6 hours ago

Complete Martial Arts Attributes全属性武道

The dimensional rifts link the earth to the Xingwu continent. This is the dawn of the martial arts... Read more
The dimensional rifts link the earth to the Xingwu continent. This is the dawn of the martial arts era!

I will be useless if I don’t practice martial arts? Don’t worry, I have a system that allows me to pick up attributes. When other people drop attributes during their training, I can pick them up secretly.

Huh? Did you just say that beating up people will make them drop attributes too? In that case…

You defeated a sword skill genius. He dropped Enlightenment×2, Sword Talent×1… You’ve picked them up. Your insights have improved and you’ve gained a beginner stage sword talent!

You defeated a blade skill talent. He dropped Blade Battle Technique×1, Malicious Blade Intent×1… You picked them up and learned a rare blade battle technique! You’ve also figured out Malicious Blade Intent and have become extremely fierce!

You defeated a physique talent. He dropped Physique Scripture×1, Holy-Blood Dominant Physique×1…

You picked them up and learned a new top-grade scripture! You are exceptionally lucky to have received the Holy-Blood Dominant Physique. It can change your physique completely and you earned a god-level title 'Endless Health'.

Someone killed a powerful star beast and dropped Spiritual Sight×1 and Blank Attribute×60… You picked them up secretly and receive a spiritual eye talent as well as 60 points to add to any of your current attributes!

You defeat many opponents in your life. You accidentally kill an innocent devil and split the universe into two when you’re practicing your blade at home. You burst the sun with your fist and the world is engulfed in darkness…

That’s when you realize… You’re invincible! Collapse
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Comments 293

  1. Offline
    I hope there are new chapters soon :(
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      well you're in luck
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  2. Offline
    начало было неплохое, но... завязываю с этим дерьмом, это полностью слилось в пожирателя звёзд кое является ещё большим отстоем. оценка этого 2 из 5.
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  3. Offline
    Why no update :(
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  4. Offline
    Why is this face slapping novel so famous. evil evil
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      Cause it's good wiseacre
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  5. Offline
    People liking this might like 'World's Best Martial Artist' too. The conjoined world is similar in both but it's not picking attributes. The system's approach for progress is kinda like 'I have a divine tree in my heart'. There is no romance yet. Though he gets a GF in the latest chapters, around 400 maybe (not sure).

    The above detail is about WBMA.
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    1. Offline
      F5 Sect Disciple
      I LOVED that story, but translation stops around 430ish. I'm not going back to the coal mines of MTL.
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    2. Offline
      Well if u are looking for romance/harem u better give up as I have read romance is very slight and almost nonexistent. He does marry his gf later on though.
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        He is engaged but she is currently kidnapped by some sect
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        1. Online Offline
          Soft Little Kitten
          Romance is Lin Chuhan? She kind of isn't qualified to stand beside him and face the enemies, so that would be lame. It would have to be some ultra-talented girl that we don't know yet, someone that can rise at the same pace as him.
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            I think they're talking about the other novel
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              Soft Little Kitten
              Ah yeah, that does make sense.
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  6. Offline
    F5 Sect Disciple
    Chapter 338 has got to be some of the most racist things I've seen from a chinese webnovel. Before, it was Great Xia. Now, it's China, and evil Africans. How disgusting. At least I'll know that all those people who wanted to flay the mc for no reason at all were his fellow countrymen.
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    1. Offline
      I don't know if I can express what I think well but here I go, if they are in China and bad people "appear" they simply say "bad people" because they are in China.
      Maybe it would be better to say dark skin, but, Africans is not an insult anyway, it is like saying that American is an insult
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      1. Offline
        I am Asian but even for me It is a racist!
        even how much u try to depend the author!
        the author clearly mentioned the word (Africans) even it's alternative world he should have given other name to that specific group u know
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        1. Offline
          i dont really care if u are Asian tbh, like are they not africans? If they were damn Asians they would call them Asians, if they were damn Europeans they would call them Europeans and if they were damn Americans they would be Americans. You're just giving the impression that being African is bad and its not.
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          1. Offline
            Bruh, racism apologetics, really? The question is why? Why after never ever ever talking about others race, religion, or country does the author suddenly decide to introduce Africans specifically for the first time, and immediately paint them as bad. The answer is in your face, you literally said it, because in China black people are painted as evil you goddamn moron. Being in China their is so much discrimation against black people, because in Chinese Culture dark skin is a bad thing. And the author absolutely knows this, and now before anybody says I don't know wth I am talking about, I AM CHINESE, I KNOW HOW MY FELLOW CHINESE TALK AND FEEL ABOUT OTHER RACES, I was probably one of the most racist people when I was in school, and only got out of it once I actually met the people and found out most of the bad stereotypes that are attributed to them are bs.
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            1. Offline
              This time the bad guys were the Africans, but the next time it could be your own Chinese compatriots and that does not have to be racist, it is you who interpret it that way. I don't understand what you can't understand from my comment.
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              1. Offline
                Dude, understand the context of why he could have possibly wrote this. Imagine if a British person wrote a book where out of the blue, Indians(the asian ones, not the native americans), popped out and were big a-holes. China has a history of racism with black people and it's like the swastika, yes its a hindu symbol, but what is that associated with? if a german person waves around a swastika, do you mean for us to act like it isn't facist? "Its a symbol for prosperity" smh. Similarly as you said, "maybe it would be better to say dark skin" This comes from not the author wanting to show Africans for no reason at all, but because of the racist idea that africans are bad people
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                1. Offline
                  yeah, i don't think it's a problem to call someone from africa african, besides how do you want it to come up? They must say there are 5 continents, one called Africa bla bla ... it is not a problem that comes out of nowhere, nor is it a problem to call someone for what they are

