
Chapter 1606: Belated Apology

Inside the lacquered box, an intricately engraved vambrace was laying on black silk. It was forged from a light silvery metal and decorated with a pattern resembling interlaid feathers. The vambrace emanated a feeling of restrained power, and just from a passing glance, one could tell that it was an extraordinary item.

Awakened Telle, however, seemed unimpressed. Well… from what Sunny could remember, she always seemed that way.

The young woman raised an eyebrow. "Master Sunless. From what I remember, I commissioned you to procure a suit of armor."

He smiled.

"Your memory is stellar, my lady. But don't be concerned… this vambrace possesses a rare enchantment that allows it to unfold into a full plate of impregnable armor, just like what you wished to purchase. The process only takes a second, and consumes very little essence. While such a trait might bring a slight inconvenience in case of a sudden attack, it also makes this Memory uniquely adaptable."

Telle's eyes gleamed. "...I assume that it can be used by a Saint?"

Sunny nodded.

"Indeed. It can accommodate any type of Transformed creature up to about fifty times the size of an average human. The speed with which the vambrace unfolds remains the same. Of course, the essence expenditure grows in proportion."

He continued to smile, but really, Sunny wanted to cry on the inside. That was because it took him an incredible quantity of magical alloy to create the damned vambrace. The thing looked small, but he would have had to bankrupt the Brilliant Emporium in order to purchase the materials needed to forge it... if anyone would even sell them to him. In the end, he had been forced to track down and kill a dozen Corrupted Beasts with metallic carapaces to complete the commission. Which meant that Sunny had not suffered a loss… but he could have sold all that Transcendent steel, instead!

His heart was bleeding. In fact, he was even lamenting the cost of the expensive lacquered box with silk furbishing that Aiko had made him buy for the vambrace. 'But it is for a good cause.'

Sunny had to remind himself why he had put in extra effort to make sure that this Memory was particularly potent and durable. Awakened Telle finally showed a hint of satisfaction. She studied the Memory for a few moments, then asked in a slightly warmer tone:

"You have conducted a thorough study of its other enchantments, of course. What are they? Oh, and what is its name?"

Sunny carefully picked up the vambrace and began the description:

"My lady, this Transcendent Memory of the Fourth Tier is called the Belated Apology. Apart from the unfolding enchantment, it also possesses three others. One vastly enhances its physical durability. The other grants the person wearing it greatly increased protection from elemental attacks. Finally, the third enchantment might interest you the most. It allows the master of the Memory to make it as light as a feather."

Unbelievably… a smile appeared on the young woman's stern face. Well, of course it did. That set of enchantments was almost perfect for an armor-type Memory.

"That's perfect! That is exactly what my father needs!"

Sunny hid a smile and put the vambrace back in the box. Then, he asked, pretending to do it only out of politeness:

"Oh? And how is Saint Roan doing?"

…Indeed, the young woman in front of him was Lady Telle of the White Feather clan. She was the daughter of Saint Tyris and Master Roan… although the latter was also a Transcendent now. Sunny had bumped into her a few times in the Sanctuary of Noctis, and later in Falcon Scott. To his shame, though, he had never known that the standoffish girl was actually the daughter of his benefactors, mostly because of how young her parents looked. Determining the age of Awakened was a messy affair.

It was only after coming to Bastion that Sunny realized his mistake. Telle smiled a little. "He's doing well, apart from lacking a good Transcendent armor… and still being in the doghouse because of having challenged the Third Nightmare against mother's wishes…"

She fell silent abruptly. "W—wait, why am I telling you this?" The young woman looked at Sunny with wide eyes. Then, strangely enough, she blushed a little and looked away.

"...Well, in any case, both of my parents are fine. They are awfully busy, of course."

Sunny was a bit perplexed by her reactions, but just shrugged mentally. 'Unsurprising.'

There were very few Legacy Clans being led by two Saints. The White Feather's prominence had risen greatly since their exile to Antarctica — and therefore, so had their duties. No one could discard them anymore. Sunny smiled and lowered his head with respect. "That is good to hear. I wish them all the best." ***

Young Lady Telle of White Feather ended up purchasing the Belated Apology and leaving the Brilliant Emporium in good spirits. Aiko was happily counting the money, as well. And since Sunny knew that the Memory he had painstakingly created would serve Saint Roan well, he was in a good mood, too. Not long after that, evening came. More customers visited the Brilliant Emporium to enjoy tea and snacks after a long day of work. The evening crowd receded, and the sun disappeared beyond the horizon. Moonlight and darkness enveloped the streets of Bastion, and the city slowly grew quieter.

