2 hours ago

Custom Made Demon King私人定制大魔王

Roy’s life was nothing special. The only thing commendable was the last few moments when he saved a... Read more
Roy’s life was nothing special. The only thing commendable was the last few moments when he saved a mother and her child from a drunk driver.

It’s really an egg! Damn it, what kind of monster have I become? Did I fall into Hell instead of making it to Heaven?

Join Roy as he ventures through various worlds with the Custom Made Demon King System — a system that allows Roy to draw anything he can imagine and create it through exchanging souls! Collapse
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Comments 203

  1. Offline
    Наконец-то он ожил, я уже думал это конец
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    Holy f#ck, I can’t believe it’s back
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    I would like to share my modest collection
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  5. Offline
    Wow. I havnt read this in ages!
    I remember the early part was fun and interesting but it get pretty mid later on. Still enjoyable to read tho.

    :D gonna need to reread this it seems
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  6. Offline
    From what I've seen it's back, it's available on some Chinese sites: https://m.uuks.org/b/13657/
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      #panic# please att
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        Warning! You are not allowed to view this text.
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  7. Offline
    Dark Walker
    The novel is flawed, it does not contain harems, romance or eroticism, although it does contain many wonderful things and beautiful women from goddesses and fallen angels ... alas, alas. 😓😓😓
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    1. Offline
      WHY? Just Why?
      Why do you even read books? Just go watch p**n, take care of your urges AND come back to read some amazing novel.
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        maybe hes unsatiable lol
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        1. Offline
          That's why people call him the Dark Wanker.
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      2. Offline
        Idk I just can't take seriously any novel without romance because it's very unrealistic to not have feelings towards someone at some point. It's kinda robotic and unnatural to care only about power-ups, especially if novel is pretty big

        Harem is shit tho
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    2. Offline
      I cant...I just can't imagine there are readers like you whose hell bent on polluting the sacred land for reading 7 I'm wishing for you guys to perish and never comeback reading again
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    3. Offline
      Dude..what you just said made me a lot more interested than ever before.
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  8. Offline
    Read to Chapter 392: Overall rating 2.5/5
    It has a strong start and gets progressively worse.

    - The system is really cool. It allows the MC to make anything he wants based on his creativity as long as he can pay the soul cost.
    - The way the MC interacts with the various worlds and the way those worlds interact with him is very interesting to read.

    - The powers the MC does get are varied and cool.

    - The MC becomes really bad at using the system, at the start he was pretty clever and creative but eventually his use became dumbed down to the extreme. He has infinite different ways to grow more powerful, farm souls, and become omnipotent but he can't figure out a single effective one that doesn't rely on lucky opportunities or slowly building up. Many of the later chapters are him saying "I can't do this or that" or "I need to get stronger" and me thinking of the millions of souls in his system and the various ways he could use the system to fix his problems.

    - The MC and others tend to not use some of their powers during fights for no discernible reason other than author stalling.

    - The author sometimes goes on long tangents explaining stuff or repeating stuff.

    Overall I think this novel has a lot of wasted potential. It's a great read if you aren't keen on details or thinking too deep. I've read this twice and the first time I enjoyed it 10X more because I was a beginner reader who just enjoyed the ride. If you are new to novels definitely give this a try. Even if you aren't a beginner reader I think most people will enjoy the first 200ish chapters. (besides those few times the MC acted like an idiot)
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    1. Offline
      Can you please recommend some good system novels? I’m really bored rn😂😂😂
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      1. Offline
        You could try reading just the start of this one. It has a pretty good first few chapters besides the MC acting stupid once or twice. You actually might not care about some of the stuff and just enjoy the cool powers and worlds. Here are some system novels that I enjoyed in the past.

        -FFF Class Trashero was decent: It takes the generic isekai + demon king trope and adds a ton of unique twists to it with a very original system. The MC is a bit crazy and psychopathic though.

        -My Augmented Statuses Have Unlimited Duration: The system is a cheat that allows the MC to make any status effect permanent. It is in a cultivation world and I enjoyed it a lot. It seems to have a rough start as the author figures out the finer details of the system though.

        -The Death Mage Who Doesn't Want a Fourth Time: This one is pretty unique in the plot aspect while having a very normal system with skills and levels. I don't remember how big a role stats played or if they even existed. The MC is very weird in their own way but I would classify them as good aligned. The updates to this novel seem extremely slow though. It has been years and it still isn't fully translated.
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  9. Offline
    Does anyone know when the new chapters coming out? Or will there be coming out at all?
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    1. Offline
      ArchDemon Solomon
      He’s in the midst of rewriting everything from chapter 100 and up if I remember

      Don’t quote me on this I just remember seeing a retranlastion and someone saying he’s fixing up the earlier chapters
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        shadow god 21
        Where did you see the retranslation?
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        1. Offline
          ArchDemon Solomon

          Chapters after 489 be the creator are just rewrites/translations

          Then there is the MTL which is actually updating but is brain death inducing as it’s usually is

          God this comment is so old never thought anyone would ever ask or reply, pretty sure the site down so here is the MTL link in case

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  10. Offline
    Undead are supposed to be weak in defence and the demons are supposed to be strong in defence or strength. This was even mentioned few chapters earlier, yet the mc cant defeat him. Also Julia is supposed to be a fallen angel how the fck can she not defeat the undead knight. At this time, what is the point of being high rank demon. Also, author is at the fault. Does he really think people like fights that continue for so many chapters. If it was interesting I wouldn’t mind but if for every opponent it’s gonna be like this, then no matter how interesting the plot is, the readers are just gonna leave. In the end it will be nothing more than a trash novel. How is the mc supposed to defeat angels if he can’t defeat undead atleast make some sense.
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      Gweek Patato
      Bro this is the review section not the comment section
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        actually its a comment section only. Well that's what the name says.
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          Gweek Patato
          You know theres a comments section for every chapter though, right?
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          1. Offline
            I do know that, but I was just stating the facts.
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