1 year ago

Villain Cultivator by DamnPlotArmor

If you can reincarnate or transmigrate into a cultivation novel world and you have a choice, would... Read more
If you can reincarnate or transmigrate into a cultivation novel world and you have a choice, would you be a protagonist, an antagonist, a side character, or a mob character?

And what would you do if you are aware that you’re a character in a cultivation novel?

Mao Miaomiao, a 60-year-old retired professional MMA fighter got transmigrated into a mysterious cultivation world with modern technologies. He found himself in his youthful body, and he got a system as a bonus.

Cliche, right?
  • [You have received new quests]
  • [Kill a native protagonist.]
  • [Kill a reincarnated protagonist.]
  • [Kill a transmigrated protagonist.]
  • [Kill a regressed protagonist.]
  • [Kill a time-traveled protagonist.]
  • [Kill a resurrected protagonist.]
  • [Failure Penalty: Death.]
From a mob character to a villain mob, from a villain mob to a villain boss, from a villain boss to a secret character, the system forced Mao Miaomiao to evolve… and hunt every protagonist in this world. Collapse
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Comments 115

  1. Offline
    Я скажу, что это среднее произведение. В нём есть прикольные моменты, но мне не очень понравились резкие повороты в книге. Такое ощущение, что сюжет придумывался на ходу.
    Если вам нечем заняться, то можете попробовать почитать до 500 главы (потом как-то совсем скучно стало), но многого не ждите от книги.
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  2. Offline
    Alright, it's ya boi kona powa giving his first proper review. I'll be diving mainly into ch500+

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      #lordofsoup116# what do you think?
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        You have summoned me for this???

        Thou hath broken the ancient law of spoilers and I shall not partake in such heresy

        But since you already threw it out ya kinda
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  3. Online Offline
    Dont get baited into 'it gets better after 440 chapters' MC is always beta and is never free. After 500+ chapters he is still stupid.
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    1. Offline
      He's an idiot but a 'beta'? That's a big no
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      1. Offline
        Sigma male rule #1238741 Never be beta
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        1. Offline
          almost thought that was a nuke code. damn my mind and damn u for putting a hash before almost six digit numbers
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            oru2x what is wrong with you?
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    2. Offline
      It's not that he is beta but he is forced due to circumstances.bro he is anything but beta.this guy doesn't have a choice.
      like end boss level characters are manipulating his life from the start.there's nothing he can do, it's either that or dying.
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  4. Offline
    Well i got mesmerized by the description so imma read it later~
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  5. Offline
    Got mixed feelings about this one. It took a nosedive around chapter 160, but it managed to get back up there and I'm loving all the plot twists and the absurdity of the power levels and protagonist.
    A lot of ppl are complaining about the fact that it got worse around chapter 160 and well that's true and if I have to say something to redeem that, I can only go with the classic line read till 400+ and you'll understand.
    Honestly, I started reading this cuz it had a system novel and I was really into system novels at that time and well that's what kept me from dropping this during the low points of the novel.

    I really like this novel so well this is gonna be hella biased.

    Characters - 4/5
    Not much to say about this, characters are not always one-dimensional unless they are made to be and have their own motives. But there are some inconsistencies here and there. I don't have much issues with this.

    Story and World Background - 5/5
    I really like it when the world background is kept with a layer of mystery and the protag slowly explores it. The author seems to have many of the events planned for a long time, so while there may be inconsistencies I really like all the absurd things that keep happening with the world background. I don't have much to say about story progression other than it's pretty decent.

    Writing Quality- 4/5
    There are not many issues with grammar and stuff, there are some cringy moments with all the reference jokes but some manage to get a chuckle out of me.

    Final Rating - 5/5
    I just love it idk why.

