15 days ago

I, The Dragon Overlord我!巨龙领主

Louie became a mythical dragon that was capable of traveling between Earth and the Otherworld at... Read more
Louie became a mythical dragon that was capable of traveling between Earth and the Otherworld at will.

From this point on, the number of races in the Otherworld became more plentiful. His territory was orderly and clean, with incredible cuisine, countless novelties, and civilization and philosophy ahead of the whole world.

On Earth, his existence caused the rebirth of magic and mythology, allowing him to become the only God.

«I am the Golden King, the Giver of Life, the Champion of Magic, the Weaver of Dreams, the Guardian of the World, the Master of Time. Let mortals bow down before me and look up! Let the Gods tremble in fear before me!» Collapse
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Comments 61

  1. Offline
    Anyone have link to the mtl please
    I can’t find it for some reason
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    1. Offline
      I've been looking too but can't find it, I suggest you translate it yourself that's what I've been doing (use Microsoft edge it can translate the entire page for you)
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      1. Offline
        Ah damn, well thanks
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      2. Offline
        can i have the link in the chinese novel please. the link from here doesn't work
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  2. Offline
    One thing that cross my mind reading this...world of warcraft..lol
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  3. Offline
    Wow, this novel really is a surprise, especially since the author is Chinese. There are 2 worlds, where we see one of urban fantasy and another with classic fantasy where the MC is now a monster. I have to say that the story is very entertaining until I've read it (ch. 82) and the author knew how to describe both worlds very well. Let's be honest, it is very rare that in urban fantasies there is no nationalism (and sometimes racism) especially in Chinese novels. But unbelievably, there is not here, or at least I did not even notice it. The earth now is not only Chinese (as many Chinese authors imply) but the story extends to several countries and continents. The 2 worlds react realistically to the existence of the MC, within what a novel allows, making them feel very alive. The MC is also very pragmatic and does not allow itself to be influenced by anything that prevents it from achieving its objectives. I see this novel as a gem.

    The bad?
    - Honestly, apart from some grammatical errors I don't find anything wrong with it.
    -Some complain about the restrictions but I say ... which ones? The closest thing to rectrictions would be the inherited memories that soon after the MC wins them but nothing else. If you want to see a mc op from the beginning I recommend a fanfic.
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    1. Offline
      Nona Me
      You will also find nationalism & racism in Marvel (Hollywood) movies, Japanese anime, & some Korean comics/drama. especially Hollywood, gosh, it's full of US bullshit.

      some people read two or three Chinese novels & say they are racist-nationalists. I wonder where have you been all this time? Aren't all countries selling the same shit?

      but, apart from that, I agree with one thing: this novel is indeed interesting.
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      1. Offline
        The nationalism in Hollywood or Japanese or Korean content simply exaggerates the importance and the power of their nation whereas in Chinese content, other than boosting China's importance and power, what they have more is criticism or derogatory remarks, about or regarding, other nations.

        This is an unbiased opinion as I'm not a citizen of either of the countries mentioned above.
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        1. Offline
          Nona Me
          I have a feeling you really don't watch Hollywood movies, man. You don't even see how they discredit blacks and Asians. As well as some historical facts that are twisted just to illustrate the greatness of the US.

          You also don't see the Koreans' cynicism towards Japan that is evident in the movies and comics.

          I read this novel since the first chapter & it feels normal. So far, what the author has outlined in the novel are historical facts and political facts.

          In fact, Japan lost unconditionally in the second world war. So they were forbidden to have soldiers. United States intervention in Japan is difficult to eliminate. From the 1950s onwards, the US even had military bases in Japan. There is nothing wrong with saying Japan is a child of the US. Because if you follow today's international political news, America's enemy is also Japan's enemy

          I advise you to read a lot & watch a lot of movies.

          Of course, this comment is unbiased as I am Southeast Asian.
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          1. Offline
            Now that I think about it, you are right, but still, you can see other nations getting targeted in Chinese novels more frequently. Speaking about Japan, it has committed many atrocities against China since medieval times, the most recent one being 'Rape of Nanjing', so it getting targeted, I can understand but still, over glorified China in WNs is just uncomfortable. In the novels, China is the sole supreme power left in the world. Even in some scifi webnovels, humans out there are also only 'Han people' and everyone else is insignificant.

