. I don't get why you are complaining about this.

                  You call information rubbish the study of the world… what did you even read??? There, the same thing is mentioned 10-15 times, not to mention the chapters where the hero is praised simply for being the protagonist.

                  Just no. The author is constantly developing the background of the world so it doesn't feel mechanical nor he needs to repeat himself every 5 chapters because people have short memories and don't pay attention. Besides there hasn't been any situation where text is repeated just for the sake of repeating text. There is one exception and that is way later down the line where he upgrades his feys multiple ranks and the author shows the complete data panel of the fey. But that is only done for his personal fey. It also served to remind what where the abilities of that fey since it was more than 500 or 1000 chapters since the last time we saw the detailed panels of those fey. No one praises Lin Yuan just because he is the protagonist. The abilities he possesses are really extraordinary for the world he is in. Even for the places out of that world his abilities are still extraordinary. Whether it is the All Spirits Physique which can promote the rank of others (both fey and practicioners) or the Totem God , Mobius. He literally possesses the best development tools for that universe. His All Spirits Physique is even more domineering regarding bloodlines. Which means besides being a terrifying development tool , it can also directly improve his battle prowess. Any praise he gets so far in the story is well deserved. This also without taking in account the identity of his previous life which is quite terrifying on itself.

                  He won 100 duels in a row and he was added to some hall and allowed to participate in the selection of a hundred and a couple more goodies. When, logically, ANY person with golden pets who first entered the stairs could do the same.

                  Winning 100 duels in the row is rare and it was explained why. Lin Yuan was never restricted by the normal rules regarding possessing feys. Mobius allows him to be really comprehensive. Something that others simply can't do. He also possesses a lot of feys. His feys are also unique and pretty much always win on 1-1. Imagine all his feys are like that. Even those expected to become glory envoys or knights can't compare to him in terms of quality or quantity. Even they would find it hard to challenge 100 back to back with just a golden fey. If they had a platinum or diamond fey then they would also be easily able to do so. The reason why this was really important is because he basically raised himself to that point. He didn't rely on massive resources of others to achieve that point. Besides he is the disciple of the Moon Empress. This did influence how others viewed him. A reason why he was allowed to hide his second identity in the VR network this easily.

                  The girl “just” gave the store to him

                  No girl just gave him a store for free. A lot of his early fortune was based on his physique. His store was self opened and not given by someone.

                  the guy also gave the chamber of commerce simply because he is a hero, there are no other logical explanations, but what the author wrote trying to explain this is complete nonsense, it would be better if he said that they fell in love with the hero and decided to give him their property and that would be more logical

                  Listening gave the chamber of commerce for three reasons.
                  1. The chamber of commerce was on the verge of dissolving. A certain family had planned this and was ready to take it over.
                  2. He "gave" the chamber in exchange of protection from that family. Though it is more correct to say that Sky City absorbed the chamber. Listening was still the director and controller of the chamber. Lin Yuan would simply provide goods to be sold and would partially use the chamber to source materials he needed.
                  3. Listening decided to personally follow Lin Yuan. It was only normal to take with him the chamber of commerce that was ready to break apart. Lin Yuan was only "given" a shell of a chamber of commerce. Without his high end goods (various aura woods and furniture) the chamber of commerce was basically useless. The only thing worth mentioning where the existing contacts of the chamber. The one who really gained was Listening. He went from the abyss to heaven in one go.

