4 months ago

Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World by DamnPlotArmor

In a world where martial artists reign supreme, strength is everything. Unfortunately, that logic... Read more
In a world where martial artists reign supreme, strength is everything. Unfortunately, that logic doesn't apply to a certain Florida Man.

Refined in the nuclear fallout wasteland, Leo was the strongest mutant alive. He carried an alien artifact, allowing him to exchange his lifespan for modern items. After 50,000 years of solitary life in a humanless world, he collected enough lifespan to transmigrate to another habitable world.

Leo was later thrown into a mysterious planet. He soon discovered that his body produced radiation, and it mutated the surrounding plants and grasses. Worrying that he might ruin the beautiful planet, he chose to live in seclusion.

Unfortunately, the local population soon discovered his existence, and a misunderstanding ensued. Collapse
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Comments 125

  1. Offline
    This story is great. Read it if you like to be amused.

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  2. Online Offline
    The MC is like Saitama in One punch Man, both are very strong and also a weird..... The Florida man Daoist title might be because he don't want to forget his root.....
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    1. Online Offline
      Does he remains air head till the latest chapters?
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      1. Online Offline
        So far yes....and might continue till the end.....
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      2. Offline
        Based on the latest chapters, he knows he's unique (kinda like cultivator, but not an actual cultivator). Currently he's looking for clues or hints on the go as he enjoys his life
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  3. Offline
    what is the significance of this general store owner being from florida? Does it change the narrative if the store owner is from copenhagen? Atleast if its Texan we can have some cultivator, remmington shotgun type action.
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      Look up florida man
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      1. Offline
        i just dont care too though. the title is irrelevant
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        1. Offline
          WHY IN THE HELL DID YOU ASK THEN. If your just complaining to complain shut your pie hole
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          1. Offline
            because its off, it stuck out like an elephant in a room. it can be great if an answer here cod lead to a fun fact tidbit for everyones passing entertainment. obviously
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            1. Offline
              Not "obviously". If you cant bother to take 4 seconds out of your day to find a "fun tidbit", I dont see why they; Or anyone for that matter, should inform you of what Florida man means

              Also it doesn't stick out
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              1. Offline
                yes it does, or is every shop you know own by a florida man? Also the grown ups here knows that the joke was that its irrelevent in itself. ppl waiting what bs ppl can come up with and we have kiddy fobs trying to play lawyer with low literacy.
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                1. Offline
                  Says the guy with a bunch of slang in their sentences. I said it doesn't stick out because well, if you knew what Florida man was you'd understand. So called adult.
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                2. Offline
                  what you said is so contradicting i didnt have to reply much. Also you talk like this isnt the internet with many nationalities. like you expect ppl to understand what a chicanowash or a servo is compared to petrol station or gas station lil "adult" with his lilbig world view.
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                3. Offline
                  "If you knew". Stop responding if you dont want to respond properly. Lil small adult.
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  4. Online Offline
    wtf is this??
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  5. Offline
    Isso é muito bom lol
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  6. Offline
    well, I read all of the available chapters (152 now) and I gotta say, I have mixed feelings about it.
    I enjoyed it somewhat and even had a couple of lols reading, but the more I read the more my smile faded until I just kept reading the jokes and all with a stone face haha, reading just to waste time and not for interest or the fun. (a little interest in the system and the upgrades tho)
    it is one of these novels that are very interesting at the start and look very fun, but when you keep reading you realize how stupid it is and just becomes boring.

    there are a lot of plot holes in it, like... (won't go too deep)

    all in all, I give it 2.5/5
    will I still read it? maybe.
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    1. Offline
      I kinda agree with the author nerfing the lifespan gains even though mc ate so many things.

      Aside from that
      You can't base your common sense against someone who lives more than 10k yrs, especially if that guy is alone for most of the time. that's stupid. Do you even understand what a "mentally crazy" person think? I don't think so. Unless you can read their mind.

      His earth isn't that advance, his earth are 'destroyed' (post apocalyptic state) and unhabitable to most living things, those spaceship are aliens technology, even mc is shocked if earth really had that technology, I don't think mc said that his earth is that advance either. His phones are not the same as our phones because he upgrade it to lvl 9 (literally became an alien technology).

      And just because meme died fast doesn't mean it's not a meme anymore
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      1. Offline
        well, it has been a while but:
        About Earth's level of advancement, I recall the MC mentioning, "This is the latest version before the shit happened" around V58 or something, and its description indicates a pretty advanced world.
        and not knowing something exists doesn't disapprove it, at least we can be sure we are not in space yet/don't have the technology to fly freely in outer space, but he can't be sure, which leads to my point, that the world was too advanced to be our timeline.

        Regarding the "+10k years" point, while you brought up a valid point, you also disagreed with yourself by saying he was crazy, while I don't agree with you since he didn't show the common "metally-crazy" behavior, it somehow proves my point, why is he acting like that if he was crazy, I don't get it. (crazy behavior can be identified through scientific observations, you don't have to be crazy to see if someone is crazy or not.)
        and let us not forget this is a novel, and we can see from the author's intentions, that he didn't create a crazy MC.

        as for the memes, we don't see relatable "memes" from 1000 years before we were born.
        ("Memes" existed ever since we existed, they just have different names throughout history)
        I get your point though.

        Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the review, always interesting to see different perspectives.
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  7. Offline
    There is little left to balance this kingdom, one hour or another the balance will dominate!!
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      MTL Ancestor
      We are close yet so far away, a few behemoths are still standing in this realm proudly.

      But, we will succeed hokage
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        Even a giant still bleeds!!! We will demonstrate our capabilities!
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  8. Online Offline
    A good fun novel, chapters titles are hilarious but at the same time little miss leading. Some small plot holes here and there, irritating one is where translation make many mistake on cultivation level, calling some 4th stage guy 5th stage or things like this. Unlike other cultivation where always each realm increase strength 10x Or sometimes 100x times, this one is different. Aa each realm strength and increase lifespan doesn't even seems like 2×. And it's not impossible for lower realm guys to harm much higher realms people, so yeah not your typical power scaling system.

    Summary of novel :- Nuclear war happened and everyone got infected, MC some how survived 7 mutation and become last human surviver on earth(along with mindless monsters). He somehow got system who let him buy things using lifespan ( Mc can increase his life span by eating things). After long time saving his lifespan he brought ticket to another world where people live and there he opened his shop.

    You might think that MC will be too op and whole novel might stuck with those force misunderstanding troops but no, MC realized what is going on very early and he is not some guy with 9999 stats point in luck. This one is quite a fun read but not anything great, above average for sure tho. No harem and bunch of 2D side characters, you might find little weird adopting to power scaling of this novel if you have read many cultivation novel but it's also a new experience.
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  9. Offline
    These comments are a bit of a mess in terms of reviews, so lemme venture forth. Gotta say, love the freaking titles. xD
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    1. Offline
      I've read about 13 chapters, which is a bit of a distance away from the 30 chapters I prefer, but good enough, because I don't wanna read more- reader

      Credit where credit's due; the premise is really cool. Old, mutant human from Earth shoves himself into Xianxia land, and while his radiation is horrific and still prevents him from a normal life, it ALSO has the side-effect of increasing plant life and shit. Theoretically, could be a fun romp. And the author really nails what insanity must be like after god knows how long of isolation.

      Unfortunately, it doesn't really matter how 'accurate' you write an insane person; he's an idiot, and making it 'realistic' for his situation doesn't change the fact he's neither interesting or compelling. He is a genuine bore to read. pressure

      The guy doesn't really have goals, he doesn't have ambition. He's like a Japanese protagonist in one of those isekai OP slice-of-life stories, except someone drilled the American flag into the top of his head and poured 2012 Reddit through the hole. He's a bundle of American stereotypes, mildly racist, and incredibly unfunny.

      His idea of humour is what you'd expect to see from the worst corners of 4chan, relying primarily on weed jokes that are basically 'LOL, drugs! Haha!'. If you're twelve, you'll think he's goddamn hilarious, otherwise you see the juvenile attempt at comedy for what it is; a shoe-horned in attempt at getting a laugh at the cafeteria table. monk

      If you've read other off-the-rails parodies based off an intensely American, trope-y character, you'll probably come away appreciating them more, as this character basically shows you all the ways that can go wrong.

      It doesn't help he doesn't have plans, or thoughts, or any concrete desires beyond improving his life with toilets and cooking - which again, Japanese OP isekai protagonist. crybaby The lack of ambition can work, but only if the character themself is compelling, alongside a good world or fascinating side-characters.

      This has neither. The writing itself is passable, good for webnovels but above average for Royalroad, lacking the depth and details that could push it to be something more. The world thus-far is your average Xianxia-fest with a side of rationality, which is actually kinda refreshing. imbest

      Unfortunately, the side-characters thus far introduced are meant as contrasts and highlights to the MC, instead of standing on their own two feet and having more than one-dimension to their personality. sigh This doesn't work, because again, the MC isn't interesting enough for it to.

      Honestly, the attempt at absurdist humour is what's really putting me off here -
      the MC just isn't funny, his thoughts aren't funny, nothing he does is even remotely amusing, but you can tell it's supposed to be, so it's just... cringe. frost And not even the entertaining kind.

      This is a really harsh review, but the best thing about this novel are the chapter titles. After five chapters, it gets stale, after ten, it just becomes sort of boring.

      Still, decent writing, the dialogue for the side-characters is okay-ish albeit really off for characters that are supposed to have been alive for a hundred years. You can at least see the attempt to be fun and you might be amused once or twice.

      The premise is interesting, the System is basic but a Lifespan-trading sorta deal could be fun from the ground-up, especially in the hands of a character with strict morals who constantly has to juggle needing lifespan with his own ideals, so kudos there for the fascinating concept. The world isn't offensive, either, and the MC isn't your run-of-the-mill psycopath, he's actually kind of nice and I love that. very-shy His scheming, shady business-man thing could actually work for the character if played thicker and his personality was given greater depth.

      Overall, give it a shot if you want something kinda funny and laid back, maybe it'll ring for you. welldone Personally, a solid 5.1/10 from me, to a degree based off the fact that hey, I have only read 13 chapters.

      Good luck on your reading Dao, fellow travelers. bow
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  10. Offline
    When chinese citizen starts reacting like western citizens in a xianxia setting, its an instant turn off for me.
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