3 months ago

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos by Einlion

Vahn was an atypical youth. Due to a rare mutation, his blood had the potential to target and... Read more
Vahn was an atypical youth. Due to a rare mutation, his blood had the potential to target and attack ailments within the human body. Touted as a universal cure, people had elevated his status above the norm and given him the classification «Panacea».

In the media, he was hailed as a great hero who would usher in a new era or human wellness. However, behind the scenes things weren’t so bright. Being a unique individual, Vahn spent his entire youth locked up in a lab with various scientists and research teams using his body and blood to perform endless amounts of experiments.

The only solace in his suffering was the various anime and manga made available to him between experiments. He often imagined himself as the protagonist in a world of his own, finally in control of his own destiny. For years he nurtured this desire, until at the age of 14 he died when an organization had tried to kidnap him from the lab… Collapse
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Comments 63

  1. Offline
    I really enjoyed this story, especially early on. Unfortunately, it ends up bogged down for what feels like forever, where instead of powering up he keeps fking new women because he literally can’t resist trying to make people happy so he’ll add a chick to his family if she is attracted to him. It gets ridiculous

    Seriously, the story ends up having almost no progression for hundreds of chapters.

    So I can’t in good faith recommend this story, which is disappointing because I think it could have been so much better
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      he keeps fking new women because he literally can’t resist trying to make people happy so he’ll add a chick to his family if she is attracted to him. It gets ridiculous
      basically the synopsis of the novel Dual Cultivation
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  2. Offline
    I wanna start reading this but i dont know much about danmachi and nasuverse, will it effect my reading experience? Or is it only good if u know their plot
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      you only need to understand the power system of the different worlds then u are set to go.
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  3. Offline
    To those curious; while the MC is very nice, and I enjoy that, the way he is written makes that niceness uncomfortable to bear-- there is something very off and unnatural about it at all, especially his interactions with other people. The fact that the other people he has met so far (I've only read 32ch, admittedly) are also all so nice is also concerning, even if that most likely won't be the case in the future. It's also possible he's written this way intentionally as a way to portray his naivety and youth.

    Still, I'm not sure how much I'll read. The writing is good, but has distracting amateur qualities - numbering the total enemies he's killed in a run is unnecessary, the 'stomach rumbling' sounds for comedic effect could be played off better, his own internal monologue could be written to flow better while currently it is slightly clunky and longwinded - and the story seems to have this soft, sheltered vibe to it due to the relative kindness of all the characters, the super fast pace with Chloe is just so annoying, and the character interactions are just so goddamn soppy.

    I don't mind kind characters- if they're written well. And I do not consider Vahn to be a well-written kind character- partly due to how dumb the characters around him seem and the direction this seems to be going in. I've only read 32 chapters and identified 3 to 6 potential harem members in a single world, all of them developing attraction in essentially his first interaction with them; I like harem, but not something this excessive.

    Most likely won't read further, which is disappointing, since I've been trying to find a good harem-inclusive world-hopping novel.
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  4. Offline
    - I saw ppl saying he goes around adding girls to his harem but what i wanna know is does he forget about them once he adds them.

    - Is there major fan service in this novel since i saw down below mc f#cks around many girls, which is alright but if its not shown in detail in novel then whats rhe point.

    - I also saw someon write that MC allows his wives to have other relations in 2000ch, is that true cuz i wud rather not read it at all to find mc cucks himself later on in story.
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      1st- He will add every girl that is attracted to him to his harem so as not to hurt her feelings. Also he wants other people to be happy. So when you have broken , wounded , etc women , he easily charms the by trying to solve their problems / make them happy.

      2st- If you mean by fan service sex scenes , then there are quite a few of such scenes.

      3rd- Around chapter 2k+ Vahn says to Mascheny for ToG that his women are allowed to look for their own private life in the outer world (other records) as long as they don't bring problems back to his own records. What I take from this statement are that his harem member are allowed to start families , have other partners , have sex , etc in other records as long as they don't create problems in his own records. Although I do understand his thought process of not wanting to shackle them with him and eventually make them miserable. I can't get behind of his uncaring attitude of sharing his wives or shrinking from his responsibilities. If you knew you can't please all of them then don't add them to your harem. He should have been a bit more domineering if he wanted a harem. Lastly in danmachi there has been a pretty contested issue about NTR. *SPOILER*

      Freya wanted to have a kid. Freya also wanted to become one of Vahn's wives. So she asked him that. Vahn refused for obvious reasons (Freya can be a quite toxic person. Not to mention she likes to f#ck around.). Personally if I was in his position the only way to accept her would be for her make some fundamental changes on how she behaves. Like dial back her egoistical tendencies (like how she will do everything to do what she wants). I wouldn't want her to f#ck around. It is not I would ask such things without offering solutions and "rewards" to her consensions. Vahn just insists on not accepting her but can't be too adamant since she is an important ally. Given her personality he should have know she won't back down unless she outgrows her usefulness before he needs her. Vahn should have known at that point he would have to accept her. So what he does is that he allows her to become pregnant by Oslo in order to appease her. Guess what it didn't work. She was f#cked basically next to him and he still had to marry her. That should have been a warning sign. His statement at the ToG only confirmed what was prophesized.

