1 month ago

Deathworld Commando: Reborn by RangerFrank

What happens when humanity's greatest weapon gets a second chance at life? Commander Kronos wasn't... Read more
What happens when humanity's greatest weapon gets a second chance at life? Commander Kronos wasn't even considered to be a human but rather a weapon to be used for the greater good of his species. He was grown in a tube to be the perfect weapon so he lacked many emotions, experiences most people take for granted. Upon experiencing some emotions for the first time he was quickly eliminated by humanity and was reborn into a world of swords and sorcery, getting a second lease on life.

Of course, he didn't see it that way at the start and thought he was being fooled. It took a near-death experience and a lot of growing up but he finally decided to keep his promise to his former comrades and give his new life an honest try.

Embark on the story of the former Commander of Hades Squad as he settles into his new life as the Dark Elf Kaladin Shadowheart.


Kind Words From Some Of My Readers-

I just binged read from Prologue 1 in a period of 2 days. This right there has got to be one of the best stories I've read on HFY. Amazing writing with a captivating world and setting, relatable, and "Human" characters, and a great conflict driving the story. I need to see how it ends and I hope the end is far away. - Choice_Safe471 on Reddit

I've done exactly what Choice_Safe did, binged it hard. I gotta say, bro, I was a sobbing mess last night reading volume 1. I let myself get immersed and I was completely pummelled by that last chapter. You've got another big fan! - Ronin-Vs-World on Reddit.

I love your story a lot, and I love the effort you put into it to make each chapter long enough to take some time to think about what's going on. You've got an awesome twist on the normal idea of a reincarnation fantasy with the MC being a lot more serious than some other all-powerful godlike idiot of an MC. Yours has got to be one of the best I've read so far. - bengordo on Royal Road.

Found it on the rising stars. I truly enjoy the crisis the MC went through. The world of discovery and the stress keeps me reading till late in the night. Thanks for sharing your story. - Germain on Royal Road.

Lots of stories have a good premise and not a good execution. You have found a way to tell this story so well and the ideas behind it are so good. I can't get enough, keep up the good work! - Anonymous Ko-Fi Donator

Love this series I would gladly buy this if you ever decide to have it published. - Anonymous Google Poll Responder


Story Accolades-

Top 500 Story 

Top 20 Rising Star Fiction November and December 2021

Royal Road Writathon October 2021 Winner

Royal Road Writathon April 2022 Winner


Volume 1 ✔ 100K+ Words

Volume 2 ✔ 90k+ Words

Volume 3 ✔ 120k+ Words

Volume 4 ✔ 89k+ Words

Volume 5 ✔ 159K+ Words

Volume 6 In-progress

Average 3-4k+ words per chapter.


Things to Expect From My Story-

This is a reincarnation fantasy first and foremost. There are elements of soft-Sci-Fi but Sci-Fi is not the primary genre. 

This is a progression story. It starts from before reincarnation, then to his eventual rebirth, and will hopefully follow his life as he continues to change and grow. 

This story focuses on the rebirth of the MC and his new life in a new world. Although there is combat and adventure, this story is mainly about the MC's personal growth, withering as a person. It is about the connections he forms with the people in this new world, for better or worse.

This is not a power fantasy nor a military, mil-sim story. Although the MC was a powerful soldier in his previous life that is no longer the case considering the circumstances of his reincarnation. However, this does not mean the MC is weak nor has he forgotten about his past life. He will become stronger in a "realistic way" through time, training, and overcoming obstacles. 

This is the story of a former soldier who was used as a tool by his species. He is attempting to live a new "normal" life on his terms. The MC openly rejects his previous life as he strives to be a better version of himself. However, the world has different plans.


Hello and welcome to my story, this is my first attempt at a fiction so feel free to leave suggestions, comments if you see anything. Thanks for clicking on my story and I hope you give it a try.

I post every Monday morning PST as well as every other Thursday morning PST. Collapse
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  • Total comments: 180

Last 25 chapters

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Comments 94

  1. Offline
    the first volume is pretty average, i skipped most of the second volume, but the third volume and onwards are pretty good. kinda reminds me of tbate, but in a good originating-from-the-source kinda way. if you think to drop this because of the second volume, just skip it instead, the impact on the story is minimal
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  2. Offline
    just before the end of volume 1 things change a lot, an I'm sure a lot of people drop it after that
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  3. Offline
    As of this date, I've read through "Book 6: Chapter 121". For me this has been a pleasant surprise! The pacing, both in story & character progression, is wonderful. The MC is neither a sincere imbecile nor an arrogant genius--Tropes that make me drop many Isekai stories. Actually, neither is he a simple "everyman", as his previous life condition and experience was incredibly unique and intense.

    Upon waking up he comes to want something completely foreign; peace for himself and his loved ones. However, the world is hardly ever what you desire to make of it. He keeps getting pulled in directions that further distance him from his goal and seem to want to draw him back into his old mindset and way of life.

