Transmigrator Meets Reincarnator

All Chu Lian had done was to read a book where the female lead had cheated on her wonderful husband. While wondering why, before she knew it, she was waking up in the body of that very same female lead! Wait, did that mean the handsome husband from the book was hers now? Chu Lian decided to welcome...
Comedy, Drama, Josei, Romance
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  • 16
  • 14 135

City of Sin

Every drop of this family bloodline is stained with sin. They are the embodiment of contradiction; calm yet maniacal, with great memories yet often forgetful. They pledge themselves to their dreams yet often compromise, are angels that are also devils… It’s why I hate them. And also love them. The...
Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Harem, Mature, Tragedy, Xuanhuan
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  • 51
  • 47 470

Heavenly Jewel Change

Every human has their Personal Jewel of power, when awakened it can either be an Elemental Jewel or Physical Jewel. They circle the right and left wrists like bracelets of power. Heavenly Jewels are like the twins born, meaning when both Elemental and Physical Jewels are Awakened for the same...
Action, Adventure, Drama, Ecchi, Fantasy, Harem, Martial Arts, Mature, Xuanhuan
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  • 19
  • 27 449

Womanizing Mage

This is the story of Long Yi, who was killed because he took revenge for the girl he loved. Before he dies, a strange lightning carries his soul into a different realm. How will he live, when the first thing he noticed upon arrival is that, the man whose body he possessed is raping the country’s...
Action, Adventure, Ecchi, Fantasy, Harem, Mature, Xuanhuan
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  • 13
  • 41 529

Battle Through the Heavens

In a land where no magic is present. A land where the strong make the rules and the weak have to obey. A land filled with alluring treasures and beauty, yet also filled with unforeseen danger. Three years ago, Xiao Yan, who had shown talents none had seen in decades, suddenly lost everything. His...
Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Harem, Martial Arts, Xuanhuan
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  • 13
  • 29 928

Rebirth of the Legendary Guardian

A phoenix is a creature of legends, a wonder of the world, an imagery of life and destruction. This fabled creature signifies the rise of a hero in a virtual world where battles occur for the sake of honor and glory! Zhang Yang was a professional gamer in the first and most fantastic game that...
Action, Adventure, Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, Harem, Mature, Sci-fi, Game
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  • 27
  • 53 887

My Cold and Elegant CEO Wife

He’s the Wolf King on the battlefield, one that mastered peerless martial arts and the sophisticated art of medicine. He originally wanted to just live a peaceful life, but his wife who’s a CEO thought he’s a loser and wanted a divorce. The cold war between husband and wife began....
Action, Comedy, Drama, Ecchi, Fantasy, Harem, Martial Arts, Mature, Romance, Xuanhuan
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  • 6
  • 28 856

Castle of Black Iron

After the Catastrophe, every rule in the world was rewritten. In the Age of Black Iron, steel, iron, steam engines and fighting force became the crux in which human beings depended on to survive. A commoner boy by the name Zhang Tie was selected by the gods of fortune and was gifted a small tree...
Action, Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, Harem, Mature, School Life, Sci-fi, Wuxia
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  • 19
  • 39 300

Martial World

In the Realm of the Gods, countless legends fought over a mysterious cube. After the battle it disappeared into the void. Lin Ming stumbles upon this mystery object and begins his journey to become a hero of the land....
Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Harem, Martial Arts, Tragedy, Xuanhuan
◃ Read ▹
  • 79
  • 77 897