      There have been also quite a few inconsistencies. Like how in the nasuverse he can basically generate huge amounts of magical power by sacrificing parts of his bodies and regenerating them without limit. His quite wrong beliefs on why human civilization is destructive and can't harmonize with nature. Overall I don't recommend reading this past the 300 chapter mark. You will be left with a bitter taste in your mouth at best.
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        Thanks for such a long reply, I already started reading the novel and lets see how long i can read it without getting overwhelmed by so many wives of his.

        And the Freya thing i read somewhere that he only did it at first bcoz he didnt have any feelings for her early on in the novel and then later on she promised him that she will only live for him and her children. Isnt this true.

        As for him telling his girls to have sex and children with others i hate that idea. I hope his girls get angry at him for even thinking of such idea.
        I dont mind girls sleeping around before the get on with mc but after they gotta be loyal.
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    Weliam Diago
    I don't know is it get better or not but I am now in ch202. $#@@##@#$%%$ feels like I am vomiting 🤢 🤕 🤮. A nieve MC making promises here and there picking up girl saying "I have to be strong 💪 " but making no effort to be strong. Have no power to go against a girl. This types of mc is good to be NTRed. I feel like throwing my mobile every time mc interact with women making them feel good with his hand ✋. It took away my passion for reading books. Previously I read novel for at least 7-8 h. But now i read 1-2 h

    I feel like dropping this but people say it became better after 500. So i am still reading it. If it do get better I will write another comment
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      Weliam Diago
      Vahn's brows furrowed as he looked at Tsubaki with a serious expression and said in a firm tone, "I don't agree with that. Even if you try to hide it, I can tell you don't believe in your own words. If you want to have a child, and can't find another partner, I'd be more than willing to take on the responsibility. I already have plenty of ways to guarantee that you would get pregnant."

      This is a line spoken by MC. And he is like that for 200 characters!! Are you kidding?!?!?
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      1. Offline
        If you didn't like it so far the stop bro , I've read to about 450~ish , and the only thing worthy to remember about this novel was him getting in Loki's cooch , it's pure fan service.
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  6. Offline
    This s..t is douhinshi. Autor is spermotoxic. Endless only farem.Nothing else. Drop after 200+.
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  7. Offline
    I'm confused (haven't read it yet) Is there NTR or nah? Did some chick(Freya) bother MC to get together only to end up pregnant with another man? Which is lies and which is truth?! wtf
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  8. Offline
    To all potential readers. The author has acknowledged that there is a slump around the 300s and they made an effort to ensure that didn't happen in the rest of this excellent novel. The pace does pick up and Vahn does eventually travel to different settings. This is hands one of my favorite novels and my absolute favorite fanfic. Einlion makes the effort to study the world settings and write the characters as close to canon personality as possible. The entire novel along with related works can be read for free on the authors own website libraryofakasha.com and also completely free on webnovel both of which help to support him.
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      Weliam Diago
      Is the MC like god grid. That guy's personality is like shit in first chapters. But become better later. First 80 chapters were unreadable. But now it's one of the good novel that is ongoing. (Overgeared)

      But there i have to hold up for 80 chapters. But now i have to hold for 300 chapter are u kidding me🤢🤮🤢🤮🤢
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        Hombre de la tribu
        No compares a el grande, al maestro, el mejor, al Rey Greed con esta mierda de personaje y novela de harem sin sentido que lo único interesante es el sistema del cual se desaprovecha con el harem de mierda
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    2. Offline
      You need help if you think this is any good
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  9. Offline
    Story progress really good at the beginning but then he starts going around women to add them to his harem and neglects his strength training
    Dropped at chapter 250~.

