2 days ago

Rise of the White Dragon by Lruska

June 15 of the year 2010, the third awakening happened. Several smaller worlds had returned to... Read more
June 15 of the year 2010, the third awakening happened. Several smaller worlds had returned to connect with the main world as living beings of different races started to appear and some people managed to connect with the origin and gain control of various powers: control of fire, of water, of wind, of air, and of earth... In the midst of all these confusions, towers that gave unimaginable powers began to appear in all corners of the world, where those who already had powers could upgrade and become more powerful or even those who did not have powers could receive powers through tests of the tower. And because of these towers, conflicts started to happen in all corners of the world by those wanting to monopolize these towers.

Luan Dimas was betrayed by one of the people he trusted most. However, in his final moments before being killed, he was transported back to four months before the third awakening that started the apocalypse on earth. Being a man who lived for a thousand years and had accumulated several techniques, he now had a new chance to correct some of his early mistakes. Luan decided to make the most of this new chance that the heavens had given to him. Collapse
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  1. Online Offline
    Any recommendation for similar novel or genre like this book ?
    Or something similar but with more action or fighting scene ?
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  2. Offline
    I was really scared that the novel would shoot itself in the foot, since many novels with serious mc do. But it has been great so far, Luan is great and the slice of life moments are surprisingly great. I guess it moves quite slowly, however when it does its very satisfactory.
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  3. Offline
    Muy buena novela en mi opinión, la historia no está mal, el desarrollo del romance y la relación familiar del protagonista es realmente agradable y relajante para pasar el tiempo

    Lo único que crítico de esta novela es el sistema de fuerza ya que un poco confuso debido a que miden la fuerza por cuántas veces eres más fuerte que un hombre común y a esto se le suma que pueden cultivar tanto el cuerpo como el qi y se pueden sumar la fuerza de ambos cultivos para tener el doble de fuerza que alguien en el mismo orden

    Pero una ves que te acostumbras al sistema de fuerza de la novela lo entiendes bastante bien

    Primer Orden: 1-50 (100 cuerpo + qi)

    Segundo orden: 51 - 100 (200 cuerpo + qi)

    Tercer orden: 101 - 500 (1000 cuerpo + qi)

    Cuarto Orden: 1-10 Dragón (20 cuerpo + qi)

    ( 1 dragón = 500 hombres )
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  4. Offline
    Good novel, I like the slow paced beginning of fleshing out his family and love life along with him getting ready when Apocalypse truly starts en masse with hundreds of thousands of portals being opened at once
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  5. Offline
    Very good novel the romance is slow paced and realistic. My only problems one: only the MC progresses fast and even his family goes at a slow pace despite cultivating the same amount, and two: the system is confusing, why is it all seem to be base on a human's strength and never the real cultivation.
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  6. Offline
    Extremely relaxing, to the point you grow bored.
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    1. Offline
      Is the book good?, Yes but don’t come here for every chapter packed with action, cuz it isn’t.

      I genuinely like the romance and familial love in this book (LMAO, Maybe it’s cuz never truly had someone that cared for me like how Luna cares for his family and the other way around, his parents (except the cunt of a dad) are what u would expect a loving family to be.

      Heals the heart, if anyone here doesn’t have a good family life, idk this might be what it feels,like to have a good family and lover
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      1. Offline
        Its unrealistic bro families are poison
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        1. Offline
          Himanshu Arora
          Not every family spits poison among themselves... Some are good too.
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          1. Offline
            I never saw one but maybe its because im living in middle east
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            1. Offline
              Himanshu Arora
              Maybe but it's not like everyone have same experiences... tiho
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    2. Offline
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  7. Offline
    Truly a relaxing novel!
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  8. Offline
    A refreshing one🤔 enjoying this one all the way
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  9. Offline
    Demon god
    It's good novel
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