Aiko left, leaving Sunny in the empty cottage. He cleaned up the dining hall, and then went to the porch to breathe some fresh air. Looking at the thriving city surrounding him, full of countless people… Sunny felt painfully alone. Especially today, he couldn't help but feel it sharply.

Sunny remained on the porch for a while, watching the pale moon slowly move across the starlit sky. Then, he sighed and went inside. 'I'll clean up the kitchen, then go to bed. Everything else can wait until tomorrow.'

This day had been strangely eventful. He was busy washing the kitchen utensils when the Silver Bell suddenly rang again. Surprised at the appearance of a late customer, Sunny raised an eyebrow and walked into the dining hall. "I'm sorry, but we are about to close…"

The words died on his lips. Out there, in front of him, stood a delicate young woman in a seawave cloak. Her hair was like a cascade of pale gold, and her eyes… were hidden behind a strip of blue cloth. Despite the blindfold hiding her eyes, the young woman's ethereal, otherworldly beauty was simply breathtaking. She lingered for a moment, then turned her head in the direction of Sunny's voice. "Oh… I am sorry. I'm afraid I'm a bit late, then."

Sunny remained silent, trying to overcome his shock.

'What… what is she doing here?'

He suppressed his emotions and put on the polite smile of a humble shopkeeper.

"No, no. It's no trouble. What did you want? I'll prepare it quickly."

The young woman tilted her head a little, then said hesitantly:

"My name is…"

He interrupted her, trying to put an appropriate amount of respect and reverence into his voice:

"I know who you are, Lady Song of the Fallen. Who in Bastion doesn't? I am Master Sunless, the owner of the Brilliant Emporium. It's an honor to meet you."

Cassie sighed, then nodded curtly. Eventually, she said:

"... I heard that you can procure rare Memories. Or make them."

Sunny froze for a moment. 'Ah.'

One of the Fire Keepers must have recommended him to her. And knowing Cassie, it must not have taken her long to discover that the owner of the Brilliant Emporium did not just sell Memories, but also crafted them. But why would she come to him? All the enchanters of Clan Valor were at her disposal.

Sunny took a deep breath. "Are you interested in commissioning a Memory, my lady?"

She nodded again.

"In a way."

He smiled. Now, he was in familiar territory. "Great! I am sure that you won't be disappointed in my services. Just today, a member of the renowned White Feather clan purchased a Memory from our stock. They were extremely satisfied with its quality."

Cassie smiled, then shifted slightly as if looking around. "That is good to hear. The Memory I want you to make must be of the highest quality."

She lingered for a few moments, then turned to him and added in a neutral tone:

"Oh, and by the way…"

Her smile wavered a little. "...Happy Birthday."

Comments 47

  1. Online Offline
    1611: Nameless Temple.

    Nephis and the Fire Keepers followed the onyx devil across the land of shadows. Their taciturn guide walked without looking back, her beautiful armor gleaming as it reflected the white light of their lanterns. The living statue's steps were neither slow nor hurried, her measured pace full of indifferent confidence.

    It was as though she was not afraid of the creatures hiding in the dark at all.

    Nephis would have expected the steps of such a heavy creature to resound like thunderclaps in the dead silence, but they were entirely noiseless. She stared at the back of the mysterious stone knight, white flames dancing in her eyes.

    The Fire Keepers were tense and quiet, looking into the eerie darkness with wary expressions.

    «What is going on?«

    Nephis was not troubled, but she did feel somewhat curious. A vast expanse of inexplicable darkness, the fearsome creature that had been sent to meet them… it was all hard to explain, and she rarely encountered things that escaped explanation.


    There were a few moments of silence, and then the familiar voice resounded in the darkness, answering the question she had not asked:

    [It is… strange.]

    Nephis glanced at the beautiful stone demon and waited. Cassie continued after a short pause:

    [She is a Transcendent Devil. Her soul is an impossible fusion of shadow, darkness, and divine flame. Her powers are those of a sword saint… however, she is not a simple Echo. I… I don't know what she is.]