    The competency of the author's writing really comes through, especially in the use of soliloquy. The MC's thought process in how he perceives his environment, and what he thinks when faced with new challenges is often incredibly reasonable. A pleasure to read as, in many other cases, authors tend to use soliloquy solely for 'profound' things like, "OMG, boobs!". On that note, it's good to know that this is NOT a harem story, which it very easily could've been. Yes, he does attract the attention of a few females through the course of his life. But he's neither aloof to them, nor is he a 'Playa'. In most cases he'll either openly deny them or he'll be able to redirect their motives through good, meaningful conversation. His discipline, clarity of thought, and sincerity make him never lose sight of his goal.

    At this point I'm left very curious to see how the many mana-related mysteries and side-plots will be revealed as this story continues. This far in, I doubt the author will suddenly take a nosedive in his quality and direction. So, I'll definitely be following this one!
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  4. Offline
    My initial assessment of this novel was pretty harsh. Volume 2 really pissed me off, and I skipped most of the beginning of it. But once you get past that bit, the story gets better. Volume 1 was kind of opposite. Started off great and teetered off into kinda boring, but it was still decent enough for me to keep reading. Volume 3 was good. Volume 4 I just started.
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  5. Offline
    Hey guys plz help
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    1. Offline
      Stop begging for money, get a f#cking job.
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      The following is strictly prohibited:

      — racism, hate speech, and religious, sexual or political discussion
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      The Administration reserves the right to remove comments, or comment parts, if they do not meet these requirements.

      Please, remove the comment.
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    3. Online Offline
      crawl and beg, kowtow and lick shoes, eat dirt and **** and lose your shoes for alms.... What a great life youre shooting for, i hope you make it while you rot kneeling in h3ll.

      i hope this comment imagery will stop you from the above.
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  6. Offline
    Can someone recom me good "The gamer" fan fic
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    2. Offline
      You can try something by Dark Wolf Shiro https://www.fanfiction.net/u/4387774/The-Dark-Wolf-Shiro
      Note they are like 70/30 porn/plot.
      Otherwise not sure of exactly what qualifies as a "Gamer" fix.
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  7. Offline
    As of part way through vol 5, I would liken it to Mushoku Tensei except without the lewd/perverted MC, and replacing it with edginess. That's not 100% accurate but it encapsulates the "feel" of the novel for me. I.e. Social stunted man is reincarnated and his idyllic childhood gets interrupted. Pretty accurately describes both, and there's plenty of other similarities. That said Mushoku Tensei was great, and this novel is pretty dang good overall, so you can safely check it out.
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  8. Offline
    I don't know what to say about it but I found vol 2 out of place.
    No matter how much author try to justify it, transition just doesn't feel natural and somethings also feel forced.
    Vol 1 was all sunshine/slice of life but vol 2 went to full dark mode.
    For me, this novel is above average but I dropped on start of vol 2.
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    1. Offline
      What's the point of reading a story that's all "sunshine/slice of life"? That sounds boring beyond compare, which volume was kind of was. Granted, I don't like the direction volume 2 is heading down, but at least there's some action.
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      1. Offline
        Maybe you are right but i don't like slave arcs so i dropped it.
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        1. Offline
          yeah, i skipped a lot of that arc, too. slaved, maimed .. was a bit too much. but the story gets better after. kinda... author is not kind to his mc, that's for sure.
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  9. Offline
    So far? Great! World building takes some time and the characters are slow to develop but it pays off well. The MC Kaladin Shadowheart is introspective and malleable. He wants to become more than the death machine he was in his previous life.

    Overall I'd give it a solid 4.5, plenty of room to grow and I still have chapters/books to read.

    One thing I would comment on is that you should read it on RR. The Author uses <> for non-verbal communications and it isn't picked up on this site so you miss a lot of dialog after the introduction of Cerila.

    This isn't typical web novel flair thus requires more time and building to get to the action. So stick with it, it's worth it.

    PS: Yes the name is a little sigh But it's cultural in its creation.

    Edit: having read up to the latest chapter I can tell you that the novel keeps a steady quality and has some genuinely good story telling. Some of the arcs or volume can drag a little but all of it has purpose in developing our MC Kalidan. Honestly instead of some over arching plot or event, this is the tale of Kalidan and how he goes from an unfeeling death machine to a person, flawed as he may be. My rating sticks and I hope even more that you can pick it up.

    Check out my profile for my favorites lists.
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    1. Offline
      My hat off to you sir. Thank you for the detailed review.
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  10. Offline
    Don't let the low chapter count fool you, it's over 2k pages already (about 270 words per page)
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      Gweek Patato
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      1. Offline
        Royalroad has a stat that counts the words then divide them all according to the number of words for each page of a normal paperback book.
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        1. Offline
          Gweek Patato
          Thats a neat feature
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