    If it gets better later let me know nose
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      As someone who is up to date I can confirm that the pace does pick up, and vahn does start actively pursuing strength. If you want to give reading it ago again please consider doing so on the authors website libraryofakasha.com
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        Which chapter does it get better ? I kinda don't wanna read him just thinking with his d#ck , where the actually story picks up . If he pursues strength again then it'd be great , ngl I was hooked when he was so into training in the beginning , Ik that it's for story progress , but sometimes too much isn't good.
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          From asking fellow readers and my own memories slice of life remains though it's interspersed with action moments but most agree the pace definitely picks up after 500. I do acknowledge thats a fair number of chapters so if you really dislike the slice of life portions it might be a bit hard to get there. If you don't mind missing out on some stuff and really just want to get back into action moments then skip to 1020.
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            I mean like the part where he goes to other worlds , other than Danmachi. Author did the novel good but he doesn't have to keep writing 200+ chapter on a single world
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          2. Offline
            Well I think people should know that the harem aspect of the novel turns to worse later down the line. First he continues to add to his harem every good looking or interesting girl with impunity. This happens despite him promising to not be this easy. Secondly in chapter 2036 Vahn mentions that he is okay with his harem going to other records and do whatever they want (have other relations , kids , etc). His only condition is to not bring problems back. I believe if the author went this route , he shouldn't have gone for a harem this big at all. In my opinion the better option for Vahn was to allow his harem partners to leave (have no more relation with him) on the condition that they wont be able to associate with him romanticaly ever again. Vahn believes that his partners should be able to go after their happiness if he can't accompany everyone because they are too many.

            Personally I had stopped mid way the nasuverse arc and I haven't read like the last 60% of the Danmachi arc. I was going to take a break and then return anew. But oh boy when I returned I learned of the chapter 2036 and gave up on the spot. The whole Freya thing was already borderline unacceptable (lets all be honest Vahn knew he would marry Freya eventually but he still let her get pregnant from someone else practically in front of him). I will never understand why author did this.
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              Oh damn , leaving harem partners for others? Can't you ask your bestfriend to f#ck them instead? Like wtf ? No way , that's so weird man accepting other having s#x with others while you're still there , like don't pick them up at the first place if you ain't gonna satisfy them.

              About the Freya thing , I got spoiled too , is it the thing about her asking for a baby but him not giving it to her so it's gonna be like a big war? Idk tho why would you have s#x with a whore to impregnate her ? Literally weird novel , well ngl other novels like sis-con and becoming a mangaka are great , but this one , it's the trashiest so far.
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            2. Offline
              Well according to wiki NTR route never happened, sure author mentioned it but it didn't actualized also the thing with the Freya i mean man are you high or something she is the goddess of love,sex etc. she sleep around with a lot of ppl even reward her guild member with that do you think she was a virgin maiden or something and MC is aware of that that's why he didn't accept her so she can make a baby with whomever she choose but after being with MC she is restricted her actions only sleeps with him so past is the past important part she is exclusive now you mentioned you didn't read last %60 person of danmachi arc so you don't know how the arc ended and you also say that you 'learned' that in 2036 Mc allowed his women to go for other man meaning you don't know how that turned out conclusion is that please don't mislead ppl with your unbased opinions and hearsays.. finger
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                Frey repeatedly told Vahn that she wants him and would do whatever necessary to achieve this. Vahn though for some reason didn't want her. I wasn't complaining because she wasn't a virgin. Imagine you are dating someone But they decide to get impregnated by someone else because the dating is too slow. Freya was basically wooing Vahn at that point. Lastly even though author assured that his "wives" haven't gone through NTR , it's only a matter of time.
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                  He wasn't dating her tho, imagine some girl clinging to you flirt you constantly bugging you all the while you don't like her then would you care from who she was gonna get pregrant even later he accepts her only because it benefits him somehow ( i don't remember it's been a long time last time i read that arc) and why would you think it's only a matter of time do you think author doesn't know how much hate he gonna get doing that exaple is this, author didn't do it only metioned it like a teaser look at reaction of all the ppl i mean there is really no reason do so, guy is a sex god and he has godhands xD my reaction to you because is your mindset, you're believing your own speculation and writing like it's definetely gonna happen and that is discouraging ppl and misleading them
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                  Everyone knew he and Freya would be a thing sooner or later (IMO it was pretty soon). So him letting her get f#cked and impregnated pretty much next to him wasn't an ok thing in my book. Also if it was for the benefits he would just have impregnated her himself. Normally Vahn would never marry someone just for the benefits. That goes against who he stands for. So no matter how you look like it according to your own points this whole thing shouldn't have happened like that. Lastly teasing your whole reader base with NTR in a harem novel isn't a good idea. I bet a lot of people stopped reading at that point and it will also discourage future readers. Although the author never mentions directly that Vahn got cucked but we can assume that at least one of his girls had sex with someone else at the "outside" even if it was for experimenting.
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  10. Offline
    The idea is great, but I'm on chapter 228 and I've grown bored of the excessive amount of harem. More and more girls are being added and the story is progressing a bit too slow for my liking.
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      Yeah, a lot of good potential novels are plaguing with HAREM, it is such a cancerous problem and just annoy the hell out of the reader.
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