    Nephis nodded calmly.

    [That is alright. I do.]

    Indeed, it would have been strange if she had not recognized that fearsome stonelike armor, that cold presence, and those jewel eyes.

    The onyx devil was one of Nether's children, after all. They were what she looked up to in the depths of the Second Nightmare, drowning in despair as the darkness of the Underworld crushed and suffocated her. The prideful beings who ruled the great caverns of the Hollow Mountains while she struggled to survive far below, at the edge of the abyss.

    In fact, the body she had inhabited was one of the countless flawed vessels that Nether had callously discarded before successfully creating the first of the Stone Saints.

    So… in a sense, the onyx devil was a more perfect version of what Nephis used to be.

    But what was she doing here? Had some of Nether's children succumbed to Corruption and survived until this day? Had the Lord of Shadows killed one of them?

    Nephis tilted her head slightly.

    The Stone Saints had been known to command true darkness, each inheriting a spark of divinity from their creator, as well. But why did this one possess an affinity to shadows? That was not in their nature.

    Did it have something to do with the Aspect of the Lord of Shadows?

    And this lightless expanse around them… had he somehow conjured it, as well?

    Was it something that a mere Transcendent could do? Her curiosity grew a little.

    Meanwhile, the beautiful onyx devil led them deeper and deeper into the darkness. Considering how difficult it must have been to chase away the deadly sunlight of Godgrave, Nephis had not expected for this shadowy region to be expansive. But to her surprise, the land of shadows stretched for many kilometers in all directions, without a hint of ending.


    The further they went, the more eerie their surroundings became. Because sunlight never reached here, there was nothing to incinerate the bones of slain Nightmare Creatures. Therefore, remains of powerful abominations appeared in sight from time to time, all devoid of flesh.

    At first, there were few of them, but the deeper into the land of shadows the Fire Keepers ventured, the more and more skeletal remains they saw.

    Some of the abominations had been slain by sharp steel, some shattered and broken by brute force, some killed by strange means that she couldn't even guess.

    Eventually, it was as if they were walking across a terrible battlefield. The magnitude of slaughter that had transpired in this ominous place was nothing short of chilling. Even if all these powerful Nightmare Creatures had not been slain at the same time… what kind of person was capable of eviscerating this many dreadful abominations in the depths of a Death Zone?

    It seemed that there was a seed of truth in the ominous rumors about the dire power of the Lord of Shadows.

    In the end, it had taken almost half a day for the onyx devil to lead them to their destination. The signs of fierce battles that had transpired under the cover of darkness only grew more apparent.

    «…Almost fifty kilometers to reach the heart of his territory.»

    Out there, in front of Nephis, the breastbone plain abruptly ended, turning into a vast chasm. If she could pierce the darkness with her gaze, she would have seen the spine of the titanic skeleton far below. To her left and to her right, in the distance, its ribs must be rising like mountains.

    Right ahead, though…

    Illuminated by the light of their lanterns, a magnificent temple stood at the very edge of the abyss. Its colossal columns and walls were cut from black marble, with exquisite reliefs decorating the stygian pediment and broad frieze. Beautiful and awesome, it looked like the palace of a dark god.

    In front of the palace, the ground was littered with countless bones.

    Most of the ancient edifice was hidden by darkness, but Nephis felt oppressed by its solemn majesty nevertheless. She frowned slightly, feeling a shapeless presence gaze at her from behind the marble columns, and instinctively gripped the hilt of her sword.

    «Is this… a Citadel?»

    One of the Fire Keepers voiced her question in a tired and bewildered tone. Another answered warily:

    «It must be. Who could have built a temple in this place?»

    Nephis remained silent, observing the dark temple somberly.

    She was not afraid of the Lord of Shadows, his onyx devil, and other secrets the mysterious Saint could have been hiding. However, should the negotiations go badly… fighting a powerful enemy within the walls of their Citadel was bound to be troublesome.

    It would be a shame for the Citadel to be destroyed in the process, at least.

    Glancing at their beautiful demonic guide, Nephis smiled slightly and nodded.

    «Lead the way.»