                  and what is the problem? If an Indian is an asshole then he is, just read the novel and stop thinking where the author is from or if there are racists in China, it is a parallel world not the real world
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                2. Offline
                  ...First of all... The word China isn't anywhere in the novel, so he absolutely could have not named Africa specifically, second you act like it's a real world event, like the author is watching and just writes down what he watches, I don't know maybe not name anything, like how he never named China. Lastly this is not a one of thing, I read mtl and this happens again and again and again and again, it's not just well they are bad guys for now, they are depicted as lazy as proud as evil.

                  To summarize, first they never had to say black, they never had to say African, they never had to do it 1000 times and never ever ever, has there been a good African so shut the hell up and stop apologizing for straight up racism.

                  Review from novelupdates: I write this review having dropped it months ago to warn the people who might be looking to get into this novel.
                  Overall, the first few hundred chapters are very strong considering that it is a comedy wish-fulfillment novel. I won't go too much into detail as it has been a few months since I dropped it, but I do remember it being very funny and interesting. However, for all potential readers, I will warn you guys that the novel basically just becomes Chinese propaganda with all of the author's racism and nationalism. The author repeatedly narrates the other countries as arrogant, s*upid, weak, etc. Basically only China is "good" to the author apparently. Only read this novel if you really don't mind an author who depicts other countries as evil and selfish.
                  I give the novel a 1-star review even though it starts out very good (easy 5 stars) because of the amount of racism and nationalism there was later on in this novel. Don't read this and don't support this racist author. Literally ruined my whole day.
                  Edit as of c817:
                  Decided to retry this novel as after reading the other review as I felt like I may have been a bit unfair and dropped it too prematurely. Nope. Read 20 more chapters of the author stroking China's c*ck and mocking other countries.
                  The other reviewer is right that there's technically no "China" in the world, but when you make a country that is in the same position as China on the world map, has the same culture, and make other countries with similar features to their modern counterpart, it's basically just China. So go figure. The author wanted to avoid Chinese censorship laws but still wanted to give Chinese readers pride in their country so he renamed every country. I feel like I should add that the novel's excessive nationalism and racism isn't something that happens in only 1 or 2 chapters, it continues on and on for over a hundred chapters. It isn't something that you can easily skip or skim because of how long it is and how much stuff happens during those chapters.
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                3. Offline
                  At what point was I a racist? It seems that you are sensitive enough to be offended by the word African, also even if there is no China there is no reason why there cannot be Africa, and in all my comments I am saying that saying African to an African is not racist, I am talking about the chapter scene, there is NO problem with telling someone's origin.
                  If I need a review I will go and find one
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                4. Offline
                  :/ at what point did I call you a racist... I said you were a racism apologist. Bruh did nothing get into you, it's not that the African is called African.... It's because every single time in this novel, the African is bad.
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                5. Offline
                  Well I don't read mtl so I only saw that they mentioned it once, and I misunderstood your comment
                  there been a good African so shut the hell up and stop apologizing for straight up racism.
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                6. Offline
                  I'm not a fluent English speaker either so I don't understand what you mean by this
                  stop apologizing for straight up racism.

