2 years ago

My Special Ability is Perfect Replication我的异能是完美复制

After transmigrating to this world where spiritual energy is revived, I realized that it’s a world... Read more
After transmigrating to this world where spiritual energy is revived, I realized that it’s a world rampaged by Direbeasts. But what is most exciting is that humans with special abilities do exist! It’s awesome to witness control of thunder and fire, titan’s transformation, limb regeneration, teleportation, telepathy, precognition and many more.

And guess what? I have them all. Collapse
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Last 25 chapters


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Comments 44

  1. Offline
    First let me address the all the major tags that this novel have:

    1) Cold protagonist? I called that bullshit, you think he is cold and indifferent? Fu#k no this guy is a busy body running everywhere and trying to save his family and humanity while all of this problem are caused by this motherfacker. Forced, unnatural and cringy family relationship as hell, even the lover relationship is stupid as f#ck...not to mentioned MC readily expose all of his secret to his so called wifey even though there are risk of higher level civilization just gotta kidnap this lover of his and read her memories and wala, MC will become a useless f#ck

    2) Hiding true abilities? For 100 chapters or so and afterward this guys just keep running around and be arrogant as shit, even though he is weak as f#ck, he know that he is weak as f#ck but keep being ignorant as hell, there are immortal and eternal level civilaztion that could just snap a finger and this dude will be gone from the reincarnation cycle but he keep giving all the resources to his family and lover even though he can still use them regardless of how little it can enhance him, I called it STUPIDITY at MAX level...Trying to act like he know everything....when he doenst know shit....IGNORANT, ARROGANT, STUPIDITY, UNREASONABLE, and more....recipe for a a hot garbage, shitty novel...

    3)Rape and rape victim become lover....not really true, MC so called wifey did consent, so this is just clickbait....

    4)Ruthless my f#cking ass, if MC was ruthless he would have give 0 f#ck about his so called family and don't give a f#ck about relationship or running around trying to act like savior, this guys got too many f#cking wordly desire and shackles and still think he can make it to be the strongest....ruthless? He is no where closed, To be honest I have yet to see any event that can say that "DAMN this guy is savage or ruthless" All i see is one f#cking dumbass running around wasting his resources and time being a busybody while being ignorant, unbearable, arrogant and dumb as f#ck.

    Now to the event review...

    Hey this novel really build up your hatred for it slowly, at first all is good, he and his homie and all the bromance which is fantastic, he cared for his bro and being real good. But then Author decided to just make a mess of thing buy throwing in his long lost mother and sister with cringy as f#ck reunion, forced and unnatural as hell family....starting from that arc it got worse with all the supporting family shit but still it is bearable and commendable for the familial love but he completely forgot his BRO and no more BROMANCE or homie....

    -Then there is this side fling that is really stupid with a really FUCKING STUPID end to the fling and yes BAMM he met and fall in love with another girl that is described as INCREDIBLY BEAUTIFUL FEMALE WITH AN INCREDIBLE BODY, yes BODY.....f#ck you author we men are not f#cking animal okay....yes attraction is real but did you really have to make that female lead suddenly have all the good quality of a wife??? Fu#king unreasonable....

    -And this is my breaking point, author literally emphasize that the loot that MC got especially the egg of Astral Beast (Super strong beast that is standing at the apex of the universe) must never be exposed and he must use the arcana in moderation and make sure that the Galactic Civilization which is TWO f#cking level higher than earth and is the STRONGEST in the milkyway galaxy never find out or earth will get wiped out.....
    But you know what he used them blatantly, publicly and no moderation, and keep getting more stupid, unreasonable, trash, arrogant and ignorant....blinded by his at the moment strength and keep on wasting resources and not focus on himself....he could have become so much goddamn stronger faster if he just focus but no he keep on wasting time with all the useless shit and do REMEMBER that there is a goddamn war going between the two strongest in the galaxy and earth just killed a bunch of that civilizations citizens.....but NOT YET