                  It seems to me that you haven't understood even 20% of the novel. Really a waste of time. Next time you bother to write a comment try to at least have a basic understanding of what you are reading lest you embarass yourself like now.
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                2. Offline
                  1. You are not about that scene, I remembered that moment in the dungeon where the hero came to the flower that collected the flame. Mother herself said that Myth is somewhere nearby, after 2 chapters she simply said stay here, I'll go run around the dungeon so that they could kill you instantly if they want, and you wouldn't even have time to react. 2. I quit at chapter 350, of which the author 40 times about the coolness of the hero in the eyes of the environment simply because he made Epic pets, when any 4 * master can do this, albeit with effort. The author devoted + - 100 chapters to this and more likely further. What do you think this is if not repetition? I wouldn't mind if he at least developed different cool flairs for sale and not 3 types for 300 chapters: fish, grass and thread. 3. Is it rare to win 100 duels in a row? Why? In addition to the words of the author ?? all you need is to have a Gold/Epic pet, and you already have 80% pass 100 floors without defeat, not to mention platinum pets. And here is the strength of the Hero if he just waited until 1 or 2 of his fairies became golden and passed the stairs?? Anyone could do the same simply by waiting for the pet to become a little more powerful. And here what resources did he use??? Did the government check There is a fact that with the advantage and fame that the Hero received for a series of victories, a person who claims to be a hundred radiance could have done the same for a long time. As a result, the author praises the hero and pretends that Rome is admired by everyone for 20 chapters (out of 350) for what ANY of the hundreds of radiance could do. 4. I'm talking about a girl who gave 40 percent of the store's profits so that he continued to supply goods. If it were not a hero and offered her this contract on the same terms, it would be said that they are intimidating her and they want to absorb her business. But because it's a hero, it's considered normal.... the same with the chamber of commerce, just so that others do not absorb it, the person gives it to the hero. Nice logic… when the only thing the Hero did for that person was sell the fairy at the market price…. 5. And of course the tree, what idiot came up with the idea of ​​showing the “Foundation” of the faction / guild / chamber through a rare tree? what kind of nonsense is this? Who needs this tree when a bunch of beasts attack, or a god-level monster, etc. In any normal book like this, strength is paramount, but here the tree ... .. when the monsters of the faction come, they will be driven away by the tree. 6. I understand that you like all this water and information garbage but read the comments and you will see that 90% of people hate this, and this is normal because they don’t want to waste their time on how everyone admires the hero and makes him one of the most popular people online for something that A LOT of people can do. And repetitive actions, and make him a savior all the time, although his contribution (at the time of chapter 350) could be made by any platinum healer, but even royal healers are not talked about and extolled. P.S. Do you really think that there is something in this “masterpiece” that a non-mentally retarded person might not understand? Your comment has a lot of spoilers for me about body type and stuff, I'm glad I'm not going to continue reading this.

                  Oh and also the author said that the record on the stairs was 11 floors up to the hero. hahahahaha how do you justify that? There were still Bronze fairies on the 23rd floor, and the record was 11 ahahahaha, logical right?
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                  1. You really don't pay attention to what you are reading dude. You should have learned when I brought it up once but you still fail at such a simple skill. Really embarrassing to have it happen twice in a row.
                  The Mother of Bloodbath's red eyes suddenly seemed to burn, and its body instantly flickered with a crystal-red blood luster. A spider about two centimeters in size carved like a red crystal appeared in the Mother of Bloodbath's hands.

                  The Mother of Bloodbath placed it in Lin Yuan's hands and immediately said, "I'm going to take a look in the Class 3 dimensional rift connected to the abyssal world's hub. Since someone is conspiring in the dark, they are unable to do so now. Because this flame vortex has appeared, and this matter has been exposed, they won't be able to take it lying down."

                  Lin Yuan nodded and replied, "Mother of Bloodbath, go ahead. I'll wait for your return outside the mountain valley after I'm done collecting the Lifeform Sacrificial Fire."

                  The Mother of Bloodbath's ice-cold red eyes flashed with a hint of warmth while looking at him. "When you encounter danger, inject spiritual power into this red spider."