                  oh i don't defend racism of course not
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                7. Offline
                  Apologetics-reasoned arguments or writings in justification of something,
                  Racism apologetics- reasoned arguments or writings in justification of racism
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                8. Offline
                  what I said is simple and from my point of view I am not defending racism
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                9. Offline
                  Fact 1: It is racist, as racist as saying "all black people are evil", because in the novel all black people are portrayed as evil.
                  Fact 2: you are defending it
                  Therefore you are defending racism :/.
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                10. Offline
                  What does it have to do with all the black people in the novel being evil? are you reading my comments? literally in all the only thing I said was to say that the word African was not racist nor did I defend the author.
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                11. Offline
                  if they are in China and bad people "appear" they simply say "bad people" because they are in China. maybe it would be better to say dark skin, :/, talking about bad people, because they are in China in would be better to say dark skin. It's ok to call the bad people dark skin because they are in China, that is what you are saying....or at least how I and most people would probably interpret it as
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                12. Offline
                  Are you making up a whole story or didn't even bother to understand my comment?
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                13. Offline
                  ...Because they are in China it might be better to call them dark people, then you pivot and say that but African isn't an insult, you did something I call contradict yourself. You literally showed that China paints black people as bad then say it isn't an insult :/, it's an insult for China, not for me but for China. If you look at Chinese Culture everybody is light as F, being Dark skinned isn't viewed as a good thing, I mean I remember them making ads where they put this weak nerd Black dude in a washing machine and when he comes out he is strong smart and white. For me and you it might not be an insult, but they use it in an insulting manner, that's my point.
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                14. Offline
                  Yes, you did not understand my comment, the point is a new paragraph, the "better to say dark skin" was not talking about China.
                  I don't know if I can express what I think well but here I go, if they are in China and bad people "appear" they simply say "bad people" because they are in China.
                  Maybe it would be better to say dark skin, but, Africans is not an insult anyway, it is like saying that American is an insult

                  Because they are in China it might be better to call them dark people

                  . . .
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  7. Offline
    One of the best novels I have read. The novels main focus is not on cultivation but comedy. Much different than other Chinese novels. Writing a action novel is easy , they are like cabbages you can find anywhere but writing a funny one is a different thing and very hard to find a good one. You should definitely give it a go and I can guarantee you will be tumbling down the bed while laughing 😂😂😂
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    1. Offline
      Nah, it's main focus isn't comedy, but it should be with how amazing the comedy in this novel is
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        I read it till 1500 chapter. And the fun continues to grow. Also if you want a similar one you can try Universe Ultimate Boss. Kinda like this one but way funnier
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          I hate harems
          If u have read it till there so can u plzz tell me if it's harem or not?
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          1. Offline
            No Harem but there is flirting here and the. He eventually marries a girl and continues his journey.
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        3. Offline
          can you tell me if he comes back to get the girl zi ye in the abyss?
          If yes, does he adopt her as a daughter or sister?
          what about the romance and just the schoolmate? Or will there be a harem?
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            Nope, never sees her again
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    2. Offline
      I don't get why so many people down voted your honest comment crybaby
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  8. Offline
    Hey guys. You can read this novel on shu69 in Chinese. There are 1580ch.
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      is the english grammar good
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  9. Offline
    If you get past the first few chapters it gets really good, you’ll have a giggle or two. Great stuff
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      I agree with you
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    2. Offline
      Yeah, the first few chapters are really confusing. After that, it's pretty good.
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  10. Offline
    Is this harem?
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