            Let's come out of novels and movies for now. In real world, Chinese are racists and nationalists and one can overlook that but they also target and harass and suppress other weaker nations around them. Hong-Kong, Taiwan are live examples. China has also extended passive support towards Taliban, the de facto rulers of Afghanistan. There's also this whole unstable dynamic situation with three nuclear neighboring powers- China, India and Pakistan wherein China is acting like a fan fanning the flames.

            Keeping the above facts in mind, whenever I read Chinese novels, I'm more sensitive to Chinese racism and nationalism.
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            1. Offline
              Nona Me
              As a fiction reader, one needs to distinguish between fantasy and reality. If I were a writer, even a small country like Malaysia could be supremacy over the US, Russia or China. I am a writer, & I am the god of the novels I write. Nothing unusual. Readers who know the difference between fiction and reality won't blame Malaysia just because I made it OP.

              Responding to your question outside the context of the novel, I understand if you have sentiments towards China because of the related case you mentioned. But, to be honest, there's nothing strange about it. Aren't all the superpowers doing the same thing?

              If you've ever heard the expression, homo homini lupus (humans are wolves to other humans), you'll understand that the real world is no different from a novel. The strong can always eat the weak. The reason China can act as they please, is because they are a powerful country. If they were weak, they would only return to the late Qin Dynasty.

              There is nothing new on this earth, if you look at history, you will see how Europeans exterminated almost the entire indigenous population of the American continent & occupied it to this day, leaving some small Indian tribes & living alienated in their own land. The same is true for Aboriginal people in Australia. Or how the Mongols created a bloody path on the Eurasian mainland. Dutch forced labor in Indonesia for 350 years, British Colonialism in India, the sale of opium to China, slavery of Africans, and so on.

              In short, if I had to hate a certain nation, race, or class for what they did, I would definitely hate the whole world. And because I study & understand the history of mankind, to me this is all normal.
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                Everything you said is true but those facts were reality when there was no concept of human rights, women rights or rights of any kind. Now that we are inculcated with these ideas from our school days, China's actions seem much too overboard.

                As a fiction reader, one needs to distinguish between fantasy and reality, I concur and hence I say that, the idea of 'strength dominating all' is best left to fiction and not applied irl.

                In the present era, 'real world is no different from a novel' is false at least in democratic countries. What happened in the past cannot be blamed on anyone because at the time, humans were not as socially evolved as they are now and everything was truly decided by the one with larger fists. In the present day, war between any two countries may trigger WW III which would definitely be catastrophic.

                Anyway, lets end our debate. I'm very happy that we've been civil this entire time. It was good hearing your opinions. That being said, I still stand by what I said. I'm from India and so I'll always be biased against China when talking about real life issues and this bias might reflect in my thoughts when I read novels having Chinese supremacy in it.
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                  Nona Me
                  You need to read and understand the concept of 'neo-colonialism', then you will understand that the 21st century is no different from the 19th, 15th or BC centuries. And that the history of mankind is just a repetition, regardless of the new values ​​that emerge. And modern values ​​such as human rights, feminism, and so on are resistance movements that will never end, because humans are intelligent animals. When new values ​​emerge, various crimes in the new model will also appear.

                  I live in Indonesia, my country is one of the biggest democracies in the world. And if you think that the rules of the jungle don't work here, then you're too naive, if not blind. I don't understand why you see politics in black and white. Also a little clueless the way you view China as the only antagonist here. While the US, Russia, Israel, the European Union, (or even my own country) today are no different. If not worse.

                  Well, anyway, that's your opinion.
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      2. Offline
        Mm, there is however an important distinction between nationalism and racism that I feel you are glossing over in your comparison of Hollywood media with these Chinese webnovels
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        1. Offline
          Nona Me
          Your comment is subpar. Sorry, man.
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  4. Offline
    abdulfatah ali
    it’s not bad i’ve read the first seventy chapters and it was a good experience i’ll wait for it to pile up and come back later
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  5. Offline
    Stumbled across this gem, excited for more chapters. He's not quite OP but uses his thinking to get an edge. Hoping for more chapters
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  6. Offline
    biggest flaw in the story is this ridiculous weakness of him knowing the language of the races having the soul "deity" of the dragon god but not having the memories and knowing the spells this is ridiculous a garbage limitation that spoils the protagonist's strength.
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  7. Offline
    Has cthulhu gonfalon vibes with magic, gods, realms and city building. Story and translation seems good for now (ch 70).
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