                  2. You do understand that 4* creators are rare. These guys are one step from being 5* creators. A 5* creator can found a Federation. There aren't enough 4* creators to provide epic bronze pets to everyone. Epic bronze pets are basically strategic level resources for major factions. Besides the problem is how Lin Yuan is able to prepare these epic bronze pets. A 4* creator might need the preparation of 1 to multiple days for a single epic bronze pet. Lin Yuan can easily do multiple a day. The more he ranks up the more epic bronze pets he can prepare in a day. Hell epic bronze pets are a piece of cake for him to prepare. He can also easily prepare legendary bronze pets (just needs a bit more time). Legendary bronze pets are already the peak you can prepare at this point. To go further you need the pet to be contracted and given a will rune. The biggest advantage for Lin Yuan improving pets is that it is basically for him. Only using aura crystals to speed up the process can be considered as a cost. Though later down the line using the Land of Bliss can allow him amass huge amounts of aura crystals through the Favor of Heaven when feys face the catastrophe. I don't remember seeing that author having the same characters repeatedly highlighting how good Lin Yuan is in improving feys. Only when new characters notice his capabilities there is such a situation but that is unavoidable. It would be weird if they didn't notice something so abnormal. What do you mean fish, grass , thread ?? Do you mean the general type of the fey ? There are already quite a few feys mentioned. He is also focusing on specific feys that sell well. This isn't a shop novel. The title translation is as typically wrong. The title in raws doesn't contain the word merchant nor any word similar to shop. It is a novel centered around beast taming.

                  3. As you said these are duels. Which means that you are fighting against other humans. Improving the rank and quality of a fey isn't something so straight forward. A lot of the people participating in duels are casuals without any backing. Even those with backing don't have unlimited funding. Usually there will be multiple heirs/youths in a single force. So although they have superior resources to casual practitioners , these resources are still limited. With people getting stuck at certain ranks/qualities results in a situation where certain stair levels have people stuck there with feys of certain ranks/qualities. On top of that, some types (elements or positions like support or attacking) of feys can and will constraint other feys. Thus even if you have the advantage of quality or rank you can still lose. So simply having a high rank will result in a situation which is easy to lose at least once and thus break your streak. I also need to mention that Lin Yuan is rapidly increasing in strength. He easily reached the level of the older generation of youths. He even reached the level of his master in a few years. With his capabilities this rank 1 world is really too small to contain him. I could even that due to his low starting point he wasn't as efficient as he could be in quickly raising his strength. In other words he could rise even faster. The duels being also used as practice cam guarantee that even the genius will meet someone that is stronger and older than them. Lin Yuan was just 19 years old at that point (which was known). He was too young for the strength he had. Other genius would need multiple years to achieve the growth he had in a few months. No genius would do such a thing because it would be simply pointless. It could easily be leaked in their circle. The glory isn't in having just a streak but with what stength and the time needed to create such a streak. Do you believe anyone would congratulate a 25 year old for having a platinum or diamond rank fey ?? The problem is that Lin Yuan achieved this on his own , at the age of 19 and in a short period of time. He is the youngest contender for the position of Radiant Envoy. No one has been as young and powerfull as him. I can't find which chapter he does the deal with her hence I can't be specific. If I remember correctly she proposed such a deal for two reasons. A) Her store needed quality goods in order to be able to rank up. B) Lin Yuan could consistently supply her with good quality goods.

                  5. I don't understand about what you are complaining about ? What tree are you talking about ? Be more specific.

                  6. I see you guys constantly complaining about things that don't make sense but proceed to ignore the explanation about the thing you are complaining about. Really embarrassing watching you guys. For example #1. Mother of Bloodbath clearly gave Lin Yuan a token of hers that he could use when he was under danger. The Myth aura she felt was obviously weak which prompted her to not care about it too much. Besides if I remember correctly at this point his Master has already given him a protective token that can easily solve most of the powerhouses in the world (with the exception of few). He was never under the threat in that Dimensional Rift (this has nothing to do with dungeons). Not to mention having the risk of the rift ranking up once or twice was a very real threat. Having Mother of Bloodbath checking out the situation when she can guarantee his safety is an obvious choice. Unfortunately you as a fool failed to notice the information "garbage" the author so readily gave you. He was hailed as hero because he was willing to risk his life to protect a town which was facing a crisis. The reason he was called a hero was because of his age and the relative risk. Ofcourse there are more dangerous situations in the world but those are dealth with people of higher strength. He was there and still chose to stand up against the insect rift. This isn't something anyone can do at that age or at all. His healing fey is abnormal. There aren't many fey that can heal genetic defects (We actually haven't met such a fey till now) or regenerate limbs. Even if they could , they would be of high rank. How many of those do you think would wander around and do charity work ?