    The living statue lingered for a moment, then started climbing the steps of the temple. Nephis and the Fire Keepers followed.

    Soon, they passed between the towering black columns and reached a grandiose hall.

    Its dark expanse was drowning in impenetrable shadows.
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      1612: An Audience with the Lord.

      The interior of the dark temple was drowning in deep shadows, and the enchanted lanterns of the Fire Keepers seemed even weaker in their cold embrace. The light emanating from the luminous Memories flickered, barely able to illuminate a narrow circle around them.

      In fact, it was not even the shadows themselves… Neph's eyes narrowed when she felt the subtle presence of the being who was hiding in the depths of the hall wash over her like a tidal wave. Suddenly, the darkness around them seemed infinitely more dark, in turn making the light starker.


      While Nephis was peering into the darkness, their silent guide walked to the side and turned around, resting the tip of her sword on the stone floor of the temple. It was as though the onyx devil assumed the position of an entrance guard.

      …There was another strange sculpture on the other side of them. This one was at least five meters tall and resembled a four-armed fiend that had escaped from the depths of a fiery hell, his mighty body forged from polished black silver. The infernal troll had long, sharp spikes protruding from his steel carapace, as if he was made from countless shattered swords.

      No, not a sculpture.

      As the towering fiend moved slightly, the infernal flames burning in his eyes ignited with hungry malice.

      The Fire Keepers grew tense under the gaze of the menacing giant. Nephis remained unperturbed.

      A moment later, Cassie whispered into her ear:

      [It is… it is a Supreme Devil. His body is incredibly durable and almost immune to fire.]


      Killing a Supreme Devil was not impossible, but this one seemed especially tough. Melting him down would be a chore…

      Of course, there were ways to deal with such turtle-like enemies. It was just that fighting the towering fiend and the onyx devil at the same time would not be convenient. In fact, Nether's daughter felt more dangerous despite being of a lower Rank.

      In any case, neither of them showed signs of wanting to attack the guests. They just stood motionlessly, as if inviting them to walk deeper into the temple.

      Nephis passed between the two powerful monsters and did just that. The Fire Keepers followed, looking oppressed by the inhospitable darkness.

      When they reached the middle of the great hall, she stopped. In front of them… the shadows grew even deeper, and the light of the lanterns simply drowned in them, disappearing without any effect.

      It seemed that the Lord of Shadows did not wish to be seen. Nephis sighed and looked up.

      She could feel something enormous moving in the darkness beyond, staring at her from incredible height. At the same time, a chilling sound resounded in the silence of the ancient temple, surrounding her and her warriors from all sides. Like the rustle of countless scales as they scratched against the ancient marble.

      It was as though a colossal serpent was slithering in the darkness, uncoiling its gargantuan body to raise its long neck and gaze upon them from the darkness.

      Not being able to see the giant creature was a little uncomfortable. Luckily, Cassie was there to help Nephis know what she faced:

      [A… a Transcendent Terror.]

      Nephis frowned.

      «How many powerful servants does the master of this temple have?»

      She was… amused. Was the Lord of Shadows really independent? How come he had more powerful summons than she had, then? Wasn't it a bit ridiculous?

      Granted, the Great Clan Valor did not treat its adopted daughter with nearly as much sincerity as it did Morgan. But still…

      It was not the quantity of these monsters that mattered. It was just that Nephis could sense that each of them was far more ferocious and dangerous than any Echo she had seen.

      Suddenly, she felt something very unexpected… A hint of sympathy for the Prince of Nothing.

      [What about the Lord of Shadows himself?]

      Cassie remained silent for a few moments.

      [I don't sense anyone else. There is nobody there…]

      But just as she said that, a cold voice suddenly resounded from the darkness, enveloping the Fire Keepers like a death knell:

      «Nephis of Valor… welcome. I did not expect to be visited by someone as exalted as the last daughter of the Immortal Flame.»

      —— —— ——

      Sitting on a tall throne cut from black marble, Sunny looked down on Nephis and her warriors. His face, hidden behind the polished black wood of Weaver's mask, was impassive.

      However, a storm of emotions was raging in his heart.

      Here in his territory, where the Nameless Temple now stood, he was almost omniscient. That was because the Shadow Realm Fragment enveloped a vast area around the Citadel, allowing Sunny to perceive everything, everywhere, all at once.

