6 months ago

I Hate Systems by Overlord_Venus

Talent? Unnecessary! Wealth? Doesn’t matter! Brain? Eat it!

Even if one was the greatest... Read more
Talent? Unnecessary! Wealth? Doesn’t matter! Brain? Eat it!

Even if one was the greatest of gutter trashes with zero redeemable qualities, as long as they had a System, they are bound to reach the pinnacle of life.

Compass Carburettor, a dirt-poor orphan with absolutely zero f**king qualities managed to reach the peak of the business world by the age of 35, all while relying on his Money-Making System like a blinded barnacle.

But at the peak of his life, he was betrayed by his System. Collapse
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Comments 146

  1. Offline

    -compass carburettor
    -domino plottopia
    -duchess plottopia
    I’m on 125, been reading it on webnovel since 30 chapters
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  2. Offline
    Summary be like that of Soul of negary or something
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  3. Offline
    I recommended this novel because I want you guys to know how the SYSTEMS works in all novels. Happy reading 👌(don't mind the name of MC the author sucks at naming)
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  4. Offline
    Compass Carburettor

    What is with these weird names nowadays!!
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    1. Offline
      Your maths teacher
      Randidly Ghosthound
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      1. Offline
        Hey…leave him alone, I get that his romance arc is shit but it’ll get better, I hope.
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        Azriela von Ciel
        Well, Randidly is better than Compass 🤣 🤣
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  5. Offline
    This is from the author of Physic Parasite (completed) and Murim Recurve (hiatus?)
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    1. Offline
      Hello there, book 1 of Psychic Parasite is completed. There's a sequel on Webnovel (It's free to read).
      Murim Recurve is on a hiatus as it's no longer earning even a penny tbh. I'll prolly update it once I have enough leeway to do so.
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      1. Offline
        What's your take on sites like these as an author?
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          If I'm being honest, I don't like them, since all they do is steal my content and host them for free. But, it's not like I can do anything by whining. And as long as I earn enough to afford writing, I'll be content. Otherwise, I'll have no other choice but to drop the story.

          At least, unlike other pirate sites, Rabones has the links to my webnovel and discord put here. It does give credit in the respective places.

          And, if not for 'Novelplanet', I wouldn't have even come across webnovels to read in the first place. And when I saw the same novels being added here, It took me on a nostalgia trip ahaha.

          Anyway, to the readers of Ranobes, if you like my story, do consider voting me on Webnovel. It won't take much of your time. Votes, comments, etc. all help my novel improve in the algorithm.
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          1. Offline
            Interesting, thanks for sharing your take.
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          3. Offline
            we wouldn't be coming to sites such as this if the sites you host your content at didn't charge the cost of a physical, completed, and edited novel for a few chapters...
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            1. Offline
              The price looks to be expensive at first glance. But, it is not. Because, you aren't purchasing everything at once. WN gives you 3 Fast Passes per day. So, that means you can read three chapters (irrespective of their length) for free daily. And if you participate in events and other stuff, you'll get more Fast Passes. There's also 24-hour free reading and other discounts there. Basically, even legally, you can read all my updating novels for free.

              Just note this: 90-95% reader-base on WN are broke readers. So, our only income is from rich readers that binge read everything without caring about using the Fast Passes. T_T
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              1. Offline
                I can buy a, like I mentioned, complete, edited, and physical copy of a book for $20. $20 on WN gets me a few chapters.

                Nothing you say will change my mind that it's nothing more than a scam. A scam, which, causes authors to fill their novels with pointless fluff and repetition so they can get more $$...

                Most webnovels I read I drop due to this. Very few break the mold.
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                1. Offline
                  Yep, that is true. But, unlike a paperback novel, you have an option on webnovels. If you like a novel, you can unlock some chapters with a Fast Pass. If what you are reading isn't up to the mark, you can drop it, no money wasted. But with a paperback, you have already purchased it in its entirety. You have no other choice there.

                  Also, the first 40-70 chapters on webnovel are free. Wordcount-wise, they are already as much as a paperback. So, you have an entire book to read for free to decide if it is worth to read further or not. I don't want to make a wall of text here, but if you want, you can search the related terms on webnovel forum. You'll see entire discussions related to this there.

