2 hours ago

Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan转生眼中的火影世界

The trembling Hyuga Kuroto finally got the treasure that he dreamed of! How exactly will the world... Read more
The trembling Hyuga Kuroto finally got the treasure that he dreamed of! How exactly will the world of Naruto be perceived with his glowing Royal Blue Tenseigan Collapse
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Comments 121

  1. Offline
    + 50 -
    I don't know what the hell the others are talking about but it seems to me one of the best Naruto fanfic I've read, I beg you to upload a daily chapter
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  2. Offline
    + 104 -
    At first, when you read the novel, it seems that the main character is an intelligent and determined person. But gradually Chinese nature ate itself. The protagonist becomes too soft for a full beta level. Think a lot, do nothing. This is the main character of this novel. Plot holes also appear gradually.
    (This comment could have a lot of downsides, I just know how many shitty people there are on the web novel site, and some of them ended up on this site.)
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  3. Offline
    + 20 -
    Good novel, I like the way the author describes Naruto's world, shows that he truly understands the series and analyzes it in an interesting way hokage welldone
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  4. Offline
    + 10 -
    They are translating it back into Webnovel, the problem is that they are behind the chapters that are already here, so it will still take a while
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  5. Offline
    + 232 -
    Good power, weak mc, useless mc as of chap 21,bad plot, bad fight scenes and one of the worst naruto fanfic i've read so far. Overall trash level 3
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  6. Offline
    + 21 -

    WTF! TL wrote chapter 400 (He said its a joke) but destroy all my motivation to continue reading after the made up fight and ending he wrote because as he put it he was frustrated with the author. Who even does that? Why is he still not fired?!?!
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    1. Offline
      + 30 -
      Can’t fire a dude who’s self-employed
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      1. Offline
        + 40 -
        This is WN translation, they have paid chapters there.
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        1. Offline
          Immortal God
          + 00 -
          It’s probably the author who did it
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    2. Offline
      + 01 -
      we need to rid these guys and introduce responsible and competent ppl. Just by doing this any penalty from a cease and desist would involve the TL too, what an idiot.
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    3. Offline
      + 00 -
      i would do it, the kamui is really really broken sigh, and i find it a little fun XD wish
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  7. Offline
    + 18 -
    There are two kind of fanfictions:

    1: Using existing story/worldbuilding as foundation and telling a unquie story of your own.
    2: Retelling of the same stroy with some wishful change or different plotpoint. Eg: What if Itachi join uchiha side, what if sasuke never left the village etc...

    This one is the 2nd type. This add nothing new to the stroy and tried to milk the exisitng fanbase with a MC who is following plot from anime/movie (only slightly different).

    I came here after reading konoha hypocrit and even with all its flaw, it gave a unique prespective into the mind of leaf ninja and their own selfishness, ambition, greed etc.. which goes untold in the original series. This one just have cardboard cutout characters from OG series and a MC with grand delusions whose only saving grace is plotarmor. Imaigne getting anything he want the very next chatper due to impossible conincidences. Every single time.

    The only thing different about this novel from OG (which should've been a good thing but sad NO), is chinese WN streotype and cliche. Eg: MC defeat one Uchiha in competition and now have to deal with never ending chain villains each stronger than other like any youngmaster plotline. 🤮
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  8. Offline
    + 173 -
    Quote: Hansbk
    Chapter 1-330 -- HOLY... 5/5 ehh ehh ehh

    Chapter 331+ -- Sry wut...?!? treat treat treat

    Chapter 340-360 -- KILL ME.... forwhat crybaby

    Chapter 360+ -- OH-?! THINGS BECOME REALLY GOOD AGAIN... yeah oru2x

    Chapter 400+ -- THINGS BECOME AS GOOD AS THE BEGINNING.... thrill thrill

    Chapter 461+ -- I NEEED MOREEEEEE..... reader reader reader reader reader

    Chapter 532 -- FCKKKKKK I NEEEDDD MOREEEEEE 7 7 7 7 7 7 7


    Bruh! You really are conviencing me to read this huh!
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    1. Offline
      + 00 -
      There's a Cheats tag.
      Mind telling me what's the cheat of mc? constraint
      Only the knowledge of this world or something else too?
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      1. Offline
        + 10 -
        Only knowledge and the luck at awakening the tenseigan at start.
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        1. Offline
          + 23 -
          Nothing more?
          How boring sigh
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          1. Offline
            + 80 -
            It's pretty good. The butterfly effect is executed pretty well and the characters act like their original. What more do you want? The MC that can one-hit kill Kaguya? If so, it's not that interesting.
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  9. Offline
    + 60 -
    I NEEEDDDD MOREEEEEEEEEEEEEE ohno ohno ohno ohno ohno ohno ohno

    Unbelievable... After over half a decade there's finally a novel worth coming back to read the MTL...
    真的莫名其妙 wet wet
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    1. Offline
      + 00 -
      Wait... HOLY.... You should really read ahead... Things REALLY got spicy...

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      1. Offline
        Night Edge
        + 00 -
        Where are you reading the mtl?
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    2. Offline
      + 00 -
      I can't understand the MTL bolno bolno
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    3. Online Offline
      + 00 -
      Does the MC always remain so Arrogant and goal-oriented? This dude breathes an average cultivation protagonist vibe and it doesn't fit in at all. I am currently at chapter 30, do we have any development or he remains the same?
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      1. Offline
        + 03 -
        Yea, if done well even arrogant and goal oriented can work like 'konoha hypocrit' or sasuke type personality but this guy is stupidly arrogant. Like when he want to increase chakra the first thing he came up is to find and early release zero tail beast from filler with his puny strength instead of making realistic goal step by step.
        Also, ik this is fantasy novel but does author not research gene theory and crispr when wrting first arc? How did a kid with puny strength map out gene sequence in such a world (cannon byakugan cant do it), not found out by orochi and worse of all how does an bottle of serum injection change his entire genome? Thats just not how it work. If that were the case people could just inject random blood and get random mutations.
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  10. Offline
    + 20 -
    Fck... I might actually read the MTL if I caught up at this point... what

    Jeez after half a decade... And I'm finally back to reading on LNMTL.... Truly nostalgic days... sigh
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    1. Offline
      + 00 -
      Have you read the Naruto fanfic Yami: the gamer kage?? I think it is the best naruto fanfic, if you're looking for something to read you should try it.
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      1. Offline
        + 10 -
        28 chapters only?? 15
        But alright will give it a try.
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        1. Offline
          + 00 -
          but it has 300k+ words overall. lmao it was too long per chapters
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      2. Offline
        + 10 -
        I don't see a decent naruto fanfit since I reincarnated as mizuki too bad it's only until cap 111
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      3. Offline
        + 00 -
        Yami:the gamer kage... it started good, but i hated the end of that one eyetwit

        still the novel was going really good at the start and at the mid sigh so if u want to read it, go on, but u have been warned monk
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    2. Offline
      + 00 -
      Do you know any good mtl site?
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