8 months ago

Life, Once Again!인생, 다시 한 번!

Sometimes, as we go about with our lives, we all happen to think of one specific thought at least... Read more
Sometimes, as we go about with our lives, we all happen to think of one specific thought at least once.

What if… I could go back to «that» time?

The funny thing is, the moment you think such a thought is the precise moment when you came back to the past, from the future.

«One more time.»

Life, once again. Collapse
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Comments 32

  1. Offline
    A very nice novel and in my recommendations list!!!
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  2. Offline
    Pls update faster....
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  3. Offline
    Why isn't there a philosophical tag? Oh, and for the people that are unsure about reading this because of the tragedy tag, there isn't a big tragedy or anything in the story at the very least until the chapter where I currently am. The only thing that can be considered a tragedy(a slight spoiler) is the fact that the main character dies at the start and then relives his life from high school with the fact that the worldline where he died didn't disappear so his daughter and wife become sad and all because of his death.
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    1. Offline
      Alex Zerone
      So it's more like transition than regression
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    2. Offline
      Thank you very much for saying it, I wasn't going to read it because it said tragedy, but now I'm going to give it a chance.
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    3. Offline
      Can you describe to me the general direction of the story please? I read 20 chapter and the last 20 chapter and got surprised that the main cast(mc,his family,and his high school friends) are the entirety of the cast, or is there something good in the middle and various arc that is good or at least memorable? I don't want to dedicating my time reading 600 chapter only for it to be a disappointing.
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