      So, he had been watching Saint guide Nephis and the Fire Keepers to the doors of the temple all along. Sunny had thought that he would be ready to face her.

      But he had been wrong.

      Seeing her face, her lustrous silver hair, her beautiful grey eyes, the familiar stubborn resolve shining in their calm depths…

      It felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

      His heart was beating faster than when he had been facing that Great Demon.

      Looking at Nephis from the darkness, Sunny remembered all the reasons he had come up with to spare himself the pain of being close to the members of his former cohort.

      At that moment, he understood one simple thing.

      «…I'm doomed.»

      Because the moment he saw Nephis, all reason was obliterated.

      What was good about being reasonable, anyway? Hadn't he personally preached the benefits of being unreasonable before?

      Sunny took a deep breath, and then leaned back, glancing at the huge head of the Soul Serpent hovering high above his throne.

      Then, he lingered for a moment and said, keeping his voice calm and devoid of emotions:

      «Nephis of Valor, welcome. I did not expect to be visited by someone as exalted as the last daughter of the Immortal Flame.»

      She stared into the darkness, then bowed slowly.

      «Greetings, Lord of Shadows. I hope you don't mind being addressed this way… or would you prefer I call you something else?»

      Sunny remained silent for a few moments. Eventually, he answered evenly:

      «I would not. But you can call me Shadow.»
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      1. Offline
        Sunny remained silent for a few moments. Eventually, he answered evenly:

        «I would not

        The fact that he is wearing weavers mask during this makes me wonder what he actually wanted to say😞
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        1. Offline
          I think he wanted to say something like "Oh yes, you can call me Sunny" but it was reversed. Sunny -> Shadow, cuz if there's a light there's a shadow. But i forgot a lot about how the mask works tho
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            "Nephis of Valor, you are not welcome here, though I expected to be visited by someone as exalted as the last daughter of the Immortal Flame."
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      2. Offline
        Хм... Кесси не видит Санни потому что он в маске Уивера или потому что он без судьбы?
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  2. Offline
    Another random comment...
    It is seriously baffling how much it took me to notice this but...
    After thinking about Nephis, her True Name, and how much Cassie wanted to go against the 'fate' that her's, [Song of the Fallen] represented... I couldn't help but think about Sunny.
    Or rather... Sunless.
    Or considering her divine heritage...
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      BROOOOOOOOOOO, YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THOUGHTS I HAVE ABOUT "Oh wait, tag Romantic doesn't mean its gonna end good and happy" STOP FEEDING MY PARANOYA
      Edit: honestly I really starting start to think that everybody going to get their happy ending exept Sunny.
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      1. Offline
        don’t say that😭. My boi deserves closure and a happy ending with with of crew
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      2. Offline
        the author has confirmed there will be a happy ending in discord btw
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    2. Online Offline
      im running on 1 brain cell at the moment. i cant connect the dots. plz expand some more
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      1. Offline
        True Name have special meaning that conects with Fate of a person
        Changinh Star = Nephis
        Sunny = Sunless (even though it's not true name)
        Sun = Star
        Sunless = Nephis less
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      2. Offline
        Continuing the explanation above, there's a perfect example of it already.
        Sunny's True Name, [Lost from Light]... who was Sunny's light? Nephis.
        Who he lost by losing his True Name...? Also Nephis.

        Sinceraly? I'm already building theories about Shadow God, Sun God, and Weaver being in a relationship because lol, Sunny's name as Sunless is a trigger to his status as a Divine Shadow, while his Sunny nickname is a trigger to his greatest weapon, LIES - which ties him to Weaver, who "never speaks the TRUTH". After all, Sunny's life from the start to the present has never been 'sunny' XD

        Then comes the Spell and the Weaver, who undoubtedly tied Sunny and Nephis through fate, as without Nephis, Sunny would have never survived Forgotten Shore and without Sunny's influence, Nephis would have never learned to manipulate others as she did to create the first Fire Keepers back when she schemed to conquer the castle in Forgotten Shore.
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    3. Offline
      I've been thinking that too. Feels like his True Name has never been more accurate than now, after he's lost it.
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  3. Offline
    How lucky... I came just as fast as I went
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