5 hours ago

The Martial Unity by Lord_Streak

A passionate researcher and lover of martial arts and combat sports finds himself reincarnated in a... Read more
A passionate researcher and lover of martial arts and combat sports finds himself reincarnated in a fantastical world of Martial Art. No longer shackled by the disease that afflicted his body on Earth, he decided to dedicate his body, heart, mind and soul to becoming a Martial Artist.

What happens when a man of Earth meets an unearthly world? Collapse
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Comments 60

  1. Offline
    Most of the reviews on this site are sentence long opinions that don't even tell you about the book you're thinking of reading. Don't you love it?

    This book is an isekai, though explained in a way a little better than most. MC is reborn literally and begins as a child in the orphanage. The book doesn't dwell too much, a little faster paced slice of life I'd say. I'm only 90 chapters in so far, and it's good.

    The MC is nice. Genuinely nice person. He goes to an academy who genuinely value their students and the content of ther training. This isn't some MC who gets thrown into a sect that teaches him nothing, bullies him, and provides no reasons.

    Now the academy is "scientific" I'd say. Not science fiction like swallowed star, but a like a professional athletics course and the students with med exams and everything to ensure their plan is effective to the student. It's like attending a college that specializes in tae kwon do for freshman - running, stretching, working out, sparring. As they progress, we learn more about the world as the MC learns.

    Fast paced slice of life again, the novel is covering some ground but it doesn't feel rushed. Author seems to want to write that type of book, but keeps it quicker so not to irritate some - following me?

    Novel feels relaxing to read, but progressing nicely.

    MC is just learning about his (martial arts) world. World building is going on as the MC learns it. We don't know at the point I'm at in the story too much about various levels. What one review said is correct is that martial artists have "paths" or preferences to their style. One day they "break through" with an epipany about their style - supportive, defense, offensive, ect. That influences what kinds of techniques they learn.

    There are rude people, including one who seems like a parody or something. But the MC and most of the students are young teens, so no arrogant young masters or faceslapping everywhere.

    Read, enjoy :D
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    1. Offline
      Story seems quite nice, though I worry it will be boring. From both reviews and tags, there doesn¨t seem to be much drama singnificant interesting plot in it.
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  2. Offline
    This for those people who dislike brainless chinese system of dao, where everything is because of dao. while this story has well defined power system cut above the rest, it suffers from excessive info dumps which make it somewhat boring. one thing i found peculiar is that the protagonist classified the world as "middle aged with some technology" it actually feels like the modern world existing side by side of supernatural community.

    would give four and a half stars.
    one thing though...."Martial" word is used a lot more times that required. It's actually cringy as f#ck.
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  3. Offline
    ew, he used the word 'lit' to describe how cool something was, fml
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      He was a 70 year old man who uses the word.
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  4. Offline
    The novel is not really interesting to me. The whole world and the techniques are really mid. The whole story is kind of boring and while there are times in which I'm excited to see what's going to happen most of the story is not something you can really enjoy.

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  5. Offline

    Chapter 127

    Pretty good novel, the author is technical and drops a lot of info when explaining thing, most being useful to the story while others not so much. That aside I love the realism the novel has as well as the esoteric technology, world building, politics, and finally meticulously crafted power system with it’s own nuance.

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  6. Offline
    It's boring. The novel is full of info dump which author throw just to increase the words count. And yet a lot of those info aren't even related to future event/plot
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    Please downvote my comments, because I'm trying to be the most downvoted user
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      I hope you beat the other guy
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        Who's the other guy
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          Some other guy on the site is doing the same thing.
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      U ask u receive
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