2 years ago

The Tale of the Void Emperor by LivingVoid

This is not your usual isekai novel. it has my unique world background, unique power system and i... Read more
This is not your usual isekai novel. it has my unique world background, unique power system and i am trying it make it a unique experience for every reader. :)

Athan, a 16-year-old boy, lived until he was killed for a stupid reason. (stupid reason & more in the prologue:v)

But it seems that fate had stored different things for him as after death as he transmigrated in the magical world inside a dead body of a boy with the same name and same facial features as him.

He also found out that a mysterious black whirlpool seemed to be inside him.

Was someone responsible for his transmigration? if so then who? and why? or was it pure coincidence that he got a new chance at life? Collapse
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Comments 69

  1. Offline
    Pretty certain at this point ranobes people who comment are just salty
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      Realizing that now?
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        I'm a little bit of a slow learner
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        1. Offline
          Well there are many more things to learn, my child
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            Then please teach me oh wise old one
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              Alright, my child. I shall teach you everything that I've learned in my long life.
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              1. Offline
                We all are still waiting for the enlightenment cause everyone need one bow
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                1. Online Offline
                  The dao teaches, chaos reforms, order performs, mortal become men of culture wiseacre
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    2. Offline
      Yes but it's also the best place to get actual ratings... If you scroll through the 90% bullshit
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  2. Offline
    Whats with the R18 tag, its not in webnovel. Can anyone tell if there really are r18 scenes in this novel.
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    1. Offline
      from what i remember there are
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  3. Offline
    Really tried to give this a chance, but when the author so abruptly introduced romance into the novel, things went downhill for me. You’d think the MC would be more cautious of involving himself with women without knowing their situations beforehand after dying so miserably in his previous life, but no. First instance that a pretty girl around his age shows up, here’s the MC sticking his nose into her business to save her and you know how it goes from there. Their relationship is literally just shoved into our faces with little to no development. Lame asf.
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  4. Offline
    I don't know how many chapters have come out since I dropped, did he kill the father and mother of the loli who threw him into despair? If he kills them not then novel is totally screwed up because for my part fear regardless of the reasons for this act it can not be forgive at most to thank the loli who helped him at the beginning even if it was deception on the part of the parents is better to paralyze them or throw them into the void like the MC so that the loli will not be sad as she will have forgotten them
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    1. Offline
      They die before he gets to meet them..
      And the girl reunites with him...
      There is really a believable explanation behind it, give it a another shot you might like it...
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      1. Offline
        chapter Please ? and thank for the answer

        I found the ch but it seem that the author want to keep an arc for mimi and the moment when she will learn everything her parents did after all the revenge has still not been done when she learns the truth I think she will not be able to smile like she does or maybe the author will not because he is not good at drama
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    2. Offline
      They never threw him into despair :)
      Go read again.
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  5. Offline
    Quote: sword_cult
    I feel like after he joined up with his bro, bro bro yeah bro brotha bro my bro hey bro noo BROOO Burh yeah BROH, Bruh.. it became alot worse.

    I am having a hard time because of bro bro bro, every time i see bro, i close the chapter and come back later hoping it would get better

    Read until 200, story feels disconnected, it's like author fails to make most of his tricks work. There are so many planes and power levels they start to loose meaning, don't get me wrong, I love power levels and explaination but in this novel it just doesn't feels same. Also, another guy calling mc bro( it's not brother, he literally calls mc bro) breaks the immersion completely.

    Conclusion: A lot of good concepts but not put together very well and scattered all around.
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  6. Offline
    Woah what do we have here…
    Dumpster trash.
    Don’t waste your time.
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  7. Offline
    Does this novel have R-18 scenes???
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    1. Offline
      Yes, there are are several scenes of such, but they’re pretty mid.
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  8. Offline
    красавчик,радует что

    Quote: Immortalyxssine
    I binge-read this for like 7 hours straight then got to 240~ chapters and dropped it at a point.

    Spoilers ahead

    I know that when he graspes the nothingness it's gonna be the point where he becomes more OP than the thing he had since the beginning but still , why did the author have to make his wives forget about him and even his best friend , the romance is f#xked at that point I dropped it.

    Well if they remember him again somehow later then it's good but still the disappointment I got when I got there was just..

    Мне вот что любопытно,если вы его читали то должны помнить что его душа почти распалась на НИЧТО все его должны забыть разумно что его не помнят,дальше только интересней стало, вместо последоватеных событий на ковчеге автор расширил свой гругозор более масштабнее , видно что автор создаёт мир что бы нас заинтересовать и мне это нравится.
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    1. Offline
      Used Google translate to read this.

      And yeah, it made the novel better; but still back then I wasn't sure whether the MC had been NTR'd from his wives or not, so I was mad over it.
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      1. Offline
        NTR? shocked3 shocked3
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        1. Offline
          he didn't get NTR'd, I thought he did which made me stop the story.

          Anyway, Ill read this later on if I'm in the mood.

          I read this for 5 hours straight back then, so I'll do the same again if I have time ofc
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  9. Offline
    it's too complicated novel for me but not bad
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  10. Offline
    why are you doing this to me? I am full-time writer and my life depends on it. If you are reading free and even stealing my priv chaps, wtf am I living for? just fking kill me, take my brain, and upload it here. extract stories from my brain for free...
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    1. Offline
      If you're happy and you know it clap yours hands. Clap Clap
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    2. Offline
      I you think LivingVoid is an idiot clap your hands. Clap Clap
      quiet quiet quiet
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    3. Offline
      the novel isn't even good enough that we should pay to read it
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      1. Offline
        Huh? If you are reading it, then it's worth your time since you are investing your time, and if that's the case, you ought to pay for it if you can because I am investing my time and brain to write it. It's my passion to write since I love to read and write, I like it! But doing something you like to do just doesn't make your life easier. You need MONEY to live. But I am stubborn, I just love writing and I got so many novel ideas that I want everyone to read. I will continue writing until I die and keep on improving. This is my first novel, so grammar is bad, but I am learning.

        If it's not worth paying to read, then it's not worth reading for you as well. Like...you are behaving so entitled, it's sad. If you are unable to pay, then it's fine. But if you can, then do it so that novels continue to come.
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    4. Offline
      You should blame the platform you chose to publish on for this transgression. Obviously their network security is poor and being under contract with them, should make them liable for any leaks.

      Alternatively, anyone who reads your novel for free is unlikely to have ever paid for it but some may also enjoy it enough to donate gifts and coins.
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      1. Offline
        lol, regardless of platform this will happen.
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        1. Offline
          Nope. Patreon... No way novels leak from there... I think?
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          1. Offline
            Tbate also gets leaked from there
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            1. Offline
              Most don't, I think Tbate only does b/c it's so damn popular.
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        2. Offline
          It's hardly the same across all platforms tho, webnovel is just particularly terrible in that the cost of purchasing chapters is so absurdly expensive in comparison to literally any other place where you pay to purchase fiction.
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          1. Offline
            It actually isn’t expensive at all.
            1 coin = 0.02$, usually chaps are 6 coins which is like 0.12$ per chaps. The more expensive the chap, the more words.
            People say it’s expensive, when it really isn’t at all.
            Well, it mostly depends on authors. Some are overpriced (CO) but other aren’t.
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