    -MC got a bestowment arcana that is so f#cking broken....he can give anyone his arcana, WITHOUT LOSING THEM, beside the cooldown of the ability, hypothetically he can create a f#cking legion of MC....like where is the universe rule at? This ability is even stronger than f#cking Rule of Universe Law...what more...MC Decided to give his signature arcana that is from an apex astral beast to his goddamn useless sister that only got strong because of the resources given to her from MC but keep being overconfident and thinking that she is really strong but when facing a beast waves she broke down and only wait for death....can't you f#cking use your ability to fly away and run....what more his goddamn sister gonna be using it and showcasing to everyone and show more of MC ability....i mean this is just a full circle of repetitive stupidity being shown...DROPPED

    -Last word: if you wanna read a better kind of novel that have cultivtion, modern time, with beast waves and hunting beast while having romance factor, but not with all of this stupid family stuff but with bromance, loyal subordinate, lot of killing and satisfying plundering and absorbing : MASTER OF END TIMES, is literally one of the BEST, it might seem repetitive but each chapter have new event, it could be a chillax chapter where MC chilling with his lover but yes they helped one another out and be there for one another, not like 1 side relationship in this stupid novel. First few hundred chapter might not seem that satisfying but trust me later on MC will snowballing....
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    1. Offline
      And yeah for some all right arc and event i give this 1/5, dont read this, a waste of time, MASTER OF END TIMES is a much better option
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    2. Offline
      Nice bro , you said all the things I wanted to say 👍🏻
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    3. Offline
      I enjoyed reading this review more than the novel itself
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      1. Offline
        I'm on 243, great novel. Maybe y'all got too much salt in your wounds.
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      2. Offline
        Adam dante
        same haha damn I felt the heat and frustration from it, that's what you get reading webnovels, they start well then the author start showing his own point of view thinking everyone likes an mc that's like that...
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    4. Offline
      I don't wanna start reading this novel anymore after reading this lol.
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    5. Offline
      *author had a stroke reading this and comits sucide*
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      1. Offline
        At least use the right tense
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        1. Offline
          think of me as some random chinese author!

          and pls tell me whats wrong here....
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          1. Offline
            It should be committed
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            1. Offline
              wtf..?? whats wrong here both are in past tense right..??!!
              comits / committed
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    6. Offline
      This review is dope. I have just one question though. When did rape tag become click bait? Lol.
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  2. Online Offline
    This novel is pretty good even though many people says this is hit.
    This is recommended for starter readers who just recently sarted.
    Not too complicated and fun to read.
    Although it is confusing sometimes it is a good novel.
    But for readers who have read a lot of novel with great arcs it is'nt good for you guys.
    It's like eating a normal dish after eating so many luxury dish.
    So it's good for new reader. imbest
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  3. Offline
    And here I was waiting for new chapters... Turns out it was dropped sigh
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    1. Offline
      Author is died
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    2. Offline
      Will no chapters come??
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      1. Offline
        It's dropped so no
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  4. Offline
    Arif khan
    Is a Ai Yuhe female characters is lover
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  5. Offline
    Seems like the author died right? I would advise reading something else...
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  6. Offline
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  7. Offline
    Objectively this novel is no more than 1/5.
    Enjoyment was about 2/5 because i like OP MC's .
    The review will be a bit long maybe, forgive me for being long winded but i think this novel is nowhere near good enough to be in top 50.

    1)Living in a society where beasts are kind of rulling the earth, the 'Arcanist' organizations are withholding all the best techniques from their new recruits and others...
    I call that bullshit.

    Its completely normal for those at the top to withhold techniques and horde all the resources for themselves so as to always stay as the top dogs.
    But here, all these bigshots that have these OP techniques, actually dont even keep it a secret! They give it out only as a reward to the best students.. Does that even make any sense in this kind of society where people are struggling to survive??
    The 'arcana techniques', [are NOT consummable resources. [/b]I repeat. They ARE NOT CONSUMMABLE RESOURCES. I can understand withholding the best techniques only for themselves, in order to keep the system working naturally, but they have a shit ton of better techniques to give but they just dont. They keep them as 'bait-reward' for the new recruits.... That defies common sense.
    If it was real life, in a society where people are endagered by beasts and getting eaten by them, this kind of thing would definetely lead to a fcking revolution on day 1 ....