                  You half idiot can't even comprehend simple text even if it read out loud to you. You dare to criticize the logic of this book when you don't even have good reading skills. Someone would expect to reread what his commenting on when he was called out the first time. Please stop embarrassing yourself and don't comment anymore here when you have no clue what you are talking about. Lest you start misleading others. From now one if you want to complain about anything you better mark the chapter you are referring to or I will just treat your words as nonsense. Which thus far has proved to be a consistent trait of your comment.
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                  1. It’s you who doesn’t know how to think logically while reading, I already wrote above that he would not have reacted against the Pet Myth to put spiritual power into a spider !!! 2. Rarity and not uniqueness In the previous comment, you said what unique abilities the hero has and because of this he is praised, but based on chapter 350, what is unique about him? Bronze / A legendary pet can be made even by a 4-star master if you're lucky, not to mention 5 stars, more resources will be needed, but this is definitely not a unique ability. Combat power is unique? Nothing like that, at the time he was praised for his strength, he only had a gold/fantasy pet, and then only 1. He himself said that with the current faerie, he would not even qualify for 100 radiance. They made him a hero for healing people during the breakthrough of the 1st level portal, and the author himself wrote that because of this, his popularity was higher than even that of the guy from 37th place who defended the city from a breakthrough from the 3rd portal for one half hour level due to the village was injured. Do you think he deserves even the slightest bit of admiration for this? 3. How many times do you think I mention how someone came home to the Hero, and at first was surprised at the signboard with names made of wood, then they were surprised at the aquarium, then they were surprised at the fish and something else that goes under the head. It's not just repetition if its readers are fish and need to be reminded every 10 chapters. 4. Do you smoke something or why are you talking about the speed of gaining strength and so on if not for this he is admired and no one knows about it???? In your opinion, ANY of the hundreds of radiance could not SIMPLY pass 100 floors? To do this, he simply did not need to participate on the stairs before, and this is not so difficult, since even the hero's sister does not fight on the stairs, but prefers in reality. Do you think at least 500 people couldn't make it to the hero??? Is this the so-called uniqueness? And for this it is worth praising him and saying that these achievements are similar in glory to 100 radiance? When could any one of a hundred repeat this? How likely is it for a genius to meet someone with a platinum rank pet on the REGULAR stairs? This is complete nonsense you write. If you don’t remember the text well, then shut up in a rag, none of the ordinary viewers knew the age of the hero because he was wearing a mask, only after all the praises of him he told his journalist that he was 18. 5. About the jade tree that he made in the pool and how everyone urgently needs it and that it shows the “base”, in your opinion, is it not nonsense to show the base as a tree and not mythical pets or strong teenagers ??? 6. Have you already answered the first one above about the second sense of the weak Aura? Aura myth of the 1st level, like hers, for gg and Fantasy 5 will be invincible and will be able to kill in a split second. The master token has the same problem, it needs to be activated. Ahahahahaha, like a fool, I didn’t notice information garbage, or are you like a fool when you read a book, you don’t know how to think? Do you think he will have time to activate the spider against someone myth rank????? He was made a hero not because he grew a leg, but because he simply healed the battlefield, which any pet with multi-purpose healing skills and Gold/Epic could do. All criticism in the same chapters as before. And you are not a semi-idiot, but an idiot whose head does not work and believes that since the author wrote that the hero is safe, it means it is, if the author said that the hero is unique due to the fact that at least 100 people can do it, then it is. I understand that reading such Books you need to turn off your head, but not so much. I'm not saying that the book is crap, no it's an average book, but in order not to see problems here and offend people who think at least a little you need to be mentally retarded ?? Do you have a diagnosis? If so, I'm sorry
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    J'aime beaucoup l'histoire mais je préfère le lire dans un autre site vu le manque de morceau de chapitre plis loin
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    The last 100 chapters are a disaster. I don't know from which site the chapters are being copied but they are very bad. The chapters are incomplete or missing pieces in the middle. I am very disappointed with this novel here.
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    #panic# lots of new chapters are incomplete here. Please fix them
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