    TLDR; Despite all its flaws, I like the novel. You can give it a go since it's still pretty decent especially if u like system novels.
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  6. Offline
    What a shame, it was going so good until ch168, right now mc has become a family man and a beta male who is getting scolded left and right.
    He started such a chad and ruthless but now he cant control his wives even after brainwashing them. The plot has gone astray.
    I dont know how can ex mma serial killing guy can become such beta after killing xie tian. The character development has gone bonkers here
    I really loved this novel can anyone tell whether the mc returns back to normal or he will keep on getting controlled by others.
    I would rather stop and read other novel if its otherwise
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        Lets see, i am disappointed with the character change of the mc into comedic role but i am invested in it so still reading it.
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        1. Offline
          Yeah you should try reading this again
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  7. Offline
    f#ck this, just read until the part where the mc finishes the 10th quest and drop it cuz the quality takes a nose dive from the top of burj Khalifa to the asphalt road
    I'm tolerant of stupid shit but this is too much
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    1. Offline
      Yeah I know it's unbearable.... BUT! if you manage to read until 400+ I'm sure you will change your review. addiction
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      1. Offline
        lmao 'read till 400+ and you'll understand', that is such a classic line.
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          Don't worry, hydrate yourself, reread the novel 5x, go prone, pick up the raygun and then I promise you'll like the novel!
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      2. Offline
        ur destroying whatever rep this novel has with this line man
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    2. Offline
      Bah,if your complaining go make your own novel we're all the same in this website reading a fcking pirated novel then you keep complaining are u a retard?
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        дибил тут только ты. Мы выражаем свои эмоции, что произведение не оправдало наше ожидание. Лично я вижу, что такие произведения идут по одному сценарию: заинтересовать в начале, а дальше человек сам не захочет бросать читать, так как это психология. И это плохо, что существует такая фигня.
        И всё познаётся в сравнении.
        Я вот недавно попробовал почитать Mobuseka. Такая фигня, что кровавые слёзы и вспоминаешь, что это произведние по сравнению Mobuseka нормально ещё. как-то так.
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        1. Offline
          Sorry mate i cant understand you
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      2. Offline
        If we're not allowed to complain then why the f#ck is there a comment section... oh wait, its there so we can either complain or praise the novel. So who is the retard?

        Lmao dumbass.
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  8. Online Offline
    This sucks soo f#cking much. The worst thing is the mc's pussy personality. Initially, he was oppressed as f#ck and it lasted till like chapters 100-150, I get it. But after that he was free and established his own city and everything and got some badass seniors to help him, great, then what? The pussy still gets bullied but his seniors, sure he wasn't as oppressed but still, they extorted the f#ck out of him. even that's fine but during that fake ass tournament in the empire's capital city he still gets extorted for someone else's bullshit, why? Those two annoying ass seniors made him. In the first place, he doesn't even have to go to this sus tournament because it was obviously a f#cking conspiracy, but he still goes because his so-called seniors told him to.

    It's like the character development made him worse. I hate these reverse character development novels. The novel starts out with an amazing villainous MMA fighter who is somewhat psychopathic and likes killing and turns him into a mild ass bitch that keeps getting bullied by everyone and everything around him. At some point, the system will tell him a leaf is a protagonist and he will f#cking water that leaf to make sure he doesn't get beat up later. A waste of my f#cking time
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    1. Online Offline
      Fu#k my impatient ass. 2 chapters later and it seems to have an interesting twist. Imma continue reading the book. Peace yeah
      (My rant above is still valid though. The pussy mc sucks. I'm only reading more cause I got too invested)
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      1. Offline
        this is happening because the so called pussy mc has little to no plot armor. this is what a realistic cultivation world looks like, oppression of the strong and the bullying of the weak. the good thing about villain cultivator is its realism compared to those braindead novels where mc's are all knwoing, multi-talented and saved by the plot every time. almost every cn I have read has the "I wont be bullied even if Im weak" type of shit. well guess what, thats the typical shit that you read. and the only reason they're alive is because of the "lucky" encounters and "talent" they have. its f#cking stupid.
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  9. Offline
    Damn after read through 440+ chapter i can say this novel is unique and chaos.I never expect that the MC who almost a Horny incarnation that act like villian 24/7 hour and all he think in head is sex will become righteous grandmaster(still very horny)
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    Зачем флешбэки в первой главе делать вообще нет никакого желания читать дальше после такого
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