    2)These new recruits who are still actually students, have undergone no combat practice at all, and they are literally thrown into the wild to kill beasts as an assesment just a chapter after they are recruited.
    This is basically how the training in the best arcanist organization went down.
    New people are recruited ----> Give the new recruits a trash arcana technique to train in-------> Throw them into the wild to kill direbeasts.....

    Thats what the best arcanist organization worldwide can do for training...
    Im sad to inform you, if this is how the best organization trains people, i believe humanity is doomed.

    The world setting the author has set is very bad as already seen by the first 10 chapters....

    Plus the author constantly forgets many things, with the most important thing so far, about what exactly happened to the saiyan kid the MC adopted?? He totally forgot the kid after a few chapters.
    The interactions between people are also very little and nothing like reality...
    Plus the MC is a fcking douscebag and arrogant idiot most of the time.


    I am dropping this novel from this point onward. No point in continuing if the novels makes you hate the MC.
    Mc has been quite arrogant during the whole novel but what happened in the latest chapters just makes you hate him completely. Even the few positive feelings i had for MC turned completely into disgust.
    So what actually happened?? I'll mention this below :
    MC and humanity ruin a new planets environment through terraforming which was MC's idea. At first they didnt know that the planet was habbitable to other species though(fishman and fishwoman in this case).
    So after ruining their natural habitat the fishman people go visit humanity in order to negossiate to stop ruining their whole planet for selfish purposes.
    And what does MC do after those fisman ask him politely to stop ruining their home planet???
    He provokes them into fighting...:)

    So MC basically , 1) invaded a world, 2)ruined their whole natural environment but didnt know that it was habbitable by others, 3)After learning that it was habbitable by others he gives exactly 0 f#cks and provokes them into fighting.

    If thats not a piece of shit MC i dont know what is.
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    1. Offline
      Firstly i want to say is, Thanks for that review,
      I just finished reading all chapters,

      1- yes, that was really absurd, these arcana techniques are giving like a reward in a world like that sounds really stupid

      2- YES THERE WAS NO TRAINING!! THAT QUESTION WAS EATING MY MIND~ WHERE AND WHEN THEY LEARN TO FIGHT!? At first i hoped that there would be a classic training ark, and you know nowadays every teen-action novels had one tho

      AND YES, WHERE IS DA SAIYAN BABY!? I really started to think that the author only added the saiyan baby as a tool of making 'cute family and parenting' scene... And now he def forgot (• ~ •;)

      AND AGAIN, YES, the mc is arrogant stupid most of the times..
      I really hate the mc in this ocean world part..

      he is destroying the world without knowing and thats ok..
      But after learning, and even the quenn of fish creatures came to offering a peaceful offer for both world, he just started a fight... WITHOUT A REASON! Thats really sick!

      Btw i will drop that novel probably, i read many novels, and according my review for this novel; this novel is worthy to be in the list of the most absurd novels pressure
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      1. Offline
        Its a breath of fresh air.
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  8. Offline
    Lamentablemente el autor de esta novela ahora está en otro mundo haciendo su propia Isekai
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  9. Offline
    I have read 363 ch and it's one of the most addicting novel I have read.

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    1. Offline
      What the I wouldn't have read it if it was like this
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      1. Offline
        Ureteral calculi have been painful for several days. If this is not a disease, it hurts everyone. Baidu, or just look at Zhihu to know.

        The first time it hurts, I went to the emergency department of the hospital. The doctor gave an analgesic injection and then performed a B-ultrasound. It was a 7mm stone. I chose conservative treatment.

        Then the doctor prescribed stone pills and painkillers, took them home to eat, and bounced around at home every day after returning home. . .

        It's a pity not great!

        Relying on the painkiller for three or four days, he woke up again at two o'clock last night.

        After I got up, I was drinking water and jumping, and it was a little better until six o'clock.

        I can't hold it anymore, and plan to go to the hospital for extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. . .

        Don't want to say too much, hope for understanding!

        this is what the author wrote about his illness
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        1. Offline
          Yea i read that
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  10. Offline
    174 chapters read

    Even though the people below me say it's a shiit novel they just have messed up brains. This novel is legit.. full of oomph 🔥🔥
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    1. Offline
      Please name a few bad ones am pretty sure you'll name the really good ones xD
      As this is the worst one i ever read it was Ok(yes not above that) till MC became a stellar
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