                  It's not like I am telling you to stop reading here or anything. But more like, 'You can read on Webnovel for free too. You just can't binge as usual without spending.'
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                2. Offline
                  Also, the first 40-70 chapters on webnovel are free. Wordcount-wise, they are already as much as a paperback. So, you have an entire book to read for free to decide if it is worth to read further or not. I don't want to make a wall of text here, but if you want, you can search the related terms on webnovel forum. You'll see entire discussions related to this there.

                  You can't judge smth by free part. Till authors knows about free trial they make it as good as they can but ...
                  Do you know about steam refund? Many games make very good first quest and when 2hr over game become pumpkin.
                  i'm bad in explanation but i think you get the point. You can judge smth only by yourself experience or third party review and WN make review useless. WN make everything to complicate choose new novel to read, you can only blind choose smth and hope it's not become shit at one point. But it will become coz find smth good is hard but find money making machine really easy, like harems and other low quality shit for kids whose have infinite time to push up rating by activity.

                  About difference between full purchase and per chap:
                  When you buy full book you get finalized thing in every aspect. Every book has it's own ending even it's part of series.
                  When you buy per chap, it's definitely not finished and most time not proofreaded and redacted. If you will notice that author start dragging and will chose to drop, you will feel worse than buy bad book. Why you think novel rate can drop from 4.8 to 2-3 when author finished novel and ending is opened shit with unclosed arcs? When you drop per chapter paying novel it's like money waste, you don't get good emotion and you spend more money (as guy above say: one book cost like few chaps). Moreover you know that novel can be good, but author make it bad themselves. Better not start to pay for it at all...

                  P.S. I'm respect you for your position. You make good stuff, but i don't have money :(.
                  P.P.S Fast passes never be enough. I dont know about novel reader that read only 1 or 2 novel...
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                3. Offline
                  What you said makes sense. But yeah, I won't defend anyone or the webnovel format. I'm neither a big author nor do I have authority on this matter. The only thing I can promise you is that I'll maintain quality in my novels. That's all, nothing more, nothing less. If it earns me enough, I'll continue writing until I finish it.

                  It's fine that you don't have enough money to buy paid chapters. No worries about that. I spent the majority of my reader years on Novelplanet. All I ask is that if you like my novel, do consider voting for my novel on Webnovel. And, if you wish to leave any comments, do leave them there.

                  That'll help boost my novel up my rankings. Feel free to read here, but do vote and comment on my novel in webnovel. That'll be enough help :)
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                4. Offline
                  Your opinions have won my respect. welldone
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                5. Offline
                  Thank you for your input author-sama, it's not often I get to see the actual author show up on sites like this. Keep up the good work, and good luck with the earnings :)
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                6. Offline
                  Peak Talen
                  That's what I'M SAYING
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                7. Online Offline
                  Something I have seen more and more recently, are authors going to Royalroad, posting a few chapters per week (free), and more on Patreon (paid) until the chapter closed a volume and then seek a publisher. WN has become something rather... crude as time passed (or from the start, dunno).

                  Reviews are rather useless with the number of trolls and people trying to power up/down a bad/good novel, while the WN itself basically forces the authors to go premium least they start affecting the novel on rankings.
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              2. Offline
                Yeah but 3 chapters a day is shit honestly. If the subscriptions were daily, monthly and annually with no chapter limit I'd consider buying them but as someone who reads around 100-150 chapters a day I'm not even gonna bother checking out the prices because there wouldn't be enough chapters unless I paid a shit-ton. I once calculated how long it would take for me to read a novel I took about a month to read and I would've finished it only after 8 years an paying 1500€ or so. It's ridiculous. This was also 1 novel and I'm keeping up to date with around 15 right now so yeah, maybe I'll check out the free chapters but anything else I'll read on other websites.
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                1. Offline
                  Webnovel actually released a subscription model before. Readers rejoiced since they were able to binge without trouble. But, seems they didn't put much thought into the model and ended up scrapping it after two months.

                  As for reading 150 chaps per day...well, I understand, I've done the same (Though, my numbers were better than your 150 rookie numbers).

                  Back to the point, just create a webnovel account and read my novel there (once you catch up to the latest chapter here.) If you use fast passes to read it for free there, vote, and comment there, it'll help me a lot.

                  I can't force you, but yeah, simple support like this would help me in the long run.
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                2. Offline
                  I will if I read your novel, I'm busy with another one right now welldone
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                3. Offline
                  (Though, my numbers were better than your 150 rookie numbers).

                  Haha author just roasted you

                  Me who reads less than 100 chaps a day: gloom
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